A nomination for an industrial scale cunting is for Christie Elan-Cane.
This creepy Nosferatu impersonator has, fortunately, lost a court case against the U.K. government. It was trying to have a “gender neutral” category of British Passport. To look at it, it can probably leave its coffin and explore far and wide without the restriction of boundaries prior to sunrise and without the need to pass through immigration.
Gender neutral bellend/cunt.
Nominated by Sir Cuntalot
What the fucking fuck is THAT?
Somebody kill it for fucks sake!
I’m scared.
Kill it! Kill it with fire FFS!
Where the fuck is Flaxon Saxon when you need him?
Occasionally seen on Dio’s site.
Job for Van Helsing, looking at that picture.
I’m gonna sleep with the light on tonight.
Freddie, I have just literally pissed myself reading your reply.
Fuck you Krav, I fucking shit myself! Try clearing that mess up!
Its already dead FTF !! ?
Seems as if it’s stolen a line from Welby-Cuntuar.
One of his knob-goblins, perhaps ?
Surely before you assess its gender, you determine if it’s human…
Chupacabra cunt….
Fuck me. I jumped out of my chair when I caught a glimpse of that thing. It looks like Voldemort mixed with a hairless cat. Fucking state of it.
Looks like the Druid in Britannia. Just slightly uglier.
Its another one of the fecking look at me club, grow up for fecks sake you cuntox there is no such thing as gender neutral, male or female unless your an hermaphrodite which if you are bad luck, but go and fuck yourself.
Spot on civvydog! Also the bigger cunts, are the arseholes who pander to these time wasting feckless twats!
I thought it was a recent picture of Sinead O’Connor.
R.E.M.’s best days are behind them.
Is the Crystal Maze coming back??
I knew the cunt reminded me of something!
I for one welcome our new alien overlord
Years ago, before some cunt dreamed up “Care in the Community” ( let’s save a load of money and waste it on something else ) freaks like this were locked up in psychiatric hospitals to protect them from the. public and vice versa.
Now we are expected to laud them like heroes ( or heroines or something ) and bow and scrape to their every whim and demand.
How the fuck did that happen? There’s a PhD thesis in it for somebody somewhere.
Here’s my effort:
Fuck off freak cunts.
I have peer reviewed your thesis and am pleased to award you with a PhD in ‘observed cuntery’ for unequivocally calling a cunt a cunt.
Please accept tenure at ISAC University and henceforth cunt cunts at your leisure.
Regarding the Care in the Community thing: such a policy means that severely disabled people – MY BROTHER for example – can be cared for at home by my parents and be in a nice, safe environment which enables them to live a happy life instead of being miserable and forgotten in an institution. So excuse me if I take umbridge at your suggestion that disabled people such as my brother should be locked up purely because they were born with certain disabilities they can’t do anything about.
OP, that’s a sad and distressing situation. Care In The Community has certainly benefitted your brother and family. Nonetheless, let’s not forget that John “Second Referendum” Major dreamed up this scenario to close down institutions and therefore save a ton of cash. People I know who work in Health say it was a ghastly policy and at best a disaster.
I’m glad you saw good from it though.
p.s. John Major’s a cunt.
Truth be told I don’t think Freddie meant his comment in that kind of way. I think it’s more just a case of blunt phrasing – which being a blunt asshole myself I totally understand. Oh, Belgiumistan are losing to the Japanese by the way – so funny.
Don’t even particularly like football but think think that’s great OC. The Japs 2-0 up on the Belgians who just missed a feckin sitter! Who’d ave thought it!?
Well that came back to haunt me…
If Major had stayed as the bus conductor
job of his youth, he could have been an
inspector now (Blakey)
Supercunt grey man.Favourite dish..Curry.
Attila, if Major had become Blakey (“Mmm, I’ll get those Eurosceptic Bastards, mmm!”), we’d have been denied his greatest moment; doing the sly behind Norma’s back with Eggwina Currie whilst simultaneously proclaiming, “Back to Basics!”
What a berk.
Looks like he should be worrying about his health and longevity, not the made up, top of the liberal bullshit league, gender nonsense
Cunt looks about as dead as Shitlery Clinton.
Probably enjoys a good double figging .Expect to see lots more freaks like this as the years roll by and the country sinks further into the gloop of ever increasing diversity bollocks.
Send for Rentokil.
Kill that fucking freak before it lays eggs
This fucking freak is entitled to think what he/she/it wants. However it/she/him does not have the right to force their ridiculous ideas on me.
Where the fuck do you find these cunts? The Welsh Assembly? Stonehenge? Whitby Abbey?
Fuck me it can have whatever it wants if it will go away.
Far as I’m concerned, it can have Carbuoy Jones and Leanne Woods.
Fucking gender neutral scum…
Look – if you were born with a cunt, clit, eggs & uterus set, you’re a fucking female. If you were born with a knob (however tiny) and one or two testicular bits, that makes you a bloke. If you were born with both a cunt and knob, that’d make you an hermaphrodite, in which case you’d be officially classified either male or female, depending on which of your naughty bits are dominant.
Jesus Christ, it won’t be long before some cunt declares it their ‘human right’ to be officially classified as DEAD, just cos they ‘identify’ as dead. They’ll then demand an official Death Certificate, no questions asked, so their distraught snowflake dependants can cash in on rip-off life insurance policies, premiums starting at only 13p a day if any fuckwit’s interested.
Give us a fucking break dear, FFS!
Hotblack Desiato spent a year dead for tax reasons, so in my book there is precedent.
I may try that the next time HMRC investigate me (for the third time), claim that i identify as dead and see what happens when they try and trample my ‘deceased human rights’, just need to find a transbender brief (Grenfell standard) stating that it is my human right to be declared dead but retain benefits and pay no tax.
Either that or claim political asylum from my own government persecuting me, .
Paeaedophiles should have their water entirely withdrawn for a day and the only way it’s reinstated is by having full sex with Salem’s Lot here whilst kissing it passionately. A proper punishment indeed.
I was going to suggest something similar but I suspect it would be no deterrent for a lot of these filthy scum.
The peacefuls would love it for a start. Must be better than a goat or balancing on a stepladder to fuck a camel?
I daresay peacefuls would look at it the same way they’d glare at a bar of soap…fear, confusion and contempt…much like their opinion of having sex with a white woman over the age of 18.
I was just going to say, separated at birth…
Looks like Tom Hanks’ character at the end of Philadelphia. What an attention seeking fuckwit. Don’t these cunts realise that 99.99% of people don’t give a flying rat shit about their gender neutral bollox. She, he, it or whatever the fuck that is, needs to crawl back under it’s stone and STAY THERE. Cunt.
Unfortunately Cuntbubble that’s part of the problem there doesn’t seem to be an allowed position of “I DON’T CARE”. We either have to be positive or are classified as racist sexist transphobic etc apathy is no defence as they that as lack of support so therefore we have to be negative.
As Kravdarth has said before gays have achieved their aims of legality so move on and be quiet but like all these cunts wimminz, ex slaves, etc they just have to keep moaning on many many many years after the big problem is fixed. Cunts one and all.
Agreed Goodwoodone. Eloquently put sir.
There is literally nothing funny I can say that hasn’t already been said. Sunlight and a 12″ black plastic one through the heart and we will all sleep better at night.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s only lost at the High Court. I can’t see it settling for that. The Supreme Court beckons.
Meantime, lock yer doors and buy plenty of garlic. I’ve seen Salem’s Lot and know just what that cunt’s capable of…
Yeah, she’s not exactly Ingrid Pitt is she?
More like Cecil Pitt……cesspit!
Looks like Richard O’Brien from the Crystal Maze after a month long crystal bender.
I wouldn’t even touch that thingy with Dick Fiddlers ………….eeeeeeeuuuuuurrrrrgggghhhh and my apologies to Dick. I need a fucking lie down.
I’d give the cunt a gender neutral passport.
Then cancel it as soon as the cunt leaves the country.
Someone else’s problem now.
Surprised it hasn’t gone for species neutral or some shit considering it probably turns into a bat or something when it’s full moon.
Remember the cunt who identified as a parrot?
What a fuckin weirdo…
He doesn’t really look like a Parrott though.
A Parrott’s arse maybe…
Surprised cunts like him aren’t locked up somewhere secure to protect them from themselves.
For the sake of authenticity he should be in a cage.
He doesn’t look like a parrot. He looks like a cunt.
And of course, there was Belgium’s Monsieur Pingouin.
I reckon he was Verminhofstadt’s father, but cannot think what hen would have laid the egg…
What a fucking abomination of a cunt…
Well the world cup is all well and good but I think the world cunt 2018 would be far better.
All the countries of the world can compete in the great amphitheatre of ISAC to find out ….
…who is the biggest bunch of cunts?
My vote goes with Saudi Arabia (for letting women drive) vs France (for being French) in the final.
I think for me it’s got to go to France.
Country most stuffed with Cunts?…..That’ll be the UK, I reckon.
Sad but very true fiddler.
You’re forgetting one thing though….
Didn’t we win ‘Mugs of the Year’ 43 years running, for pissing £10billion NET per annum into the 4th Reich pot for fuck all in return… apart from having the piss taken?
Didn’t we WIN? A load of man children from Calais last year?
Lucky us eh……..
Playing fields of Eton, old boys, it’s not winning, but playing the game that counts…
Oh fuck, I’ve got my todger jammed in the Gatling.
Tales From The Crypt, made flesh.
If it had any sense of decency it would trek into the wilderness and find a cave, where it could hide from public view.
Resembles a cross between Gandhi and Ian fucking Dury.
I wonder if it’s using public money to fund this lunacy ?
“Hit Me With Your Rhythm Loincloth”
Alternatively, perhaps it’s a 75-year old photograph of when they first opened the gates of Belsen.
Fuck all wrong with Ian Drury.
Arseholes, bastards, fucking cunts and pricks …………
How would you like one puffing and blowing in your ear-hole? Or pissing in your swimming pool?
Good evening Jack.
Good evening Ruff.
Imagine finding one in your laundry basket . . . .
Plaistow Patricia. Perhaps it’s her.
Knew I’d seen this freak before but couldn’t quite place it
Job done
‘Undead’ would be a better choice of category than ‘Gender Neutral’, IMHO.
Though crossing any national border it would be taken aside and thoroughly searched for smack, on the basis of its appearance, and no passport would be of much use there.
I certainly wouldn’t want the job of thoroughly searching it…the thought of sticking a digit up whatever type of orifice it may proffer isn’t for me.
I’m afraid that freaks like Elan-Cane are an inevitable result of the Act to amend the law of England and Wales relating to homosexual acts. The Sexual Offences Act 1967 is an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom (citation 1967 c. 60). It decriminalised homosexual acts in private between two men, both of whom had to have attained the age of 21.
All of these increasing degrees of depravity stem from Gays being allowed to promote their agenda. This is how they operate,they start out with what seems a (to most people,not me) reasonable request to be treated,not as criminals,but as another acceptable facet of sexuality. Once they had this,they sensed weakness,and have set about promoting their true agenda….an acceptance of wickedness which allows them to sate their foul desires,no matter how base.
Until Gays are forced onto the back foot and can no longer set the agenda,we will continue to suffer from the moral decline which Gays represent and promote. The reintroduction of legislation outlawing buggery and poofery and making compulsory registration by Gays is essential.
We will never have a country free from sexual incontinents until the Gays are tamed and either cured or neutralised before they can corrupt any more of the young and push their foul agenda that sexuality is fluid… It is not.
To fight a disease you must fight every case,not just the most serious ones…so it is with the Deviants.
The old adage of “give them an inch and they will take a mile” is never truer, to be a follower of bumfoolery is now not enough. Niche minorities are constantly looking for new ways to water down gender, marriage, masculinity aided by government, self interest groups and shamefully taxpayer funded institutions, the police a prime example, now a branch of the social services.
Oh, I know what this person looks like now – a Russian Sleep Experiment participant.
And for any of you who aren’t aware what the Russian Sleep Experiment is, it’s one of the most famous scary stories on the internet. Basically involves a fictional plot where criminals are put through sleep deprivation in the name of science.
I really don’t understand why these deviants waste all of their time pursuing gender pronouns.
In my experience, if you look like a woman people will treat you as a woman. If you look like a bloke people will treat you as a bloke. If you look like her people will treat you as a cunt.
Change of subject,but I can’t let another example of this slimy bastard’s disgraceful behaviour go unmentioned….”.David Cameron DID ask Barack Obama to warn that Brexit would put the UK at the ‘back of the queue’ for a trade deal, says US president’s ex-aide”
He really is a fucking disgrace. Pure,unadulterated Cunt.
Obamarama and call me Dave are 2 UTTERLY USELESS CUNTS.