
I’m just fed up of Syria.

I’m fed up of seeing today’s wide eyed war-zone infants (tomorrow’s radicalised bomb makers in Germany, Sweden, or worse, here) being thrust upon us in a vain attempt for us to sympathise with our “peaceful” brethren.

The reason why Syria is a basket case is because – while a cunt – Asad lead a secular and – compared to most “peaceful” states – progressive state giving the same credence to absolute Islam as the Shah of Iran did in the 1970’s.

Corrupt? More than likely. Radical Islamic? Not a chance.

So like Iran became a basket case of radical Shariah fuckwittery, so the backwards radical Shariah cunts would like to make Syria the same.

I know people, good people, stranded here when the Shah was overthrown in Iran and they’re as likely to commit a terrorist act, or act against this country in any shape or form as I am to go to the nearest LGBTQXYZ meeting. I mean I went to one’s wedding in a CofE church for fuck’s sake (and yes he is a Muslim)! And yet he’s no better thought of or considered as that cunt Abu Hamsa was in the (UK) state’s eyes!

Asad is a cunt. Putin in is a cunt. But the alternative is 25yrs of a glorified terrorist cell merely pretending to be a government!

The reason for my cunting is that I am fed up of the AL-BB-CERA ramming humanist stories down my throat when – truth be told – most were happy with the Asad regime and those that weren’t are basically the types who’d like nothing more than to take our aid/support now and then lop off our heads once our backs are turned!


Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

56 thoughts on “Syria

  1. I’m far from a Middle-Eastern expert,but I’d have thought that we,in the west,were far better off when these “tyrants” like Assad,Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were in charge. We certainly didn’t seem to have the stream of migrants flooding into Europe before they got sidelined.

      • Cui bono? The essential and eternal question.

        In the case of Gaddafi and Saddam the Yanks clearly had the most to gain because both were planning to switch from using the USD for trading in oil. Gaddafi was going to move to a gold backed currency specifically for trading with China and Saddam wanted to use the Euro. Why does it matter what currency is used? Because every transaction which is done in USD has to go through a US bank, and the bank takes a cut and so does the US treasury. So if Gaddafi sells his oil to China, the USA gets a cut. And its not peanuts. This trade also makes it impossible to trade in oil without having reserves of USD, thus ensuring the value of the currency. Its called the petrodollar system and was established in the 1970’s between US and Saudi Arabia.

        Syria is more complex as they really don’t have all that much oil. But they do have deep sea ports on the Mediterranean which they can let their long time ally, the Ruskies use thus giving Ivan a base of operations in the Mediterranean. So once again USA has something to gain but there are so many other irons in the fire that Syria is basically a chaotic system.

      • Aha! you remember that bit about Saddam wanting to change the oil currency to euros do you Skid?
        Probably the reason we ended up fighting the cunt for a second time.
        You realise we’re both going to disappear now courtesy of Uncle Sam’s black ops.

      • Syria was flattened over the ‘friendship pipeline’. Allowing Europe to get gas from Iran without having to tickle Putins balls. The pipeline was to end at a refinery in Damascus , then pumped to Europe under the Med… Pretty much removing European dependance on Russian gas… Putin likely told Assad to say no (aye hev ur beck) … Yet another war to keep the almighty petrodollar inflated and about 1/2 a dozen people a little bit richer.

    • Dead right, Dickie… Those daft cunts, Bush Jnr and Satan Blair, killed the zookeepers (Saddam, Gadaffi etc) and now all the feral and savage animals have escaped and are infesting every corner of the western world…. Only someone like Saddam or Gadaffi could keep those human filth in line…

      • The problem with the US specifically is that they go in, bomb seven shades of shit out of a country, have no plans for the aftermath, leave it to the medieval clans to fight amongst themselves for power, and then think that the ‘grateful’ that remain are going to bow to the president when what really happens is 9/11.

      • Fuck me, that photo looks like Newport Road Cardiff now it’s thawing out a bit…

    • Off topic.

      The spawn of satans seed with the face crossed between skeletor and the grinning jackanapes Anthony Bliar has conducted his own poll on his Global changebullshit FaecesBook page.

      The results are now in..

      1. Leave the European Union at all cost – 65%

      2. Remain and negotiate a better set of terms – 35%

      Hahah, didn’t quite go the way the cunt had hoped.

      He still won’t get the message though and I’m sure will be all over shame stream media tomorrow with the rest of the usual suspects stating they respect the voice and will of the plebs, sorry people….but…


      • Blair should remember while he’s spouting about only 35% of the electorate voted Leave, his 1997 landslide victory was based on 43% of a 71% turnout so only 30% voted for him.

        In 2001 it was 40.7% of 59.4% = 24.2%
        By contrast in 2017, Theress May got 42.4% of 68.8% = 29.2% comparable to Blair’s ‘landslide’

        Inconvenient facts for you aren’t they Blair? Pretty much spikes your argument so I suspect these facts will be ignored.

    • As long as they stay where they are I don’t give a fuck.
      Don’t get involved with their shenanigans.
      They’re cunts. Run by cunts. And if they come over here they’ll turn us into cunts too.

      And as for the oil…
      There’s an easy way to solve this…
      Invade the cunts and take it. All this “hearts and minds” shite is utter bollocks.
      You let these cunts run their own countries it just causes more problems for us.
      Occupy the cunts. Take what we want.
      Fuck em.

      They’ll do the same to us.

      Apparently colonialism is “bad”.
      ….you just ain’t tried it yet.

      • some times when I am feeling paticularly warped I hatch evil plans.
        Back in the day I taught Nuclear Biological Chemical warfare protection (your fucked on the first but the other’s are survivable) any way a method of chemical weapon deployment is via jet engines (you have seen the red arrows with their vapour trails), so I hatched this evil plan in which my minions atteneded airports and fitted “up grades” to the fleet that would be flying over certain areas.
        there you go Bobs your uncle fanny is your aunt, world peace and happy tourists everywhere.

    • Fuck me, that photo looks like Newport Rd Cardiff now it’s thawing a bit…

  2. Assad is indeed a cunt. But when you look what happens when the dictator’s boot is taken from the necks of these cunts you have to see that it is better the cunt you know.
    Gaddafi – mad bloodthirsty cunt. Removed – chaos of a peaceful nature.
    Sadam, as above. Removed – as above.
    All Moslem countries will go the same way without a firm, nasty cunt at the helm. It is the nature of the religion
    Hate the west. Kill their citizens.
    Hate other Moslems. Kill them at mosque.
    Hate women. Few rights and stone them for being raped.
    Hate homosexuals. Throw them off buildings.
    Hate apostates. Kill them for daring to think or question.

    And by the way. These values are taught in schools and madrassas all over the UK. Syria is nearer than you think.

  3. We should have zero involvement in anything to do with the middle East or any other peaceful place. Let them sort it all out between themselves and I know I’m a cold callous type of a cunt for saying so but I really honestly couldn’t give a flying fuck how many people get killed in the process.

    The problem is, even doing nothing is wrong when it comes to peacefuls. 15 years down the line some peaceful type will blow up a bus full of school kids in Leeds because we didn’t protect his school bus from being bombed by the Russians/Syrian state forces/Al Nusra/ ISIS/ FSA / hezbollah, take your fucking pick.

    • I think the UK’s current policy appears to be fine – let the cunts do what they want to each other and, when you need to test the Eurofighter’s new bomb release equipment, toss a few 500lbs bombs at the cunts for fun. Doesn’t really matter which side you hit as they are all a bunch of cunts.

      Quite why the ‘world leaders’ don’t get together over a few beers and decide to use a small fraction of the very expensive nuclear arsenal to turn the entire Middle East into glass is beyond me.

    • Bang on, SE.
      We should NEVER have touched the middle-east; Blair stirred it all up quite deliberately, IMHO, so that Europe would be fucked over by Ropeys.

      Waste of time trying to “civilize” the goat-fondlers, just not their thing.
      As they think they are all so bloody wonderful, I say just let them kill themselves off.
      And we must try to make sure the scum stay in the UACuntiates while so doing.

  4. I’ll buy that with pleasure. We thought we’d seen the opportunity to remove Assad during the so-called Arab Spring (look where that got Libya, Egypt etc) and at that point unarmed demonstrations turned overnight into everyone and his dog shooting at each other. There was suddenly no shortage of arms for the insurgents. Lovely, said the US neocons and Israel (who had planned something like this in 2000; FACT), until Saudi’s dog showed itself to be rabid, and largely in control. And on the other side, Hizb’ullah (the reason for Israel’s loathing of Assad – short of actually risking Israeli lives-) became even better-armed, and battle-hardened. And the Russians came in mobhanded to protect their base and their protege. Whoops. Still, let’s see a battle to the death between Shi’a and Sunni forces. Insert the SAS and keep the pot on the boil. What fun.

    Despite the autocratic, secret-police nature of Syria’s government, it wasn’t a bad place to live if you kept your mouth shut. It was a good deal freer than Saddam’s Iraq, and not long before everyone had been making optimistic noises about Assad being nicer than his dad. Not a high bar, but we were talking to him. And although Russia had a naval base there, it wasn’t a major presence in the country. Even the Kurds and Turks knew their limits. AQ activists ended up in very unpleasant jails. Without condoning Assad in any way, overthrowing him was geopolitically insane, even if we hadn’t lost the moral high ground completely by rendering Iraqi and other CIA captives to Damascus for special interrogation well away from the western media. (FACT)

    Syria is a cunt. A fucked-up, bloody, tragic cunt. Predictably a cunt. It will continue to be a cunt. And the West owns its cuntitude.

  5. Off topic but has anyone read or is planning to read or is in the process of reading Jordan B Peterson’s book “12 rules for life. An antidote to chaos”?

    I’d like to say I’m reading it and finding it very enjoyable. But that would be a lie. I am instead listening to the audio book version, available in the usual pirates places, and am finding it almost incomprehensible and dense and bloody hard work.

    For those who don’t know, Peterson is a Canadian psychologist unknown outside academia until a few years ago when he refused to use gender neutral pronouns, ze and zir instead of he and she and got into trouble about it. Almost unbelievably you can end up inside in Canada now for using the wrong pronouns. Which is a right cunt.

    Recently, promoting his book he eviscerated frizzy haired feminazi harpie cunt Cathy Newman of C4 news and when the inevitable piss taking on social medi ensued Newman and a supporting cast of cunts from C4, The Guardian and Independent claimed it proved Peterson to be a cunt.

    • I’m reading it but I must admit that I haven’t got very far as yet (just not had the time to really sir down and concentrate). Seems good so far but, like any book (But this maybe a bit more than most), you have to be in the mood for a good read.
      This ain’t no pop up picture book. You’ve gotta read and think.

      Peterson is great. The Newman interview pushed the cause of sanity forward by years .. it’s still bad but at least we got heard.

      Also I’d like to recommend his interview with “home grown COTY” champion, Russell brand.

      Peterson was great, but i have to admit Russell was ok coz he didn’t attack … though that’s probably coz when faced with a real intelectual, he was scared shitless.

      Was good though, I enjoyed it.

      • I’m watching it again. I must say Russell is a bit amatuer as an intelectual but he’s actually ok.

        Wierd to stand up for him but good on him.

        Not that I’m an expert or anything.
        Sparks aren’t regarded as intelectuals so … well.

      • Yes I worked my bollocks of to become a spaks and the maths were gruesome. There is a huge difference between an electrician and electronic engineer though. Both are great jobs (or were).
        One takes a very stringent uni, maths orientated view (we learn electronics but it’s much more technical for those guys… electrical engineers are fuckin clever cunts) and the road I went down is experience driven. You can’t really call yourself a sparks until you’re about 5 – 7 years in. But when you’ve done it… no one wants to pay the going rate.

        I’m down south though…. all Indians.

        What I do for £60 as a professional, their mate will do it for a tenner.

        Hopefully we’ll become scarce .
        …supply and demand.

        One day I’ll get what I’m worth.

        And I’m thinking of “voluntarily” opting out of part p.
        Seen some right cowboy shit and nothing gets done so I don’t see why I have to to pay £600 per year, just to get regulated by myself.

  6. Just seen an NHS ad promoting the services offered by pharmacies.

    I’ll let you guess which group are portrayed as the hapless idiots and which are portrayed as the doyennes of help, concern and intelligence.

    How we managed for 1,500yrs after Roman occupation without any assistance from the Dark Continent and Hindu Kush I’ll never know.

    It’s a miracle we have running water and the wheel!


    PC bollocks, the gift that just keeps…..taking (any sense of identity)! Utter cunts!

    • Yes Rebel
      Went to my local peaceful drug purveyors (we used to call them chemists in days of yore). I am advised by all social media to not waste the doctors / A&E time with a sore finger or the sniffles. I had a sore heel that just would not heal and I thought I would ask Tuusaf Saudi (the name of the duty dispensing chemist) for some advice. It was 8pm and the chemist is open till 10 but a sign on the locked door read “Chemist at prayer – will be back in 15 minutes” – yup – you read that right. He had taken out 15 minutes in his jim jams to say a few words to the goat bothering kiddy fiddling war mongering bloodthirsty cunt in the sky. When the cunt re-appeared I told him of my plight. Without a moments hesitation the bearded cunt proclaimed “I am not a chiropodist so I cant offer you any advice” – I looked the cunt square in the eye and asked him what kind of advice does he impart. General advice on non emergency treatment was his reply. I could feel my ire rising at this point and with 6 waiting behind me for presumably similar advice I wished his next shit was a pineapple which didn’t seem to compute although there were 6 people behind me guffawing loudly. PS – It was a minor infection that needed some antiseptic cream and a padded bandage – all services kindly supplied by a fab looking white practice nurse with the kind of tits that you would never be invited to have a play with – sadly.
      On the topic of Syria – if you declare yourself a “rebel” and take the decision that you will release .50 cal machine gun fire and attempt to cause death and mayhem whilst purposely siting yourself and your fellow rebels in hospitals, schools and public buildings hoping your adversaries will leave you be under the misguided belief that they wont shoot back for fear of hurting civilians – bad decision. Its called collateral – that’s why most “battles” are undertaken with an enemy identified by his uniform / position. Its not a new concept. Civvies have always suffered in any war. What you don’t do is camouflage yourself with the appearance of being amongst the peacefuls. It always ends bad. As we have daily charridy appeals for the unfortunates of all African shitholes why are we contributing as most of the cunts are either over here or making their way here?

  7. Assad was elected, and is the legitimate President of Syria. The Rebels, are allied to terror organizations that blow the shit out of targets in Europe, and we fucking back them.

    As far as I am concerned Assad is the good guy. The Russians are his ally, and have fought against ISIS and other terror related organizations.

    We ( Britain ) for whatever fucking reason ( its beyond me ) are backing the Rebels and Terrorists, even funding and supplying them with weapons.

    Politicians of this country are cunts of plutonium grade. In a way, I hope that Assad and Putin fuck over Turkey to assist the oppressed Kurds ( everyone forgets them poor fuckers ) and when they have finished fucking over Turkey, wade through the carpet of Euro shite and go knocking on Merkels door.

    Assad? A good cunt. Obama/Cameron bad cunts !

  8. Round our way they all have Armoured Personnel Assault Vehicles capable of driving up the sheer ice wall of a glacier. Haven`t seen a single one of them in the last few days. Probably because the weather`s so bad.

  9. Maybe Saudi could help out? take a few rapugees or whatever, not like they are short of a few bob and they are senior peacefuls after all. Cannot understand why the cunts end up here.

    • I’m sure I’m not doing the Arabic justice but roughly translated it goes like this: “They’re not fucking coming here! Make sure they know which way North is at the border and fuck them off! They’ll end up in Germany, Sweden or Britain so we’ll chuck a few million their way to build a few mosques and unregistered Shariah schools and that, but, they’re not fucking coming here! Fucking free-loading wasters! May peace be upon them!”

  10. I couldn’t give a fuck about Syria or Syrians. In fact I’ll extend that lack of fuck giving to snackbar countries and peacefuls generally.

    When they’re not killing us and raping out children they’re killing and raping each other. As they have been for millenia. They’re animals.

    And after every snackbar atrocity in Europe, the cunt politicians are falling over themselves to get on the telly and give it the religion of peace spiel. And every time it sounds more hollow than the last. Despite al-beeb and the rest of the media bombarding us with pro snackbar bollocks people are sick of them and their silly little death cult.

    I guarantee Europe will be in a state of civil war within a decade on account of these peaceful cunts.

    • Well we’ll have to rely on the Poles and Mother Russia because the gumption of the snowflake riddled Western Europe has about as much go in it as a 1970’s Alpha Romeo!

      I mean I see the young “peacefuls” and a lot of them are gyming up and going to “peaceful” run martial arts centres (certainly are in Lutonistan).

      What are our “Soy Boys” going to do when push comes to shove? Threaten them with a stern unfriending and a dislike!

      Fuck’s sake! ?

  11. Fuck it – its worth the risk.

    Anyway, all of the US and USSR testing didn’t really move the dial in the 1960s. Plan on a few airbursts to flatten the place but keep the general mess down and it would be fine. Anyway, make sure you do it when the wind blows South and who would care? Might take out Israel though.

    Nothing like a bonus point.

  12. Sarin….lots of it….followed by Zyclon B. sunlight degrades the residues in a few hours.

  13. Fuck me, I used to think I was quite intelligent. Then I found ISAC and feel positively thick. The depth of knowledge on some of these posts is amazing.

    When I lived in Brighton, our local corner shop employed two Syrians who would take the piss out of me. I would chat to them and they would reply, then gibber to each other in a sand pit language and roar with laughter. Every fucking time. But I always went back because I always won. I don’t work in a fucking corner shop.

    • Agreed. I come here for the analysis (always enlightening) as much I do the humour and feeling that I’m around like minded cunts.

      • Yeah, but the humour seems to be put on the back burner for now.
        Come on cunters, where’s the laughs that used to have us spitting out our brews and making a fool of ourselves when reading ISAC in a cafe?

        It seems lately that it’s a pissing contest to see who is most knowledgeable.
        This is not a whinge, but the laffs is what brought most of us here and made us cunters.

        Again, not a fuckin whinge, but I’ll put my hardhat on anyway.

      • Get Cunting then!!! There appears to be an almost unlimited supply of prime targets out there and the cunts must be breeding with each other coz it is getting worse!

    • “Fuck me, I used to think I was quite intelligent. Then I found ISAC and feel positively thick. The depth of knowledge on some of these posts is amazing.”

      Bet you’re glad I’m on here then. I couldn’t even point to Syria on a fucking map,and revel in my ignorance and ability to dismiss any argument,no matter how well proved.

      Fuck them.

      • I find life far easier since I gave up considering “the other point of view” and just pursue my own bigoted,intransigent agenda.
        How I learned to stop worrying and just say “Fuck them”.

      • “intransigent”??????

        Yer getting kicked out the ficko club if you carry on with that type of language…..

      • Yer can’t kick out the man who people use as a “if you don’t stick in at school,you’ll end up like Fiddler” example to their children.

    • She is indeed Norman! In fact, if she played her cards right, she could have had me.

    • Annie Haslam.

      Renaissance was formed out of the remnants of the Yardbirds by Jim McCarty and Keith Relf. The original singer was Jane Relf, Keith’s sister.

      I have all their albums, but IMHO the first one from 1969 is the best. The pianist John Hawken is outstanding. Sadly he left the band in 1971.

      The current band contains none of the original line up.

      • I agree Chas but personally for me Illusion is my favorite renaissance album prologue is good too. Keith Relf helped produce and write a few songs before his tragic death by electricity

        Annie Haslam was a real hotty Norm renaissance was ahead of their time but Jane Relf had a lovely voice and (arse) too she departed after the illusion album and formed the band of the same name illusion which shortly ended tho

  14. Took my little niece to see “Disney on Ice” today. Fucking rip off.
    Just some old cunt lying in a freezer….

  15. Where the fuck is Syria and when you know where the fuck it is who the fuck gives a fuck.

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