Graeme Swann is starting to become a very annoying cunt.
After having a makeover to rival only that of Shane Warne, using even his kids as a justifiable reason to gain votes he has sold his soul to be a strictly mincer.
Whilst IPL could be an acceptable cash cow to sell out to, what is he thinking.
I sincerely hope Tollioni and Revell Horward bun him in the showers as the cunt drops the soap washing off the fake tan just to get his mind right.
Fuck off Swann you total bell end.
Nominated by King Cunt
If he gets cornered in the showers by those pair of prancing doughnut punchers he will need the moves of a ninja.
It seems to me only benders and cunts would ever appear on that vile TV show. We have proof of that from Vince Cable to the Revd Richard Coles. High camp at the licence payers expense. Fuck the lot of them
Does Mrs Bobs watch it
No she went off it a few years ago when one of her favourites lost after about 2 weeks. I am glad to say 🙂
Hood spin-bowler, nonetheless. In a team that beat The Convicts.
don’t watch SCD so have been fortunate enough to miss Swann making a complete Cunt of himself , but he was England’s gun bowler if there was even a touch of turn, good in the slips and more than a useful batsman, and as the captain said he gave it to those squinty eyed cattle rustling Cunts the Aussies……. fair dinkum…….
Indeed true, as Warne was Australia’s, all more the question of why these cunts do the surgery and agree to sell outs such as mincing,
Perhaps it’s something to do with spin bowlers? Maybe we’ll see Moheen Ali drop the Mudslime look, have tattooed eyeliner put on, bleach his anal hair, shine his grinders, and star in Strictly BallGrooming.
Bloody Nora, just think of that in a sequin shirt and tight, flared strides.
I’d like to see that Convict cunt David Warner get his balls sandpapered, never mind groomed, the cheating pissflap. Afternoon, Cap’n.
David Warner is a crying, devious, cheating piece of shite who’d snitch on his grandmother to weasel out of responsibility. Typical despicable, Hurly-Burly, Convict Cunt.
Evening Ron, hope all’s well.
He he he!!
Nice one captain ?
Showing my ignorance once again, who feck is this bloke, I’m turning into the cunts cunt with my lack of knowledge of many of the noms on isac
#meneither. A lot of them seem to be selfpromoting nonentities the success of whose expensive PR is well demonstrated by the fact that anyone at all has heard of them. As the anti-graffiti graffito has it:
Fools’ names, like fools’ faces
Are often seen in public places.
Dont follow the Cwicket so I too couldnt tell this cunt from adam but if King Cunt accuses him of Cuntery, thats good enough for me.
There has been widespread violence in Pakistan, after a Christian woman had her death sentence for blasphemy overturned. She’s been in jail for ten years .Muslim clerics are now urging people to take the law into their own hands.
Pakistan is the arsehole of the world .I would send everyone with ‘Pakistani Heritage ‘ back there, then Novichok the fuck out of it.
Fucking savages.
Good afternoon.
Where are the libtards, SJWs and wimminz groups then?
Are they going to flood Twatter and Shitbook with their right-on, metoo bollocks and condemn those musliim ragheads?
Are they going to march in London and protest?
Will they actually fly over to Shitistan, along with those rich & cosseted like-minded Hollywood types, and confront any of these angry cunts?
Of course not: their silence is truly deafening, and not at all surprising. Far too dangerous and lawless over there, even trying to stand up for a beleaguered christian woman.
Hypocritical cunts.
Novichok the place? Are you intent on making them feel ill for a few days? Fuck that – nuclear fission is the answer. Bunch of cunts.
Strictly Come Mincing is a cuntfest of freaks. Mrs. Cunter loves it.
The cunt.
Ha ha – Afternoon Jack.
My missus wouldn’t touch Strictly, even with her Lovehoney magic silver bullet vibrator!
Good afternoon RTC. Your wife has good taste, on, er, all fronts.
She does however watch Graham Norton and listen to the Archers, so a cunt nevertheless.
You love it ? Jacky.
Jack Jack Jack a lad after my own heart
I couldn’t agree more with you
ANYONE with any Pakistani heritage at all – back
Fuck be even if you kinda look like one or casually thought “ oh some are ok “
Nooooooooo fuck that
To the Seventh Generation ( bit biblical and Jewish ) but fuck that
Pakistanis –
Nice bit of cunting KC.
Swannie was an ace spinner in his day, and I’ll always hold him in regard for his part in beating the Jailbirds, but a la Warne, he’s turning into a bit of a cunt now his playing days are over.
Cunts in Edenbridge are going to be burning Boris on their bonfire this year. Can’t say I blame them to be honest. Pity they don’t throw May and Corbyn on the pyre while they’re at it.
I used to live near Edenbridge and can confirm that it’s made up of inbreeds, pikeys, very old Toffs, and kids that smelled of chlorine. The only saving grace was that Kate Bush used to live nearby, in Crockam Hill.
A tad further down, in Lewes, they used to burn big effigies. I recall they did Blair one year.
On the radio they said these posh Edenbridge cunts had chosen Boris because of his “gaffes”. Bollocks! I used to work with the cunt who designs and builds these effigies. I can tell you he is a libtard remoaner p*nce. He would no more put Catweazle on the fire than he would cut off his hands. I’m surprised he hasn’t got round to Sir Nigel yet.
I too smelt a big fat rat when I heard that “gaffes” excuse. They burned Trump and Weinstein in previous years…
Fred, its neighbours are posh but Edenbridge is a council estate with a High Street.
Will of course back a fellow cunter but temper it with the following;
Can’t abide cricket in any way. I am of the Tommy Docherty train of thought, golf is a good walk spoilt and cricket is organised loafing. As for strictly anything or watching 3 blambos compete for a “great British bake off” hosted by rugmunchers and that flaccid tone of superiority and self aggrandising matched only by the 2 cunts on masterchef I stay well clear of such bollocks.
Further down the page Pakistan comes in for some pain. So it should. A run ashore in Karachi on the way back from the Persian gulf hammered home to me, having spent 7 days frightened to fart and wearing a towel wrapped round my arse under my boiler suit , that Pakistan and its slavish adherents of that cunt Mo are a boil on the backside of humanity and should be wiped off the face of the Earth. They are cute though. They learn pretty quickly that having a cousin in good old England gives them a free meal ticket for life. And like the cunts we are we do nothing to stop it.
Why do people go on holiday if all they do all day is use their phone? Children eating with on hand on a phone/tablet,etc. Plain wrong! I take the battery out of my phone and leave it at home when I go on holiday. These cunts are pathetic. As for taking pictures if your lunch and posting said picture on social media….
On the DLR to Stratford you wouldn’t think it was Engerland. More like engerlandstan
Graeme Swann looks like a cockwombling homo in that photo.
Good player, and good on TMS in my view, but going on Strictly Cunts Prancing shows him to be a shameless, publicity seeking, money grabbing cunt.