An overdue cunting for this attention seeking tramp and her enablers, the libtard Democratic party. How scummy do you have to be to happily ruin a mans life purely for political reasons? Forde says she was sexually assaulted 35 years ago but, coincidentally, just before Kavanaugh’s appointment, she has suddenly plucked up the courage to make the accusation. Very convenient, some might say. Even worse are the Democrat cunts on the Senate Committee who are such a bunch of lunatics that they will go to any lengths to stop a Conservative from getting any sort of power. Hopefully Kavanaugh gets confirmed and we can all enjoy the meltdown from the liberal cunts.
Fuck Forde. And fuck the Democrats.
Nominated by An Irish Cunt
Christina Forde – sorry, DOCTOR Christina Forde – deserves a monumental cunting. I’m sure you’ve all been following the Brett Kavanaugh circus that’s been going on in the US where this evil hag, along with Diane Feinstein and the rest of the Demokkkraps and the authoritarian left, is trying to ruin an innocent man’s life and prevent him being nominated to the Supreme Court because he’s a Trump nominee who disagrees with their policies and they know he’ll take away their power to legislate from the Bench.
When Kavanaugh gets the SCOTUS nomination he should sue the evil cow for defamation and the FBI should prosecute her on perjury charges. There’s so much more I could mention regarding all the inconsistencies and little details of the case but I don’t want this to become a QDM-length cunting.
Nominated by OpinionatedCunt
What happened to the presumption of innocence? This nominee seems to have been thrown to the wolves by guilt of association with The Donald. The grilling by the senators last week was little more that a mock show trial, the fucking hypocrites. Like almost any politician how many of them have a murky past of backhanders and sexual deviancy.
It seemed awfully reminiscent of the Soviet Union didn’t it?
I spotted this LL and thought it summed up nicely the cross eyed cunts “confession”
Here’s a timeline:
1982 – Something may or may not have happened with another 2 (or 4) teenagers at a party, she cannot remember who threw the party, where the party was held, who she was with or how she got home. She was drinking and said nothing to anyone.
2002… She said nothing.
July 25, 2003: President George W. Bush nominated Kavanaugh to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C Circuit… She said nothing.
2005… She said nothing.
May 11, 2006: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary recommended confirmation. Kavanaugh subsequently confirmed by the United States Senate… She said nothing.
June 1, 2006: Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Anthony Kennedy… She said nothing.
2011… She said nothing.
2012… She remembered ‘something’ happened in 1982, yet doesn’t name Kavanaugh, still said nothing to authorities.
2017 – becomes an anti-trump activist.
2018 – now 36 years later, with Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS confirmation looming, she pens an anonymous letter with grave accusations against Kavanaugh regarding foggy circumstance that occurred while they were both minors, then reveals herself and DEMANDS an FBI investigation before testifying to her incredible allegations?
Who does she think she is?
Excellent work Cunto, I wonder how many more #MeToo victims and washed up porn stars the Democrats have on standby with their ‘selective amnesia’?.
Tons mate,
Hence the reason for stalling and asking the FBI to step in. For fucks sake this guy will have one of the highest profiles in the land. At every stage from his being called to the bar to the cusp of entering possibly the most influential and most powerful job in the land (Trump can be out in 2020 – this guy has that SCOTUS job for life – it cant be taken off him – he IS the law) the FBI (I cant confirm this as fact) have undertaken 4 separate investigations throughout the course of his career and come back with fuck all. The 4 tarts waiting in the wings haven’t cobbled a sufficiently believable story quite just yet to convince the FBI that anything took place.
Now I am all for women who are genuinely assaulted / have been assaulted / raped, I cant think of anything quite worse than having your body invaded by force. Where I draw the line is that the #metoo cunts and the femenazi assembled outside of the latest hearing didn’t want truth – they wanted revenge for something that hadn’t been proven and looked (to me) like a witch hunt of the Salem variety. The fucked up political situation in the US (and getting this way over here re Brexit) has now got two countries split right down the middle. What I find uncomfortable is that a female could make a story up about me, speak to the police and have me arrested on an historic offence (not that I ever have done such a thing), drag my name into court, completely ruin me and if I don’t have a journal I kept since the day I fell out of my mothers womb I would have no defence. Making the statements these wimmin and mostly butt ugly rug munchers are doing the #metoo cause not a single bit of good. The boy who cried wolf sums up how this fucked up society looks like it will end. The worst thing is I don’t see an end to it.
Even today the lovely Lily Mong has described her descent into the point of being sectioned due to mistreatment by her ex husband. After talking about Keefs heart attack due to coke abuse (which he denies) and fucking one of his mates at 14 which Keef already knew about she can write just about what the fuck she likes without fear of doubt or recrimination – that’s how this world of snowflake, soft shite, fucked up millennial and Gen Z next generation will ruin this world – unless we have a good old fashioned war and a virus that wipes out a few hundred million – and start again.
Great work, Cunto. Well done.
Sounds like a right attempt at a stitch up to me.
Fucking brilliant research there, Cunto!
Pity those limp-wristed Trump-hating cunts at the BBC and Grauniad don’t have half as much inclination to reveal this kind of damning evidence!
Brilliant Cunto – would just like to point out her first instinct was to contact The Washington Post rather than inform the FBI or another appropriate legal authority.
Outstanding Cunto!
Are you saying she made the whole thing up? ?
Excellent cunting…….
Kavanaugh should have done the decent thing and married the pathetic bint… would have saved us all a lot of earache.
Nothing worse than a woe-man scorned.
Not just a famous man…this sort of shit has ramifications for us all. After all, which cunter here (with the exception of Krav, naturally) didn’t do a “fuck ’em and chuck ’em” on a succession of girls when in their late teens of early 20’s. I know I did.
Now, with the proliferation of social media, any one of these hags could decide she’d been ‘assaulted’ and her mental middle-aged wimminz brain would convince her that it had happened and then…bang! Tracks you down on Facebook, makes a false allegation from 30 years ago and you, my friend, are fucked.
This bitch needs to be stopped.
Precisely Thomas,
How the fuck can some bitch make an accusation of sexual abuse from 30 years ago without witnesses or evidence?
It seems when a bloke is accused of sexual misconduct he can go to jail on fuckin hearsay.
I’m just waiting for that 60 year old woman to come forward and accuse me of pinching her arse in a pub back in 1976 . The way things are going it’s a real possibility.
If she tells them it happened in 1966, you’ll be in real trouble.
I strongly believe it could be mistaken identity in her ‘mental middle aged wimminz brain’.
Spot on.
Let’s not forget either that plenty of da wimmins do fuck-and-chuck on men, too, usually fucking us over financially as well…
Stop her and SLAP her.
The title of this cunting sounds like a 1950s rock n roll group.
This, along with the Metoo horseshit is just wrong on so many levels. It is nothing more than trial by msm and social media.
Most developed countries have a justice system to deal with accusations of sexual assault and rape. I fail to understand why these accusers would wish to pursue the media circus route, as opposed to seeking justice through the legal system, in the event their allegation is genuine.
It’s all about instant gratification and not having to have their evidence or lack of tested. Attention seeking narcissistic scum don’t care about the lives they destroy in the process, including those of real victims whose complaints will ultimately be compromised thanks to the antics of these #MeToo cunts.
Yet another #MeToo cunt coming out of the woodwork after 30 odd years of saying fuck all!
Politicians are cunts at the best of times, but she not only takes the biscuit but the entire picnic hamper in her calculating sordid little mind.
I suppose if a Republican had some shit to throw at one of the wacko Democrats, it would be different kettle of fish, with the libtards banging on about “my privacy has been invaded” and “I’ve got ooman rights, innit!”
Cunt of Cunts
I sucked them and chucked them
Ho ho, nice one…?
Yes, but did you swallow?
Fuck off, I charge extra for that.
Ooooh i say Kravdarth, stop mucking about .
Hot gooey muck.
I would laugh my balls off if Kavanaugh produced genuine written and video evidence to suggest it was she that came on to him back in the day!
Imagine if he had a video of her drunk to the tits, dancing and smooching with him while he was trying push her off. She then grabbed is balls and proceeded to blow him dry – all captured on video.
Highly unlikely I know, but if he produced that piece of evidence she would probably top herself for being a lying cunt!
Here’s hoping!
Just the sound of that bitch’s whining voice and the manner of her delivery were enough to make my blood boil over!
Mr Cunt Engine is right: “this sort of shit has ramifications for us all…”
Lock her up and kick her evil lying cunt to a bloody pulp.
American tarts always have that little girl winning an Academy award type voice , with obligatory grizzling don’t they?. She sounds like she provides the squealing noises during the fuck scenes in porno films.
Piggy-porn, I reckon…
I wonder how long the Bimbo had to practice to get that whiny little girl voice down pat. It was so pathetic and anyone with half a brain should have pegged her immediately. She is a lying hag. I fear for the men in this country if this sort of thing flies, no one will be safe. I hope Kavanaugh is confirmed and the DemocRAT party can go to hell which is where they all belong.
From the moment Tangoman was elected (ie 2 months before he took office) the libtards have been trying to get him out, exactly the same as they have been trying to stop Brexit since the moment the result was announced. They don’t care about elections and votes……..they are ALWAYS RIGHT…… people must be rescued from their own stupidity.
They will pull any trick, tell any lie and throw any dirt to get what they want. Any politician and/or sleb in America must know that being a friend of The Donald is the kiss of death……they are coming to get you even if they have dig up some little tart you groped while pissed 35 fucking years ago. Of course the little tart isn’t a little tart anymore but a grown up fully paid up libtard. Equally you aren’t an 18 year old horny pisshead anymore but nobody cares about that.
It makes me think that Sir Nigel must be pure as the driven snow. I mean the libtards must have been looking for dirt on him for years. The only reason they haven’t found it must be because it doesn’t exist.
Great point – a lose lose situation if ever there was.
Trial by television and the media I’m no fan of the bloke but fuck me he needs to go to spec savers What an ugly cunt she is that voice is enough to send you nuts
I watched 30 seconds of this absolute cunt , apparently she’s nobody’s pawn? Oh really!!
With the performance she’s giving don’t be surprised if she gets an Oscar nomination!!
It’s despicable desperate shite from the democrats!!
They kept repeating clips of the grating cunt on news bulletins throughout the day… I ended up having to decree a ban on all TV & Radio in our house till they shutted her the fuck up!
Morning Q…
Morning RTCP ?
I don’t see the problem with it. It doesn’t illegalise it or anything, rather just gives more power to the states to make their mind up without Federal government telling them how to act. You want an abortion, go to a state which does them – simple.
I’d like The Donald to speak up on this one. I’m sure a man in his position has some evidence somewhere to prove that this screeching bag of haggard cunt is a lying, attention seeking bitch. Unlikely I know but we can live in hope.
I think he’s in Chile at the moment so is distracted by that.
Who is Chile?
Ha, nice girl apparently. Very accommodating
Hmmm. Can I give another viewpoint?! It seems she named Kavanaugh in 2012 to her husband and some of her best friends but decided Not to take it further. It was only when she heard he was being nominated for the Supreme Court that she was decided it was her ‘civic duty’ to let everyone know what sort of man he possibly was. Although i’ve No idea whether or not that was just a one off youthful indiscretion or is really indicative of his subsequent behaviour.
Am listening to James O’ Briern, he is making a big point that after brexit we will not be able to work in Europe and that holidaying there will now become a lot more awkward. He might actually have a point there.
He knows no more about it than you or I. He’s a fanatical, obsessed remoaner cunt and will say anything to promote fear. The wanker needs to see a head doctor.
That is what happens when you put restrictions on immigration or curtail ‘freedom of movement’.
But we’ve known that from day one, haven’t we?
If O’Cunt is saying we won’t be able to work in Europe, he’s plain lying (surprise surprise). It just won’t be as easy, that’s all.
With regards to Ms Forde, her friends originally advised she take her allegations to the FBI or police, but she chose to go the Washington Post route instead. Wonder why she did that?
Nothing to do with being a Libtard, Trump hating Democunt, I’m sure.
“Democrats” – a complete & utter contradiction in terms.
I would also suggest everyone goes down the road of asking for a signed disclaimer from the person you’re about to shag so that in decades to come you don’t have to end up in the whirlwind of shit this guy finds himself in, along with many others!
Brexiteers are ‘ignorant xenophobes’. Just said outright by JOB.
Turn that cunt off. ..champaign socialist cunt.
Even if he was right about the fear mongering….a longer queue at the airport is worth the future generations democratic right to govern their direct country themselves and be free from a supranational entity that uses our contributions to keep afloat it’s failed euro currency and forced austerity on half it’s members
As for this circus act in no state or courthouse would this complaint be taken forward to trial due to complete lack of evidence. But that didn’t stop the Democrats from fawning over her during questioning with things like ” your so brave to be here ” and shit
Eh? Isn’t this meant to be evidence based…that is pure showing of bias and that their mind was made up.
Why go to the new york times not the cops ?
Why not report when he became a district judge and he would be handling abuse and sex assault cases?
How can you remember details of the music in the room and muffled voices 35 years ago but can’t remember how you got 8 miles home? Perhaps the person who gave you a lift would give different version of your panicked and distressed state??????
Agreed Squint, it’s all just bollocks. Any fucker in the legal profession who’s worth their salt wouldn’t give the twat the time of day. But of course it’s now the ‘done thing ‘ to come out of the woodwork 30 to 40 years after the alleged incident and start bleating but the memories of said incident are ‘hazy’. Bullshit. Apparently Kavanaugh was also in a bar fight whilst at college, big fucking deal! Doesn’t make him a rapist does it..?! The guy is going be crucified and he’s got no fucking chance of getting off.
The Democrats weren’t exactly in a hurry to condemn Ted Kennedy when a young woman named Mary-Jo Kopechne perished in his car at Chappaquiddick in 1969. What happened remains unclear, albeit there is no scenario from which Ted K. emerges with clean hands. Unless, of course, you’re a Democrat – in which case, he remains a hero, the so-called ‘Lion of the Senate’.
One set of standards for them, another for the rest of us.
Not to mention serial sex offender Clinton and his vile enabler wife!
The Clintons, the Fred and Rose of the White House.
So what? The cunt says that all day every day. Turn the cunt off before he turns you into a dribbling libtard mental defective.
Agree – he’s been saying that for the last 2 years at least.
Even though I’d far prefer the smell of napalm, I rarely miss an hour or so of O’Shithead in the morning.
I like to monitor the enemy’s crooked thought processes…
A case of what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?
Fuck him.
I’d rather make myself deaf and let the CIA waterboard me than listen to even a single second of O’Cunthead
Whether any of this is true is irrelevant after 30 years with no proof or complaint at the time. This is blatantly political but no more so than Trump’s tactics would be in different circumstances.
Sit back and enjoy. Cunts one and all.
I can’t abide disc jockeys, and I have no doubt Jimmy Saville was a dirty old bastard, but I found it impossible to believe the old hag who claimed she was raped by him in 1958 – after his death in 2014. Would you really wait 56 years before reporting it?. Likewise this doctor woman, who has sat on her secret for 36 years. She is a gobby tart – if it had really happened would she have waited 36 hours let alone 36 years?. I doubt it.
I just wish some of the 60 year old school chums of Anthony Blair at Fettes had found their voices 20 years ago – I bet there were some gay old times back there when Master Blair was in the dorm…… I bet he was somebodies fag, or they his.
Evidence of poofery would make Blair an even bigger hero in the eyes of the libtards.
If it ever came out the cunt would claim he invented it.
I know Simpsons references incur an instant cunting, but I’ll take one for quoting a line used by a TV presenter in an early episode when The Simpsons was still reasonably well written.
“Your tears say more than mere facts ever could”
I think you can be excused for that one Mr B.
Yes, very perceptive.
It seems that some lying bitch can make any accusation against a man in court without proof. It all depends on who gives the best performance in front of the Jury wins. And these cunts know it with their crocodile tears.
Further evidence ( if more were needed ) of life imitating Reality TV shows… they’ve become one and the same.
The West is well and truly fucked.
Her written submission is what I would expect from a psychologist – which she is – with some input from a lawyer. She was legally a minor at the time of the incident, and as Kavanaugh was still in school, presumably he was too. (They should both be done for underage drinking – US law is pretty strong on that). Her oral testimony was rehearsed, it fitted together a lot better than, say, my own murky memories of youthful indiscretions, and it was delivered throughout in what sounded to me like a tone and voice assumed for the occasion. OTOH, she answered all questions put to her relevantly, and Kavanaugh didn’t. Probably K did try and have his wicked way with her, pissed, and showing off to his mate… wonder how many times that’s happened in the history of the world? I can’t see a 14-15 year-old telling her parents about the incident, fear of displeasure would stop her doing that, but 30 years wait is a bit rich.
I can understand the Dems’ wish to bust Kavanaugh’s arse, though. He was a principal author of the Starr Report, in which –
” Kavanaugh had urged Starr to ask Clinton sexually graphic questions,[45][46] and described Clinton as being involved in “a conspiracy to obstruct justice”, having “disgraced his office” and “lied to the American people”.[47][48] The report provided extensive and explicit descriptions of each of the President’s sexual encounters with Monica Lewinsky, a level of detail which the authors described as “essential” to the case against Clinton.[49]” (Wikipedia: Brett Kavanaugh)
O the irony.
I wonder if she’s got a spunk stained dress in her closet, waiting to be brought out during the midterm elections…
I bet she still kept those spunk stained knickers from 30 odd years ago! Probably wears the crusty heavily stained things just on the off-chance she might get preggers!
And what is really surprising (or not, as the case may be) is that these people are middle-class and highly educated. And yet when the gloves are off they’re no different to the chav scum you see on Jeremy Kyle.
Did you mean “when the knickers are off..?” Not surprised, personally. Scum rises, dregs sink.
Psychologists? Fucking thick, box-ticking cunts, the lot of ’em.
Finely balanced. I think it’s lost. Tiny little voice. Does a truth teller speak like that? Woman prosecutor because she’s so vunerable. But she has said it would’t be taken to prosecution. Got to be said-the Jew Feinstein against him. Not evil just always slightly skewed against Catholics. Now famous quote ‘It lives loudly within you’ against another Catholic nominee. Balance of Jews Catholics on the Court. Must stop Roe v Wade being overturned at all costs. All down to Mark Judge. Drinking cutlure. Other accusers now. His face looks flabby from too much drink. I can imagine him losing it drunk. The nerdy calander in his favour.
An ‘e’ added to Ford? Common name. Prententious glasses to make her look more intelligent. They look clear so no need for them. Could be wrong. Not very attractive so could have a chip on her soulder. Opportunity for fame late in life. Corrected prosecutor with Psychobabbe term-‘No, we say…’ Women together. So precious.
Kavanaugh classmate says he was ‘aggressive’ when drunk and lied under oath about the extent of his drinking. Lied? He said he ‘liked a beer’. Other accusers. The thing is lost.
Miles thought Feinstein had leaked the letter. No, friends of Forde leaked her name.