“Baron” Andrew (or, Andreas, to give him his real name, since he’s half Greek Cypriot) Adonis is due for another cunting. I mean, seriously, has there EVER been a man SO misnamed? In a sign that being vehemently anti-Brexit has driven him completely insane, Adonis has sent out SEVENTY TWO tweets in SEVEN days, claiming the BBC are biased in favour of Brexit. Sorry Andrew? Say that again. The BBC Biased in favour of Brexit? You really do need a strait jacket mate. The BBC has NEVER been biased in favour of ANYTHING even remotely pro-Brexit. I mean this is an organisation that employs that goatee bearded wingnut, Lineker, and other left wing cunts, who are almost as anti-Brexit as Adonis. Here are a couple of examples of Adonis’ whingeing lunacy;
“As I explore working of #BrexitBroadcastingCorporation , I am amazed at its layer upon layer of management. There’s even an internal system of censorship above editors/lawyers, called ‘Editorial Policy,’ which vetoes output likely to offend government & Mr Farage”.
“BBC CRISIS: Key moment in Brexit takeover of BBC was Tony Hall’s appointment of my good friend & Cabinet colleague James Purnell as his right-hand man. Ever since, Tony & James been over-compensating pro-Brexit & anti-Labour. Join dots on #BrexitBroadcastingCorporation”
“I’m struck by how many people tell me we need an impartial radio alternative to Today Programme of the #BrexitBroadcastingCorporation. One which doesn’t have a 1950s clergy ‘thought for the day’ & a review of papers where John Humphrys reads out large parts of the Daily Mail”.
Shit, really? The “Brexit Broadcasting Corporation”? This fuckwit clearly hasn’t tuned in to the BBC since the referendum because;
A) The BBC rarely invites Nigel Farage onto any of its shows, especially Question Time.
B)”Auntie” has NEVER shown anything other than a bias toward REMAIN. In fact, it’s been fervently pro-Remain, Pro-Labour and, increasingly, pro-far left for about the past thirty or forty years. To claim otherwise, you either need to be a complete and utter moron, a desperate, left wing dickhead, who has never held an elected office, but still managed to collect large amounts of taxpayer’s money AND a peerage, or someone who has been driven mad by the fact that it’s becoming increasingly clear to all but the most fanatical Remainer that they Brexit WILL happen. Probably not in the way we voted for, but it will happen. And there’s nothing Remainers can do about it. It just happens that Adonis fits all three of those descriptions.
To claim that the BBC, an organisation so infested with left wing cunts, it makes the current Labour party look like Tories, is as pathetic and deranged as it is untrue. I suspect that as March 2019 draws nearer, we will see increasingly desperate attempts by anti-British pricks like Adonis, to scupper Brexit. Even more than they already have that is. As I said, earlier, Adonis has spent the past twenty years at the public trough, despite NEVER having the decency to stand for election. He’s just one more of Blair’s unpleasant and unwanted gifts to the nation. He started out as an ‘academic’ at Oxford, before becoming a journalist for the FT and then The Observer. He was then brought in by Blair to be an advisor at the Number 10 Policy Unit in ’98. In 2001, he was made head of the policy unit until being made a life peer in ’05. He was then made Minister of State for Education, until 2008 when he became Minister of State for Transport. In ’09, Brown promoted him to the Cabinet, and he became Secretary of State for Transport until 2010. He’s spent the past eight years troughing in the Lords. Like I said, not bad for someone who has NEVER been elected to public office.
Adonis makes Norman Bates look like the sanest person in the history of the human race. If ever anyone was in desperate need of the strongest anti-psychotic medication, Adonis is that person. He is, without doubt, an ocean going cunt.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Adonis is an orrible little cunt . Isn’t he Homer Simpson’s boss Mr Burns ? someone needs to cut the cunt’s fuckin Jacobs off.
Certainly looks like Mr Burns in that photo, doesn’t he? Considering he’s such a toadying little though, I’d say Adonis is more a combination of Mr Burns and his sidekick, Smithers.
Like bilge rats on a sinking ship the likes of Adonis and Co are scrambling for their lives, this latest piece of utter fuckin nonsense has been completely orchestrated by the remain at all cost camp!, earlier in the week one of the journalists at the guardian ran a piece on the bbc bias towards brexit?? Of course as any sane person knows the BBC is hugely biased but in completely the opposite direction, I can only guess this ludicrous accusation is designed to galvanise the bbc to redouble their anti brexit rhetoric!!
Adonis is without doubt one of the U.K. s biggest quislings!
To be fair, I’m enjoying this cunts ever so slight meltdown in public.
This slap Head cretin can’t start or end a sentence without uttering ‘the people’ in each one.
I honestly think he’s losing the plot, not quite in the way David Icke did way back but he’s on the edge.
He’s utterly consumed by it and hasn’t realised how much of a caricature of himself he’s become.
I sincerely hope he’s found atop a multi story car park threatening to jump off if ‘the People’ get their wish, again. I for one will be at the bottom projecting words of wisdom like ‘please hurry up and jump you cunt, Ant and Dec are in soon and I hate those cunts too and it’s cold, oh and the people say, Jump’
If this is how he behaves over Brexit, imagine what would happen if they cancelled his pet project HS2!!
Toys out the pram and meltdown wouldn’t begin to describe it.
I knew there had to be a logical reason why successive governments have shied away from abandoning it…
If they cancelled HS2, I reckon his head would blow in an explosion bigger than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.
They should cancel that cunt. What a waste of money.
Yet another vehicle for the minted London set to sell their 2up-2down for 3mil in “The Shitty”, relocate to an 8 bed mansion in Leeds for 10 bob (in private grounds), and then commute to their 6/7 figure cunt job in the smoke cos they’re the only cunts who’ll be able to afford the fares!
Northern cunts need not apply.
Oh and once all of the other Tristan and Jemimah cunts cotton on and start doing the same, all of the stop-off points along that route will immediately treble/quadruple in price thus ensuring that the locals born and bred there are now happily priced out of the market.
I wonder how many cunts like Adenoids already have the skinny in the station stop-off points and are busy buying cheap properties there right now (on the sly)?
Like I say, uncivil servants like this cunt and the Uber Cunt Tony B.Liar are only in it to line their own fucking pockets!
Total cunts the lot of them! ?
As of July 2017, The full scheme, including extensions to Manchester and Leeds, would cost up to £104bn…
Estimates suggest the first 6.6 miles alone – from Euston to Old Oak Common – would cost £8.25bn, or £1.25bn a mile, Ffs!
Yes I’ve always said the £30bn the Westminster cunts touted would end up being £100bn+ at the end of the day.
Since the 50’s we’ve been totally shit at public transport – outside of London o’course where they’re never more than 100yds away from a tube, bus or light rail stop, and the cunts *STILL* have the gaul to moan, fucking CUNTS.
So why pay £120-£150bn+ (after all of the greasing and delays) to make a trip between Birmingdrabad and Londonistan 20mins quicker when the cunt is going to be 1/2hr late more often than not anyway!
Total fucking madness! Another fucking gift from Lord Adenoids! The cunt!
Lord fucking Haemorrhoids more like… and by the time the cunt’s finished it’ll be out of date and pretty well pointless, most business will be conducted via advanced video conferencing or summat. The cost of rail travel is already insane anyway – nothing better to spend £120billion+ on?
Affordable housing perhaps? No, of course not, no fucking demand, complete waste of money. Unlike HS2…
It’s just another Government contract palm greasing exercise that no ordinary person either needs nor wants.
Totally pointless.
No doubt Lord Adenoids palm is more like a chip pan! The cunt!
Top cunting Q,
I had picked up on his twattering earlier in the week.
I was incredulous when I read his comments re the Beebs pro-Brexit bias and lost for words.
Having had a chance to think about it, I believe he really should be locked away for a very long time indeed, for his own good as he is truly mentally challenged and needs some serious help quickly.
I’m more than happy to lend a hand by way of a push! ……
Anyone who thinks that the AL-BB-CERA are anything other than a bunch of remoaning cunts is a totally fucking deluded cunt!
That would be Lord Adenoids then!
The total cunt!
What a cunt. If he really thinks the fucking Beeb are pro Brexit then he needs to sign himself in to the nearest nut house. Of course, his current ‘job’ is in the biggest, most expensive nut house in the U.K., but honestly? Those cunters that regularly subject themselves to the cunt fest that is question time know full well which way the bias goes. Either it’s 3 to 2 pro remain, or its 3 to 2 pro lefty liberal wankers. The news ditto. I get my fill of al beebs bollocks on the daily commute, via radio four, mainly to find out what their agenda for the day is. Last year, it was wall to wall refugee crisis, with daily articles about how the west is not doing enough to save these people and bring them to safety. This year, Grenfell is the number one sob story, with daily if not weekly stories about the cladding, the emergency services response, the lack of government action, the Tory council not fitting sprinklers, I’ve heard it all. Well, all except for how did the actual fire start, or who was responsible for it. Piss poor, left wing, liberal, anti Brexit bias.
A vehicle of peace has just mowed down a load of Germans in Munster. The Police are saying that we must not jump to conclusions that it could be a terror attack. WTF ? if they cant tell its a terror attack then German plod needs to fuck off out of the force ASAP and reinstate Adolf, he will sort the fuckin shit stains out.
Guess the middle class are gonna need more candles.
And flowers.
And thoughts.
And prayers.
The cunts.
According to Sky a leading German newspaper has already claimed its NOT terror related!!
That’ll be the SLY to disinformation and propaganda machine swinging to life I’d assume Quislings,
Goerbells would have been proud of the way the cunts get the opposite view out into the broadcast media.
Knocks anything he managed back in the 1940s into a cocked hat.
Absolutely LDC
Apply smoke and mirrors for 24 hours and then drop the story as soon possible, the media will be hoping for a nice story to distract the masses,
The Cunts!!
Thanks Mamma Muttykerl, yet more innocents killed by, I’ll guess missionaries of the religion of peace – all thanks to your policy of letting uncontrolled millions of that scum disease infect Germany.
I’m sure they’ll tell us however that:
Mental health issues played a part
The driver was known to the security services
Radicalised by the Internet
A lone wolf
Or it’s a far right attack and innocent mud slides were also hurt…
Time to deploy the army and shoot on sight.
The month of ‘Ram-a-van” is almost upon us…
And the truck of peace (allegedly) strikes again.
And the winner is…. (drum roll)
Mental health issues… or more succinctly ‘a driver with psychological problems’
Psychological how exactly?
Believes in an all powerful sky fairy?
Hangs (literally) on the every word of a pedo from the 14th century?
Thinks alchohol is a sin yet fucking a goat is a national past time?
Likes to dress his captured wife up like a post box?
Answers on a postcard (just try not to put it in the wrong slot)
Yes but Darren “fucking” Osborne was a definite white supremacist terrorist (named within 1hr of the incident at that doyenne of love and respect for British culture – Finsbury Park Mosque) and sent down on terror charges for 30yrs.
No doubt this latest Rama-van cunt will just be a Norwegian or French national who’s foot accidentally slipped on the accelerator pedal.
And he was shouting: “Have a break, have a Mars bar!” – contrary to what eyewitnesses actually heard.
This shit is all on Merkelcunt’s madness. O’course it will have nothing to do with her Soros cock-sucking open door to “peaceful” cunts will it!
I always thought the dictionary definition of ‘adonis’ was “a very beautiful or sexually attractive young man.”
However, I’ve just looked on Cambridge Dictionary and it says, “A decrepit, democracy-hating coward with the body of lifeless marionette who fasts on a diet of festering turds.”
Well I never!
Judging by the hysterical way Adonis is carrying on you’d be forgiven for thinking Brexit is actually happening… Don’t let this charlatan fool you Cunters, it’s just another clever Remoaner sleight of hand, designed to lull the unsuspecting Leaver into a state of false security…
In Greek mythology Adonis was a handsome young shepherd, killed while hunting a wild boar.
In Cunt reality, Adonis is a weedy little EU sheep shagging arse licking sycophant, who, with any luck, will soon kill himself jumping off Cunty McCuntface’s multi story car park roof.
Tickets now available at the ISAC box office.
Meanwhile it’s back to Brexit In Name Only.
Could you put me down for ten tickets and a bucket of sweet, sweet popcorn.
This top draw apology for a man is like a gift from heaven for the Leave camp. I’ve been trying to get the weasely little jizz stain to block me on twatter but no bite yet. I reckon he’s got a best seller at the end of his finger tips with ‘How to make a complete cunt of yourself in front of a whole nation’ The more this vacuous prick spouts out his gibbering rantings the more people realise what a fucking corrupt and vile organisation we are trying to escape from is. They will truly stop at nothing to keep our money on tap. Christ I wouldn’t put it past them to start poisoning people.
So true KN, the more Cunts like Adonis, Clegg , major, Blair and Co keep spewing their fucking anti brexit bile the more damage they do to remain
I doubt any of the above could win a council election such is the publics contempt for them…….
They really are yesterday’s men with yesterday’s ideas!!
If the cunt was on life support I’d unplug it to charge me fuckin phone.
You’d need a reason to unplug it?
Weedy little one-trick cunt clearly has no concept whatsoever of a democracy.
I would love to know exactly what personal financial interest he has in staying in the EU. His unwavering efforts to overturn Brexit must be fuelled by something in his own life that keeps him awake all night.
He could always supplement his income by starring in the next Mr Muscle TV ad. Scrubbing a shit spattered bog pan in his rubber gloves, vest and boxer shorts would at least keep us all entertained.
Weedy, selfish and tedious cunt.
What an ugly self serving little motherfucker this runt is. It seems to disturb him that he has only been on QT once, which should prove to him what a fucking useless piece of shit he is.
I get what his plan is here. Convince the simpering remain cunts that the BBC’s stance is pro Brexit and the it’s an easy sell that any one more pro Brexit than the the BBC is actually a frothing swivel eyed right wing lunatic bigot racist danger to world peace. So remaintards and other simpletons will be even more vocal and active in trying to stop Brexit.
Clever stuff from the George Soros fan club, after all George did make a lot of his cash currency speculating on black Wednesday
These remainer cunts are ideological bed mates of a man who fleeced millions and made a billion on the back of the British tax payer. Not one of them has even attempted to explain or defend this relationship? Why because they want the same thing he does, the end of the Nation state. These cunts would probably move the license fee to the Guardian.
Adonis obviously never listens to Radio 4. Which I’ve turned off several times this weekend on account of:
1. Its remorseless and repetitive banging on about Brexit, on panel programmes, ‘comedy’ programmes, the news and thinkpiece slots. Always from a wholly negative standpoint, and only occasionally with a token Brexiter to provide the illusion of balance.
2. Its remorseless and repetitive banging on about wimmin’s ishoos, with added creeping gender plasticity ishoos.
3. Its insistence on allowing giggling little girls with enunciation problems to present serious content.
4. Dumbed-down attempts at making science accessible. With (3) above.
5. Gardener’s Question Time
6. The Archers. And its daily repeat.
Adonis is a cunt. The BBC is a cunt. They are in the same cunt category, and the former should have headphones nailed to his head and be forced to listen to the latter.
Agree with all of the above, and especially 5 & 6.
Would add:
7. Wimmin’s Hour.
8. The Shipping Forecast.
9. Sailing By.
10. The National fucking Anthem (Ffs!).
Only thing I listen to now is ‘Any Questions’, and that thru gritted teeth. And ‘Any Answers’, which is only slightly better.
I fully endorse (7). But it’s getting hard to distinguish it from the background feminism these days
8 &9. : Habit, I’m afraid. Both are good friends if you’ve done some seagoing. (9) gives me a happy mental image of steaming into Port Ellen, on Islay, after dark, and not hitting the bloody great rock near the entrance.
10. We need to do something about the National Fucking Anthem. It’s giving very misleading messages about GB’s intentions and abilities. ‘If I Was a Rich Man’ might lend itself to an arrangement for the three remaining members of the Coldstream Guards’ Band?
Sailing By was quite relaxing the first couple of times of hearing, but familiarity night after night bred in me a terrifying level of contempt…but as a lifelong landlubber the Shipping Forecast simply gets on my tits… though fully appreciate where you’re coming from Komodo.
PS: Nice idea re Coldstream Guards’ Band. I’d probably be more inclined toward The Stooges ‘Death Trip’
No. 5 to be upgraded to “Uphill Gardeners’ Question Time”
Oh, and I’ve omitted daily items on cancer, Martin Luther King (currently), foreign/Islington…scrub that, it’s all faux-foreign…cookery and David Bloody Aaronovitch.
I listen to Will Self, though. So shoot me.