Danny Dyer [4]

Danny Dyer. A TV mockney shit-geezer who has spent so long hamming up his hars-yer-farver schtick that he no longer knows where the impersonation ends and where Danny Dyer begins.

I’ve never minded a bit of embellished cockney, to tell you the truth. Arthur Daley, Eric Bristow, Babs Windsor – all a bit entertaining. The problem comes when they carry on the whole Apples-and-Pears cuntitude malarkey outside of their day job.

Enter full-time scumcunt Danny Dyer. This cunting could be longer than all of the Dostoevsky novels combined and it would still fail to get to the nub of why I despise this fucker so haughtily. Remember those ‘long play’ films of logs burning, train rides, sleigh rides and so on? I keep trying to find one of a hobnail boot repeatedly stamping on Dyer’s face, but alas, no joy thus far.

The cunt is over and above intolerable. From presenting shit like Danny Dyer’s Deadliest Faeces, starring in the latest London Live Algarve-based gangster caricature cuntery, or just being a plutonium-core salted-bomb of a cunt on Eastenders, this fucking gobshite just never fucking switches off the cunt-meter. Case in point – Friday night’s little turn on the fucking bizarre evening edition of Good Morning Britain (after the Belgium/England game), he played up to the liberal stance by maafing off and giving it large over Brexit, David Cameron, and generally giving it the whole pub-philosopher spiel on all matters associated.

Lapped up by the Guardian set, interestingly. Unclear whether Dyer somehow assuages their guilt for otherwise hating the working class, or whether the hipsters are just being cunts by ‘ironically’ loving a liberal shit-talking stereotype of East end London. Regardless, my piss boils supercritically watching fawning cunts like Piers Morgan or David Mitchell simper over Dyer’s every exaggerated mockney fucking vowel.

Danny Dyer – a bigger cunt you’ll be hard-pressed to find between Waltham Forest to West Ham.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

(He was right about one thing however – Cameron is a tosser)

38 thoughts on “Danny Dyer [4]

    • Awright geeezzaa! Danny is a right bollokhead. Sorted mate. Lawd above!china plate I would give ‘is daughter one an’ then one again. , Bloody Gypsy Nell she looks a real goer though probably cause of aw the chuffin’ geezers she ‘as ‘ad it would be a lil’ loike fucking the kyhber pass

  1. Double D – says it all really: a complete and utter tit, with a head to match.

    Oh and he’s a bit of a cuntwomble too

    • I have always been of the opinion that he doesn’t “act” in Neverenders, but just reads the script, and that he is likely to be as much a cunt orf-screen as he is when labelled as Fick Mick. His screen mother Shirl is ten times the man he’ll ever be; it remains a mystery to me how she is supposed to have been biological mother to “Fick”, but then I don’t know the back-plot, and am blissfully ignorant of who the father character was.
      I watch soaps to fill in the odd hour before eating, and for the unintentional comedy. Such as, if you see the description of what’s happening later in Emmerdale, “Paddy is confused.” That guy is ALWAYS confused, and he looks like the sort of vet who would accidentally tread on a new-born puppy.

  2. Master broadcaster James ‘shithead’ O’Brian was so bowled over by Dyer’s “amazing” contribution to the Brexit debate, he dedicated his ENTIRE show on Friday to licking Danny’s ringpiece – Lord Haw Haw was in 7th heaven!

    “DD”, as O’Bellend took to calling him – the man on the clapped out omnibus, ha ha!

    • “…clapped out Remoaner omnibus,” that last line should have read. (Demented cunt – Ed.)

      • @Cuntley & Willie

        Thank you for your concern – you are the kindest amongst us!

        Unfortunately the situation is beyond my control.

      • “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

        (Sun Tzu, The Art of War, 500 BC)

    • The public should be reminded that Dyer is on record as having voted leave on this issue. The cunt has now changed his tune to fit in with the hive mind at the BBC. btw his facial expressions are always ones in which he has shit himself and doesn’t like the smell.

  3. Absolutely nothing to add, TECB. He really is your typical fake hardman / wannabe gangster. If he wasn’t an actor, he’d be standing on a street corner in a tracksuit selling coke.

  4. Danny Dyer is a straight to DVD, chim chiminey cunt. Every time I see the cunt I expect him to jump in the air and click his heels together.
    Pukka Berkshire, me old treacle…

  5. Danny Dyer was fucking brilliant in Human Traffic, genuinely fucking hilarious.

    If he’d never lived the lifestyle he portrayed in the film then that made him a genuinely talented actor, if however his acting was derived from the fact he had lived that lifestyle then that made him a ‘top geezer’.

    Agree with OC he was good in Football Factory but can’t help think he’s stereotyped himself as a result.

    The Football Factory came out in 2004 and things have moved on since then, someone needs to tell Danny boy it’s about time he did too.

  6. Kevin Bridges sums him up nicely as “the prick’s prick”. I remember an episode of his football rivalries show or whatever the fuck it was called. Hardman Dyer was shitting himself and said the atmosphere was tense and described himself as “shaking with fear”. Moments after saying this a family walked past, bloke eating a bacon sandwich saying “mon the Reengers”. Made Dyer look a right wally.

  7. Fuck it, i’ve always quite liked Danny. He is a proper Cockney, he was born and brought up in Canning Town and that’s how they talk. ( not anymore obviously, it’s mostly Punjabi these days )
    I always thought he was typecast by Football Factory and has been , tongue in cheek, playing up to that image. Every time i’ve seen one of those hard man/hooligan programmes i’ve always had the distinct impression that he is taking the piss and getting away with it.
    However, if he has joined the luvvie remoaner brigade then that changes everything , especially if O’Shithead is licking your arse.
    Fuck off Dyer, you’re a fucking disgrace. Total cunt.

  8. Heard this cunt myself bleating on about Brexit on the radio the other day.

    Since when has this thick-as-fuckwit had any valid opinion or social standing?

    Possibly to all the nonces that watch arse-enders?

    • Fucking right! One of the handful of slebs with balls , not prepared to lick the Establishment’s arse like the rest of the cunts.
      He is bang on about halal too, the whole issue of it being served to schoolkids without their knowledge is a national disgrace which no libtard wants to talk about.
      You don’t see any vegans or animal rights cunts protesting outside mosques. They , along with the gay rights cunts, are always missing.

      • You wont see feminists either. Cultural abuse seems to be ok with them.

    • I remember him getting into big trouble with the PC libtarderatti, back in 1988 with his song ‘Bengali In Platforms’, sample lyrics below:

      Bengali, Bengali
      Bengali, Bengali
      No no no
      He does not want to depress you
      Oh no no no no no
      He only wants to impress you

      Bengali in platforms
      He only wants to embrace your culture
      And to be your friend forever

      He tried to explain the song was not about race, but about the difficulties of cultural integration, but the PC libtards would have none of it. Morrisey was branded a Nazi – obvious when you thought about it, Hitler being a vegetarian too and all that…

      • Morrissey’s one of those rare respectable poofs, I’m sure he would agree sodomy is wrong and immoral despite being a absolute cocksucker…..

        I find myself agreeing with him half of the time despite morrisseys cuntishness and lack of a singing talent. Hes a good lyricist but shite singer I don’t mind a few smith tracks tho I thought his music career was over when he said the chinese were sub human for eating dogs hahaha lol

  9. The Cunt is about as hard as a Guinness shit. He’d quickly get the “hard man” act knocked out of him if he tried his crap on in any of the pubs up here. The skitter would be running down his legs before he had a chance to “give it large”, or whatever it is he claims to do, faced by some real men and not just a bunch of flouncy Southern actor types.
    Fuck the creepy twat.

    • Too many chavs adopting cockney slang to sound mean an tough and it sounds so forced too

  10. If the press (and the fucktards who hang off his every word) didn’t fuel his mock hardman image then he’d be selling fruit n veg in a market

    • As it happens, by cockney tradition, I am one! A cockney that is as well as being an ultra right wing Trump loving, tory voting poof who makes the late Maj Gen Ariel Sharon look like a Fakestinian peace activist…

  11. If you’re on Eastbenders by definition that makes you a cunt. In fact none of the soaps are worth watching since Viv left Emmerdale. Phwoar❤️?❤️?

  12. I can only tolerate cockney in bite sized dosages anything over and I join the cockney hating foundation of cunts

    • The only cunt who talked cockney that I could tolerate was Ian Dury because he always talked like that

      • He was forced to cancel because he was vocal in supporting Robinson now antifa and lefties are outraged at him but whatever it doesn’t matter.

        I wouldn’t go to morrissey solo shows to begin with his solo era stuff is trash imo and concerts nowadays are expensive as fuck

  13. I was relatively late to discover the dubious charms of this piggy eyed little moron.
    But I am slow to pick up on things and back in the day I honestly thought East 17 were an Asian pop band when Indian and Pakistani British bands like Cornershop were doing pop crossover stuff ! Doh !
    Anyway back to little Gordon Smith – I am a Smith and Gordon is a nice name so why change?
    I thought with his hardman persona he must have been an ex cage fighter or something but apparently not. A football hooligan wannabee who once had a job contributing to Zoo or FHM or something, telling spotty inadequate teenagers to be a real man and give a girl a slap or two for her lippy.
    Coz thats wot beein a geezer is all abaat innitt?
    Poor little Gordon standing alone in the corner of the playground with no friends 🙁

    • I nominate myself as a cunt for saying Gordon instead of Malcolm 🙂
      Sorry Keith you ginger cunt

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