Peter Hain, a Labour peer and former anti Apartheid activist has shown his true cuntishness.
He has blamed Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech for losing the Remain vote in Wales. He claims he heard echoes of it on the doorsteps in the valleys.
So Enoch was a Brexiteer, the cunt. And 48 years after his speech it inspired a vote against those that ‘know best’. Remoaners get ever more bizarre.
Hain, fuck off back to Nairobi or Pretoria or wherever you crawled from.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Met this twat on a job when old bill. Spoke to him in Afrikaans. He was fluent. So much for the language of the oppressed…….
That picture says it all – idle freeloading cunt.
Fucking old fossils like Hain and Heseltine trying to steal my future. They’ll all be dead before fucking May delivers any proper Brexit,so I can’t see what it’s got to do with them….of course we’ll probably have died of old age too, if May is allowed to continue at the same funereal pace….Hell’s bells,that latest Royal leech’ll be drawing a fucking pension before that “bloody difficult woman” gets her bony arse into gear.
Fuck them.
As he lives nearby, I have seen the Cuprinol coloured cunt on a few occasions. Once, I even offered up a cheery ‘cunt’ for him. I suppose he’s used to it….
Another cunt who’s never dirtied his lilywhite hands…well he did once when
he vandalised that cricket pitch.
Sanctimonious twat, fountain of knowledge, future editor of The Beano!
Enoch Powell was actually pro Europe and very suspicious of the US. Politicians never let the truth interfere with a headline catching pitch of shit
He was completely anti Common Market, though, Sixdog. He and Tony Benn (believe it or not) certainly opposed our joining. No, the problem with what Hain said is his completely gratuitous association of the R.O.B. speech, which is a lefty trigger, with what Powell had to say about the Common Market – largely concerned, and simply, with the surrender of sovereignty and what that implied. Precisely what exercises us now, of course.
our island is full of cunts full stop ?
Regardless of colour or creed
Especially the Cunts who paved the way for the peaceful religion worshippers hell bent on bringing every one of our government systems to their knees milking every penny of cash from the “comp trees” planted in the clear sight of our media (who also bring our country down, weakening our stance in negotiations and on the global stage at every turn) by the “Lammy type cunts” with like minded lawyers ready to jump in to fight any waycist refusals which must cost us millions every year in legal fees alone.
Thats the peacefuls idea of integration, integrate / infect the system and take it before it’s spent on our citizens.
Why prevent suffering on someone dying of a terminal illness when you can treat a dozen AIDS riddled Somalians instead?
Don’t know if this will register as been having issues posting since my phone broke and can’t get a password as user name not recognised. Or have I been banned?
You got moderated because your IP address changed. You’re not banned. it treated you as a new user and moderated your first comment.
The reason you can’t log in is because you don’t log in on this site. Only Admins log in.
My phone bit the dust and I found an old Blackberry which has allowed me to keep up with all the great cuntings over the past few weeks but when I tried to post, my comments vanished and never appeared so I thought being a device I hasn’t used that I had to put in my email which didn’t work either and I came across a password reminder which made me wonder if I had to log in with the Blackberry so I tried that & failed thinking I used wrong password so I then failed further by using the forgot password function.
Imagine my frustration of reading every cunting since last post about a month ago and not able to post.
Just screamed my replies out at the neighbours instead.
Posting from a borrowed device just now but will try Blackberry again later.
Thanks for the update Admin!
Elizabeth the first’s secret agents tonight’s tv.
High placed aristocrats trying to get a foreign
power to invade the country & put the country
under the continental dominance. They all got
the fucking chop, but what’s changed….they are
all in the House of Lords nowadays.
Had EP used the phrase “Upper Hand” instead of “Whip Hand” (both having the same meaning), do you think this surgically excised, miniscule part of the speech would be triggering so heavily today ?
By EP I mean Enoch, not screeching short arsed cackling Julie Covington-wannabe Elaine Fucking Paige.