Well, Owen Jones has done it. Admittedly, it wasn’t difficult for a cunt like him, but Owen has actually made himself look an even bigger cunt than usual. He spent most of yesterday on the road with his quest to “unseat the Tories across London” in Barnet, Kensington, Westminster and Wandsworth. As well as visiting those innocent London boroughs, Jones also left his slime trail in Hillingdon, Swindon and Portsmouth. He took Khant and the Abbottopotamus to Wandsworth, and before that he was in Westminster with Eddie Izzard, who after his trip to the Middle East has found his make up bag.
In Westminster, Owen grandly announced that Westminster, “have the hedge fund managers. Labour has the people”. Unfortunately for Jones, nobody seems to have told ‘the people’, because they voted Tory. Kensington, Westminster and Wandsworth are Tory boroughs. So is Barnet, which the Tories took. And Swindon, which the Tories held. And Hillingdon, where the Tories increased their majority. Labour failed to take control of Portsmouth, which remains No Overall Control. Apparently, he was also due to visit Plymouth, but cancelled. Labour won there.
His escapades yesterday only served to make him even more unpopular with Labour, and today Jones is busy blaming his Labour colleagues for failing to manage expectations. But they’re having none of it. One Labour party member is quoted as saying, “Hundreds of activists were sent to campaign in the wrong places just to feed the outsized egos of a few pied pipers on Twitter. It can’t be allowed to happen again.”
Oh dear. Izzard must be laughing his tits off today. Normally, it’s he who is the kiss of death to Labour candidates. Today, the Albatross is very much Jones. Not that the arrogant little clown will admit it though. Still, Owen Jones, stand up and take a bow. You are without any doubt, an ocean going cunt.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
…. and bent as a 9 bob note.
Well cunted qdm.
Too right, love the reference to Izzards make up bag that gets left behind where convenient.
These cunts haven’t just stabbed the Labour party, they have repeatedly twisted the knife.
I take it the reference is to Eddie’s moving tv ad where he appears initially dressed as an extra from the Rocky Horror Show but when boots on ground in Yemen appears to have had a make up De Tox… I wonder why a deep and committed flexible gender character like Edward would do that? Is it because the local, Islamic, Iranian backed militia would most likely crucify him… Anyway, lets give them lots of money. That should help. Wonder if they have seen his camp persona in Yemen… could be interesting if he goes back…..
Excellent cunting QDM
Just when you think Owen Jones couldn’t make himself look a bigger cunt he delivers and in spades!
The question has to be , Will owen Jones well of cuntitude ever run dry?
Can he keep this
A pleasant little story there Quickdraw. I giggled like a kid reading that! So the obnoxious little lickspital has brought the mighty to the floor. Oh how fucking sad ( he he ) Cunts like Jones are the infestation that breed in many armpits. Soft retarded cunt.
Just off topic slightly I read a recent post of yours saying you’d been to a reunion at Middle Wallop…..
That took me back as my best mate was stationed there in the late 80’s / early 90’s and I spent quite a few boozy weekends both on camp and around Winchester.
He was a Techy in 3 Reg AAC.
I once went to an ‘open day’, I think around 1990 and went up in a Lynx and for the first time in my life was genuinely really scarred.
The mad bastard pilot went up in what felt like a loop and as we approached the top of the loop sort of hovered and then went backwards in the same direction.
I genuinely came close to loosing all control and have never been in a helicopter since!
God bless the British Army. ??
Well, bless it , but is it fit for purpose? Once upon a time ( Cold War } it had 4 Divisions, 3 of them Armoured… post CW it’s rationale was to be able to fight two expeditionary type operations at the same time.. now it’s down to approx 82K, from approx 160 K circa 1980. The nature of an Army is that, like a building, it requires a solid foundation in the form of admin, service and supply units ( many of who seem to be sponsored by Ginsters ). So this reduces your actual combat potential to probably about 30 K. These are largely equipped on the lessons of recent “expeditions” in Iraq and Stan, basically Coin Ops. So the heavy armour has gone, has as Heavy Artillery and AAA. No need for it,see. Till, strangely, the Russians reenter the equation. My old regiment is equipped with some kind of light Combat Vehicle , Ajax, that presumably will front out any assault by the Russian 3rd Shock Army. If you wonder why it has the appelation “Shock” try standing in front of it. It’s the Unit that stormed the Reichs Chancellery in 1945. I think if your in a front line formation, and should the Russians cross the LoD, your going to be little better than a spped bump. You could of course call for help from the raf regiment, but they may be busy falling in bins or assessing their gender. Sorry for the rant, but just wanted to say…..
@Heinz. You are right on there. As a young un, I was in an Army. At the reunion, I saw that it was a shadow of it’s former power. RAF Regiment…?..They can’t hold a drink of pop!
Yes, Happy Days… I was the cannon fodder in the Wessex door with the LMG.. A Fucking Good Crack though… often think it would be entertaining to do something similar over bbc central… with live rounds of course.. All the Best Buddy…
@Cunty. Great!!! I was there 1968 undertaking basic aviation training, and later gained wings ( 1972 ) flew as Co Pilot until 1975. ( Wessex) The local watering holes were brilliant.But I must add my best times were Otterburn. As a Northumbrian, local turf is the best. Came out 1981. Best days of me life!
My mate ended up in Soest, finally leaving in ‘98 after 12 years as he was utterly fed up of the ‘bullshit’ through the lack of funds as he put it…..
I’d go over now and then. On one trips we went off to try to find the Mohne Dam which our boys famously stuck a big hole in in ‘44.
We got lost and in seeing this bloke we pulled over to ask the way.
So there we are in a right hand drive English plated car and my mate who spoke fairly fluent German at that point says ‘Entschuldigung, bitte, wo ist der Mohne-Damm?
The German bloke replies in English ‘you found it in 1944 fucking find it again’ and walked off.
The funniest German in history!
As posted on trump hate thread, this shitstain is on newsnight tonight, just announced by Ian Dale of LBC who said he’s joining him on it, he said “that should be fun”
Will he storm off in tears again?
I hope he does. He loves to portray himself as an intellectual, and storming when things don’t go his way just serves to show that not only is not an intellectual, he is in fact just another temperamental, egotistical, left wing drama queen. He already shot himself in the foot by calling for Corbyn to resign in the build up to the last Labour leadership contest. Now he’s made even MORE enemies within the party, and he can blame nobody but himself. I can see this cunt topping himself before long.
Here’s hoping.
Funny how McDonnell & Dawn Butler were on Albeeb election special giving it all the shit about having strategic tactical secret canvassing plans that would unveil success as the night went on and results came in.
Now, claims of sending cunts to wrong locations?
Most people vote the local election based on local council performance and not on what smear their leaders throw around in the HoC.
Fuck, they couldn’t even take Kensington despite Grenfell. Obviously they are happy the way the money tree has produced for them under Conservative.
Catweazle has turned his back on the working man & family the way Clegg shat on the students. He has a new support he relies on now and delivers for them as a priority.
Owen Jones cunt is drifting further out to sea like a used jam rag and it looks like he’s off the coast of Whitby as there is no lifeboat in sight to rescue the cunt.
I wish the people in my borough voted on the council’s performance. Labour would have been kicked out years ago. Unfortunately, there’s quite a large population of muzzies here and they, coupled with the thick cunts who vote Labour because “my parents voted Labour, they wouldn’t like it if I didn’t vote Labour too”, means that Labour ALWAYS win. We’re now at a point where the council puts our council tax up every year, and provides the most shite service it can, because the cunts know that no matter what they do, the majority will never vote them out.
A perfect example of that was my local library. It was in its original building, built in the very early 1900’s. A rumour got out that they were planning to shut the library and sell the building. It turned out to be true, but the resulting uproar caused the council to swear that they’d changed their minds and promised faithfully to keep the library open and not sell the building. Two years on, the library is now two small rooms in what used to be our town hall, and the Library building is up for sale. And yet those thick cunts and muzzy bastards went out on Thursday and voted Labour yet again. Then they’ll have the nerve to complain about the shite service we get from the council, a council I might add, that pleads poverty due to ‘government cuts’, yet has just spent £45 million on a brand new council office building. People here are being pissed on by Labour, yet they’re too fucking stupid to vote the cunts out.
Suffered for years locally under a labour government but I haven’t voted for them locally in years as corruption was rife and candidates were from out the area in nice big rural properties with no care for the town & people.
I have however voted labour every GE but 2017 was my last as long as Catweazle & Co are around. It was a tactical vote but as crazy as this sounds, if he had actually got into No10 then I would have flipped. Think his candidate was about 8000 short in my area too thankfully.
By the way QDM, old library in big solid old buildings ripe for peaceful religion worshipping dens, once council refurb all the roof & sandstone exteriors etc before sale (money spent prior is a bad sign) Cunts.
Any thought of Moaning “Owen” adrift at sea just makes me wish for depth charges.
Is Jones the bob nosed Cunt who seems to be on the autistic spectrum? The good news is that should the extreme left ever take over, Naive Silly Cunts like Jones are usually the first to be required to assume a kneeling position prior to being Headshot… at least his face would look better.
Apparently on newsnight tonight, should be worth a watch. 😀
So, Jones – and Labour – see “white people” as a problem where elections are concerned?. I wonder how they will decide to “solve” that?…. Cunts of the highest order….
The same mindset as the other racists who spew alongside him, Afua Hirsch and the likes.
For cunts who couldn’t hate White Brits anymore, why are they here?
Abso- Fucking-Lutely.. self loathing virtue signalling filth… well, in one respect they are totally right.. in the case of Hirsch, Jones et al, they have a lot to self loathe….
First Labour target the Jews, now they’ve got it in for white people…
Why don’t Corbyn and his cunts just rename themselves The Black Socialist Workers Party and have done with it? Sieg Heil, Buana!
The Ethnic Front.
For the well tanned, and not the Jew.
(the latter part existed behind closed doors, “for the few” was the public friendly version).
When they can’t make large mid term gains against a government which is notoriously shit?….Yeah, them unelectable Labour cunts ….
Saw a piece on This Week once with Owen Jones ‘Explaining’ why the refugees need to get here or some bollocks. I knew he was a piece of cunt then and he now seems to be the full cake. What a cunt. PS I left London at abaaaaaht 11am thinking I’d have a nice clear drive down to Bristol… What a joke that was, must have averaged abaaaaaht 50mph. Too many people abaaaaaht so we need to get rid of the old cunts and stop any immigration. That should sort it out. Selfish cunts getting in my way.
Ooh Owen Jones is up there on the bjggest cunts list, and rightly so!
Anyway this guy is a real life Ollie Plimsolls, a parody of a cunt that very closely resembles Owcunten Jcuntones, and perhaps even more that Tim whatshisname prick ex leadern of the libdems.
Maybe Owen the Guardianista should fly out to Irbil to sympathise with the brave fighters of Jaish Al-Islam in their ( losing ) struggle against the Assad Govt… maybe he could enlighten them of his liberal views shortly before they fling the Cunt of the roof of the nearest tall building… How We All Laughed…
Excellent cunting quickdraw
he is an utter weapons grade plutonium cunt
The little turd is now on Twatter blithering on about voter fraud. Does anyone besides himself take this miscreant seriously?
There is almost no coverage of the elections here in the states. Probably because it didn’t produce the desired Labour win that could be spun as a stinging rebuke of Brexit.
The Bolshevik Broadcasting Commune Americunts (BBCA) has some low key stories. Their spin is on the demise of UKIP and a draw for everyone else.
“Move along. Nothing to see here.”. ?
LaGuardia is ranting about 4000 people denied the “right” to vote and using the “scare” tactic of saying the Tories are now all united behind May’s “Hard” Brexit.
“Oh no! Not that!” ?
I saw a You Tube video from the States a while ago over the premise of ID for voting being ‘racist’. A tedious link of saying black people were less likely to carry a driving license or apply for passport, therefore their voice is not being heard.
Not sure about the states , but in the uk it seems some black people are loathe to apply for a uk passport… unless UKGov are paying of course… more info at windrushcashin.com…
I’ve had both over the years and nobody listens to me either. Perhaps I’m just a cunt.
No , I suspect your a good citizen and work hard and pay your dues…. your on a loser with that one ..
When that legislation was passed…mostly at the State level…NOT Federal…it was put into the law that the state* HAD to issue a State ID card at NO cost to anyone who applied.
The intent was so that the State couldn’t be accused of discrimination/racism. In addition proof of ID standards were relaxed so that one no longer need provide a Birth Certificate.
Today with the advent of MotorVoter, the system is so hopelessly corrupt that voter fraud is common place in almost every state and municipality. Although the politicians and libtard media deny it.
(I came from the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois [Northwest Indiana] where they adopted Al Capone’s motto…vote early and vote often.)
In the states this whole thing has to do with voter fraud…especially by the Democunts who want illegal aliens…uh sorry…unregistered Democunts to be able to vote and of course all Africunt/Americunts who regularly vote over 90% as a block for Democunts.
*This information was true for my home state of Indiana where (by the way) state law mandated all persons over the age of 18 must carry a valid, state issued, picture ID with them at all times.
GC, always enjoy your postings from USA !
Reminds me a bit of Alistair Cooke.
Thank you HBH. I used to watch Alister Cooke and indeed like him..
??. ??
So which historical characters from history would you like to see in a fight?
Rasputin V Ghandhi ?
Tamerlane V Lincoln ?
Stalin V Owen Jones?
Answers on a postcard to al bbc points of view.
PS: Stalin wins. He orders one of his NKVD crew to stab Jones in the eye. Happy Days…………
A dead jellyfish v. Jones. No need to interrupt Joe’s eternity in the flames. Jones would still lose.
Diane Abbott V Richie Cunningham from Happy Days… Richie kicks her in the Cunt but loses his foot in the process… Still, the price of freedom and all…..
Sagiq khan vs a Bengal tiger.
No contest… Tigers hate the smell of shit….
Lucky for Jonesy he didn’t get an ax to the head like Trotsky.
Owen nancy boy Jones is a total turd burgling shirt lifting ponce. He makes the late, great Kenneth Williams look like He-man.
This odious little queen should go to the next gay pride in Gaza and demand gay marriage rights. Only problem being there will never be such a march.
When he was owned by Julia HB on Sly news he really showed who he really is: a champagne swilling vile drama queen who wanks off to the words of Jezza while having a hissy fit if anyone ever says anything he doesn’t like.
Must have one angry cum face.
Indeed… if he did materialise in Gaza, which roof do you think they would throw him off??
Him and Izzard thrown off the top at the same time, see who hits the ground first?
They’d be fine, snowflakes don’t exactly drop like stones, they’d just gently float to the ground.
Izzard would take longer to hit the ground as he would be wearing his light fawn skirt.
But even better with the world cup to witness the Russians give a good and solid kicking to the likes of Bob aka Roberto and his sad dross mates.. Oh how we all laufghed as they crawled for consular assistance,,,,
All the temporary Ukippers went back to the mainstream. If Labour had wanted to pick them up all it had to do was state a clear pro-Brexit policy, with numbers. This would have been completely consistent with regenerating our productive industries, excluding foreign labour, and kicking the megacorporates in the teeth. But little Owen and his student chums don’t do numbers. Or imagination.
Now, of course, the Blairite vermin will be claiming that with Tony – or some cunt clone thereof – being a temporising, trimming centrist ™ cunt and lying through his teeth, like their nauseating hero, we would not only be seeing the dawn of the Nth. Way, but safely back in bed with Juncker and Tusk. Which once again raises the question of how much sabotage has been going on in order to make those cunts look like anything like an alternative, too.
It’s all the sadder, considering that whatever Corbyn’s many deficiencies, he is historically as personally pro-EU as Enoch was, for equally good, if different, reasons.
Once upon a time Labour had principles. Now it’s got Jones, Flabbot, etc, etc. Poor exchange. Cunts.
I thought Blair was bringing Peace to the middle east… how’s that working out for him??
He relinquished that office a couple of years ago. Even his supporters had noticed that he was acting solely as the Voice of Israel. and was spending more time in synagogues than in confession. He has since been buttering up the Egyptians, and has formed a lucrative association with the Egyptian squillionaire Naguib Sawiris.
More recently he has been not-quite-formally involved in helping the Israelis stall any attempt to return the occupied territories to their former legal owners, and continues to be a great friend of Netanyahu’s. In addition to advocating UK participation (with what?) in any and all interventions against people whose economies are of interest to BP, JP Morgan and the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund. (Not) bringing peace to the ME has made him many useful and generous contacts.
You asked. More – three years’ worth – here:
Well, No surprises there… not sure the “occupied territories” have former legal owners as the mandate had lapsed, the Israeli’s had accepted the UN proposal,and the Arab parties rejected it. Probably a case of force majeure, so winner takes it all, as Abba once said.
I like the idea Blair might offer the commital of UK forces to Middle East conflict points… that will be the half dozen 30+ year old Tornadoes based at Akrotiri. The raf seem to have an issue in bombing stuff in case anyone gets hurt ( obviously the Arthur Harris policy is no longer in favour ) so not sure why crabair would be a force to be feared, I notice on the recent choreographed bombing of Syria the tornadoes never crossed into syrian airspace, presumably as Assad’s Air Defence system would have torn them a second arsehole.
Just to be clear, I am no admirer of Blair or his crocodilean lawyer wife/ thing.
Well, obviously, there are differing points of view on that one. Me, I wonder how I would feel if, f’r instance, Yorkshire had been kindly donated to the Rohingya (suitably persecuted example, and just f’r instance), with the right of return to anyone anywhere whose mother was Rohingya – but not the locals -, and any Yorkies who got in the way relocated to Leeds, which is then walled off….etc. Oh, sorry. There’s a 4000-year old Rohingya book which says the Rohingya own Yorkshire, so no complaint is legitimate.
Ey up.
Indeed there are….
But on balance one might argue that if you have a right of abode to land over many centuries, then are forcibly evicted on pain of death, and finally allowed back by virtue of international law… and you agree to abide by the decision of the UN, but the opposing party refuses to do so, and a coalition openly intent on destroying you as an entity invades, and by force of arms you survive, and still agree to abide by a treaty negotiated by a man that smoked but did not inhale, and yet the opposition “state” who cannot actually act as a state, and regularly present themselves to you for hospital services, utilities, etc, continue to fire Chinese rockets at you and kill your people… I think I would put a Tank on said Cunts lawn.
Just an alternate POV…
I have it on very, very good authority that he spends a shit load of time in Egypt lining his pockets for special advisory & consulting to el-Sisi.
Peace envoy my arse, never was anything other than a cunt looking out for himself.
No such thing as occupied territories: disputed land.
They say much the same in Myanmar…
The territories + East Jerusalem were occupied by Jordan for nearly 20 years prior to 1967. Not a single attempt was made by the ARAB occupiers to give it to the palestinians back then. Same goes for Egyptian occupied Gaza at the same time.
Correct Krav,,, when the mandate expired it became a matter of de facto state… Strange the arab powers who would bulldoze vulnerable people into the sea run screaming to the UN when they are shown to be gutless Cunts…
You can always rely on Tony to follow the money. No wonder he is the most hated cunt in the history of this country.
Cunts like him tend to make a lot of enemies on their way to untold riches. Hopefully, one of them will catch up with the scum sometime soon.
Well, he’s married to Cherie, so I guess that’s a form of slow revenge…
It’s nowhere near enough revenge.
Heard some labour cunt on sly news say that if it were a general election they would’ve just formed a coalition with the SNP and been in government.
Labour and the SNP running the country …..
… I’m scared.
Re: Being Scared-Dont be.
The day England is dictated to by the likes of that herring Cunted Twat Sturgeon will be the day to start filling the sandbags.. Just Saying.
That would be Englands time to call an Indy referendum.
She is so stupid, she’s actually dangerous.
She can’t deal with drugs, prostitution and trafficking all involving minors in her own glasgow constituency ran by eastern Europeans while she lives luxury in Bute House, Edinburgh surrounded by Nazi artefacts robbed from the 4×2’s. Nobody knows how they got there though.
Every now and then one crops up…
Be (slightly) scared. The SNP can only make the Independent Republic of Braveheart work if it sucks copiously on the EU teat, so say goodbye to Brexit if that coalition came to power. The Nats don’t want the hassle of reapplying after the UK has left , when Scotland’s a nation again (whose entrepreneurs sold it off the first time). Though the SNP’s been running on ideological fumes for a while now, and if Labour can’t, then the Tories can, grab a few SNP seats next time.
I can see another dozen going from the SNP bench, many of them held seats by the skin of their teeth and were lucky they survived.
Strangely, all the ones that blew the Indyref shit all the time got booted for neglecting their constituents and their day job.
SNP had overall control at Scots Parliment and blamed previous labour for everything that was wrong. They were still playing the blame game after three terms of their own SNP control. Scots had enough and her majority has gone.
Blame, blame, blame, if it wasn’t previous Labour in Scotland, it was whoever was on Westminster. Pity half the scots don’t see it.
In the event of indepence, Westminster would be blamed for a century after seperation for every problem that they couldn’t solve or it would be the EU governing them instead to blame. Snp take no responsibility for their own mess.
Half of Scotland would move south of hadrians wall in such an event occurring, in fact it will start soon due to her added income tax, booze tax, poly bag tax, sugar tax. She’s pushing through a version of Londons congestion charge for Glasgow too. Cunt.
I love a bit of Schadenfraude. Seeing this prick being pilloried on twatter has made my day.
I think something rather comic might happen to Owen Jones.
Terminal hissy fit, head explodes, stamps his little feet and his ankles break, and with any luck the cunt will bleed out.
I have honestly never met a Owen I could trust or respect something weasely about them
Sorry in advance to all the alright Owen’s out there…. who am I kidding alright Owen’s, all Owens are scumbags
Beware of crazy women who dress up as clown and want to fuck stab an kill you with a 10 inch kitchen knife https://i.redd.it/2pbfeqdezuv01.png
Labour must keep Owen Jones on the payroll, the more he makes a cunt of himself the more chance Labour NEVER get in.
Peter Tachell went to Moscow on a gay rights march and got a punch in the mouth for his trouble. You have to admire the cunt though, you have to have massive balls going to Russia on a Tutti Fruti March