David Lammy is a cunt, isn’t he?
Lammy, for those who don’t know him, is a Labour MP who so loathes democracy and the voting system, becomes apoplectic with rage every inch nearer we come to leaving the Fourth Reich.
Recently, Leave.EU (a website that campaigned to leave and correctly predicted a win by a majority 52%) posted a tweet suggesting Jeremy Corbyn is turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism in order to appease Muslim voters.
Leave.EU asked, “Is it any wonder that Labour can’t be bothered to deal with the disgusting anti-Semitism in their party when they are so reliant on the votes of Britain’s exploding Muslim population? It’s a question of maths for these people, not justice!”
Lammy went hysterical.
He demanded that the police investigate the tweet. He publicly wanted answers. He cried that the Tweet was a crime under the Race & Religious Act 2006. Dummies were thrown out of the pram.
Lammy is well-known for getting in a lather about things. He has endlessly protested the majority vote from almost two years ago. He seems to never leave the bubble of London and therefore knows, or cares, about the people outside of it. He has constantly blithered on about a 2nd Referendum but hasn’t mentioned anything about a third or fourth or eleventh or nineteenth one.
Lammy’s latest meltdown and petulant, shrill language suggest that this matter might be too near the truth.
Lammy, methinks, is a bit of a cunt.
Nominated by. Captain Magnanimous
Thursday was a bad day for Lammy. In what was described as a ‘Chemical Ali in Baghdad moment’ Lammy was busy giving a TV interview about the lack of police presence on an estate in his constituency.
As he was busy slagging off lack of beat officers and proclaimed he’d never spotted one, he failed to notice the one walking down the street behind him.
Fucking priceless!
Nomimated by Dioclese
A cunting for the right fucking dishonorsable shit-puppet David Lammy.
In every conceivable way the male equivalent to Jabbot The Cunt. This fucker won’t stop harping on about the injustice of Grenfell, and has now thrown his significant bulk behind the murdered yoof bandwagon.
The shrill, overacting and perpetually indignant Lammy has made a fool of himself in almost any interview and TV appearance I’ve ever witnessed. Most enjoyable of all was his humiliating dressing down by Brillo on one especially cringeworthy ‘skit’ on the Daily Politics:
The perfect encapsulation of modern Labour in one single sack of shite. His Twitter feed sometimes reads like a fucking parody instead of being from an actual, real-life member of British parliament. Does the classic screaming routine when he doesn’t get his way, like some great big fucking spoilt bastard at a birthday party who has been caught shoving handfuls of fun-size Twixes in his trouser pockets. Hand them over Lammy, and fuck right off you lumpy-faced cuntwomble.
Nominated by.The Empire Cunts Back and God knows how many other site members.
Lammy has the mentality of approximately one peanut… possibly.
It wasn’t so long ago that thick racist cunts like him were whinging about disproportionately high police presence in black areas. Now they’re moaning about a LACK of police presence…
Make your tiny fucking minds up!
Brilliant Cuntings all – literally nothing else to say.
Why does he talk in that STUPID namby-pamby voice ?? So reminiscent of The Flabbott.
They both remind me of Dudley Moore playing “Mother” in the Pete & Dud sketch…
Didn’t you know… Diane Flabbott is David Lammy in drag!
Sometimes he’s Dawn Butler…
He’s a class act.
“A have not seen a poleece, innit laahk.”
He’s behind you, YOU CUNT!
Forgot the link, as my vision has been blurred by the red mist.
The perfect encapsulation of modern Labour in one single sack of shite.
This comment right here wins t’internet for the foreseeable. Absolute stunning cunting, true with every comment, and a very funny read.
Unfortunately and this really is the kicker as americunts say – he’s an MP. people have actually voted for this to stand in parliament and represent them. I wonder what Pat Condell thinks of him ??
Him and flabbott are only there coz their constituencies are black and so are they.
A black community will NEVER vote for a white MP over a black one if they have the choice.
There’s also a myth that Labour stand up for minorities so the “ethnic” areas (black, Asian, muslim…) all vote Labour, although I know Hindus and Sikhs that have turned Tory now.
It’s not that ever actually do stand up for minorities, it’s that they just hate white working class.
The ironic thing abaaaaaht Labour is the the majority of their supporters don’t do any Labour/Work of any kind. Corbyn has brought out a load of Commie type cunts and Lammy is a cunt as well, any party that has Lammy, Flabbot and Corbyn and Chakrabati getting into power will be a disaster.
Spot on mate, and can you just imagine the Flabbot as Home secretary …..? Fuck me.!
I’m actually beginning to seriously hate the Flabbot, surely she’s made enough dough to retire.
She will never retire, she is far too self important. Guaranteed she be made a peer at some point soon. Lady Abbott. Can’t wait. To join other bellends like Lord Hain, Lord Prescott, and Lord Kinnock.
House of Lords? House of cunts more like.
It’s appears a prerequisite to becoming a lord or lady is to have a staggeringly high level of cuntitude!!
The sooner they kick these unelected old Cunts out the better, how on Earth have the liberals got so many lords?
Time and time again in general elections they have been expressly rejected by the electorate yet they hold such sway in the house of wax ( lords) , how the fuck can that be right?
For years they have banged on about proportional representation! Well that obviously doesn’t happen in the Lords does it now you Cunts!!!
Don’t do any work eh? I agree,
My observation;
It seems that those who want an all providing, inclusive, cultural enriched, nannying cradle to the grave Government don’t seem to want to pay for it, those that do pay don’t seem to want an all providing, inclusive, cultural enriched nannying cradle to the grave Government.
Weird that……
You need to have your own mind to do that , where as Lammy the most miserable of all the gummy bears is just a moronic cunt who goes with whatever way the wind is blowing at that very moment .
If he wasn’t ethnic he would have been outed years ago for being pointless and inconsequential, he never says or comes up with anything to makes things easier or improves ppls situations.
Strange to think how fucking bizarre the whole labour party looks at the moment full of spastics, loons , communists, ideologues and Soyboys . Then again the Cuntservitives aren’t doing much better either .
Here’s another Liebor cunt. The negative of Lammy.
He’s not a complete cunt to be fair, he did get more votes than Nickolarse Clegg, meaning his days as an MP were over. Fucking hooray for that manoeuvre.
But he’s still a cunt.
I reckon Clegg is another fucker heading for the House of Lords. These cunts are like herpes, you can’t get rid of them…
Twelve weeks absence…
I wonder if anyone noticed any difference.
Yes a cunt indeed. And the Anti Semitism rationale is perfectly correct, noy hat speech. When Corbyn took over a bunch of crazies also took the party over. Amongst the loons are a considerable number of anti-semites. This has been a feature of the party since 2015. Corbyn and pals have done the maths. Jews vote, probably in proportion with the general population. Muslims vote as directed by the bunch of elder bigots that control their lives. Anti-Semitism plays well with these bigoted wise men. So a blind eye was turned. There is no doubt whatsoever about that. The Labour party is so cynical that it puts bigotry above humanity.
Lammy is an extreme cunt.
If you get to read this Mr Lammy, it’s not your colour, not your heritage, not even your political leaning (which automatically qualifies you), it’s you, your personality, your very being. You elevate the slightest imagined problem straight to defcon 1 and make damn sure there is a TV camera or radio mic close by when your doing.
The truth is obvious to anyone paying attention Mr Lammy. your main concern every morning is getting yourself into the media and promoting yourself to your chosen base. I’ve never heard you utter an original statement, you just repeat lefty rhetoric.
Dr King spoke and whether people agreed with him or not they listened as he was a thinker and his words had gravitas, on the other hand when you speak people reach for the off switch usually motivated by the thought “not this cunt again”
….or reach for the vomit bag.
Flabbott /Buttlard in drag.
Timely nom and great write ups by all, but gold star goes Captain Mag…. for “reliant on the votes of Britain’s exploding Muslim population”
Fucking priceless…love it….
Hardly priceless when it’s true though……..
How is this only Lammy’s second cunting? He’s a Jabbott the Fatt level cunt FFS!
‘Hardly priceless when it’s true”…?
The pun is excellent PMS..keep up…
It’s true because Labour have their lips attached to the peacefools’ arseholes…..metaphorically and I suspect literally……. it makes sense because Labour are full of shit.
Well argued and nicely articulated PMS.
Alas JR, Iit wasn’t my gag. It was a quote from the Leave.EU website.
Nonetheless, it does remind of that story of a Peaceful wife who’d recently bought a new heejab to wear and said to her husband, “Does my bomb look big in this?”
To Cunt Lammy,
I don’t think that you’re a cunt because of your skin colour.
I think that you are a repellent cunt because you are a whiney, petulant, hypocritical bigot of the worst kind.
You bleat about racism, but if you want to see true racism look in the fucking mirror you cunt!
You claim to be all for the people yet time and time again you have crapped all over the wishes of the people.
You wanted stop and search gone and then bleat about the lack of such a thing afterwards.
David Lammy you are an absolute cunt.
Fuck You
On behalf of every decent regular folk.
P.S – you are a racist cunt, oh it’s true!
I really did enjoy that rant PMS !
Did any of you cunts see this halfwit on mastermind?
What it that bad?
Well put it this way: when asked who succeeded Henry the 8th, the silly cunts answer was ‘Henry the 7th’.
And no. I’m not making that up.
……..and this dumb fucker is a MP…….
Yes but British History (which the neo-liberals are trying to rewrite to be more current-day PC) no longer matters.
You could ask the cunt who Winston Churchill was and he’d probably say an insurance broker!
O’course pointing out that the cunt is thicker than day old porridge (just like pointing out Abbott’s numerical blunders) is waycist isn’t it.
Useless cunts!
No but if anyone ever creates a show called mastercunt we’ll have to be sure to invite him on…
What about a programme called, “Britain’s Got Cunts” with Simon Cowell?
As a contestant, naturally.
Don’t know why I’ve not heard about this cunt before but will certainly pay attention going forward.
Great interview, but the trouble is, no interview can ever compete with the wholesale destruction of Cathy Newman.
What happened in that one?
Cathy Newman was destroyed wholesale.
Details fellow cunter, details!
Sorry PMS, I couldn’t resist!
I think this is what CnR was referring to:
(Edited versions are available…)
Watching this makes proves one of my mantras true again:
Never try to argue with an idiot because they’ll use experience and beat you with it.
Newman….. what a stupid cunt…..
I ordered Jordan Peterson’s excellent book on the strength of this so-called interview. He’s spot on with his thinking as is strongly non-lefty and actually accuses them of the hypocrisy we dislike in Lammy/Flabbot/KIller-Blair/whiny-Welsh-cunts-Kinnocks (all three of them) etc, etc.
We should invite Jordan Peterson to join us on ISAC, I think he’d love it.
Should we make him an honorary cunter.
Perhaps he’s already a regular poster, could be Dick Fiddler…?
This is the funniest take I’ve seen on the Newman/ Peterson exchange.
You realise that our country is completely fucked up when an AFRICAN cunt can become a MP. Arabs, despite all their stupidity, had the sense to prevent the reproduction of their slaves.
We have to deal, on a daily basis, with these primitive minorities’ inter-tribal conflicts. Import Third-World, low-IQ cunts ——> Turn into a Third-World Cuntland
Modern London = Shithole of Babel
Martin Luther Lammy has had a fucking dream…… he dreams of himself, lording it over the masses, every cunt hanging on his profound words. He had a friend who died in that fire, did you know that? I think he may have mentioned it once or twice.
A cunt on the make. God help us if this wanker gets anywhere near power.
By the way there’s 370,000 Jews in the U.K. compared to 2.7 million camel drivers. There’s your Labour anti semitism. Even the Flabbopotamus can work that one out.( with a calculator)
2.7 million too many of the buggers……
Did he have a friend in grenfell?
I’m not sure coz he doesn’t mention it much.
What an utter utter utter utter CUNT.
Shame he wasn’t in grenfell the cunt. Let’s start a go fund me page for flammable cladding, maybe we’ll get him next time.
Lammy couldn’t have been much of a friend if he was okay with this other person living in a shithole like Grenfell.
He used to love lording it over his ‘friend’. No wonder he’s so discombobulated.
But all of this harks back to the imported vote machine thrust upon us by our Uber Cunt Tony B.Liar.
Like the Dummocrats in the states, they neither care for nor like their imports. They are here for one purpose: to vote for these cunts and to keep the cunts in power.
They make the right political noises in the direction of their imports but they don’t want to be/live anywhere near the cunts. No, that’s a gift bestowed on the rest of us.
And if we dare mention that our native areas are now more reminiscent of Islamabad, Warsaw or Mogadishu, then our understandable concerns are pooh-poohed and fobbed off with some “ist” or “phobic” word of the day in the hope that that will nip any form of discussion in the bud.
He – the Uber Cunt – is also responsible for flooding his ranks will Soros cock-sucking like-minded globalist cunts. A notion yet again not based on the anthropomorphic good of humankind but to cynically line their bastard pockets!
The offshoot of this are cunts like Abbott and Lammy – promoted not through the content of their character but through the colour of their skin.
I wouldn’t care if you could even argue facts with the cunts but – due to their chippy “talk to the hand” upbringing – they refuse to debate differences of opinion in a live parody of (anti)social meejah suppression tactics.
Lammy bangs on about Grief-fell and how no cunt is doing enough, yadda, yadda, yadda. But ask the cunt about the fraudulent claims and false reports of dead relatives and – surprise surprise – you’re just a waycist aren’t you! And how dare you mention the millions being pissed away on grabby greedy cunts, waited on hand and foot in hotels, when perfectly reasonable offers of housing have been made.
If my home burned down because of a dodgy “out of a skip fridge” then I would have to rely on my not inconsiderable home insurance premium – if indeed they paid out for me being a thick cunt!
There is a not a cause Lammy won’t join in on so long as his virtue-signal can be picked up by Jodrell Bank!
A great nomination. David Lammy is indeed a cunt. But then again he did learn from the best didn’t he!
Stuff Lammy and his fucking Pedigree chums in Grenfell and set fire to it again.
Love the avatar FF.
“Lammy, what have I told you about thinking?”
“Harold, feed Lammy to the pigs! They’ll go through ‘im in less than two minutes.”
Two days.
A week for Abbott.
He love da fried chicken does dis bruvver.