Emily Thornberry [2]

The mouthy lavatory blocker has been at it again.

Yes, her Ladyship knows best – no doubt she is still distressed at seeing that white van parked outside a house with the flag of St. George flying over the house (why couldn’t the insensitive MAN have at least been sensitive enough to have a black van?)

Look at her gob – you could post letters in it. What with her and Dame Keir Starmer today and Steptoe sounding as if dementia is catching up with him, this should be a final wake-up call for the Conservatives at their conference next week. For Christ’s sake reach a compromise – any deal that divorces us is better than no deal and quite possibly a ramshackle Labour *government*. Once you have the resignation letter in the post you can move forward. I wouldn’t trust Labour any further than I could spit at them. Their *extension* would last forever.

The face of this self satisfied old trollop, the condescending voice, the total bloated oily heap of shit means everyone who believes in democracy should line up to insure that she and her cretinous arsehole *colleagues* should be permanently kept out of office

Nominated by W.C.Boggs

61 thoughts on “Emily Thornberry [2]

      • No it’s right there in the middle, ruff.

        She’s the only person in the world that can lick her own arsehole without poking her tongue out.

  1. Imagine that thing sitting on your face while sucking you dry on a hit humid sweaty night after a dodgy curry and a few lagers (and that’s just her meal!)

    Pity the poor sod who ever tries to sexually molest her; he’ll probably hand himself in for psychiatric evaluation, or just top himself!

    Dreadful woman (it is a woman isn’t it?)

    • Personally I think a threeway with Abbopotamus is more intriguing. Imagine all the food types you might find sandwiched between the fat rolls of these two volume bogarting hogs.

  2. Her Ladyship is the very definition of a remoaner in that she hates and fears the working class. Those nasty common people who won’t recognise her essential greatness and do as they’re fucking well told.
    She much prefers those nice foreigners who are grateful for what they receive and are prepared to slave away for her Ladyship and her friends for pennies.
    Obnoxious, fat, disgusting, rich bitch sack of dogshit.

    • Ron, your cabbage-hurling has worked a treat. Steve Bruce is navigating his way to the Dole queue.

  3. Labour aristocracy eh. Daddy, assistant un general secretary for years. Barrister as well. Has the common touch. Funny, cos Brillo had her on the ropes punching shit out of her and all she could do was bluster. Islington MP tho, says it all.

      • Man she really makes my piss boil…
        What an ugly, good for nothing, money grabbing cunt.

      • And thats her good points…..?
        She’s more interested in their human rights than that of uk citizens….. stupid Cunt……

      • Thanks for that RTC. Therein lies the perfect example of liebours kind of socialism. Had more cunts been shown the door when its blindingly fucking obvious they can’t live in peace amongst us we have the calibre of Thornycunt and that other paragon of terrorism Dame Chucklecunty
        We don’t have to leave them stateless. We have a lovely parcel of land down in the south Atlantic called South Georgia. Its coming up their summer now and the blambos , peacefuls and the ones who fuck with kids would love it down there. 365 ways to cook fish. A few buildings for them to loaf in or blow up and the dual problem of what to do with our unwanted filth is solved in a jiffy

      • We’ve spent a lot of money exterminating the rats on S. Georgia, in order to restore its native bird population. FFS don’t bring any more in! Though I see an acceptable application for the place, which used to be a whaling station. Simply tow la Thornberry, Flabbott and any other overfed parasites there and render them down for a green alternative to North Sea crude.

  4. I’d fear for my steel-toecapped felling-wellies (size 9) if I kicked her up the Cunt.

    • I fear retrieving them , against the suction of that cavernous clam would be too much of a strain upon a poor soul’s back!

  5. Judging by the photograph above, this terminally pompous cunt’s got a tongue like two slugs copulating.

  6. A particularly irksome cunt!!
    Despite her generous proportions she is a thin skinned individual, I love seeing her take the bait and make a complete cunt of herself, dermot ( sky) got a stonking bite when he asked her if she knew who her French counterpart was? She went off in a rant and even accused him of sexism!! Very very funny , you could see him enjoying it….
    Priceless TV

  7. I’d like to rip that tongue out of her head and stick it up her fat wobbly arse. Then, I would piss in her empty mouth.
    Fucking snotty nosed fucking cow.

    • Another one from the Flabbott school of hypocrisy, sent both of her kids to a selective state school in leafy Hertfordshire and as an a proud feminist got elected on a all-woman short list by the huge majority of 484.

  8. Typical of the champagne Marxists who infest the Labour party. She knows best.

  9. Does she have a mouth or two set of beef curtain piss flaps? Either way it’s a massive vulva of a CUNT!

  10. I simply can’t abide the overnourished, snotty, arrogant old cuntlady.

    I am genuinely surprised that this is only the second cunting that the processed-meat snaffling old hag has been awarded.

    Shurely shome mishtake?

    • Managed to sneak under the radar. How I’m not entirely certain, she is such a zepplin of a cunt it defies all logic really!

  11. Is that Thornberry in the pic?
    It looks like Sloth from the Goonies wearing a bad syrup….

    • “Hey you guys. Do you have any ham, pork pies and scotch eggs that I can snaffle. Hey you guys”

      Sloth wasn’t quite as hideous.

  12. Another one of Labours remain gang They could be the new Carry on Team If the EU is such a wonderful place why don’t they all fuck off

    • The Tory muppets should have started doing jazz hands when Maybot started dancing, she looked like some Peter Crouch tribute act.

      • I’m not sure what was queasier, her demented, mongloid dancing last month or her demented mongloid, dancing today, or her demented, mongloid speech today. All of them make you want to blow stomach chunks and decorate the furniture.

        A wretched, wretched, wretched leader of any country.

      • Well, I thought I’d seen everything, until I saw the Maybot doing the latest acid-house conference moves…St. Vitus’ Dance..Maybe she’ll be bitten by a large venomous spider, and do the Tarantella, until she drops dead.
        Was it my imagination, or was she assisted out of the room by a When I’m Licking Windows impersonator ? I’m sure she almost fell off her built-up orthopaedic shoes.
        Christ what a bloody nightmare she is. I am almost lost for words, except the anglo-saxon, four-letter one ending in K, that she was burbling about in her “speech.

        So, please, Dog, FUCK this apology for a perished douchebag over, before she does any more of the same to what is left of this cuntry.

  13. Coroners inquest for the peaceful scum cunt Khalid Masood tommorow at the Bailey. RIP PC Palmer. Arm the police NOW. It is never armed officers who die. I am not saying Keith would still he alive now,but he did not stand a chance. Islam a religion of peace? Apparently not….

  14. That was cringeworthy. Mavis is a terrible public speaker and an even worse comedian. Her new PR cunts are clearly no better than the idiots who fucked up the election.

    • I didn’t like the comment about us not getting Brexit unless we do it her way.
      Threat ? Slip of the tongue ? Cunt ?
      Good evening.

      • Do recon she slips her tongue all over barnier’s bumhole?
        Bet she does. Dirty slag.

      • So we’re going to build more houses for the thousands of immigrants arriving on these shores, there’ll be a continued freeze in fuel duty so they can afford to drive their cars into our pedestrians, and an end to austerity is in sight, as long as we back her as leader. Jam tomorrow. I’m sure I’ve heard all this somewhere before.
        Well I’m convinced, she’s got my vote.

      • The third option is correct, I think. Give me self-deprecation, luvvy…oooh yes…now do the dance…can you remember the gags, dear? You’re the People’s Princess, darling, stop shivering…and…there’s the band. You’re on. Give em’ hell!

        But did you notice how she’s going for the centrist vote? She’s made up her mind which set of disgruntled voters to appease now. But Corbyn’s kept his powder more or less dry and will be obliged to woo the Leave voters if the Tories suck up to the Blairites. Could get interesting, for an overdue change.

  15. Grotesque looking woman / man whatever it is.
    I thought it was Sir Les Patterson or another Barry Humphries character. What if it is Barry Humphries ????

    • Fenton, it’s a bit demeaning comparing Les Patterson with La Thornberry. That slobbering, barely-credible, disgusting old soak carelessly dribbling incoherent English onto an already saliva-drenched shirt is nothing like Les.

  16. The Nougat is a solid exzmple of labourites being obnoxious and condescdnding to thd very people they need to support them; the white working class. Instead they are simply repeating Miliband’s policy of chasing the low-turn out crowd; yoof and ethnic, with added mentalism from rad-fems, trans-activist loons (who are busy fighting rad fems) anti-semites and a host other low-life cunts, many with dyed Skrillex ‘dos and hipster glasses. The relative success of labour is down to a Remainer spasm, desperate for Corbyn to reinstate the corporatists as our benevolent masters. If they weren’t completely fucking stupid, they might see the irony.

    Emily Thornberry is definitely a cunt.

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