This is the black Met Police ‘poster girl’ who sued (and won £37k) for discrimination innit.
Unbelievably some cunt at the IPCC then decided to employ her. Imagine my surprise when I now read that she is suing the IPCC for £144k for discrimination because she was accused of beating up her partner.
It would seem to me that she is pure batshit crazy.
She states at the Tribunal:
“Rather than believe in me, they believed in their own need to protect their reputation by not upsetting the Met.”
No you cunt – I think that they don’t believe in you because you are a fucking nutter. I imagine that her colleagues feel that they are sitting next to a ticking IED made from a 105mm Howitzer shell and just spend their days with their fingers in their ears waiting for the Boom.
Well, guess what you cunts, it just went off and Johnny Taxpayer is on the hook for another lottery win for this cunt.
Carol Howard & the IPCC – you are a bunch of cunts. In particular, the moron who employed her is the biggest cunt of all.
Nominated by Proper Cunt
It begs the question as to how effective IPCC’s HR vetting systems are at the recruitment stage. Do they not insist on references from previous employers? The Met would have been on further shaky ground if they provided a bad reference, but declination to provide a reference speaks volumes for any prospective employer.
As an employer, I wouldn’t touch a prospective employee who had taken their previous employer to a tribunal. That is solid gold shit-on-you- own-doorstep stuff.
Howard is a greedy grasping cunt who will attempt to make a living out of taking each new employer to tribunal.
A certifiable lunatic and an eminent cuntox.
Can only agree with Mr. Maskinback above. I do anything I can to legitimately avoid recruiting women; and even more to not employ black women at all costs.
Of any demographic, black women are the most shameless of plsying whatever card they can, and are almost comically self-entitled and self-important with it.
You really have to refer this cunting more toward the IPCC. Evidently another tribunal-happy cunt, what in fuck’s name did they expect with this fucking cunt’s previous?
Carol Howard is a fucking seismic, taxpayer troubling shitcunt.
Diane Abbott should have served as a lesson to anyone looking to employ an educated female Golly….self-important,arrogant,racist,race-card playing Cunts…although they do seem to make very good housekeepers if the Tom and Jerry cartoons are to be believed,which,as Walt Disney was involved, I tend to think will be spot on with their racial stereotyping. Old Walt was never afraid to call a spade a spade,or a member of the Chosen people a ….. well,whatever took his fancy.
Fuck them.
Never realised that The Flabbott was educated; thought Cambridge was just obliged to take her for the usual box-ticking reasons.
This site is, amongst other things, highly educational…
And today, they have the whip hand, and the whiteman cowers, intimidated by their awesome power.
Carol Howard just won the ghetto lotto.
She herself is being accused of racism after describing her ex as ‘tight white Scottish trash’
I’m sure her gaff will be swept under the rug (by a Polish cleaner) and she’ll go on to have a bright future………..
“Tight white Scottish trash”…..has she met you,Birdman?
I’m tight white English FYI
Some Scottish spuff was used to make me and I’ll admit that I was born there, but I’m English…. As many a scotch cunt will tell you…..
You’re probably more scotch than me……….. Rustle rustle ?
Tight, white Scottish trash? As opposed to what…herself? Loose, black, African cunt?
Fucking hypocritical race baiting cunt!
Slightly off topic but another example of why I can’t handle this new mad as fuck world we live in.
Yesterday on the radio some tart was going on about how great driverless cars are and within twenty years she wants to see mostly driverless cars on the road.
Towards the end of her spiel, it was brought up by the presenter that not everyone is keen on driverless cars.
Her reply, said with a chuckle, was ‘haters gonna hate’
What’s twisting my melon here is that this cunt, because she thinks her and her cronies are right, dismissed other people’s opinions and scoffed at them all because her and every other lefty cunt thinks that if they have a thought or belief, then they should get their way.
I rarely listen to the radio these days as it’s full of left wing fascists putting down anyone that disagrees with them, then scoffs at them while the presenter mostly agrees..
Very fuckin childish behaviour and belongs in the playground.
I’ve asked before, why did I fuckin bother getting an education, learning manners, civility and respecting folk when it all came to this?
No more debate /discussions…… It’s either join their club or check out coz I fear we as a society are too far gone and it’s only gonna get worse……. Especially as having thoughts that don’t go with the grain became a criminal offence last week.
‘stop the world, I’m getting off ‘
Hey, give me a shout when you get off this fucking insane shit-ride too, will ya?
Basically, ‘haters’ are anyone who disagree, offer criticism of any kind (constructive or otherwise), or simply someone who doesn’t toe the fucking line of whichever snowflake is laying down the law.
Big, obese landwhale gorging herself with food wants you to ‘accept her beauty’, rather than take responsibility and haul her substantial ass onto the treadmill. Disagree? You’re a hater. Schoolkids need to be force-fed all this trans gender shit. Disagree? Hater.
His whole notion of being a ‘hater’, I suspect, is some quasi-infantile bollocks linked to the like-only culture of social media. You see, millenials and most snowflakes today have only ever known a thumbs-up culture, only ever got endless, meaningless trite one-liners of approval. So the minute someone bucks that trend, they become the arch-monster.
I fucking despise millennials and here’s the kicker – future generations will only get worse and less tolerant.
I am both a ‘hater’ and ‘denier’ and without question, a cunt.
Anyway great to see Joey Deacon taking over TtCE avatar.
My Dad always said those spackers had special powers.
I suspect that most people who drive enjoy doing do because of the convenience and freedom cars allow.
Not interested in and will never buy a driverless car.
Although there are traditional negative connotations with the word ‘hate’, I don’t see it that way. Hating someone or something is nature’s way of ensuring said hated thing, which lets face it is normally hated for a very good reason, doesn’t come along and shit in your mouth.
If something didn’t have such hateful qualities then perhaps it wouldn’t be so hated?
Wear your hate badge with pride. Just like a fucking grumpy badge. Hate and grumpiness are two of my finer and more discerning qualities.
Nothing wrong with hating or hate per se. What’s wrong is how the word ‘hate’ has been misused & corrupted, as in ‘hate crime’ to describe someone calling for ‘British jobs for British workers’, or wolf whistling…
PC libtards are especially keen to degrade the language – for example, until recently Racism meant ‘prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior’. Today it’s used to describe any poor sod concerned about uncontrolled immigration!
Or someone who voted Leave, of course.
Anyway, how can a word like ‘hate’ be used to describe someone who’s not keen on driverless cars, ffs?
If we lose the English language – our greatest gift to the world – we may as well call it a fucking day.
In the past English was the language that civilized the world. Today English is the language that unites the world.
Hate as a word is corrupted here in the states…perhaps beyond redemption. Millennial cunts use “haters” and “hate on” every time someone disagrees with their politically correct bullshit and they have to justify their persecution.
Hate speech and hate crimes have been recognized in our laws. Dumb fucking cunts. When’s the last time someone committed a love crime?
Looks typical of an entitled kaffir. They invariably show astounding levels of the arrogance of incompetence. Lots more where she came from.
The Queens income given by the government for 2017/8 is approximately £82m.
Nice to see her giving something back for once.
As my late grandmother used to say “generosity will be her downfall”.
What she hands out is provided by us. What a fine institution.
£30 million security bill for the Ginger Sponger’s wedding. I seem to remember reading that the Royals were paying for the wedding,somehow I bet security isn’t included on the account.
I wonder if the fragrant Miss Markle will be the only (semi) uppity in St. George’s chapel? Even though I am in no way a fan of the royals, it would still be rather insulting to the indigenous population if there were uppities and peacefuls peppered throughout the invitees. Not to mention that there is a genuine risk of honkies being mugged by a be-suited jigaboo.
I’m just waiting for Stavros to put his foot in it and hand Markel’s mum his coat and tell her dad to park the car.
I fear for poor old Phil the Greek.The sight of a pack of suited and booted dark gentlemen swinging from the gargoyles while screaming,chattering, and attempting to accost “da white women” could finish the old bastard off. Hope someone takes the chance to kick Camilla in the cunt.
Phil the Greek is worshipped by some island dwellers in the Pacific somewhere……. Saw it on An Idiot Abroad (Judith Chamlers eat yer heart out)
Tea with the Markels….
DF, if you can wangle me an invite, I shall gladly, plant my size 12 steel toecap (Elf & Safety – I have no wish to get a dose of Cotswoldian clap between the toes) up her twat, which must surely resemble a horse-collar.
‘Jigaboo’……… really Thomas I think you need to go on one of those ‘Diversity Awareness’ programmes that all those Labour ‘politicians’ are being sent on as a result of being exposed as vile racist anti-semites.
I just saw Naz Shah on the news preaching about the dangers of using ‘lazy language’ and racial stereotyping that can lead to unintended racism.
Don’t become one of them!
Surely not the same Naz Shah who said, “Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity”.
That’s the one LL.
Don’t rush to judge her though, Naz is booked on a ‘hypocytical cunt awareness’ course and next week I understand she’ll be on TV preaching about the dangers of Peaceful middle aged males openly courting vulnerable teenage white girls whilst the authorities ‘look the other way’.
Apparently Naz believes the media are ‘hyping’ the issue in an attempt to cause division in our settled, diverse communities.
Unintended racism? Perish the thought. My racism’s very much intended. Take this, for example:
I think this illustrated perfectly what Mr Fiddler and I were alluding to earlier…
@Dick Fiddler
Exactly what I suspected it would be before viewing Dick, as ever you did not let me down.
Phil will do very well to contain himself, reckon he will be under strict instruction from Mrs Phil to keep it well and truly buttoned. Still don’t reckon he can do it though.
Should make for a fascinating occasion.
Yes, but how much has the Queen given the government from the Crown Estate? Shitloads more, that’s how much! Don’t knock the Queen!! The rest of them are cunts mind… open season on them…
From across the pond I wholeheartedly concur. I like Good Queen Bess and will be sad to see her go.
As for her pack of verzogene Balger…wertlos!
Have always respected the job that our queen performs. Always had a good laugh at Philips insults and think Anne is relatively normal.
The rest of them are a waste of space.
Regarding the handing out of coins to pensioners, think it is bloody insulting bearing how much money she and her family receive each year.
Either give the struggling pensioners something meaningful or don’t fucking bother is my feeling.
I thought it was that Gina Miller chance again!
Maybe there’s a “type” that will end up being a cunt no matter what?
You can almost hear the chups coming from her teef, in’it!