Football is “full of dinosaurs” says Mansfield Town chief Carolyn Radford, who claims she is patronised by other clubs’ executives “all the time”…The 36-year-old, who has run the League Two club since 2011, was one of only seven female chief executives across the Premier League and EFL last season….Radford, whose husband John is the club’s chairman, says her appearance is often commented on in boardrooms….
“My points are equally valid,” she said….
“When you walk into a room and someone’s like, ‘oh, you look gorgeous today’ … I don’t think they’d say that to another man….”
Yeah Yeah… Babble waffle piffle etc… Like you’d even be there without your old man and is influence and money… And, tell me: what attracted you to the rich but unattractive Mr Radford?
Fuck off , Lady Penelope, and go and give Parker one, you cunt…
Nominated by Norman
Maybe next time someone will say to her ‘you look like fucking shite today’, but then she won’t be happy with that either, the mardy cow.
Come back when you’ve fucking won something and we’ll take you seriously.
‘My points are equally valid’.
Well let’s have a look at them then, *fnar fnar*
Well, Radford can’t be as wealthy as all that if this is the level of bird that he settles for.
She ain’t all that and clearly has a poor complexion under all that slap and weird eyebrows that look like they will scuttle off to their hidey holes at the first sign of danger.
She looks a raddled old splosher to me. Either she’s had a facelift, or someone’s trying to bum her.
Fucking prozzie needs to keep her fucking mouth shut. She knows as much about football as flying in the air. Talk about mutton dressed as lamb.
There’s a promotional video about her on YouTube when she was trying to get on the FA council or something. It’s so bad it’s fucking hilarious. Look the bitch up.
She should have gone into acting, thats the best example of that classic ‘unexpected finger in the bumhole’ look I have ever seen outside of an x hamster setting.
I would NEVER say she looks gorgeous if ever she walked into a room I was in, primarily for the fact that I don’t think that she is. Mutton dressed as lamb (Freddie) is spot on.
Clearly thinks a lot of herself, and has married a much older guy with money.
Suggest she (and her husband) get their own house in order before pointing the finger at anyone else.
Jeezus. That tyre-biter would take your fucking leg off.
Another of those 7 female football CEOs mentioned by Norman is Katriene Miere , known as nightmiere , of Sheffield Wednesday. Nice to look at but she’s a 30 something Belgian lawyer who knows fuck all about football. Fond of calling fans “customers” one of her famous statements is:
If you have a bad meal at a restaurant you don’t scream and shout abuse at the manager.
That’s right darling you just don’t go there again, the kiss of death for a football club. She should be serving beer with her top buttons undone, dozy cow.
She’s one of the favoured guests of a football podcast James Richardson (another lefty cunt – does the World’s Strongest Man programme on Channel 5) hosts. Politics aside its not actually a bad listen although they can’t resist sneaking in a few little digs here and there at the usual libtard targets.
Looks like the ventriloquist has put his hand in the wrong hole judging by her facial expression!!
Never heard of this cunt before and hopefully never hear about her again!! Daft fuck……..
Afternoon Q.
Am assuming the right hole would be her mush?
A hard fisting in the oral cavity, that would sort her.
Afternoon RTC….
Lady Brady, there’s another football scrubber. Dirty West Ham trash. I bet she still has clothes in her wardrobe with Dave and Boris’s jizz stains on them.
Brady is the most abhorrent of all the football chairwomen/ chair-whores. Any team to whom she’s been given the purse strings is the kiss of death, which is probably the only kiss you’d want to partake with Brady. A hussy so thirsty for the dirty quid she’d do a bukake for the whole club.
I knew someone who tried to punch her in the gob…and fell in!
Has crazy eyes…
Other interests include “Columbian Marching”….just a guess….
One can only imagine how much devil’s dandruff and botox have filled that brainless bimbo… And she claims she’s offended by blokes calling her ‘gorgeous’? Fuck knows what she’d do if they called her an ugly plastic bitch (which is more accurate)… Besides, even Ray Charles would know that this bint is about as gorgeous as a turd on the pavement in the Summer of 76…
And she thinks she’s big and important in football because she’s shagged her way into the boardroom of Mansfield Town?… What a fucking laugh…
Fucking bitches cannot let men have anything to themselves and always have to stick their fucking oars in. As wimminz are all narcissistic control freaks, the thought of a man having fun by himself or with his mates, beyond her pernicious influence, is anathema to her.
Fuck the vile, frigid, selfish, humourless pigs.
Don’t sugar coat it like that TTCE
Good point, Quislings..I was being rather nice. But then I am in a (relatively) good mood over the news about Bono’s voice…?
A new confectionery item has just been announced for the bitches…
Weird woman, she looks like that weird Ken Doll fella,shes very strange looking and not at all attractive
Blimey Smasher, now that you come to mention it…
Well what do you expect from a face carved by Geppetto!
Spitting image of the Childcatcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. “Sweeties, lollipops, treacle tart, etc.”
These wimminz make me sick! If you dare compliment them they go into a hissy fit calling you a sexist cunt, and yet if you don’t compliment them they go all arsy because you didn’t compliment the fact they’ve just spent a fortune having their hair done; or had their faces made over, or had a boob job; or lost weight or dressed in some very expensive/provocative kit!
I can imagine she’s one of those “don’t you know who I am?” types, when challenged about any decision she makes in the boardroom. If anyone falls out of line she will go straight to daddy and moan, cry and stamp her feet until she gets her way.