I’m no great football fan but have been enjoying the World Cup. However, I can’t pick a paper up without that glory-stealing old bag,Rebekah Vardy, trying to shoehorn her way into the celebrations.
She obviously wants to believe that she’s the next “Posh”(God Forbid),but at least Posh was married to a regular starter who didn’t resemble Albert Steptoe. I was fucking relieved when Vardy didn’t get to take the winning penalty,that bitch of a wife of his would have probably claimed it was all down to her sucking his cock the night before. Anything for a bit of publicity.
She also,amongst the mainly younger other wags, looks like the corpse of Nelson Mandela that has been stood in the sun a bit too long. Far too much tan,make-up,fillers and botox allied to a determination to be centre-stage makes her appear to be a Cunt who really does need a kick in the Cunt. I wont ask Jordan Henderson,he’d probably miss…No,I’ll do it myself…a steel-toe capped felling welly right up her kipper-crate. That’ll shut the Cunt up.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler
Yeah, another wannabe who wants to follow in the shitsteps of the like of Posh Becks and Corrine Rooney.
She hasn’t achieved fuck all, knows fuck all, and looks like a moose with a pair of hairy tits. Not sure what Vardy was thinking when he poked her up the ‘arris and then proposed? Maybe he was drunk with delusion after Leicester won the Premiership 2 or 3 years ago. But OMG he could have done a lot better than getting shacked up with the Mound of the Hound of the Cuntervilles.
In my Leicester days (NOT hanging around Filbert St.), I was told that “Semper Eadem” stood for “Always in the 2nd div.”
But I kno fuck all abaht nuffin.
Most Leicester fans believed that Leicester were a bit too good for the 2nd division but not good enough for the first, I would say that is still the case.
sorry quick change of topic.newsflash , theresa may will either resign this weekend or call an election when it finally dawns on her that she is in an impossible position over brexit. she simply cannot please everyone.
That’s why she’s there.
If she managed to please just ONE person, that would be a miracle.
Useless bitch.
Another rotting attachment to the modern game: the Wagslag…. From Dog Spice, Yoko Beckham, to crosseyed Geordie chav got lucky, Cheryl Tweedy/Cole/That Foreign Bloke/Payne/ Wor-Slapper… Right through to that other chav jackpot winner and Brookie/Hollyoaks slag clone, Colleen Rooney and now this anvil faced Vardy slattern… All cunts with well overused cunts….
To quote Viz (before it went soft) “face like a fookin welder’s bench”
Well put Norman,
The other thing that boils my piss is the bringing their spoilt cunts onto the pitch after winning a cup or celebrating a testimonial. When England won the World cup in 66 the players dined separately from their wives and girlfriends that night. It was only when Sir Alf gave them “permission” to go and have a drink with them that they met up later. All this bringing on some sprog in the club kit and carrying them round like the European cup is just fucking shite. Boxing ditto – “Hey Adrienne – I won”.
PS – bit of trivia for you – when England won in 66 they received a sum of money (not sure how much but less than Rooney and co earn in a fucking heartbeat) and a car. They all got Mk1 Lotus Cortina’s with copies of their signatures painted on the front wings. I did see (a few years ago mind) Nobby Stiles one up for sale in the exchange and mart. On topic – Vardy’s wife is a real pig in a skirt. I would love to hear the craic between them. Caught a few minutes of that “Love Island” the other night – the splitarses on there are as thick as whale spunk – and destined to be footballers wives at some stage.
They don’t make players wives like they used to… Bobby Charlton got lucky with the lovely Norma… No wonder his hair fell out….
It really fucked me off when she was ‘allowed’ to take her brats to Russia ‘with the school’s blessing’ when the rest of us poor cunts would get a fine.
The school probably realised that the kids were beyond any hope…
I don’t rate any of these wags. It’s all fake tits, fake eyelashes, fake tan, fake everything.
You’re right, I don’t know why footballers are attracted to these horrors. Boy does she look rough. Give me the natural look any time.
You and me both Allan.
Don’t know why women bother with make up and all that stuff.
Would you really want to see Rebekah Vardy without makeup?
Remember Medusa?
Yes, but only for a laugh.
Reckon she spends hours getting herself ready.
A really good cunting Dick, of a vacuous common place tart, with little if any attractive aura or intellect. As a footballer worth millions he could have pulled better, but instead opted for a relief map of the moon on wedges.
Ive seen tastier dog shit parcels!
“The REAL World Cup winner! Rebekah Vardy is set to make £1.5M from brand collaborations and TV roles in the next year after cementing her status as Queen of the WAGs
EXCLUSIVE: Rebekkah Vardy, 36, has cemented her status during World Cup
Filled the gap left by the likes of Colleen Rooney, and is expected to cash in
Brand expert Claire Shiels who specialises in sport predicts she can make £1.5M”
Queen of the Wags,indeed. A parasite in the Yoko Ono mould,desperate to steal a bit of fame no matter how undignified her whoring appears. I can’t imagine why Vardy was stupid enough to get himself trapped by this money-grabbing old slapper. If I had his money,it’d be fresh meat every night,and none of the aged stuff. What’s the good of being a millionaire football star if you’ve got to put up with slack, worn growler? I’d want something where I couldn’t hear an echo when she fanny-farted.
Fuck her.
Yet she now becomes another vacuous role-model for Millennials and the Gen Zs to look up too.
No talent, no intelligence, no qualifications other than being in the right place at the right time, and now she’s going to be earning millions through endorsements for all sorts of glamorous shit!
Kids these days see her as their idol; and everything else – like an education or an apprenticeship – don’t matter any more
The highly perceptive Japanese Mrs Stroker has told me several times that she has never liked Jamie Vardy’s face, saying that he has the face of a bad person.
I suppose she has partly been proved right after Jamie Vardy used a racial slur against a Japanese man in a casino.
“The word ‘racist’ is a permanent stain against my name. It’s worse than a criminal record. “I was angry at the time and I’d had too much to drink but I’d never have used the word ‘Jap’ if I’d known it was racist.” “I wanted him to know there was ignorance, not malice or prejudice, behind the word I used.”
Vardy has said he was “ignorant” rather than racist.
Mrs Stroker and I rather suspect that may well be both, and that he and Mrs Vardy are a perfect match (excuse the pun).
Willie, I must admit that I had no idea that “Jap” was racist,but I suppose if “Paki” is, then “Jap” must be too. …Not that’ll stop me,of course,but at least I know…..I wonder if “Brit” is a racist word also?
Brexit apparently is.
Yanks who refer to “Brits” are racist. Brits who refer to “Aussies” are racist. We live in a terrible world, do we not?
Whenever my mum saw a Japanese person she’d say “Ooh…there’s a nasty Nip in the air all of a sudden…”
I’m with DF in that I didn’t realise JAP was rascist, I just thought it was a harmless abbreviation like Aussie with no racial slur intended, I think the abbreviation Paki was frequently used in right wing literature and was then obviously viewed as rascist language….
Are all abbreviations now seen as rascist?
Whoever came up with the abbreviation WAGS!! Needs the Cunt kicked out of them…..
vacuous nonentitys like stick insect Beckham and this vardy moose have been legitimised ( given a platform) and have by default become idols to a generation of simple minded easily impressed fools! ………
Paki, simply means white/pure. Urdu I believe. I was told this by a Pakistani who told me that there is a brand of underwear named Paki ( meaning pure/clean/white )
Presumably the pure/clean/white is the type of girl they prefer.
Jap is about as racist as Brit. Or Gerry for German. In other words not racist at all.
Paki is an interesting one. Depending on the context, it ranges from purely descriptive (Paki shop) to violently racist (Paki bashing), but does not come close to the emotional charge of the N word.
My missus is of Asian descent and we regularly use every derogatory term under the sun, but always in humour, never in hate. When she pisses me off I never resort to racist language, I just tell her she’s a cunt or words to that effect. We’re pretty well united when it comes to peacefuls.
Fuck me, is this post actually relevant? Been feeling a bit light headed recently….
When Sikh and Hindu Brits and Indians refer to Pakistani Peacefuls as ‘Pakis’ (which they do, as they understandably fucking despise them), is it ‘racist’ then?…. Let the libfuck snowflakes chew on that…
Don’t be absurd – only whites can be racist, everyone knows that.
I’m willing to believe him when he says it was ignorance. I mean, he isn’t the brightest ain’t he?
One of my South African Indian friends always referred to them as Pakis, talking about cricket. He was Moslem and there was no slur intended. What isn’t racist according to the cunts who decide these things?
Looks like a fat faced cunt to me!
Cum swallowing, attention seeking, spazmatron two bit slapper.
I sense a vacancy for an arbiter/ombudsman on the racism quotient of words like Jap, Paki, Kraut etc, I nominate Prince Phillip. There’s no downside, His calls will be fucking funny and it will piss off countless snowflakes.
I would very much like to second that Three Strokes.
A more than worthy contender.
Ten quid says she drives a white Range Rover to the nail bar at least twice a week….
Has anyone seen the new Toyota Aygo TV advert which shows what looks like text messages (including smiley faces) being displayed on the dashboard with accompanying audio?
How fucking annoying would that be?
Have only just seen the advert the once and wanted to kick the bastard TV screen in.
Just seen that advert. Made my piss reach boiling point in a fucking nano-second. Load of old pish. Just drive the car you sappy cunt.
In much the same way that The Empire Cunts Back looks just like Ronnie O’Sullivan, I’ve managed to convince myself that you look just like your avatar Matthew Hopkins, Mr F.
How closely *do* you resemble him?!
I rather resemble Joey Deacon myself.
Ive always imagined DF running around some Cumbria estate like the witch finder general and I’m not going to let reality get in the way of that.
As for Myself, if Clint was a well fed functioning alcoholic with the complexion and gait of Joseph Fritzl’s grandchildren… yeah.. might be accurate.
I’m the spitting image of him Mr. Cunt-Engine,except I have a slightly more supercilious look about me. People sometimes accuse me of appearing condescending and sneery, but I shouldn’t be lambasted for pointing out their failures and shortcomings….Plebs.
Just imagine that face without the war paint… would look like Matt Lucas’s ‘prettier’ sister !!! sharpie eybrows, ‘allergic reaction’ lips and a skin tone somewhere between Bisto and Dorito.
My wife might not be the prettiest, but she can still turn a head without an hour on the trowel.. doesn’t make her any less of a cunt mind you but if I went to bed with Madonna and woke up with Maradonna I’d probably have reached for the noose a long time ago.
Vardy’s chin looks rather like this unfortunate woman who has Cherub Syndrome…
Peter Crouch, when asked the classic question “what would you be if you hadn’t been a footballer?” famously replied “ a virgin”.
Yes, it’s amazing how many of these multi-millionaires are dumb enough to end up with the old skanks they could have had if they worked in Tescos. Think Rooney, think Beckham, think this Vardy cunt. Even when they get their hands on a bit of quality, like Jamie Redknapp, it never lasts. This Vardy bitch is just another old slag with pound notes in her eyes and fuck all between her ears.
PS anybody who spells their name like that is a cunt. If her parents spelt it like that 36 years ago they are even bigger cunts.
DId any of you see the Flabbot at this shindig earlier .
That’s cruel Mr Fistula. The biblebashers always say “ god will provide”. Well he certainly provided for that whale in the orange shirt, that’s for sure.
I believe he also invented KFC and MPs expenses for the Flabbotpotamus.
Dayamn, lawdie lawdie, them’s is some fat gawd-luvvin’ blackies, Mr. Fistula. The one in the orange shirt can’t half move though, for someone who weighs a quarter of a ton.
Yes Thomas, you wouldn’t want to wake up with that squatting over your face. Lordy Lordy aaaamen
Grim. Grim. Grim.
Jamie vardy looks like the judder man from the old Metz TV advert…..
The WAG’s enclosure for the England team looks more like Crufts.
And what the fuck was Bestie thinking when he did this?! Mind you, I’d have probably sunk to such depths myself if I was promised the full whack off Mary Stavin…
“…but at least Posh was married to a regular starter who didn’t resemble Albert Steptoe.”
I fucking howled at that one!
I (thankfully) have no idea who his Mrs is. No doubt to be seen on an episode of Loose Women soon…
Who are these useless and pointless cunts. Waste of fucking space