Lets get an early cunting in for that testicle headed ex banker we (sorry,they) have just installed as home secretary.
Now don’t get me wrong about this little shit, I liked him. A few years ago he was anti EU, largely anti mass immigration, fervant Israel supporter… Cam-moron called him one of the staunchest up and coming right wingers in the conservative party… all good traits.
Since getting a sniff of power he’s pro EU, pro immigration, pro (whatever he’s told to be pro about). A typical flip flopper working to someone else’s agenda, saying whatever he can to get some muppet to put an X in his box.
Possibly an untrustworthy, unreliable, morally devoid run of the mill piece of shite? Let’s cunt him early, just in case.
Nominated by Big Khunt
I don’t know a lot about Sajid Javed, but he’s a first generation Pakistani immigrant and I do have to question whether Saggie Maggie has handed the fox the keys to the hen house by making him responsible for immigration?
Nominated by Pedantic Cunt
A Paki ex-banker/current politician, praised by David Cameron and promoted by Mrs May….what’s not to like?
Pedantic Cunt may be appreciative if I mention that it is *Sajid* Javed, not Sadiq (as in Khan). They all look the same to me, squire…and they’re both selfservative cunts.
To be fair to Pedantic, there’s two culprits here. At first I blamed autocorrect having referred to sad Dick in the past. Possibly this was so.
Then I checked where the photo came from and realised that The Sun has called him Sadiq Javid. So probably we can blame autocorrect twice. Once it was in the title it corrected the post.
Autocorrect it’s a cunt. Not being able to turn it off is an even bigger cunt!
Potato potato, still a fucking cunt
I’m glad I’m not the only cunt on the receiving end of autocorrect just now. Being on a borrowed old apple device until I get something permanent sorted out, this thing doesn’t know all my county lingo and terminology and often puts in the most ridiculous words leaving me looking a right cunt.
Obviously much better than a left cunt.
I’ve confused the two in the past without the assistance of autocorrect (still optional in Linux!), so I wouldn’t have mentioned it except to be stingingly pedantic… 🙂
You will not be surprised to learn the first to congratulate Javid on his appointment was the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who tweeted “I hope we can work together to tackle the tough challenges we face — from making sure our police have the resources they need, urgently dealing with the Windrush scandal, and putting an end to the ‘hostile environment’ for migrants.”
Two years earlier it was Javid who was one of the first to congratulate Sadiq on his election as mayor, tweeting: “From one son of a Pakistani bus driver to another, congratulations.”
Tweedle Mohammed fucking Dee and Tweedle Mohammed fucking Dumb.
And all we need now is that cunt Kieth Vaz as Chancellor!!!!
No wonder I just heard he’s been given abuse via social media from both left and the right…
Can we have a break down of the numbers from each please?
I have to see the silver lining here and acknowledge that this is politically a brilliant move by the Prime-Minister-ess.
Previously it appeared that the Home Office was a sinecure of the Frauen-Reich and thus Ferminazi Central – now, however, not only do the Tories demonstrate that they love muslims of Asian ethniicity as much as Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition with their Mayor Khan but also Rotherham, Telford, Grenfell and Windrush (where ever that may be) can be sorted without the perpetual wailing of waaaaaaycist which cry is of course kryptonite to all politicians of every party for it has them on their knees, hands clasped in penitence saying they never meant it and that a lot of their friends are [insert race – not that race exists – or religion, usually of peace]. Should the new Home Secretary fail in his task (I am guessing he will) the blame can be placed at his feet, after which I suppose The Home Office will be returned to the wimmyns for more male-bashing.
A very interesting point of view….and I await it’s outcome with “Great Expectations”
Was his dad a bus driver?
No I think that was his mum!! ??
What…he had a dad?
All this immigrant power started when Harold lost the battle of Hastings. Oh for a time machine and a flamethrower.
There’s foreign cunts appointed into power now in every walk of life. How in the name of fuckery did the house of lords get infested with non British turds.
To hand over the reigns of home secretary to a Paki is either a sick joke or treason. This is the country who harboured Osama Bin Laden. Less than a mile from a Pakistani military academy, where no one questioned the construction of a fortified house, or who was living in it.
Britain is being rotted away from the inside.
An immigrant in charge of immigration. Well that’s all we need folks.
Now we know for sure that the keys to the asylum are firmly in the hands of the inmates. This government is in total disarray.
How many white faces do you see manning the immigration desks at the airport?
Fuck all is how many. Last time I flew into Heathrow T4 I thought the fucking flight had been redirected to Karachi.
Not my experience. Strange airports you use.
Cardiff Airport is now celebrating the arrival of direct flights from a place called Doha (sorry, can’t be arsed), courtesy of an airline called catarrh ??
Wtf ? And WHY would I want to go to Doha ? Some Welsh guy said these people would come and visit Barry Island.
Probably another Ropey invasion…
Better question is who the fuck wants to go to Cardiff? Pishu bant!
Indeed, PC !!
As one of my lecturers said, “Life isn’t about having the right answers, it’s about asking the right questions.”
Will be flights for health tourism and their students coming over for university or military training.
That’s exactly why I laugh at the naive who are in disbelief of how many illegals are actually in GB, as many are in the belief that all illegals arrive via Calais.
You are spot on PC, if the cunts can manage to board the plane at the other end, then they walk right into the country passing passport control in the process.
I used to be a fairly frequent flyer and can’t remember seeing anyone stopped and asked for documents.
People walked through passport control holding up a closed passport in the air as they were nodded onward.
And yet the Liebour momentum cunts – mostly jiggers – are calling him the coconut king and Uncle Tom. Twatter is rife with racist rhetoric – and mostly from the stanipakis. Had that been Tommy Robinson there would be a 5 minute special on news at ten by the terror correspondent Rohit Cachull calling it a new right wing white supremacist hate campaign – what’s the betting it doesn’t even get a fucking mention. In a twisted kind of masochistic way I wonder what a liebour term would do to this country? The awful cunts and adherents of the swivel eyed lunatic would take us back to the 70’s I reckon – or the good old days as Deggsy Hatton refers to it when militant almost brought the country to its knees. If I hear another word about the whining whingerush gimmegrants that cat is getting another kick up the arse. Sponging, blubber loaded fucking spear chuckers who got a chance to make it out of the banana republics (or British territories as they are called when the cunts want something), had decades to swap their temporary visas for citizenship but were too fucking idle to bother and lammy thinks its the worst ever scandal of any government – ever. He may have had a “very good friend” on that boat – it garnered plenty of sympathy for the Grenfell grotto and his other “best friend” or “I’ll never forget whatshername”.
Corbyn Government would be far worse than going back to the ’70s, Militant were a serious threat then, but weren’t in terms of National government. Corbyn and Momentum would be a lot worse, the ’70s would be seen as a golden age by comparison!
Poor cat….
Its a metaphor SC I promise – as in Rigsby kicking the cat on rising damp – I wouldn’t hurt any creature – apart from rats – cant stand rats – Oh, and people – most people 😉 Cunts
I’m running out of sympathy for the Cashrush, I mean windrush generation. The cunts are more interested in playing the meedja than getting their affairs in order.
Sadly as in the days & weeks that followed the Grenfell tower fire, the fraudsters rub their hands with glee at the prospect of another opporchunity to get their dirty mitts on soam moany.
Obviously they will take the gamble that they don’t dare prosecute them given the public awareness & media coverage.
I say anyone with a criminal record gets howed out. That should be a red line. No criminal record prior to coming here and no criminal activity tolerated or they are kicked out.
Comment removed. Tone unacceptable
And for that statement alone you’d probably see your collar felt… likely some porridge too. You’re best off just killing your neighbour and taking all his possessions. It’ll be a week before they turn out and if you plead guilty straight away you’ll do 1 year on bail whilst the barristers hoover up some legal aid, 1 in hmp travel lodge and you’ll be out on license before the next season of the X Factor. Just remember when inside you can shiv as many cunts as you like, just don’t call anyone any naughty names.
You should be safe FTF unless your caught doing 34mph in a 30! , then you will feel the full force of plod!! That is of course avoidable if you take a driver awareness course and part with some hard earned!!
This country’s a fuckin a joke!! It’s an enigma wrapped in a conundrum……
FUCK….. may , Corbyn, Blair, Clegg, soubry, Miller,Parliament, the lords and every other quisling cunt residing in our midst!!
Is it any wonder our justice system is so pathetic, they start it at school when they are kids.
Big Dave hits little Tommy a punch in the face, what do they do?
They get big Dave and question him to how he thought little Tommy felt when he got punched, little Tommy gets questioned as to how he thought big Dave felt and what was going through his mind when he punched him.
Dave is meant to be left feeling sorry for his crime and overflowing uncontrollably with apology for little Tommy and little Tommy is left feeling sorry for Tommy being filled with anger & hatred and overflowing uncontrollably with forgiveness for Dave.
Win win for the school and it saves calling up parents and getting shit from Tommys dad and being forced to give Daves dad shit & threatening his removal from school.
It’s known as “restorative practice” and it’s a cunt I am quite familiar with having three family members forced by the authority to deliver this shitfest.
Which tone would that be?
Tony Blair?
I think I’ll give him a chance, though he does indeed have a head like a bollock.
He can’t be any worse than the alternative…
Isn’t the flabboptomous shadow home secretary?
Agree Deploy – Rudd, Javid, whoever…phoney right wingers – look different on the outside, but same empty identikit self serving cunts on the inside. We’re fucked either way.
Nobody seems to be thinking much about how the Flabbot would deal with the job. I won’t say deal with the windrush as it would be passports for all anyway and illegal would be erased from the Collins English Dictionary immediately.
I mean the actual job as a whole incorporating all the duties, this is a woman who believes she can recruit 10,000 police officers at a cost of 300,000 which i believe was £80 a year?
She’s totally mad & incompetent and how anyone can honestly vote Labour when the shadow front bench is littered with incompetency such as Butler, Nugee, Watson, McDonald and then the shut that is Creasey, Rayner, Lammy etc running downhill behind them towards the front bench.
I’ve been a labour voter all my life as were my parents (we all worked in maufacturing in union shops) but they have had my last X which was cast in the hope of winning leadership that a revolt would clear Catweazle & Co out the door.
I will never make that gamble again after Labours behaviour over Grenfell, Windrush when they can’t apply common sense and effort to working with the elected government in the EU withdrawal process in the best interests of our country. Catweazle doesn’t want my kind of vote anymore anyway and the union voter has / is being alienated by him and his policies.
However he has a new core electorate. They should rebrand the party as the Ethnic Front or Ethnics First Party and come out and stand with their hidden policies displayed for all to see.
How can I vote for a party with no immigration policy as per Piers Morgan’s interview of Flabbot?
At least Amber Rudd answered the questions put to her. Flabbot has a damn cheek demanding an answer from any cunt when she doesn’t answer fuck all and anything she does answer is wrong by three decimal places or more?
Unlike Michael Foot, Catweasel is a dangerous quisling, end of.
Cringe at the thought of Catweazle with the keys to No10 in an EU free Britain.
Hard work and effort keeping the country on an even keel and rebuilding could be wiped out in one phone call from that chip fryer dooking cunt McCluskey as the country grinds to a halt.
I wonder if him and the other one are going to start testing their boundaries to appear more peaceful to their fellow pieces of shit? In fact, it’s surprising than the Mayor hasn’t grown a beard…I’ll bet he wants to but doesn’t (yet) for the obvious reason. Wouldn’t it be brilliant if London was encircled by a giant wall with armed (with bacon and deoderant cannons) guards, like in Escape from New York?
“Once you go in, you don’t come out”
As opposed to Brighton, where once you go in, *then* you come out…
If I had my way Thomas that exactly how Londonistan, Birminghamabad and most of our major Cities and a grand amount of our old mill towns in the frozen North would be – like 28 days later but I would make Londonistan a special case. Declare it a City State and let the blambos, slopes, Ruskies, Asians, parkingstanleys and cuntish non dom cunts who own every brick and slate pay for it. If they want a caliphate let them have old London town – stopped being my capital when the immigrants and choccos outnumbered the indigenous. As for the other shitholes I mentioned – one of those phantom Syrian / Russian gas bombs that may or may not have been used but with one exception – the ones used are the real gig. Leave the buildings standing and just smother the fucking inhabitants of the fucking shithole ghettos.
His old man came over here in 1961 with only a pound note in his pocket
£1.00 was a lot of money in those days. I got 1/- (5p) a week pocket money, 50% of which one week I paid to Paul Read for a glimpse at his sister’s snatch. I can still see it today… worth almost every penny.
Was it fully fledged?
No comment…
At that time a pound would have got you 4 planes tickets back to Pakistan!! Fucking wasteful cunt!! What was he thinking??
who butchered my fuckin post and why??? grrrr
We did. We removed the actionable bits.
Read ‘Important Stuff’
For something to have been edited out on this site, it must have been good…can we see it, please…?
Did he obtain it by pick pocketing or did he screw one of the crews cabins?
I know it couldn’t possibly be compensation back then, were they maybe gifted £1 each in order to allow them access to essential items on arrival?
I see that he has 4 brothers and,himself,has 4 sons…no wonder they’ll outnumber us within a couple of generations. It’s in their make-up to breed heavily coming from Pakistan due to high infant mortality rates,but when they get here,the added child benefits encourage them to continue overbreeding.
Prince Charles often bangs on about overpopulation,perhaps after he’s told his own indolent dolt children to get the snip,he might like to suggest that Pakis and the like limit themselves to no more than 2 children per family.
They probably have high mortality rates on account of their propensity for marrying their first cousins. My wife is a nurse and sees this regularly, the inbred cunts. Yet another reason to despise them. At least if they did incest properly and had brothers and sisters having children, you’d see some hilarious deformities.
I wonder if some of that in-family fucking is due to those bell-tents that the females wear? Abdul doesn’t really know just who is actually under the hijab..it could be granny,mother,daughter or aunt,he wouldn’t care. I’m guessing that only the riper stench from the older objects of his desire will give him a clue as to who he has just impregnated.
No wonder so many of them become “taxi-drivers” for young white girls.
We’ll be gone in under 2 more generations and its not strictly their fault. Its the real problem.. 1=10. One guy (1) born here will bring a spouse in from another country (2) who will breed a minimum of 4 kids (6) and then bring the grandparents over (10). Each one of those 4 kids will likely do the same in under 25 years… so in just over 1/4 century 1 leads to about 50. Extrapolate those numbers starting with just a 1/4 million of em over 50 years and you start to see why we are truly doomed.
Seem to remember reading in Private Eye some years ago that Sajid allegedly lent his name and was added as a partner to one of his brothers businesses, in order to give credibility in order for the company to obtain financial backing. Once the financial backing was received he immediately resigned. Probably not illegal if true, however highly unethical.
A little googling unearthed this summary:
He was director for one day, 22 May 2005. Still, he’s anti-EU, so watch this space.
Regarding the outnumbering, we will be truly fucked in future with the stance of the current labour party but it’s sad that when we can’t be beaten with the numbers, we get overruled by the unelected cunts next door. Most of them cunts should be taken to the tower.
The cunts that James O’Brien expected a caller to justify alphabetically A to Z who had a EU connection by employment or financially. Just because he had access to that information on screen before he demanded the caller try answer. Cunts.
No wonder there is still no confirmed wrongful deportations so far, no wonder labour MP’s are still spouting crap about people not getting through on the hotlines set up and questioning Javid just like Rudd about how many people are manning up the task force…
It’s because the cunts are all outside parliament taking selfies with Lardy Lammy having a great laugh / time. Some of the cunts are protesting with placards referring to deportation flights of illegal migrants? I think a plane is too extravagant as well and we should manufacture some of them rib boats they cross the med in to be like remote controlled like them RAF drones and they could be piloted from here to sail them where required if possible with a remote detonator that sorts out any misbehaviour on board. My method would be inhumane and they would be protesting for charter flights they currently get…Free of Charge!
Shouldn’t they be at home on the phone or filling out the forms they should have done waaaay before even landing cards were destroyed (roughly had 40 years to apply)?
Apparently they are complaining that the home office has placed a two week deadline for affected people to contact the hotline or visit & register at an office.
Why are they complaining about that? Could it be that they would rather just drag their heels on it to continue the smear for months?
Or to prevent the home office fulfilling the constant whining requests of the labour pro migrant society demanding numbers if those affected? If they don’t make them all state any claim within two weeks, they will trickle out at a few a week so that the numbers the home office would state would go up & up every week. Flabbot & Co would then claim the home office was lying & withholding numbers.
If they all have two weeks, it would stop all these fictional cunts that MP’s keep stating they are “hearing” about and the bogus cunts on the radio keeping it in the public eye and crying for sympathy for ever and a day.
The government clearly put a new time limit to avoid having cunts coming out the woodwork for the next year, like the time limit they should have given the Grenfellians of two weeks to leave hotels or continue at their own costs after the refusal of two suitable homes.
Government has agreed to put windrush right, deadline of two weeks after which it’s tough shit afterwards.
Bombarding of the home office by Flabbot & Co regarding their lists of any non windrush migrants should be met with a response of “will be dealt with the usual immigration methods and not the home office Windrush task force. The cunts are just trying to drag it out a la Grenfell style.
I sense a joint windrush / Grenfell celebration as the cunts and the cunts appeasing them won’t one event capturing the meeja than the other. I think there’s a couple of weeks between the dates so it will just be a big two week fucking carnival.
Perhaps we could deport the Abbopotamus?
Here’s the next lot in the pipeline dug up by the Cultural Labour Immigration Target Scrappers (CLITS)…
Why anyone could be deported in the final term of their education for failing tests in competency of English, I cannot understand.
Surely in order to make it through to the last term of education, it would be expected this should easily be achieved after such time?
If you were going to a country for education and they taught the course in the country’s own language, you would expect to be able to be competent enough to read, write & understand not just basic, but have a fairly robust understanding of their language?
Or is the government expected to provide every foreign student a translator for the duration of their course?
That’s just fucking crazy and that’s before even considering the costs but say we did, what happens after the course of study is complete? How do they expect employment in this country unable to speak English fluently for these roles?
It’s funny how some migrants come here either already fluent or keen to learn and some would rather hide behind the “No speeka de engleesh” lines, especially as there are documentaries on tv where journalists are in deepest Africa, Pakistan and India where the kids around 10 years old can speak pretty good English, often having conversation with the journalists and it’s the old OAP ones that stay mute?
Claims surrounding the difficulty in filling in forms due to the language barrier after years of residence is a joke as is someone expecting employment, visa or citizenship without applying effort and demonstrating a desire to be part of our culture & willingness to INTEGRATE into our society.
It’s going to be an interesting next couple of months. Watch for the petitions rolling out soon.
No-one’s carked since April 4th ? Inconsiderate bastards.
Cuntosaurus Clarke or the cunt Heseltine really needs to get on with it.
Or Vince Cable.
Or Lord Adonis.
Or Tony Blair.
Not bothered which one. All pathetic cunts.
Looks like you were right on that one earlier, going by date of birth on wiki I’m sure it’s the same one.
Lasted a whole day, very ‘convenient’ indeed.