Tom Baldwin


The BBC is raising my blood pressure this morning with the news that this self regarding Twitter fucker (“writer, Labour adviser, now back on the inside” – inside of what? – Mangledbum’s arsehole?). Scribbler is a more honest term than writer.

Baldwin with the body of a man of 52 and the mindset of a 12 year old is seeking to encourage Corbyn and Dame Keir Starmer to change Labour’s mind (what mind?) over their Brexit strategy and to support a “people’s vote” (stupid bleeder doesn’t seem to know we had that in June 2016) on Brexkt.

Baldwin was the chief adviser to the woeful Edward Miliband, and we can only wonder if Labour are so fucking stupid they will take advice from the man who made Miliband deliver his own tombstone in Hastings (remember the seven or was it eight commandments?).

Of course we all know Dame Keir (stick a hat with cherries on top of it on him and he would look for all the world like a Victorian virgin who had stepped out without her corsets and seen a mouse) is itching for another referendum but is too fucking gutless to admit it, and self interest will doubtless tempt Labour’s union paymasters to kowtow, even though pansy Labour and the unions hate each other with a passion. That they are prepared to entertain the ideas of Baldwin, a man with all the charm of a phimosis ridden foreskin, shows their intellectual poverty.

The only good thing that might come of this is that the terminally stupid Dominic Grieve (who looks like one of the Pope’s naughty priests) and Anna Loudcunt Soubry and Tory poofta-toff Alan Duncan might shut the fuck up and stop encouraging this dismissal of democracy. I doubt it will stop Ken Clarke and Lord Heseltine who desperately needs EU money to keep his vanity arboreum going.

How the fuck can anyone take Labour seriously – Corbyn wants the keys to No 10 so he can turn the back garden into a dung stenched allotment, but Chukaduckie and the right on backbenchers have other ideas. Fuck a second referendum, lets have a full on civil war amongst the Labour fuckwits.

Perhaps Baldwin and his fancy friends are hoping to cure Junker of his alcoholism so that his brewers droop gets cured so he can give them the good fucking they crave and deserve. I fear that is too late. They will just have to be content with sucking Barniers rancid dick that probably reeks of Stilton.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

41 thoughts on “Tom Baldwin

  1. It’s the same with those cunts in the SNP, WC. Lost their ‘once in a lifetime’ referendum, so straight away they’re back asking for another; it’s now a fucking ‘neverendum’.
    We’re told that most of the leaders in the EU want another vote, to allow the people to ‘reconsider’. They don’t give a fuck about democracy, the cunts just want our fucking money. Stick your opinion up yer fucking arses, you cunts.
    A top class cunting, my man.

    • The EU elite seem to have forgotten about the right to self-determination enshrined in Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations. Or perhaps they’re hoping that we have.

      They have no right to become involved in an internal political process that solely concerns the status of a nation they are neither citizens of nor reside in. They need to be reminded of this in such manner as may be necessary to ensure that the message (a simple ‘It’s nowt to do with you, so fuck off or else’ will suffice) is received, understood and acted upon.

      If only we had a half-decent leader…

      • The EU elite have also conveniently forgotten Article 8 of the Lisbon Treaty which reads as follows:

        The Union shall develop a special relationship with neighbouring countries, aiming to establish an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness, founded on the values of the Union and characterised by close and peaceful relations based on cooperation.


    • You don’t need a wall, just an arena and some lions / wild dogs / hyenas, oh and beer and pork pies. Then home for tea. Get the kettle on lad !

  2. Close friend of Alastair Campbell, and champagne socialist, who has never challenged the allegations made by Lord Ashcroft that he was a liberal user of cocaine.

    Nice man.

  3. Great news just in from Sweden

    Swedish PM Lofven ousted in no confidence vote.

    Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Lofven will have to stand down after losing the support of parliament.

    The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats (SD) backed the vote to remove him, weeks after a general election that delivered a hung parliament.

    In Tuesday’s dramatic vote, 204 MPs voted against Mr Lofven while 142 voted in favour.

    Parliament’s speaker will now propose a new leader – a process that could take weeks.

    Mr Lofven is expected to stay on as caretaker prime minister while his replacement is decided.

    Bring it on in the UK. Get rid of useless bitch May

    • Lofven and Merkel should be jailed for the crimes and misery they have brought upon there people through unchecked immigration.

      • Jail’s too good for them. A more fitting punishment would be to force them to live in the nastiest of the no-go areas that now pepper their respective countries.

  4. Just got round to watching the last episode of The Bodyguard… It was like pulling fucking teeth and trying to get rid of a big wedgie at the same time… Atrocious acting and a totally shite story, with the aforementioned Bodyguard himself being like an an overgrown Thunderbirds puppet covered in Daddy’s Ketchup… The BBC are fucking cunts if they think this is good drama… OK, we know the BBC are cunts… But that cunt in that? His acting was comical, beyond a joke… And the story? More plot holes than the sea of holes in Yellow Submarine… Just the sort of bollocks that arseholes like Moffatt and Gatiss ‘write’… I know they didn’t write this one, but it’s all the same sort of shite… ‘But, but it’s a drama!’ will be the excuse….I’m a fan of proper dramas and I have seen some shit in the last few years (Sherlock being a particular steaming turd)… But even that crap didn’t have holes in it like this Bodyguard bollocks… And I didn’t even get to see Keeley’s bush… What a load of cunt….

    • Oh, but Middle Britain loved it. Which says it all, alas.

      [My wife and I only watched the last episode. Our joint and several verdicts were as near as dammit identical to yours, albeit neither of us expressed any dissatisfaction at being spared the sight of Keeley Hawes’s, er, foliage.]

  5. Nice one Mr Boggs!

    Gormless turd Dame Keir Starmer has just confirmed a 2nd Referendum should include option to Remain. Quelle surprise!

    Mind you, Corbyn has clearly warmed to the EU since realising how much they hate the UK.

    And the next Labour leader MUST be a woman, ffs!

    Meanwhile, in a speech last night, close aide Andrew Murray blamed British foreign policy for the Manchester Arena bombing… Well he could hardly blame the peaceful responsible, could he? After all, Islam is a religion of peace and guess who their imans instruct them to vote for…

    • *And the next Labour leader MUST be a woman, ffs!*

      I reckon Chukaduckie will transgender so that he/she/it can run for leaderene, The British Obama without a dick, RTC. Failing that Auntie Izzard will be made up to step in (if he isn’t already). 🙂

      • My vote is for Diane Hippopotamus. Ticks all the right boxes..

        Identifies as Hippo
        Gargantuan levels of unjustified smug
        Key Stage 2 Maths Ability

      • According to some Liebour cunts interviewed on TV earlier, the smart money is on one of the following:

        1. Angela ‘thick as a stack of planks’ Rayner
        2. Lady Nougat
        3. Doolally Rebecca Long-Bailey

        All extremely raaaacist!!! of course, but who’s counting?

        Am assuming the ‘smart money’ involved represents a down payment on the ‘other people’s money’ Labour will quickly ‘run out of’ when they pull off the impossible and manage to beat a weak & wobbly Appeaser May in some hypothetical General Election…

      • I nominate Angela Rayner as next leader of the Labour party.

        I realise that you will find it hard to believe from this clip but she was actually promoted to the position of shadow secretary of state for education despite having left school with absolutely NO FUCKING QUALIFICATIONS WHATSOEVER.

        She had already been knocked up though and had her first child at 16 (already a grandmother at 37), so Labour probably saw the qualities in her and considered them to be a fair indication of the standards they were aspiring to.

        Yet another ultra high quality candidate, joining the rest of the deeply desperate line up of shadow cabinet misfit muppets that only the Labour party would be proud of.

      • Shes a cunt and a slapper but shes got big tits,slightly above average looks ,juicy curves, a dirty northern accent and I would definitely like to show her the ins and outs of brexit.

      • I’m a Priti Patel man myself. She looks right dirty. I can just imagine her talking dirty past the shaft. ?

      • Rayner is a thick as shit fucking old whore. Shadow Minister of Education? Somebody is taking the fucking piss.

      • Fucking Rayner is no more than a floppy titted brainfart.

        Pupils are a countable noun as opposed to an uncountable noun. You use the words “number of” preceding a countable noun, not “amount of”.

        I would love to hear JRM deliver to her, in his impeccable diction, what I have written above.

    • A muslim couple flee Libya and are given sanctuary by the UK, along with the usual fringe benefits – housing, education, NHS etc. They settle here and a son is born. In 2014, the son, then 19, visits Libya and is (it is said) caught up in the civil war. The UK military in the guise of the Royal Navy rescues him and ensures his safe passage back to the UK, quite possibly saving his life. Three years later, he kills and maims at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. Many of the victims of his premeditated attack are under 20; indeed, one of them is just eight years old.

      But he’s not to blame. Oh no, it’s the fault of UK foreign policy…the self-same foreign policy that saw the RN extract him from the Libya and the cousin of the immigration policy that provided refuge to his parents.

      • Great post Sterling.

        No good deed goes unpunished. And in the case above, that applies BIG time!

  6. “Ed, we think that you ought to make a popular gesture in the way that David Cameron pretended that he’d once eaten a pastie.”
    “Hmmm…perhaps I could place my foie gras on a Jacob’s cream cracker for a change?”
    “Well, no…we were thinking more along the lines of maybe eating a bacon sandwich or something; show you’re a man of the people.”
    “I’ll give it a try. How hard can it be? It’s not as if I’m some posh cunt with a communist spasticated mouth that spews utterly mental bollocks and would fail at even the most rudimentary of tasks, is it now?”

  7. All those leftfist libfuck labour liberal femflake filth that yap on about ‘A People’s Vote’…
    Who do the fuck do they think voted in the Referendum last time?! Gerbils? Daleks? Badgers? Self service checkouts?

    No, it was people… The British people who voted out, you treasonous pissing on democracy toys out of the pram leftist Remainer scum cunts….

  8. Another champagne socialist fucking remoaner pile of decomposing dogshit.
    Every one of these money grabbing, stinking traitor bastards will get theirs the cunts. Fuck them all to hell!

  9. Perhaps, my fellow cunters, it’s time we began constructing some gallows across the length and breadth of this fair isle to deal with the treasonous cunts?

    Good afternoon

  10. Labour appears to be positioning itself as the party of Remain. Interesting to see how this will play north of Hampstead. UKIP currently well below par so who will the people of the predominantly Leave towns vote for?
    The problem is that in a lot of these places they would, and frequently do, vote for any bag of shit with a red rosette. Fuck me the Mancs voted for a Scouse mayor.
    If there is an election and labour get in – any economic downturn from Brexit will be dwarfed by the loss of confidence in this shower of anti-Semitic Marxists.
    This whole fucking mess is down to May and her ‘negotiators’. A fucking pathetic election campaign and It is a bit late for her to grow a spine now that the Remoaners at home have done the EU’s job for them.
    Cunts one and all.

    • Grow a spine? No way! She made one short speech to preempt the savaging she would otherwise have had at the Tory party conference, that’s all.

      Fine words that NEVER translate into action. Don’t get fooled again…

  11. What we need in this country is another “night of the long knives.” Of course one night would not be enough. Six months of the long knives doesn’t sound quite right but what the fuck? Needs must.

    • I want that waspish old woman Philip Hammond out first – his fucking doom-mongering has woken up some of the more dense backbenchers and ex ministers like the Soubry cunt and Ken Clarke. Nearly every Chancellor brings down the PM whether they intend to or not (Broon obviously intended it with the Princess Anthony).

      I think there ought to be a rule that any further boring debate about Remaining in the EU should be done full frontal nude. I doubt that even Gina Miller or Soubry would want everyone to see their withered old tits and mangy minges, or Starmer his 2 inch dick. Or any of the other fancy nancies who are transgendering their whatever has been bolted on.

      Only Lammy and Chuckduckie would probably take part – painted up with blue arses, spears and a bone through their noses.

  12. The “People’s Vote” just like the “People’s Princess” 20 years prior are no more than irritating, repugnant, substance-free soundbites dreamed up by champagne socialist cunts on both occasions.

    These supremely arrogant fuckheads genuinely believe they are in with a chance and use this shit to proclaim they represent “the people” when most people are truly fucking sick to death of dictatorial cunts like Lady WC Blocker, Phoney Blair, Keir “Stray Cat Cunt” aka Quiffy Starmer, Corblimey and Gina “Avoid dat dere groid Miller”.

    I would love to dig a fuck off mineshaft on the side of Mt Vesuvius, extending right down to the bubbling Magma and order these cunts at gunpoint to queue in order of their level of cuntitude at the mouth of the abyss and gently push each one, in turn, down the hole. Bwaah haa haa haa!


  13. People’s vote What does that mean? Thought we had a vote in 2016 when We voted to leave who voted then Robots? This bloke is a proper cunt crawl back under the stone you came out from under Labour don’t believe in democracy and never will

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