I had the misfortune last night of watching a programme where John (Oh look what a fat working class cunt I am) presscunt travels around Yorkshire acting like an annoying cunt and “getting in touch” with the working class people of yorkshire.
He travels from factory to factory, looking at how the poor cunts that he fucked over just a few years ago live, and then patronizes them by telling them how fantastic and important they are.
They weren’t very important when you had them sacked and replaced with poles you backstabbing two faced cunt though were they.
I find this cunt not only sickening but also infuriating and how this prick has the arrogance to show his fat face on the telly after all he’s done is beyond me.
It’s like he’s totally forgotten what new labour did to the working class.
Has he forgotten about the total balls up that they made of the economy or the entire communities that were wiped out by mass immigration or EU redistribution of wealth and jobs?
He’s not just useless at being a politician though.
He buggered up practically everything that he tried to do (except the eating part of course).
Even something simple like when asked to put sausages into packets, he completely fucked it up.
Then the coup de grâce. The real challenge.
Put the round chocolates into the part of the tray designed for round ones and put the square chocolates into the part of the tray designed for square ones.
“This is really hard to do.”
No John.
It’s a minimum wage job. It’s a minimum wage job because IT’S FUCKING EASY AND ANYONE COULD DO IT.
Apart from you so it seems.
Stupid fat cunt can’t even use a pallet truck.
I think he was putting on some of the stupidity in a vain attempt to endear himself to the public, a bit like when some girls try to play dumb to seem cute but just come across as cunts.
Or perhaps he’s just lazy and doing the bloke thing (you know how we fuck up the hoovering and washing up so we don’t get asked to do it .. sorry .. *aherm* coz we’re just *aherm* coz we’re just not as good at it as you darling *aherm*) …
None the less …
How did these retarded cunts manage to run an entire country?
Well I guess they didn’t did they.
Seeing presscunt on tv last night made it glaringly obvious why this country got so fucked up when these mentally disabled, treasonous cretins were in charge. New Labour were without a doubt the worst thing to ever happen to this country and cunts like John Prescott were an integral part of the destruction of our country.
So you wanna make sausages John?
May I suggest that you throw B.liar, Straw, Brown, Mandelson, Campbell and all those other complete cunts into the mincer and make some sausages out of that.
Then throw yourself in after you cunt.
Does a mincer big enough for presscunt even exist?
One can live in hope.
… one day cunters, one day.
nominated by Deploy the sausage
Oh yes, Lord Fatbollocks, he of the two Jags, the vicious right hook and the bad back from fucking his slag of a secretary across her desk. The first Depuy PM of this country ( an office invented by the Almighty Blair ) and one of the last Labour MPs to come up through the traditional Trade Union route. Nowadays they are all sharp suited Oxbridge graduates who know as much about the working class as flying in the air.
Still, considering Fatbollocks couldn’t wait to park his huge arse in the House of Lords and regularly licks the EU bumhole what fucking difference does it make?
A nasty horrible cunt of the first order.
I once had the misfortune to meet Lady Prescott giving it large when she was the wife of the deputy PM. Can’t remember about what but out came the “Do you know who I am? ” card
“No” I replied. “You’ve not had the courtesy to introduce yourself!”
Fucking pompous bitch
“Why, have you forgotten who you are ? Dementia must be such a terrible burden…”
She was a dancer in some group in the early 70s or something. Done alright for herself.
He achieved absolutely nothing as a minister, but as far as Blair was concerned was the ultimate useful idiot.
Should be rendered down for industrial lubricant. Traitorous cunt.
Prescott & Abbott sounds a good trade-mark, would appeal to “edgy, looking-for-the-vibe-clientele”, innit ?
Prescott and Abbott, Purveyors of Horse Manure To The Gentry (Est. 1996) is more the style, I’d say.
But Blair Prescott Abbott has the flavour of an estate-agency-to-car-finance conglomerate.
It’s St George’s Day cunters you traitorous cunts. Had me DNA results back and it appears I am a most English of Black and White cunts. Anyways I’m off to the Halal butchers to get some chicken for special price.
Congratulations, B&WC!!
Thanks Mecha-rigsby, although it’s not all good news it said 2% Greek.
St. George (born in what is now Turkey, died under a fusillade of rocks from his fellow-Christians in Alexandria) might not approve. This may cause offence, but he was a bit of a cunt in reality, quite apart from his intolerance of dragons.
Never doubted you were English, B&W.
“Remember B&WC that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.”
(Cecil Rhodes)
And St George is not the Patron Saint of England….Edmond ( King Edmond ) was the Patron Saint until some obviously pro EU, Neo Liberal cocksucker decided to appoint a peaceful as protector of the Christian Flag!
Could be worse, could be Welsh. (I am 50% Welsh, 50% Irish. A miserable drunken cunt with a tendency to bestiality.)
“Ask any man what nationality he would prefer to be, and ninety nine out of a hundred will tell you that they would prefer to be Englishmen.”
(Cecil Rhodes)
Not sure where they stand on bestiality though.
Christ, I think I’d rather be black;)
Top cunting indeed.
Corpulent ‘socialist’ cunts like Prescott and Abbott would benefit from a reincarnation of Johnny Morris, who could don his zookeeper outfit and patiently follow each of them around with a stiff broom, a shovel and a galvanised metal bucket of water, whilst providing an anthromorphic narrative, trying desperately to elicit anything resembling human speech or thought processes from either of them.
The only question I have is that which of the objectionable pair would drop the most turds? Abbott as a hippo type creature or Prescott as an overstuffed, lazy, incontinent Silverback.
The fact that he endorsed every lying word of the Princess Blair even though he didn’t agree with most of it makes him an even bigger cunt. It’s a disgrace how all the Blair gang seem to be coming out of their rat holes. Blunkett was on radio the other day, Campbell is never off it, I even heard that oily motherfucker Straw a few weeks back. Meanwhile Mary Ann Mandelson remains quiet, *too* quiet, probably writing all Chukafucka Umunnus stuff
Ah, Jack “the English do not deserve to survive” Straw.
The only time I ever gave a few quid to a homeless person was because that utter cunt said that I shouldn’t.
Scum of the first order…
There used to be a rumour floating around (hinted in earlier Viz comics) that Straw was hung like a Chinese mouse.
That might explain his personality…
Mandy may be feeling a little sensitive about his longstanding connection with Oleg Deripaska, one of the oligarch cunts recently and righteously sanctioned by Trump.
Prescott must have been Blairs token ‘From the working class’ cunts to make New Labour seem… well more Labour. Some working class like myself and Mr Prescott I guess when a whiff of money/power etc is in the air forget abaaaaaht our working class roots and turn into a cunt. Got to secure the future and rise up like a Lion, fuck the working class… I’m all for myself and mine now.
If you are looking for an industrial scale mincer call Owen Jones or Tom Daley………..
Prescott may be a cunt but when he gave that idiot who threw an egg at him a decent left hook he went up in my estimations.
Until he started back-tracking, “violence is never the answer”, “we all love each other”, etc.
If he’d have stuck to: “The cunt deserved it!” – he’d have gone up 2mm in my estimation, from 0mm that is. The cunt!
To be honest RWAC, Prescott was at minus 70 mm and only went up to minus 64 mm after the jab. I’d love to see him and Blair have a fight, my money would be on Blair… The cunt would turn into a lunatic and kill Prescott whilst smiling in his disturbing way.
Don’t know if it’s still around, but there was a lovely online game called ‘Egg Prescott ‘ where a cut out of Prescott bobbed around while you chucked eggs at him.
There was a similar one called “Sheep Cull” during the foot and mouth crisis
Yep. Google “Splat the MP”
Although a completely useless wanker I agree 100% BAWC regards him punching the cunt that threw the egg, the strangest thing about that wasn’t the throwing of the egg , or the mocking of Prescott that fuckin irritated me the most it was the fuckin muppet egg throwers MULLET that had me shouting CUNT at the TV!!
I forgot to mention the mullet Quislings, I’m not sure if there has ever been or will ever be a more ridiculous mullet than that.
Still, at least Labour has got the cream this time around, what with McDonnell, Abbott and Lammy, etc., filling the ranks.
And they’ll probably STILL win because May is so fucking bad!
They’re only still there at all because of May!
Filling the ranks, and filling their own and their chum’s pockets as well while plotting our extermination…
John Prescott = A Judas
Prescott may well be a greedy,thick,fat Cunt,but when he sparked out that wanker with the mullet,he went up in my estimation. I can’t think of any of the current crop of MPs,apart from the delightful Diane Abbot,capable of putting so much weight into a good right-hook……..
David Davies would land a fucking good haymaker I would contend.
IDS, a trained killer, prob the “silent but deadly” variety…
I always thought he was a little fart…
That time he threatened he was “turning up the volume”, was quite frightening actually. I spent a month hiding behind the sofa…
Who remembers when Fatbollocks was trying to sell his book? He claimed he had suffered from bulimia for 20 years. The stress of his job caused him to stuff his ugly gob and then throw it back up.
Well, he hasn’t done a stroke of what anyone could call work for 8 years but he’s still a fat arsed cunt. Surely Lord Fatbollocks couldn’t just be a lazy, lying greedy fat bastard? Could he?
Quite! Besides, if he threw it back up, how come he was such a bloated lard arse all those years?
I mind a similar thing a few years back, when Prescott was going about with a TV crew and stopped to speak to a pack of neds (chavs).
Political cunt, “Why are you wearing a hoodie, is that part of the gang uniform?”
Ned Cunt, “Nah, cos it’s raining.”
Seems similar to DtS’s point about tactical fuckwittery to endear himself to the working class. I would’ve been more endeared if he got stabbed to death as the camera crew fled the scene.
Fat prick. Sorry, fat prick-cunt.
Duchess of Cambridge is admitted to the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital in London in the early stages of labour
We’d better get straight down their with our little flags,union-jack waistcoats and “Gawd bless ’em” attitude. They might even honour us with the most condescending wave ever wafted if we’re really lucky.
Fuck them.
24/7 blanket ABBC /Sky TV News coverage, cameras of the world levelled on hospital doors…
Good day to bury bad news. Or any news. Where the hell do they find those flagwaving morons? And what do said morons think they have that connects them in any way to the Battenbergs? And why aren’t they working, anyway?
What connects them Komodo? – both workshy skivers!
Bah. Obvious, of course. I am an obtuse cunt.
K, they ARE working…
MI 38, Professional Lickspittles and Forelock-Tuggers.
Supposedly, the royal family are the envy of the world. Well I’ve never met a foreigner with this view.
I’ve met some who think Kings and Queens, Princes, palaces and castles, and peasants being herded behind barriers because some inbred Germans fancy a walkabout is rather old hat and fucking embarrassing.
And so do I…….
Goo goo goo goo goo.
It should come out quicker than a greased torpedo.
She’s popped out two other scrikers in recent times so the royal vag must be like a hosses collar by now!
I wish them well – I just don’t want to hear about it endlessly until Hewitt’s lad ties the knot with the Z list actress!
Damn it I’m on my way, I’ll wait outside all day and night if I have to in the hope that I get a wave from our most English of Royal families.
Take your DNA results,B+WC….proof that you’ve got more English blood than them should make them sit up and take notice….The kraut Cunts.
Ha ha, love it DF. Funny thing is your right I’m probably way more English than those cunts, I might make a banner up saying “Oi, get out my country”.
The sprog will be more than 6 times as Greek as you, B&W…
Haha good one Komodo.
Phil the Greek might let me have his leftover sandwich crusts when I show him my Greek DNA.
On a Royal related note I was driving near Kensington Palace a while ago in a cunt traffic jam and I was pissed off like most other motorists and what happens? A convoy of flashing lights, police cars, armoured Range Rover’s etc one of the Range Rover’s had a flashing sign in the back saying ‘Move over’… I then realised it was some Royal cunt(s) with the entourage causing mayhem in the traffic. All this bollocks so they could get to the Palace and not have to wait like us common cunts. I then realised that they are cunts who are living off us with ridiculous wealth and Castles and Palace’s in this modern day and age. A total joke, don’t get me wrong I know a lot abaaaaaht old English monarchs and battles etc but these cunts are living off past glories they didn’t even participate in. I wish one of them would have the bollocks to call this bullshit out for what it is. Living a filthy rich lifestyle they have not earned whilst most of their ‘Subjects’ struggle to pay the gas bill. Total pile of cunt.
Agree B&WC…but I must admit if I was that loaded, that Privileged and with that many queing to lick my ringpiece……..then fuck the plebs!
Another fucking bastard mouth to feed courtesy of the tax paying public, fucking scrounging german cunts
This Openly G A Y 3-Year-Old is Making Everyone on the Internet Want to F U C K Him— and it’s Beautiful! https://i.redd.it/cg5iqk95wit01.png
“On his own showed interest in these things” what did they mean by this?
If that pool that he’s splashing around in belongs to Barrymore or Tom Daley,the little fucker’ll be in for a rough ride.
Should add,because neither Daley or Barrymore appreciate trespsssers in their pools….and that’s the only reason.
Haha true fiddler I just don’t believe the born gay lie. Influenced gay is more believable but born gay openly gay 3 yr olds?! brainwashed more like it, wtf is the world coming to
The “care-givers” (I’ll bet that they are deviants,themselves) should be investigated, TS. If they consider that a 3 three year old child has an interest in sexuality of any kind,they really need help. Fair enough if older people make the choice to become one of The Gays,but they shouldn’t be allowed to try and infect children.
All this shite about “Gays”….They are some of the most miserable self centred egocentric bastards on the planet…anything but gay
@ASA..Aye,when you think about it,”Gay” really is a most unsuitable word….I prefer “deviant”.
I have an unaccountably sore bunghole this this morning if anyone’s interested.
A “Barrymore pool party” related incident, RTC? In the interests of full disclosure, I have used that joke before (for D. Fiddler’s benefit), but it’s the joke that keeps on fisting…err…”giving”.
In the interests of full disclosure TtCE, not a “Barrymore pool party” related incident if memory serves… I think… though fuck knows what those aliens abducting me night after night get up to in the privacy of their spaceship…?
Your’e right Dick. deviant is the most appropriate word ( and it gets through moderation ) unlike that other word…Q***r
On his own showed interest in these things?
Sounds like a case for the Nonce Police to me.
It means he’s a clever cunt being able to read the Groaniad at 3yrs old.
Mind you that is a mental age 1yr above their usual readership!
As a Yorkshireman, no doubt Prescott will be completely interested that the city of York’s “rough sleepers” (aka “homeless” but HM Govt do like to rebrand to a lesser term don’t they) community has trebled in 4yrs.
On ABBC local news a few were interviewed. All were British (Jock and Northern accents), not one “peaceful” or Africunt among them and no eastern bloc twang either.
No that’s because born and bred British folk are at the bottom of the handout pile and that usually means they get fuck all once the gimmegrants (in “peaceful”, Africunt and eastern bloc order) have had (more than) their share.
It’s true that some “homeless” will be homeless no matter what. But a lot interviewed today had fallen through the cracks of social care once Fostering had dried up at 16, and – because the system is too hell bent on being seen to be doing the right thing by every cunt from every shithole outside of the UK first – simply forgotten about.
Maybe I’m uncaring but IMO any born and bred person who finds themselves in this situation, who legitimately does want to be homed, should be at the top of any waiting list ahead of any rapugee “peaceful” 40yr old child cunt, or any undocumented Africunt who’s just here by virtue of the fact of being able to get here, or any EU citizen not born here.
Ah but you see that would be the right thing to do, look after you own first. What a fucking stupid idea that is!
It makes too much common sense and we all know that in UK MKII common sense is waycist isn’t it! ?
I think the fat cunt is a Scouser (although born in Prestatyn) who escaped to Hull. So has absorbed both cultures – a tight fisted thieving bastard.
RwaC, you’re not far off the mark. Used to be the case that in making appointments to the magistracy, the appointment boards would look for (above all else) “common sense”. That went out around the turn of the century, because “common sense” is (of course) a white middle class concept. I kid you not…
That cunt Clark on radio this morning -‘ UK voted Leave but not to leave Customs Union’
Was that on the ballot?
Staying in Customs Union is staying in EU. End of.
Staying IN the Customs Union was NOT on the ballot paper either!
No. 10 announced at lunchtime that Theresa May IS committed to leaving the Customs Union, and IS not perturbed by the NI border. ( Unlike Kier Starmer who is going stratospheric with rage )
IF this is true ( and happens ) Then yours truly promises to lick the primes cunt.
O’ Briern is predicting an early general election this morning. Mainly because of the Northern Ireland problem. Any leave supporters here got a solution to that in relation to Brexit?
There is no problem. It is another project Fear invented by Remoaners. Switzerland has a Free border with the EU and is not part of any Union. Cunts.
I hadn’t realized that..CC. You are obviously well correct !
Logged on to Universal Jobmatch (JobCentre box-ticking requirement) this am to look for some sparky-type work (despite the guy at DWP saying it’s a waste of time, as employers are giving up posting ads there, cos they get inundated with replies) – it’s going to be re-named “Find a Job” on May 14th.
Next stop, I reckon it’ll be “Bob-a-Job”.
You probably don’t have the right accent. Can you do a Russian sounding drawl that would pass for Polish too?
The pay sounds about right.
Those of us who are old enough to remember John Prescott as a young nipper as a union activist in the National Union of Seamen, will be able to regale to our younger cunters such stories of merriment and mirth from times gone . “…all these foreigners coming in to take jobs and the food from the mouths of our kids …”( Prescott ) “..democracy will be killed off if these buggers ( Speaking of Margaret Thatcher ) get their own way ” She ( Thatcher ) is killing Britain…”
And for those who also remember this idiot in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries……… “these waters are for the British fishermen …” ” We shall never concede our seas to European interests ” And of course the famous “Cod War Fiasco ” when arsehole Prescott sent the Royal Navy to battle with the Icelandic fishing fleet. In that war, RN Frigates and destroyers were so inappropriately conflicted against solid well built trawlers, that they were decimated as they were rammed by irate Icelandic captains.
The Fiasco of the autonomous independence of the North East also springs to mind, as the little fat cunt meddled with regional politics.
Ive saved the best till last. Quoting an interview in the Observer in 1987. ” I would rather die than sell my country ”
Prescott is a cunt, an arrogant cunt and worthy of the award of “The Full Metal Jacket”
Yes he was banging around here promoting the “Northern Assembly” that was resoundingly bounced out by us good folk of the Northeast 70% against to 30% for.
Again all the promotion, etc., was on the “For” side and fuck all on the “Against” side but common sense prevailed.
I had some lickspittle Labour council cunt canvassing the area about it and I told the cunt: “What’s the point!?! It’s just another level of indirection between local people and Westminster. And who will be paying or all of the new local assembly administrative buildings and the wages of all of the quangos put in place to run the fiasco? Central government or a massive hike in Northeast council taxes.”
Well the cunt couldn’t scarper quick enough because he didn’t know what to do with a common sense response like that.
And then we get the cunt Gideon Osborne promoting the “Northern Powerhouse” (i.e. Northern Assembly MKII) that no cunt up here wanted and this time we got no say on the matter.
I’m glad that cunt is out of the way. Pity the replacements are equally ineffectual. Useless cunts!
I have mixed feelings about the ‘northern assembly’.
If the sheepshaggers, Jocks, London and the Paddies can have assemblies why not block the whole system up entirely with even more assemblies? Yorkshire for a start although it would have to have at least 3 separate assemblies as the cunts cant get on or agree to anything. Liverpool though excluding the woolybacks of St Helens etc who could have their own. Lancashire although obviously excluding Manchester, Liverpool and those cunts in Wigan. Leicester could have 7 or 8 assemblies depending on ethnicity. Devon but not the Cornish cunts.
And pay the cunts at least £150 k plus exes.
Leicester doesn’t need an assembly of any description, we have Keith Vaz, he’s all sorts of shit, and I DO mean shit.
A slight correction if I may cuntstable… the Cornish are ok, it’s Cornish COUNCILLORS who are cunts…
“The Green Belt is a Labour achievement – and we will build on it”….John Prescott.
And they did too.
Excellent cunting there Deploy the Sausage. Prescott is someone who makes it very easy to hate. He’s another jumped up cunt, who thinks he’s far more important than he actually. And is usual for a politician, especially a Labour one, he’s a massive hypocrite. Throughout his entire political career, Prescott always said he would not accept a peerage if one was offered, because he was totally against the concept of having people who were unelected having any say in the governance of the country. Then he was offered a peerage and he snapped their fucking hands off. He couldn’t get that ermine on quick enough. Of course, he wasn’t doing it for himself, he was doing it for Pauline, because she wanted to be a ‘Lady’. A title doesn’t make you a lady, or a gentleman for that matter. And the Prescotts will NEVER be either a gentleman or a lady.
Only took the peerage because of the missus, and doesn’t believe in unelected representatives? Massive, cynical bollocks. He’s taken part in 44 debates in the Lords this year. He’s voted on 57% of all motions since 2015. He voted against a wholly elected House of Lords in 2007. He’s a cunt. Power corrupts. Even so, as far as I can find out, he failed to get a first class seat on the corporate gravy train like so many of his Blairite colleagues, and punching the egg cunt was spot-on. So only 7/10, to be fair.
Perhaps TwoJags could be remained Pisscunt.
Oh fuck… RENAMED
Or even “remaindered”
Only an idiot with too much cuntitude in his DNA would come up with the
revolutionary idea of putting a bus lane on lane 3 of the M4 , which had no warning….you were suddenly on it. It was to make sure those sons of toil
bussing it into London, had priority over Jaguar driving non working twats
like himself. It was 3.5 miles long, & when I did a spot survey on it one day, I counted 4 taxis & 1 bus using it, while hundreds of commuter car drivers were
squeezed into 2 lanes of the motorway
What a cunt!