Stormzy (2)

Stormzy is a colossal cunt…

Imagine the libfuck snowflake meltdown if Tommy Robinson announced a scholarship to Cambridge for white students only?… Because that’s what chippy choccy imbecile Stormzy has done… Only Stormzy wants it to be black students only…. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: cunts like Stormzy and the BBC (black lezza actresses only for a Doctor Who audition) are getting away with apartheid… It is not diversity, it is not equality… It is fucking apartheid and racial exclusion…

Nominated by Norman

50 thoughts on “Stormzy (2)

  1. Also why does he have one of those stupid beards without a moustache. He looks like Roy Munson trying to.pass himself off as an Amish farmer in Kingpin.


      • The wanker comes from Thornton Heath, or Fawton Eef as we call it, just round the corner from me. He went to Harris Academy, a notorious shithouse school known for churning out stabby architects on a conveyor belt.
        He claims to have got 3 A* and 6 As at GCSE. I claim he is a fucking liar and a cunt.
        Oh, and his quest for equality doesn’t include everybody. Recently he had to apologise for calling someone a “fucking fag” on Twitter.

  2. Just another commie lefty cunt with a gigantic chip on his shoulder. Even though he’s had more opportunities here than he would’ve done in his native shithole. If he’s not grateful for that then he should fuck off and leave.

  3. If this were a white exclusivity promotion, the libtards, politicunts and police would be all over this as a white supremacist hate crime. The fact this is the brainchild of an uppity buck who has struck lucky from fame and fortune by emitting Neanderthal grunts to rudimentary, processed electronic sounds, must be lauded by those wankers as something most acceptable and to be encouraged.

    The success of this little social experiment will of course be down to the abilities of those candidates selected. If they express a wish to study architecture, I think we will know where this will all end up.

    Stormzy is a cunt d’or with a stupid non de plume.

  4. I remember seeing a debate between Birmingham University’s Professor of Black Studies Kehinde Andrews – cunted on here recently – and a common sense bod (can’t remember who exactly but it was someone like Peter Hitchens).

    The interviewer said to Andrews (playing Devil’s advocate): “You are a professor of ‘Black’ studies. Would you find it racist if someone held the title of professor of ‘White’ studies?”

    So Andrews fucks off on some tangent without actually answering the question (the usual tactic of libtard race-baiters) throwing in the obligatory “oppression”, “suppression” and “relevant” sound-bites, etc.

    After the endless verbiage of Andrews, the interviewer turns to the other bloke for his comments/reaction…

    “Well we don’t need Professors of White Studies because we already have them, they’re called History Professors!”

    1 – 0


    Discrimination of any form is wrong. All that “Positive Discrimination” means is that someone else is negatively discriminated against.

    Positive discrimination virtually guarantees that the most applicable person for a given role/position seldom gets it.

    By positively discriminating in favour of any group is basically saying: “This group is not good enough to get this based on their merit alone!”

    Surely – if applied to any group based purely on the cosmetic appearance of their skin colour – is the very definition of racism?

    Similarly – if applied to any group based purely on the biological factor of sex – is the very definition of sexism?

    So surely positive discrimination (limiting places/positions) to a specific group is (or should be) as offensive to that group as an exclusion would be?

    Maybe Stormzy could put forward an eloquent rebuttal to what I consider to be a fairly common sense appraisal of the situation?

    Or would he just tell me to “Shut Up!”?

  5. Expect university campus stabbings to rise. As for Stormzy, he’s a talentless ,racist cunt who can fuck right off back to the jungle.
    Good cunting Norman.
    Off topic, just seen a news article on FGM, over 23,000 girls in the UK are cut every year, in the USA it’s over 500, 000. So much for cultural enrichment .
    Good morning.

  6. Oh and there were some Sudanese ‘boys ‘ being interviewed in France, they’re trying to get to Britain, they claimed to be 14 / 15, the fuckers were well over six feet tall. Fuck off.

      • Only one word missing RWAC
        actually change that to idle daydreaming in between acts of criminality……
        or just maybe there is a group of crazy killers who are specifically targeting young “ aspiring “ professionals?
        With all the architects getting killed I’m wondering who is going to take up such a dangerous life choice?

        Excellent cunting Norman
        Stormzy is a first class Cunt and a third class human……..

    • These on the make ‘John Rambos’ should go and join the Harlem Cunttrotters… But playing basketball would actually involve some sort of work, and these ‘boys’ aren’t too fond of that. are they? Fucking cunts….

      • A cruel and unusual challenge Captain. But I did my 20 seconds last time this fuck was nominated.

        To paraphrase my great friend an mentor, the Reverend Ian Puff-Pastry:

        NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! again.

    • Morning RTCP
      Blizzard of shit ? ?
      Although I doubt Stormzy would rename himself that he should definitely consider naming his compilation album of hits? BOS!!

  7. Cambridge Dictionary

    Meritocracy: (noun) A social system, society, or organisation in which people get success or power because of their abilities, not because of their money or social position.

  8. A publicity stunt. No talent bums like this cunt know they have a limited shelf life. Sooner or later a younger version of the same act comes along and the ageing Stormcunt begins to look ridiculous. I reckon he is preparing himself for a career in race hate politics. Labour Party, safe London seat, constantly on the telly moaning about white privilege and de problems of de yoot. Stormcunt ain’t as dumb as he looks. Stormcunt MP…… trust me, it will happen.

    • Let’s hope he wins the Thornton Heath award for architecture (being stabbed to death in a piss-soaked stairwell by one or more of his “grime” rival 9olliwo9s).

  9. The blood, sweat and occasional cuntishness which built our Island nation in thrall to a pack of libtard fucktards who are nailing down the lid on what’s left of us to the theme tune of the cunt factor or cuntish bake off or some other mind warping shite. Hordes of useless cunts who have a problem using a toilet let alone fitting in welcomed and the bounty of “our” state is thrown at them whilst Tom (generic choice of name) who charged up a beach in Normandy wearing crap boots and an ill fitting uniform listening to various nasty projectiles fly past his body survives and 60 odd years later gets shanked out side his house the day after his wife dies by some cunt speaking some fuckwit jafaican or bonga or something. If the cunt had spoken intelligible English the old soldier would have handed over his pension pittance and watch as he knew life is worth more than your gas bill.
    One wonders when the current Londonistan stab a thon will come to and end likewise the incidents of gunplay at suburban stations Shootings at Rayners Lane by persons of colour what is the World coming to. Rant over meds not kicked in yet. Oh yes stomeyeeze should be stomaeeze as he does appear to be a hole with a bag of shit attached; total fucking cunt without the sense he was born with, a mate off sadick and co no doubt

  10. You lot are racists. Black culcher innit bruv. Not like that Aretha, Otis, Louis, Sam, Smoky, Gladys, Basey, Ellington Uncle Tom shit.

  11. Who the fuck does this uppity egg and spoon think he is?… Gets a bit of fame and he’s suddenly some sort of oracle or philosopher? Fuck off! He’s just scum got lucky… We all know he has a ‘colourful’ (cymbal crash!) past, that he came from a shithole, and hung about with fellow scum… So the reformed virtue siganling shit won’t wash… As Patrice Evra said to that cunt, Lilian Thuram, ‘Being black and wearing glasses and carrying a book around doesn’t make you Malcolm X!’

  12. Oooo look at me, I’m an edgy CUNT who changed the ‘s’ to a ‘z’ in my name.

    What are you, thirteen years old? The only cunts who think that’s cool, sorry.. kool, are the little edgy tryhards who tag spasticated and indecipherable names on peoples walls and fences.

    One word names are pretentious cuntitude to begin with, this is a whole new level.

  13. The Libtards will soon realise what a whrilwind of shit they have caused, especially when it starts affecting them personally!

    The “right on” white straight wimminz will soon feel left out when their black lezzer sisters start taking their jobs, university places and fuck knows what else – they will begin to feel like the ordinary white male- marginalized and demonized.

    Then the BLTQLBBC brigade will start infighting as they too will feel marginalized by other more “deserving” groups, and sooner or later everyone will be accused of being racist, sexist and all the ‘phobias – The Guardian will go into meltdown as its opinion writers start posting bitchy articles about fellow writers.

    It will all end in tears!

  14. The thing is, Shitzy is looked up to by the rest of the rape apes and murder monkeys that shuffle around in hoodies trying to look menacing to old ladies.

    What the dumb as fuck porch monkies don’t realise is thay Shitzy is a product of the white music industry.

    The only reason they tolerate it at all is because it makes then a few quid. It’s actual net worth is in negative figures.

    Everything it reckons it owns is actually just on loan from the record company.

    It will be back in ‘da hood’ soon enough and probably will end up perforated in a piss smelling lift, courtesy of its felloe aspiring architects.

    The dumb cunt.

  15. There was a big problem with drugs at Stormcunt’s school.

    Especially Class A

    I’ll get me baseball cap.

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