A recall Parliament emergency cunting for Matthew Parris who has actually said this in his column in the Times today
Matthew Parris: ‘There are only a few weeks left now for the vast, sensible majority in the Commons to acknowledge that voters were wrong’.
I simply cannot add anything to this. I rest my case.
Nominated by Jack
In future, if everyone could put nominations ON THE NOMINATIONS PAGE that would be helpful. I’ve been lenient on that so far since becoming an admin because I know that it’s easy to forget sometimes and we’ve gotten a lot of new members recently who are still getting used to how the process works but from now on I will ignore all nominations I see outside that page.
Or to put it another way; ‘There are only a few weeks left no for the vast, ignorant, self serving majority to acknowledge they have no fucking respect for democracy, and only became an MP so they could fill their pockets with taxpayers money’. Parris is the perfect of example of what happens when a male takes it up the ass one time too many.
Steady on quick draw,
While I agree with you on the snouts in the trough bit.
I have to say you can never have it taken up your ass one time to many times.
….that’s what Freddie Mercury said….
“Too Much Love Will Kill You”
A very prophetic track by Queen. Although they should have inserted the word “Manly” between Much and Love.
Whatever floats your boat mate.
What if you have to have stitches? Wouldn’t that be once too often?
Why would stitches in my arm effect what I do with my bottom?
MPG is about as bent as a stair rod
Me always thought he doth protesteth too much…
I’m leaving mince pies for treacle tarts.
He writes a regular column for the Spectator as well. I read it sometimes because he does have a good writing style but for the most part it’s just Remoan drivel. Still, he’s a Tory MP so why am I surprised?
i won’t be a pedantic cunt and point out that Parris is not an MP..
Yeah, I realised my error after I posted the comment but I couldn’t be assed to type another comment correcting it. Should’ve been FORMER Tory MP.
He’s not a former cunt though is he?
Once a cunt, always a cunt Captain.
I actually believe in reincuntation. This cunt must have been a cunt in former life because there is more than one lifetimes worth of cunt in this cunt.
Look at that face, wouldn’t be out of place in a gynaecology texbook.
Well at least he’s being honest.
I remember when this cunt was an MP, he made some comments about how it should be easy enough to survive on benefits. Someone called him out on it and they made a documentary about his woeful efforts to survive. He actually ended up borrowing money off cunts that could ill afford it, then fucked off back to Westminster without paying it back.
I’d love to peg the bastard out on a beach at low tide then retreat to a safe distance, settle back in my deckchair and enjoy a flask of cocoa and some corned beef and mustard butties as the waves slowly creep back in.
He reminds me of ‘ Softy Walter ‘ from Dennis the Menace.
Get to fuck you retarded cunt.
Good afternoon.
Another Remoaning cunt they are all coming out of the woodwork as the clock ticks down to leave Desparate to reverse the Referendum result Another one punting the so called People’s Vote fuck off you lost get on with leaving
Another simpering arsehole astronaut who seems to think his undemocratic take on the matter is just and right.
Cock-gobbling cunt.
Fuck off Faggot.
In 2016 the majority of the British electorate voted to leave the EU and this is what we expect to happen.
I would tentatively suggest that any upper class elitist anti-democratic cunts like you prevent Brexit from happening, that for the remainder of your pathetic lives you should regularly be looking over your shoulder (in your case probably used to that when taking it up the arse) as there will be a price to pay for your treachery.
I think he’s not just a Remoaning cunt, but a wrong Remoaning cunt.
As I was taught, in the UK, sovereignty resides with the Queen in Parliament. As far as EU membership is concerned, parliament handed sovereignty on the issue back to the people by way of a referendum, agreeing to abide by the result.
It’s not up to the ‘vast, sensible majority in the Commons to acknowledge that voters were wrong’; anyway that’s just a weasel worded way of saying that the uppity plebs didn’t deliver the result HE wanted. It isn’t WRONG; what he REALLY means is that the verdict delivered by the voters is UNACCEPTABLE to him and his ilk. Fuck off Parris you cunting arsehole.
In a nutshell Ron!
In my opinion the only time voters got it wrong was when they voted for “the vast, sensible majority in the Commons…”
At risk of poking my oar back after months of absence from the forum due to my expletive-ridden, booze-addled, sperg-out of several months ago; I feel compelled to speak up on this.
In the UK, sovereignty is vested in the Crown but delegated to, and ultimately exercised by two “branches” of government (for want of a better term).
One of those branches is legislative (the two Houses of Parliament) who are responsible for internal UK statute law (internal sovereignty).
The other branch is a quasi-Executive Branch which has “somewhat” executive powers by way of the Royal Prerogative (external sovereignty) vested in the Crown but delegated to, and ultimately exercised by the Prime Minister and Cabinet (The Government).
Either David Cameron or Theresa Maythe Appeaser could’ve exercised the executive powers of the Crown’s Prerogative at any time by triggering Article 50 but neither of them did which left Gina Miller the opportunity to lodge a case with the Supreme Court (not to confused with the High Court) in order to transfer prerogative authority over treaty termination to Parliament (the Legislature).
The UK is a representative democracy (via elected representatives) not a direct democracy (through regular public referenda) so all referenda in the UK are advisory ……… I fucking hate that term as it makes me sound like a Remainiac but facts don’t care about my or your feelings.
Regarding the EU Referendum of 2016, the British People were never “handed back” sovereignty because we never had it to start with. The Act of Parliament legislating that a Referendum on UK membership of the EU must take place before 2017 never stated that the result would be legally binding – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_Referendum_Act_2015
What made the result legally-binding was this Act of Parliament https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_(Notification_of_Withdrawal)_Act_2017
As stated earlier, the UK is not a direct democracy but a representative democracy so referenda have NEVER been binding (although I do have to wonder why they even bother asking the question if they aren’t going to honour the result).
Sovereignty is derived from power and power is achieved through violent conflict so if you the people, nay, WE the people want to claim sovereignty, then we’d better be damn sure we are willing to take it by force and keep that power.
That being said…… I believe it would require bigger guns than the government but the UK government currently has the bigger guns like the police, the UK Armed Forces, MI5 and MI6 etc (all of whom pledge their allegiance to the Monarchy I hasten to add, so good luck with that one).
If the voters got it wrong then what is the point of democracy.
May has well just have a dictatorship…. I wonder how Matthew bun bandit would feel about that!
What a cunt.
Nowt wrong with getting things wrong, it’s part and parcel of learning how to get things right.
As for democracy:
“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”
(Winston Churchill)
I reckon this country, and left-wing snowflake cunts in particular, could benefit from a dose of one of the other forms.
I’d happily see tax payers’ money used to fund air tickets for snowflakes to, say, North Korea. One way of course…
Nope, you ain’t!
17.4 million voters got it wrong?
What an arrogant cunt.
The anti democratic utterances of these remoaners just reinforces my belief that I made the RIGHT decision.
…and to think that I was actually considering voting remain for a while. Thank fuck I questioned the establishment and did my own research.
Got nothing against remainers, they’re entitled to their opinion, but remoaners are all CUNTS.
If Parris thinks “that voters were wrong” he presumably believes the 48% who voted Remain were also wrong… yes?
Arrogant AND Stupid.
Ah, got it now! What he means is “Democracy is wrong.”
I nominated the ‘First Past The Post’ system a couple of weeks ago, should appear any day now…
My views have changed a lot since I first became interested in politics as a teenager, but one of the few that has always remained steadfast is that the EU is a load of cunt.
He dismisses common morality everyday with his lifestyle. So it’s not huge step for him to dismiss the majority will in a popular vote. I see Kate Osamor is not going to resign as an MP. Convicted of lying and she’s not going to resign. And on the same lines the spokeswoman for the Border Patrol keeps saying about the migrant issue ‘we have no idea why this happening’ which is a blatant lie. I mention this last one just to show how easy it is for a public official to lie. There is a ‘crisis of ethics’ in public life.
Sorry to correct Mr. Plastic but they’re not migrants, they’re fucking illegal immigrants pure and simple.
Because Britain is bound by international law once they are on British soil they have a legal stays here.
status I meant
So in a sense they’re legal migrants.
Was he on the shitter when this photograph was taken?
Potato-faced, pompous piss-ant.
……The future … June 2019… The smug Matthew Parris (an untalented so called left wing journalist) is shot dead by a ‘peaceful’ wolf. After his months of whinging to keep the UK in the European Union and actually ‘winning’, even more people ‘from the east’ poured in, but Matthew would never meet his ‘new friends!
That would make for top quality television.
Apparently Parris was once beaten up on Clapham Common while importuning men for sex.He probably believes that the “vast,sensible majority” are wrong not only in they way that they voted for Brexit,but in not wishing,when out for an innocent walk, that some effete Nancy-Boy would proposition them with suggestions of the most repugnant type.
He probably enjoyed being “roughed up” anyhow, he looks the type. I bet he’s employed the odd Polish plumber in the past to unblock his pipes and clean out his waste-trap.
Yes Mr Fiddler, he looks the type to do a ‘Vaz’ in welcoming the Iron Curtain Ivan’s into the more disreputable areas of the economy but didn’t have to resort to impersonating ‘Jim’ the washing machine salesman. All is well at the Towers I trust.
Anyone have June Whitfield in their Dead Pool?
Yeah they did.
My bloody daughter…
Pedantic is your daughter? Nice to see ISAC is a family affair in the Dioclese household.
There is a word for this…
That word is “treason”
We used to have laws regarding treason.
I wonder what (or even who) happened to them…
We all know who – He Who Must Not Be Named…
Psst…1998… say no more…
Fuck me I give up.
Paris = Total Turd Head.
Good night.