Utterly weird magazine show on BBC 1 beamed at coffin-dodgers and the slack -jawed.
A few years ago one of the presenters suggested banning the collecting and possession of Nazi memoribilia and artifacts because ‘offense’, to which baffled guest Terry Gilliam replied ‘banning things only gives them more power to offend. The turd sack intervewing him struggled to process this and simply re-iterated ‘offence’. A holocaust survivor also decided banning shit you don’t like was never effective.
I have no idea what level this show has descended to now but i suspect even more SJW fuckwittery, given the agendas being pushed in most BBC dross.
Nominated by Hurricunt Kuntrina
I think the title intimates the number of the expected viewing figures.
Chris Evans used to present the Friday evening show where it was called The Zero Show.
Wouldn’t mind tubbing that Welsh bird, mind… Think I’d do my back in with Alex Jones… A case of This Is Spinal Taff…
There’s going to be a parody of the One Show on the Black Broadcasting Corporation soon… It will feature curly permed uber snowflake cunt, Steve Coogan re (re-re and fucking re) resurrecting Alan Partridge for the fuckteenth time…. As usual, Partridge will be total knob, but now he’ll be an extra knob… Why? Because he’ll be openly for Brexit and against those lovely and open to discussion snowflake Remainer spunkbubbles… In a nutshell: more anti-Brexit propaganda from those Savile sheltering cunts, and a fuckflake poodle like Coogan is only too happy to help them spread their message that all Leave voters are obnoxious, boorish, middle aged imbeciles… Fuck the BBC, fuck Coogan, and fuck Cock Piss Partridge… Ah Fucking Haaaa!
That Alex Jones is alright untill she speaks. She sounds like a fuckin dim wit. Probably the result of in breeding humans with sheep.
You cunts would fuck Alex Jones? What kind of people are you?
Don’t worry, I won’t say anything to Dick…
Gets very excited if called a crazy idiot apparently
Always LOL at that Andrew Neil clip Willie!
Alex Jones, here with her sister.
Nothing a gag ball would not sort out.
The entire BBC is just one massive festering cunt hole full of pure, unadulterated cuntitude…
Every time I see it I just wonder how much longer this blatant thievery, indoctrination, propaganda and brainwashing can go on.
Talk about out of fucking touch!
On a separate note, did anyone catch a description of the 3 men wanted by police for gang raping a woman in west Yorkshire?
The police are searching for suspects but they haven’t released a description….
I wonder why?
Well if it was an “Osborne” or “Moat” type there’d be wall-to-wall coverage with pictures splashed everywhere, their political views admonished and interviews with their neighbours abound.
As there isn’t, well……..
Sometimes “not saying” is as indicative as explicitly stating.
O’course we could be wrong, they could just be blokes from Kent, Norwegian nationals, or simply just British “citizens”.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
The Blairite Broadcasting Corporation is practically unwatchable these days. Shitshows interspersed with snowflake propaganda. You might find the odd good documentary or music programme on BBC 4 but the rest is wall to wall crap. I can only watch MOTD if West Ham or Palace have lost because I can’t look at that piece of taxdodging shit with his jug ears and smug grin.
With you all the way on jugs Freddie. A face you could never get sick of kicking. In my little cul de sac there are only 4 houses and all voluntarily banned Walkers. Doesn’t matter how cheap or how many bags free they can fuck off. Paying that cunt linemepockets a dime is encouraging the cunt. I remember seeing him in Tenerife with his cuntish brother in Linekers bar (where else) surrounded by a half dozen bodyguards with that air of “who’s watching me” Smug, uppity cunt. I still don’t believe he writes his own twatter responses. He was as thick as two short planks when joining the ALBBC he was given elocution / broadcasting prompts and lessons. I still find it incredible that any cunt who yaps on about football (as lets face it he isn’t gifted in fuck all else) can draw £1.75m a year. Whilst complaining about allowing more 30 year old rapefugee “children” into blighty the cunt actually thinks he is on to a winner. Uber cunt and well worth his place on the wall of cunts. There should be a VIP area of cunts on the wall – cuntybollocks would be a shoe in.
Radio 4 used to be a good listen after the 6 pm news. I listened last night through gritted teeth. I am aware its meant to be here, now and relevant but 30 minutes of Punt and Dennis material on Brexit and Trump is indicative of the current crop of so called “cutting edge comedians”. Fuck all funny goes on there anymore – where the fuck they get the limp minded audience from is beyond comprehension.
The Now Show last night was as funny as having your nails pulled with pliers. That Kiwi bird. Jeez. Even the snowflake audience struggled to laugh.
Bloody dreadful Sgt Maj. I actually thought “is this the now show?”. It used to be funny, back in the day…
It was actually funnier than the previous week’s offering, For those of us who think/know Trump’s a cunt, part was even listenable – to.
Reflect, cunters. If Trump was a lefty, retaining his petulant whiny voice and his phony identification with the simplest-minded of his (now lefty) supporters, wouldn’t you have fun with him?
This show is beyond parody or cunting. From the excruciating theme music to the nicey nicey array of diverse presenters. Fucking dreadful and the reason I never watch live TV once the news is over.
The only thing to be said for it is that it doesn’t have that fat cunt Childs on it anymore, or the Irish teeth that accompanied him.
I am sometime grateful Mrs Boggs enjoys Emmerdale Farm, but just now and then the set stays on BBC1 till just before 7. It fucks me up to hear the choral intro and then the idiots who work in the studio *applaud* presenters and guests, most of them from the fucking shop soiled bargain basement. Probably does the cunts ego’s good but does nothing for my temper. At the other end of the show they are at it again, pretending they are an enthusiastic audience, when all they are is employed arse-licking motherfuckers.
A most worthy Cunting Mr /Mrs /Ms Kuntrina.
Only ever watched this pathetic excuse for a ‘current affairs programme’ once, and that was when Theresa May and her drippy husband gave that cringing abortion of an interview at the start of the General Election campaign last year.
That ‘interview’ confirmed all my fears as to the unsuitability of Appeaser May to be PM – if it hadn’t been for Catweasel waiting in the wings to finish off the country once and for all, I would definitely have spoilt my ballot paper in 2017.
The One Show is a programme made by Cunts for Cunts and exclusively featuring Cunts. Even Lady Creampuff won’t touch it.
Good afternoon RTCP
I’ve only seen it once slightly slackjawed but Jeremy Clarkson was on and made some crack like striking rail workers should be shot, mildly funny I thought. Fucking Guardian! Ha ha, it was worth it for that.
A safe space for Cunts!!
I bet that Alex Jones has got a rather delightful safe space. Mmmmmm.
A beautifully manicured lady garden……