As we all know, this is the bloke who punched a girl out outside a nightclub and rendered her unconscious… First of all, any man who punches a woman in such a fashion is a coward and a cunt… But the patheticness (is that a word?) of this tosser is made all the more sickening by the white paint job being done by his mother… There are eyewitnesses that say Holmes was verbally abusing and threatening other young women and he’s caught on camera punching one to the ground with as much force as possible…
Yet his old lady is bleating ‘You don’t know the full story!’ ‘My son is not a thug!’ ‘He’s a good boy!’ The mother of every school bully, hooligan, and yobbo in the world always says that… I remember Gary Robinson’s old lady saying all this shite to my mum and dad after the little cunt had bust my sister’s nose in the early 80s ( I later and promptly busted his, the fucking sadistic cunt!), and the sick bucket was needed when Mrs Holmes whined ‘My son looks after me! He’s a carer!’ Why do they have to make their thuggish and woman beating offspring look like paragons of virtue who help old ladies across the road? It’s sickening…
And as they went to the cop shop, Holmes and his old lady really looked like a disabled mother and her carer, didn’t they? Fuck off! Scum is scum is scum, end of….
Nominated by Norman
One few things Mourinho is nearly right about (I appreciate you have only recently nominated him), is that money rarely buys class. Man City might be one of the exceptions to the rule.
Remember the lowlife yob Michael Carroll back in 2002 who won £9.7m on the lottery? He caused a lot of problems for neighbours and others with his antisocial behaviour requiring incarceration. Within 10 years had blown the lot with fuck all to show for it.
Also remember hearing the story many years ago of a shitty family on benefits who won £1m on the lottery. Same old story- within a year had wasted the lot, and were allowed to go back on benefits again.
Why do so many mothers stick up for their children after they have committed crimes, most recently one of the mothers of those two low life Beatles cell duo who the US want to extradite and charge (and execute) for terrorist acts? Logically, immoral scummy children are brought up by immoral scummy parents so hardly surprising they behave as they do, and will get parents support. With these families this will be passed down the line from one generation to the next.
As you say, scum is scum, is scum.
No reason to go broke like that after winning 9 million, you are set for fucking life!
I remember the documentary on michael carrol chav scum who’s a deadbeat dad even after winning it big really depressing stuff
Couldn’t agree more, Willie… These excrement who blow big jackpot wins and act all Billy Big Bollocks are thick as pigshit and total scum… If I ever won such a lottery prize I would tell about two people who I know wouldn’t blab… No other cunt would know about it and the media certainly wouldn’t… Neither would I live lavishly like a complete bellend and flash bastard cunt… Being set for life would be more than enough…
And Apple (the original one, not the electronic tat twats) should threaten to sue any media outlet that refers to those terrorist sandfilth as ‘Beatles’… What’s the point of copyrighting the name if you’re not going to protect it? If a white person (or persons) were referred to as Beatles, you can bet your life they’d get the knackers sued off them… But not our peaceful friends, oh no…
Good point Norm. Could Apple sue?
Beatles name will be misused bigly if those sub-primates ever get to be tried in America.
Apparently the name ‘The Beatles’ can’t be trademarked but their logo (with the dropped ‘T’) is. So Apple would have scant chance of successfully suing….and I doubt that McCuntny and Puko Ono would wish them to either, given their love-in Lefty standpoints.
Today’s offering.
Gone before Xmas.
Bin man Carroll was indeed a cunt for spunking his 9.7 m but he’s remedial and appears to have the IQ of a brain damaged rodent! , although a two bob car stealing thief lee Ryan appeared to be of average ( by criminal standards) intelligence and still managed to burn his way thru 6.5 m !! Frittered away on Ferrari’s and acting the Cunt!!
FFS!! Stupid cunts……….
Sorry forgot to mention……
any cunt who wins euro millions or the national lottery and wants the publicity is beyond doubt A grade A cunt of biblical proportions and completely beyond hope…….
I’d fucking love the publicity, Q. It would annoy so many people.Although,of course,I am without doubt an A grade Cunt anyway.
Are you not worried about your misdemeanor’s over the years and being recognised?
“I know that cunt!”
And the begging letters, come on dig deep ,little M’tebh isn’t going to dig his own well.
I wonder if there’s some little kid called M’ tebh in Africa getting annoyed at all of us on ISAC for dissing him?
“ de Cunt quislings said dat”
“ de Liberal da liquidator said i is a lazy cunt”
Just sayin……. ?
That’s funny DF!! ???
Getting begging letters would be half the fun. Sitting by a roaring open fire,quietly chuckling at M’tebh’s latest misfortune and then casually chucking his begging letter and a wad of £50 notes onto the flames…..Happy Days.
I heard Dick Fiddler is going to put him through university on a architecture course.
Naming your son Liam is a like a bad omen I’m telling you…. and the best that will happen is he will join a shitty britpop with loads of undeserved fame
Liam its like the chaviest name ever in existence and hearing it makes me think of scum like this
surely ‘Jayden’ is the most chavtastic name currently?
Current riff-raff favourite names Top 10…
1. Miley (after Miley Slagrus, of course)
2. Scarlett (after arch libflake and uber celebrislag, Skanklett Johansscunt)
3. Kanye (after chippy darkie megalomaniac cunt)
4. Morgan (after who knows? Willie fucking Morgan?)
5. Callum (after deceased Corrie drug dealing cunt)
6. Beyonce (after decadent coconut celebrity lardarse)
7. Caitlin (after ugly circus freak celebrity transbender cunt aka Brucie)
8. Adele (after tuneless fat cow, Adele Arbuckle)
9. Princess (for fuck’s sake!)
10. Paris (after airhead slag Paris Hilton and fat not at all Jacko offspring Paris Jackson)
Utterly chavtastic, pop pickers…
A distinguished list of cuntables, Norman.
It’s a bit 90s now, but I always had a soft spot for Kylie-Anne, as in ‘c’mere Kiley-Anne or I’ll thump ya, yer little cunt!’
I was with my granddaughter at the play park the other day when some old slapper (must have been all of 16) bawls out at some little toerag (complete with pulsating snotbubble) ‘fucking put that down Cheyenne!’. Ffs.
But my fave of the moment came in a bistro in town. Couple of yahs were in with their trio of ratty, spoiled little arseholes, two boys and a girl, named Noah, Jacob and (would you believe it) CASCADE. What a fucking joke.
Anything starting with, “O”, with less than three syllables. Oliver or fecking Oscar. Very chav.
Might you be related to esteemed cunter CaliAngel by any chance Monique?
Yep. It’s me.
Ending in N is pretty unfortunate and yet it’s not the poor cunts’ fault. Probably a few ISACs on here might just be called
Colin, Martin, Norman, Kevin etc etc etc. See what I mean…
Anoraks United
Any woman squaring up to a man who is obviously aggressive and threatening is a stupid cunt, and is likely to take one.
When I was in my teens, some thug punched a local girl a couple of times breaking her nose and eye socket.
Cops dealt with it, cunt got small sentence for assault and had to pay some compensation.
But his real problems started when he came out of nick.
The girl was the little sister of what the police described as a “known” family.
He was found and beaten senseless.
After the dust had settled and the plaster casts were removed, in true old school revenge, he was done a second time….
Had to learn to write and wank with his left hand apparently….
And they say there is no justice.
Nothing more than the scrote deserved.
A happy end to an unpleasant story……
Regarding the fucking toe rag in the headline post let’s hope something similar happens to the cowardly Cunt!!
Never heard of this joker, but if he’s on here it stands to reason he’s a cunt, end of.
You are most likely correct re “issues” the cunt is almost certain to be in the process of transiting into something or other or training to be an architect maybe both. Cracked under the strain of denial, caring for his dear old mum and all that studying would be my diagnosis of what caused his appalling cuntery. One can but hope a swift and extremely painful course of treatment will prevent further cuntish behaviour on his part.
I would never hit a woman like that but the modern man hating feminists who think they can do everything better than men really do tempt me sometimes just to see if they can actually take their punches like a man as they seem to believe.
Send him to the DPRK.
Looking at your chav names has reminded me of something from a while back.
You can generate a seemingly authentic American name by just combining two
British town names. ie:
frimley green
fleet lake
stanwell moorhead
weston greene
hampton west
wisley hill
brent longford
malden stoneleigh
clandon marsh
And to top it all, this name was actually used in an episode of ‘Burke’s Law’ starring Gene Barry from the 1960s
…….. Wimbledon Hastings. …. it was all about …. would you believe … tennis!!
Have a go cunters, and see what good ones you can come up with !
Maybe you overlooked Peniston Trunch (III) ?
Thetford Lowestoft?
Grenfell Combust.
Dirty cowardly weak little poof. Cunts like this should be…….,,hold on a minute. He’s not a pikey is he? If he is then beating up women is part of their culture and should be respected. Besides which the coppers are not allowed to touch them anyway.
Of course, if he’s not a pikey that’s “cultural appropriation “ and he should be locked up for a thousand years.