Why the fuck are we bothering with these negotiations?! They are a bloody sham, in negotiation it is supposed to be a two way street yet the EU and this doss cunt have given the UK absolutely nothing at all in this farce.
Once again the EU display the intransigence that what a big reason why I for one voted to leave that rotten club.
The moment the EU picked a Frenchman to be their main negotiator I knew this whole thing was going to be a farce. Let’s be under no illusions here fellow cunters – the French are about as uber cunt as they get and our piss poor excuse of a Prime Minister continues to show here true colours on Brexit with the way she has squandered our hand relentlessly.
Fuck them all and I hope they are rot. The cunts.
Nominated by Prime Minister Sinister
They have no intentions of letting us leave.
It’s like their entire Union is one big Royston Vasey – YOU’LL NEVER LEAVE!
Although on that note I’d quite like to burn the weasel faced cunt – and I’m sure Edward and Tubbs would as well.
On QT it was said the “Result could have been different” – and if your Auntie had a pair of balls she would be your uncle. Cameron did everything humanly possible including a £9m tax payer funded 1 page flyer, Gideon spoke of an “emergency budget”, Soros, the irritable bowel Gina Miller, The equally disturbingly irritable Bliar, his more than irritable chum Alistair Campbell, Mandy Mandelson – the cheating ex Liebour shill, the Kinnocks (thats 2 for the price of 2 on all EU expenses) and all the failed UK politicians and a host of snouts fearful of losing their place at the Brussels trough including the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation – all told us it would be another millenium bug – remember that? Planes would fall out of the sky, your toaster wouldnt work, all the ATM’s would spit out free cash, the world as we knew it could end – did it? No it didnt. Project fear has a full time team working on the next scare story to put the fear of God into us – web pages / facebook pages / advertising campaigns all aimed at railroading the democtratic will of the people. We were asked one question – in or out – no PTO for the next question or a set of supporting choices – customs unions, single market, compulsory clown service or holidays in Slough, your house full of twigs when you got home or a sex ban. Then the remoaners made out that those who voted leave werent smart enough to understand the question, never mind form their own opinions and vote out of the corrupt EU then forming a bid for a Federal Europe complete with its own army and of course the currency – being falsely propped up by disgraceful manipulative thieves like Soros and his globalist shills. Did anyone think the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) got all solvent overnight? That Merkel needs a lift to absorb >1.5m unskilled, low intelligence high benefit reliant African economic migrants? The Europeans have only needed us when they are skint or being invaded. There are more non contributing highly cash draining Countries joining from the old Eastern bloc as “new Europeans” – aka goat bothering sheep farmers who see free cash on offer to update their barns into habitable dwellings to flog on at a later date. No thank you – I, along with >17.5m other decided we will plough our own furrow in future and if we make a few mistakes along the way we will do as the English have always done – suck it up, learn from the mistake and move on. We dont need to be stuck in the same pair of welllies as 27 other smelly feet.
Too Fucking right Sinister
its shameful how the quizlings in this country cower under every one of their threats when we were the second largest contributer/economy in the EU, their now biggest customer and oh , say bigger than the bottom 19 economies of the EU states combined. So its like 19 countries leaving at once , but you wouldnt fucking think it with the wailing and fainting of our elected members at every turn
Oh , and most of those elitist cunts wouldnt have been able to point to the irish border on a fucking map last year , but now its dear to their hearts?
ive actually avoided the news last 2 days as i know it would send me apoplectic
piss=boiled again
Keep hearing the same type of annoying cunt on the radio saying we should stay in so we can reform the EU.
Obviously those cunts have paid no attention to these supposed ‘negotiations’. The EU is tighter than a nuns cornhole.
Mrs Thatcher would have known how to handle this oily bleeder – not to mention fuckwits like Dominic Grieve – he would have been grieving all right, and drama queen Soubry and slubberguts Ken Clarke.
It is clear the EU have no intention of negotiating, just threatening and we should just tell them to fuck themselves and leave now, not pay a penny, and let the poofters like Mandy, Ben Bradshaw etc to go and live in fucking Brussels.
Slide-by cunting for Dominic Grieve. Grubby little piece of dirt.
I was struggling to work out exactly it was he looked like. Thanks.
This 1950,s style trading block run by the Germans and assorted shills is not undemocratic it’s actually anti democratic!!
Look no further than March 2018 when German EU fanatic Martin selmayr was virtually parachuted into becoming one of the most powerful turds in the swamp by juncker!!
Juncker just railroaded this utter cunt in without any due process to the lofty position of Secretary General of the EU commission.
This was supposed to be under investigation? Don’t hold your breath , when EU toadies like Clegg and the kinnocks talk about the UK pulling up the drawbridge and throwing away the keys they are taking the fucking piss! , the EU commission has been pulling strokes like this for years and the quisling Cunts simply choose to ignore it…..
The EU is nothing but a fucking elaborate Ponzi scheme , it doesn’t matter if new member states have no money as long as they have a drone workforce to supply the industrial powerhouses with an endless supply of cheap labour!
I personally see it as nothing more than the enslavement of working class people across Europe and beyond……
Motherfuckers I ain’t buying into that shit!! Not today , not tomorrow!! Fuck the EU!!!
And French cretin barnier…….
The only reform these Cunts want is MORE EU!!
fucking excellent post
Barnier is a cool but arrogant serpent. These cunts must’ve been high-fiving each other as soon as we drew up a negotiating schedule (if snakes CAN high-five) whilst trying not to soil their lederhosen in hilarity. French he might be yet his master’s choice of trouser he will wear.
“One may smile, and smile, and be a villain.”
Ugh itv have full time professional victim and part time footballer Eni Aluko doing their World Cup pitchside coverage.
Barnier is a total cunt but he is allowed to be by the quivering idiots he is ‘negotiating’ with. All he has to do is say No and the oppo just collapses into a public meltdown.
We are rapidly running out of time for a modern day Churchill to be found who can tell them just to fuck right off – possibly in a message dropped from one of our brand new F35s (assuming the fucking thing has the range to get to Belgium).
Actually, as Belgium is a country of cunts we may as well deliver it by Trident.
On first meeting, Davis should have punched Barnier’s fucking lights out. It’s the only language these EU fucktards understand.
The cunt can’t even speak English properly, sounds like a crap impersonation of that irritating Eurotrash poofter Antoine.
Nice one RTCP…..
A cheeky right hander and when barnier hit the deck Davies should have give him a shoeing!!
Davis should’ve kicked him in his cunt.
CM, I was just about to post very same remark !
I’d like to take some poulty secateurs to his diddling bit.
Should have punched him in the face followed by a swift kick to the knackers. And for good luck another kick to the ribs as e lay on the floor. Froggy cunt.
It is shameful to see what this country has turned into. Run by subservient apologising Lilly livered cowards who are bowing and scraping to the demands of the nasty EU bully boys.
If Theresa May is the best this country has to offer we are all finished.
Useless bitch.
I refer you to our esteemed cunter
Though it pains me to 100% agree with him he is totally correct
Thatcher would already have us out and fuck off europe you soft cunts
The fact we don’t own the it now suggests we are finished as a nation and no longer deserve to survive.
From this point on the only rational approach has to be something akin to the Führer’s Scorched Earth policy.
I’m sorry it’s come to this, but I feel we have no choice. As a parting shot we should take out Brussels with Trident.
Apologies for the unforgivable typo above. The first line should read:
“The fact we don’t own it now suggests…” etc.
My personal secretary Miss Bormann has been duly given the bullet.
I take no guff.
Thatcher would have run barnier, tusk, vehorstadt and junker out of town….
she had her faults but I can’t think of any other British politician of the last 40 years I would rather have sent into battle For us than her……
Tony Benn was another tough uncompromising individual who despised the EU……. unlike his weak willed jellyfish cunt of a son!!
These EU cunts thought they were clever by fucking an admittedly useless Cameron off when he tried to negotiate on movement of people. Now they are facing a fucking big black hole in their squandering budget. Clever now?
Trump seems to show how to negotiate, even though he is a prize cunt. Use aggression and take it from there, don’t humour the time-serving unelected cunts. Let the consequences of their actions sink in on their actual elected politicians who will have to explain that job losses and redundancies in Europe were necessary to punish the UK.
The cunts.
Don’t forget if you don’t like the EU you’ve been brainwashed by the Ruskies, so good result for our boys today, 5-0 , against a bunch of peacefuls too.
Win win. Might as well grab a bit of glory while we can.
I wonder how much Putin paid for that result? Saudis don’t come cheap.
Paid? I think not. He merely ‘asked’ them if they’d like to hang on to their oilfields…
I’m expecting the rape videos to show up on Pornhub any minute now…
Ever had that moment when one wishes that the Ivans did poisoning requests?
Yeah, that cunt…
Looks like he’s waving to his mum as he walks into his special needs class. I think Kim Jong Un’s barber’s been moonlighting. Cunt.
Was there a one minute silence at 11am, to remember all 142,766 victims of the Grenfraud Tower disaster?….. Cunts…
Saw an item on ITV News last night, part of the Genfellathon, about a young Italian couple who died in the fire. They interviewed the girl’s parents and showed their graves in Italy. All very sad and all that but I thought, if the fucking EU is so fucking great why do a young couple have to uproot themselves from a beautiful country like Italy to live in a cunt infested shithole?
And how come they are living in a council property in London when untold numbers of British people can’t get near such accommodation?
Happy Grenfell day.
The reason they left Italy was that every day a boatload of rapey chancers, I mean, refugees, arrives on Italy’s coast and must be accepted, for “humanity” purposes. Day after day they arrive, all men, all “fleeing” from Afreeca. They roam the beaches and towns and the Police let them fleece tourists and flog counterfeit bags/watches to maintain a sort-of peace.
The rumours* are that Berlusconi, (corpulent corrupt cunt) used to bribe Colonel Gaddaffi (corpulent murdering cunt) to prevent boats doing the three/four hour one-way trip. Not any more. Italy is fucked and it’s too late, despite the recent anti-EU posturing.
*Sources close to the Magnanimous School Of Spying.
Gadaffi is on film as saying , quite clearly some years ago , not word for word – “If you remove me then Europe will become black as I am the gatekeeper of the continent “-
now im not talking about black folk we all know who have been british or european all their lives but the sub-saharan africans coming in their millions are not equipped culturally to exist in europe , they just cant and we will all pay
mark my words
Exactly Squinty, he was the Arse plug holding back an endless sea of turds.
Avoid Grenfell Day Question Time tonight. Triple whammy……EU loving cunt Grieve, human oil slick Matthew ‘monkey-boy’ Wright and that traitorous Plaid Cymru bitch whore who’s name i’ve forgotten. What a pile of SHIT.
I think you mean the fragrant Leanne Wood. Someone needs to remind her that Wales voted leave. The cunt.
That’s the slag! There are so many of these fucking traitors I sometimes lose track of their names.
Leanne Wood is thick. I mean seriously thick.
Matron of Cardiff Bay Home for the Dribbling, Incontinent and Terminally Confused.
Uppity-in-Chief Vaughan Gething is a cuuuuunt.
Wot…no Lammy?
He is busy holding a vigil for his Griefell friend RTC, and why is every cunt wearing green for this cuntfest? It looked like the shittiest St Paddy’s Day ever when the Guinness ran dry.
Green is the colour of cunts.
A bad day for David. He lost a friend in Grenfell you know.
Well, you probably don’t know……it’s a private, personal thing he never talks about.
“Human oil slick” Love it.
And jug eared smarmy cunt too…
Yes FF, a private matter he only discusses with BBC News, Newsnight, Sky News and The Guardian.
Seem to recall Lammy had a friend that lived in Grenfell. Not sure he likes to take about it though.
Numerous anti-democratic cuntbubbles, such as Bliar, Major, Soros, etc have been using the word “meaningful” a lot just lately – The British people deserve a “meaningful” vote on Brexit….
Useful is the opposite of Useless
Careful is the opposite of Careless
Ergo – Meaningful is the opposite of Meaningless
Aforementioned bastarding cuntbubbles are therefore declaring that the votes of 17.4 million British subjects, back in 2016 were “MEANINGLESS” ??!!
Will you stop associating my name with these cunts. I think it maybe hate speech.
CC – I most sincerely apologise*
The last thing I need is a fingering by the fuzz. The word I was fumbling for was CuntBucket or Cuntilinguist. (Unless someone else has bagged those ?)
*If you’re from across the pond then, I apologize.
You should be on commission, CC.
I’d love to comment on B**nier but I would probably do myself severe harm.The fucking indignity, being told what to do by a Frenchman, A FUCKING FRENCHMAN !!!
What the fuck is the matter with the stupid fat German frau?
About time she was given the vote of no confidence. Along with Juncker, Selmayer, Barnier, Tusk, Verhofstatd and Macron.
All fucking devious untrustworthy cunts of the very highest degree.
That Horst Seehofer cunt seems to have his head screwed on. Should don a pair of doc martens and kick Merkel in the cunt till she wakes the fuck up.
Seems to be on right now – she went a Peaceful Too Far for her coalition partner and is going to enjoy a proper rogering as a result.
AC Grayling is on This Week after QT you lucky lucky people.
Should be easy meat for Brillo & Portillo!
Will Professor Grayling even be able to speak after licking so much shite from Verhofstadts arsehole?.
Leanness Wood is abnormally unintelligent
Dominic Grieve is a traitorous little shithead.
“The audience aren’t thick we’re Welsh” way to defeat you own argument in a mere second.
Grayling is a modern day Lord Longford. A so called insane intellectual who pontificates immoral nonsense.In other rules a grade A cunt infested with the clap and cervical cancer.
Grayling resents the idea of foreign interference in the referendum despite him being a foreigner interfering in the Brexit process.
“Brexiteers are vermin” A C Grayling.
“The remain campaign didn’t lie” A.C Grayling
Fucking well done to the Portillo poof and the Brillo pad. Made that Grayling traitor look like the lying, two-faced cunt that he is. I hope somebody wiped the slime off that chair after the scum left the studio.
I could never punch Professor Grayling.He is so physically repellent that any acts of violence could only improve his abysmal appearance.
Does anyone else always imagine A C Grayling smelling of mothballs when they see him on TV?
Smelling of advanced decomposition would be a welcome improvement…
Mostly month-old piss.
Grayling:’ it’s a case of when Brexit is reversed not if ‘.
A Cunt Grayling, B Liar, Druncker, Verminhofstadt…
All so fucking delusional they make zombies look highly intelligent.
If they are ever in front of a court (Tone B Liar, you fucking ‘orrible little worm, this means you !!), they’d probably try pulling a “Guinness” defence, ie senile and therefore not fit to stand trial.
This is a known mental condition that lifts, as if by magick, a few days after legal action stops.