YouGov are a bunch of cunts. After growing calls from MP’s, ‘celebrities’ and other anti-British retards, a recent YouGov poll has conveniently found that more people than ever are in favour of a second referendum. BOLLOCKS! BIG, BULBOUS, SWEATY BOLLOCKS! Remainers must be getting desperate if they think Joe Public is going to fall for this crap.
I’ve never trusted pollsters, YouGov least of all. Not one person that I know is in favour of a referendum. And considering YouGov only asked 1,653 ‘British’ adults, you can hardly call it representative of voters wishes. The fact is, support for the UK simply walking away from the EU is growing. NOBODY, except hardcore remaintards wants a second referendum. This is a blatant attempt to undermine democracy, and YouGov are cunts for it.
In other news, May is in Salzburg tonight, having travelled to Austria to get their leader’s approval for her non-Brexit Shite Paper. Too bad for her that his approval is fucking meaningless. The only people she needs to get approval from, is us, the British people. And we’ve already told her to shove it up her arse.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
And what’s the betting every one of the 1653 (if they ever existed) cunts were from London?
Islington to be precise.
If they try and pull a second referendum, they had better make sure they make it even more of a fix than the last one.
Last time, their arrogance got the better of them and not enough illegals, migrant workers and dead people were counted.
The way May is handling the ‘negotiations’ a diamond hard Brexit is on the cards and the Tories know it.
Be careful what you wish for remainers. You may not like the result.
Polls mean nothing, QDM… Like every music poll done now will feature Adele Arbuckle or Ginger Gremlin Sheeran at the top of it… Another example is that Beryl The Peril faced window licker who was in the White Stripes being in ‘Greatest Drummer’ polls… She couldn’t play if her life depended on it… I saw a DVD called ‘The Greatest Manchester United XI Ever’ and (done in 2009), it was done by a poll… Best, Schmichel, Cantona, and Charlton rightfully made the team, but the rest was Rio Ferdinand, Wayne Rooney, Nemanja Vidic, Gary Neville (?!!!), Cuntiano Ronaldo, Ryan Giggs, Roy Keane… There was no Duncan Edwards, no Martin Buchan, no Bryan Robson, and -most disgusting of all -No Denis Law… Any all time Red Devils side without Edwards, Buchan, Robson, or King Denis is a joke… Sammy McIlroy said it was a load of crap and he was right… Polls are done by and for millennial knobheads who have no knowledge or respect for history and who have little to no intelligence… And this Referendum poll is no different… They will accept any idiot’s vote if it gets them the results they want… Done by cunts, for cunts…
I can see a case for Vidic, Keane and possibly Neville being in there but Ronaldo, Giggs, Rooney and Ferdinand? No, just no – good players yes but far from the best.
George Best in his 1968 pomp said ‘I don’t talk about politics, religion, abortion, or anything like that… I don’t think it’s my place, but I also don’t want some fans or people listening to what I’ve said and taking my word for it… I’m a footballer, not a leader or a political figure… It is not my place to give opinions like that’….
A far cry from the likes of Smarmy Lineker, Kunty Perry, Emma Twatson, Banana Gob, Lily Mong, Bonio, Benderdicl Cuntberdinck, Anne Twatway, and Skankeltt Johansscunt… Who, of course, have an opinion on everything and expect -nay, demand – people take their word for it… That’s why celebricunts shouldn’t be allowed to take part in polls (any polls), and most of the cunts shouldn’t be allowed to vote either… A celebritwat like Lineker is never going to vote for the good of the people or his constituency… Cunts like that vote for themselves, their own ends, their own interests, and because their libfuck elite friends tell them to… So I say no votes for celebrities, the cunts….
The creme de la creme of Cunts!!
For my sins, I studied statistics to a high level many years ago. I used to help out with a few post doc researchers (of which I wasn’t one) in a team who were trying to get funding to investigate pretty boring stuff (mainly protein interactions within regulatory pathways, heatshock mechanisms etc). I’d always run the numbers, create a realistic model and present it to them, at which point they would always say – I think your model needs readjusting to make the numbers look more promising to our sponsors…. and that was all I needed to know about stats and the people that tend to use them. I can still make a bunch of seemingly unlrelated numbers prove absolutely any old bullshit…. and so can they. Lies, damn lies and all that.
Interesting point you make BK. A bit like ” gimme what I wanna hear ” Like you, I am very skeptical about statistics, eg” 9 out of 10 cats prefer whiskas ” I was told by someone in advertising that they had once done a tv ad for a similar catfood, where the cat had to select from several bowls of shite, and of course would always go for the one with real food.
You can’t fool a cat. Mine won’t even look at those Dreamies treats they advertise on tv.
70% of our cats like Dreamies.
Hardly a ringing endorsement.
10 out 10 cats prefer a real fish.
Mine won’t fucking touch one, fussy cow.
Try her on KP nuts, moggie…
Maybe she is in a transition period towards becoming an elephant.
I think my missus’s pussy does, fucking stinks of it.
Well that’s pretty much how it works.
The MPs don’t go to the stats authority saying “I want to know the current state of a particular section of the NHS my constituents are concerned about in order to make it better” , they go “By hook or by crook we need to gather some numbers that make a particular section of the NHS look wasteful and inefficient, we then sell it to Branson for some magic beans at which point I’ll get a non executive directors position and you guys keep your jobs and pensions… deal? If the ONS wont fiddle te books, they simply create a quango (and give it undue prominece) that will. And so Mr Statto (it will never be a Mrs) will go out and gather ‘worse case scenario’ numbers and apply it to the department as a whole. Will then likely find a way to ramp everything up by 15/20% in the process by forecasting an unrealistic inflation figure. Hey presto, job done. Waiting in the wings is Virgin or whatever with a bid for the service which is 50% under ‘current cost’. Government claims savings, section gets sold off and everyone wins….. except the tax payer. Happens every 10 minutes in Whitehall under a Tory goverment and every 15 under a labour one.
You Guv. The State Sponsored Stasi of misinformation, staffed by right on retards, supported by Gaurdian reading pea brained idiots, and believed by utter fucking Morons.
1984: the ministry of truth is apon us.
Absolutely spot on AA
Like rats on a sinking ship the remoaners are getting more desperate with each passing day, the remain rhetoric is going to turned up on a daily basis, from no sandwiches or medical supplies to the spectre of the army on the streets, this poll is just utter bollocks!! Project fear has never gone away, it’s just been refined……..
“Remainers must be getting desperate if they think Joe Public is going to fall for this crap.”
I don’t get it. Remoaners have already scuppered Brexit and got Brino, so what more do they expect to achieve? Apart from overturning the Referendum entirely and staying IN.
But the EU wouldn’t agree to that now… there’d be a price to pay… and that price would probably be joining the Euro, and signing up to Schengen.
Not even Appeaser May would cave in to that… would she?
Yep..she would.
Jeez… you’re right… and the snowflakes would jump at joining the Euro and Schengen!
All part of the Remoaner’s cunty plan. I get it now.
Excellent points RTC
Drunker mentioned all members having to adopt the Euro within a limited time frame, to keep us they would
Probably give us some bullshit about keeping the pound, i for one wouldn’t trust those lying Cunts!! , erdogan has publicly said the EU has promised turkey full membership to the Union, the Brussels mafia refused to comment on that? , you can only kick that can down the road so far as edogan has the ace card, holding back the migrant tsunami he can really pile pressure on the EU……….
For the cunts at YouGov- for your information a much more extensive and comprehensive poll of how people feel about the EU or was actually held on 23rd June 2016.
This poll gave only two options to the British people to choose, and were quite clear and unambiguous and were as follows:
a) to leave the EU (this includes leaving the single market AND customs union, as advocated by both the Conservative party and the Labour party)
b) to remain in the European Union
Both the Conservative party and the Labour party agreed to respect the result of this referendum.
33.6m people voted out of a possible 46.5m (72.21% turnout). The highest turnout for many years. This provided the government with a clear indication of the views of the British electorate mandate to join
You can relate this directly to the joining the EU (common market) turnout back in 1975 where only 64.67% of the electorate voted- to join (25.9m votes).
Surely by any logical reasoning or rationale the 2016 referendum is a greater number of votes and turnout with which to assess the British electorates instructions. To Leave.
My considered opinion that if we were to hold a second referendum tomorrow, is that Leave would win by a greater margin than before. Unfortunately I simply do not trust this government and their supporters any more to conduct the referendum fairly. Just look at Zimbabwe FFS. Also I feel the people of this country should be spared any more project fear as the majority of information is unnecessary unsubstantiated lies and negative speculation (as it was the first time round).
Remaining in any form should not appear as any second referendum option as we have already voted to LEAVE. And in any case there is no such thing as hard or soft Brexit- we are either in or out, which means hard Brexit.
And anyway, why should we as we have already had a referendum with a clear message to the government.
I consider myself to be relatively intelligent (open to question obviously) but have weighed up the facts and figures that I am able to trust (which to be completely honest are few and far between) and have seen what is happening in my own town and elsewhere in the country and frankly have had enough.
For Remainers to say that it is not really happening, or only because I read the horror stories in the press is incredibly insulting. More insulting is calling me a racist, as I am far from it. What I believe in is fairness and in Britain placing British people first. Only people who have paid into the British system for many years should be allowed to take out of it.
I am hoping that we crash out of the EU, and this having happened (and after the blaming for what happened continues for many months/years) hope as a country we are able to galvanise ourselves into once again, a country that can be a force to be reckoned with, as the current time we are nothing more than a laughing stock
The money we save from being an EU member should be used to strengthen our border control, police force and defence systems. I would be reluctant to give the NHS any more money until they can get themselves sorted out. The government should get some serious business brains involved to sort this and other drains of resources and tighten things up.
For those millions of immigrants here, I would now consider deporting any who cannot demonstrate that they have full time jobs here in the UK, certainly jobs and skills in positions that we require. I would deport any of our immigrant friends who have been up to no good, abused our hospitality and been found guilty of criminal acts.
Having said this, all of the above can only happen if we get a serious, no nonsense party governing the country who want change, and to put the peoples of this country first.
And how fucking likely is that?
And re Zimbabwe, Emmerson M’Tembe Umbongo is better-looking than Treesa.
And I is straight !
Epic piece Willy Stroker . A fucking spot on read!
When I was a lad, celebrity gobshites weren’t unheard of, but there wasn’t many of them… Vanessa Redgrave and John and Yoko spring to mind… But ever since Slob Geldof and his ‘Give us yer focken mon-ee!’ bullshit and Bonio’s pontificating they have multiplied and there are now scores of them… Every two bit cunt with a bit of fame thinks they are some sort of avatar or oracle…. And what’s all the more sickening is these cunts have the hubris to believe they should dictate who we should have in our homes (ie: lovable peaceful sandfilth off the banana boats) and how the population of an entire country should or should not vote… Scum bastard scum cunts…
La Redgrave always virulently pro-Palestine, if I remember.
I certainly remember Marty Feldman (“The B Side”) describing her as “two small men in a large tweed costume.”
Unless their sample size was every single British citizen then it’s less than worthless.
There’s so many things wrong with the setup that statistically my position that the whole thing is garbage is stronger than the statistics they’re trying to push!
Polls are for manipulating public opinion, not for showing actual trends.
I don’t mind Poles, they do a brilliant wash and shine for £4 up my way…
I’ll get me coat…..,
If GB was a normal,well adjusted Nation,the Army would have stepped in by now,suspended Parliacunt, had the EUSSR commisars flown over to blighty and told by the Generals to go fuck themselves,rounded up all the Quislings and sent em to the Falklands,told the politicians that their feeding trough in Parliacunt would only be reopened once the UK was 100% Brexited and they’d generally carried out the referendum result.Is that too much to ask?
You fucking snowflake CsRus.
Where’s the public executions and floggings? Too many limp wristed lefties on this site.
Nice work CRU!!
You’ve got my vote………… ?
All these poll companies are cunts. Who paid for the poll? They never publish that.
Did you ever see that film with Peter Cooke The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer? It’s a bit wank but strangely prophetic.
Youguv are just a bunch of cunts. Let’s call them what they are……..The Ministry of Propaganda.
They ask the questions they want to ask and then find the answers they wanted in the first place.
Youguv are just like the BBC….. a bunch of Establishment arselickers who don’t even bother to pretend to be anything else.
Am surprised this shite-fest hasn’t been re-imaged as EuGov…
What we are facing is the biggest propaganda shit show ever. In all of time there hasn’t ever been a more intensive attempt to influence the thoughts and minds of a nation.
Bring on the stats, the threats, the doom and gloom, the forecasts. I don’t give a fuck. I voted with my heart and it says fuck the EU more and more everyday.
We are supposed to be the thickos who didn’t understand what we were voting for. At least I never succumbed to project fear and all the supposed bollocks that will happen to us.
Remainers claim the moral high ground because of the bus. They never miss an opportunity to bring it up, as if a single message emblazoned on the side of a bus influenced me. What I really think is it says more about them than about us in that they believe people can be so easily influenced.
They claim project fear to actually be a credible source of information. Has anything they claimed turned out to be true ? There are so many outrageous claims such as immediate economic impact and job losses, the punishment budget, WW3, £4300/year worse off, to the more rediculous shortage of toilet paper, no food, super ghonnorea, no medicine etc etc.
The have the fucking bollocks to claim leave have a credibility problem. WTF !
Am I reading this right ?
Man Utd XI
Gary Neville ?
Ferdinand ? Ffs surely a joke
You could have played the dead chuckle brother there and he would have been the same
Ferdinand – for who ? Martin Buchan
Rio cudny lace the mans boots
And I’m not a Man Utd fan and not even English or black / broon or yellow