Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman is a cunt…

Along with other celebrislags like Natalie Portmouth and Scarlett Johansscunt ‘Our Uma’ has attempted to hijack the Me Too movement, only to unmask her own stupidity and hypocrisy… Thurman claims that Harvey Wankstein ‘sexually assaulted’ her in a hotel in 1994… Terrible, if it happened, yeah….

But there are pictures from 2004 and 2016 with her being more than pally with Wankstein and crawling round his fat jacksy…. Why would a woman with enough money and influence like Thurman socialise with a man who sexually assaulted her? Could it be she is talking bollocks and has double standards like the rest of the Hollyweird slapper crew? (just like Portmouth and Johansscunt with Polanski)…

I am sure there are genuine victims where Wankstein is concerned, but cunts like Thurman could turn genuine claims into a laughing stock, and if Wankstein sues her, every other case against him may be deemed worthless… Either that or hypocritical cunts like her and other celebrislags will give Wankstein and his people ammunition and the whole Time’s Up thing will come crashing down… But then again, maybe that’s not such a bad thing….

‘Our Urma’ has also attacked Quentin Tarantino about how he was so ‘horrible’ to her… Funny that she also didn’t mention this at the time or for years… But then, he’s now served his purpose, and helped blow Thurman’s pointless skinny arse up the Hollywood ladder, hasn’t he?…

I wonder what else this flight of fancy wagon jumping cunt will also suddenly ‘remember’?…

Nominated by Norman

102 thoughts on “Uma Thurman

  1. I was interfered with by Debbie Harry in the late 70s. Blondie had just done a gig in the Pontypool Methodist Hall and I was calling the bingo in the Miners Welfare club next door when the group came in and wanted to party. I had had a bit to drink and it happened. I have always blamed myself but these women have given me the courage to speak up. #metoo.

    • Really?

      It was the 1980’s when I had my first job working in the local pub as a pot boy when Carol Decker out of T’Pau strolled in and sat down for a drink.

      When she was finished, I innocently walked over and asked if I could have the empty glass.

      As she went to pass it to me, she deliberately, lustfully and with a knowing look in her eye brushed my forearm with her cardigan sleeve.

      This was 30 years ago and although I should have addressed this with her at the time, I didn’t want to jeopardise my career in the empty beverage receptacle collection industry.


    • I’m appalled that you have had to suffer such an indignity. Shocking, terrible. I do hope that with the appropriate counselling that you will be able to put this all behind you and continue with a better life. XXX Fucking bitch that Deborah Harry!

    • Norman I was on holiday after new year and had a big row with well meaning but somewhat stupi liberal friends that many of these “ johnny come lately types” were exhibiting bandwagonism syndrome!! I saw Kate beckingsale doing exactly the same thing!! After accusing Weinstein of sexual assault 20 years ago, the BBC report on it showed pictures of her hanging off his arm at last years Oscars??
      Unbelievable shite!!
      So although you already have riches that would make king Midas blush your still playing
      “ the game” ? Fuck off!! You celebraslag!!

  2. Despite everything I’d still be happy to come all over her face and do a wee-wee in her hair.

  3. I dunno. She has one eye bigger than the other in the picture. I don’t think I would. I’ll save myself for Nicole, Reese. Jennifer and Nina HB.

    • Oh FFS CNR!! Come on!!
      That’s probably because some guys shot his bolt into it!!
      Thurmans a cunt! But?? PLEASE!

  4. Fucks me cunstable you to ?
    I also was the ” victim ” of harry and her band !!!!!
    Ive kept this quiet and bottled it up and it’s only in the last 20 yrs ( since I made £30 million ) that I feel I can now tell the truth
    Ps I was a fucking awesome ride !!!!!!

  5. Nice cunting …

    She even admitted that she was ultimately complicit, the stupid bitch. Fucked in the head, that’s what these people are. If they ever faced truth, it would blind and kill them. Cunts.

    The only fact in this whole heap of bullshit is that the MeToo bollocks shows us what true cunts really look like.

  6. As far as Thurman goes ad fire into both eyes !!!!!!
    Infact id fire into both eyes , nostrils , her external auditory meatus , mouth and both ” normal holes ” !!!!!!!!
    Sexually frustrated ? MOÌ ?
    Nahhhhhhhhhhh !!!!

  7. Never got the appeal of Thurman… She looks like that goggle eyed hyena from The Lion King in a syrup…

    As I said, Our Urma’s inconsistent cuntery and tall tales could hinder real victims of Wankstein and any cases against him… Her self serving shite is only rivaled by Scarlett Johansscunt’s attempted public crucifixion of James Franco while she is brazenly pally with (alleged and known) Hollywood n@nces…. What a fucking cunt….

    • It’s lucky we all have such varied tastes Norman. I mean, imagine a world where everyone only fancied Oprah Winfrey!

      Does anyone btw? You’d have to be a real sicko imho.

      • I hate the Winfrey cunt as demonstrated by my recent nom; but shamefully, I don’t consider Winfrey an ‘Unfappable’.

        Sex? No fucking way. But a sly, under the table handjob? Would be hard to not give it a second thought….

        I too never got Uma Thurman’s appeal. During one of the Kill Bill films, I actually got annoyed when Thurman kept appearing just as I was lustfully ogling MILF-tastic Darryl Hannah.

  8. Have to say, Pulp Fiction is fucking brilliant. Must have watched it ten times and each time there’s a bit I missed before.

    • Just pause the scene and hide the remote control until you have got the screen totally covered.

      Strangely, my missus always misses a bit when cleaning the screen, quite a fucking big bit in fact.

  9. I do so wish that Weinstein has delivered a comprehensive fisting to each and every one of these #metoo Hollywood celebri-slags. Have any of these potential liars been to the police yet?

    • None of them will go to the cozzers, because they all threw themselves at Uncle Harvey and spread ’em for God Knows who else… Johansscunt (just before she stitched up Franco) more or less admitted it in a ‘woe is me’ whinge… Skank-Jo said ‘Suddenly I was 19 again, and I didn’t have the tools to say no!’

      Which basically means she didn’t…. Seen one celebrislag, seen ’em all….

      • And Johansscunt squealing to Franco, ‘I want my pin back!’?
        Bit late for that… I’d say she lost her pin about 18 years ago…

      • Real cunt move to do that to the guy given that there’s no proof or investigations regarding him…….

      • Agreed, PM… The thing with Franco reeks of either her (and other wimmin?) wanting him not to win an Oscar, or to take the heat off celebrislags like Skank-Jo and their antics on the casting couch as the Wankstein scandal gains mommentum…

        Johansscunt makes out she is one of the ‘cool’ New York arrogant indietwat hipster cunt crowd (see those Saturday Shite Live libfucks!), but she’s like a human corporation, a brand… She does more adverts than films (China, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the Sodastream saga also showed her major cuntitude!) and she’ll do any old crap if the money is right … Slagging off Jimmy Franco (and sucking up to/off Allen and Polanski) is all part of publicity and enhancing the ‘brand’,… But, hopefully, this time it’s backfired on the avaricious self serving cunt…

  10. Well I’m just going to come straight out with it… Harvey Winestein has me foxed. In one way he confirms my long-held views on the slyness of certain “Hollywood Agent” types,but the thought that a short,fat “Hollywood Agent” can cut a swathe through the pick of Hollywood’s leading ladies makes me almost admire the Cunt. It’s a real quandary for me.
    I’m the kind who would have done “The Bride” in Kill Bill before she woke up. The pot of vaseline would have been in use before she’d have known what had hit her. I’m neither a proud or,indeed,a moral man….. I’d also have had a bash at Lucy Lui,I’d have blown the top off her head,and I wouldn’t have needed a Samurai sword,my trusty mutton-dagger would have dislodged her wig….then I’d have had a quick fumble at Lucy Lui’s young female bodyguard if I still had it in me (and the rigor hadn’t set in with her.)
    Fuck them.

    • If a choice of the two, Lucy Liu for me every time.

      Also Thurman has enormous fucking great hands, a quality I do not much admire in women. The smaller the better.

      • I once went out with a farmer’s daughter who’d lost a hand in an auger accident as a child. Her remaining hand was strong enough tho crack walnuts,she proudly told me. She then apparently felt the need to prove her claim. She fucking near deplummed me.
        Dreadful woman.

      • Bit pervy innit Dick? Never took you for a full blown Acrotomophile. Takes all sorts I suppose.

        No prizes for guessing why Willie prefers wimmin with small hands…

      • I’m still searching for a one-eyed woman willing to blink me off. If you hear of one,do let me know. Thank you.

      • I worked alongside a guy years back who had a thing for midgets, he had never done one but voiced his desire constantly. I always wonder if 15 years on, if he managed to satisfy his curiosity.

        In the same factory, another colleague of polish descent had a thing about fat women…the fatter the better! He was often seen out in neighbouring towns with various chubs on his arm.

        He told us of his frolics in great detail and told the young guys who mocked, that “once you’ve gone fat, you won’t go back” and they were frightened to try in case they liked it.

        Top tips were, wait until the end of the night for pick of the fattest for taking home and measure up while dancing throughout the night, if you can put your arms around them and touch your fingers, then they are skinny cunts to be left for someone else.

        Happy days back then and we had a great bunch of guys.

      • Lucy Liu for me and all… And I know birdman is a big Lucy fan…

        But if I had a choice? Kat Dennings, and her wonderful big…. blue eyes….

      • Apparently Uncle Harvey threatened to kill Salma Hayek… Actually, I’d be OK with Salma Hayek trying to kill me… One week of non-stop sex should do the trick….

  11. As a pub ripe young lad on a council estate and 16 years old and still at school and only kissed girls I WAS WELCOMED TO THE REAL WORD WITH BLACK ARSE PEARL
    I got pissed and she took me to her gaff on the 10th floor of the multi- storeys and ugly as a(undiscribable) box of maggots and being 16 and pissed i had a cock like a a like a packet of thawed out chicken giblets and she decided to do the mouthful of red wine blow job
    And it did not work
    On the following morning the fat thing was snoring and i gathered my clobber (still had my socks on) and when i went to school on monday i saw her son
    And many more stories of the dirty women
    I met my German wife in a corner pub and her nickname is pub slut but a good one

    • Where would the youth of the 70’s be without #pubslut? As a young sailor we had at the gates of HMS Ganges most nights the Ark Royal. A huge cunt of a woman who could gobble one young sprog after another. And that was even after bromide in our brews. Happy Days. I still wonder if that Ark ever got decommissioned. I moved on to more buggery when I mounted a young filly by the name of Tracy Buckets. Never did know her surname but after returning from the South Atlantic I gave a full blown filth show to a half a dozen of my oppos in the Fleet club one Saturday night / Sunday morning.

    • I wonder if there was or how many Black Assed Pearls in the Grenfell?

      I wouldn’t be going up ten floors for nookie knowing there could be a dodgy Somalian a few floors down, regulating his disposable BBQ temperature with his fridge.

  12. I think everyone but the blind and the stupid can see this whole bandwagon movement for what it is: in the main, a bunch of used-up hags who have now developed a supposed moral conscience upon reaching their 40s – these days, either ashamed or annoyed that they were so willing to slide on the greasy pole of fame during their youth.

    Where was Uma Thurman’s morality as she tapped into the sexual desire aimed her way through endless films in the 90s/00s?

    Oh, and talking about utter fucking hypocrites, that Melinda Messenger was reported in the Mail the other day as stating how she felt ‘used’ and objectified during her page 3 years. Now I only know the following because I used to wank so furtively to the image of her admittedly perfect baps, but this cunt had breast augmentation to further her fucking career – so she was more than a willing participant!! Another ageing cunt feigning victimhood!

    Stay tuned for Marianne Faithfull’s forthcoming statement that she felt a victim as she rode every rocker’s cock going in the 60s and 70s, and that she needs therapy to overcome her fear of Mars bars.

    • Spent all that money on silicone and where did it get her? Left to chase around unscrupulous builders with an irritating little bald man who acted tough when accompanied by some big boys.

  13. I bet all the celebrislags and their ‘people’ are clucking like chickens on crack: trying to make deals, injunctions, double deals, super injunctions, gagging orders etc… In case Uncle Harvey has a ‘black book’ or (better still) some videos… Would be fucking hilarious if those came out…

    • Grisham move over !!
      If HW publshed his memoirs it’s a best seller!!
      Doubt it will ever happen but??

    • It would be funny if he was waiting until every allegation had came out and then he produced footage showing them crawling over to his casting couch with no prompting before leaving a snail trail on their way out the door.

      Nothing but a bunch of cum guzzlers in my opinion who would do anything to further their careers.

  14. In 1986, Susanna Hoffs of the Bangles roughly took me from behind with a strapon rubber dick, under the pier at Southend on Sea. She then proceeded to strip off stark bollock naked and rub her pellet hard nipples around my mouth before riding me like a bucking bronco.

    The Bangles had played at Cliffs Pavilion and afterwards Susanna looked me out in the audience and then took advantage of my 16 year old body and inexperience.


    (More like #Youfuckingwish)

    • Before I was old enough to understand what was going on, I had a sleepness night when I was anout 7 years old, feeling very restless and ‘frustrated’ thinking about Susanna. In fact, I remember a good number of nghts like that; Kim Wylde and Belinda Carlisle were another pair of root causes.

      These days of course, such midnight urges are swiftly dealt with, thanks to my faithful old friend Kleenex 3-ply: Man Size.

    • I’d reckon Hoffs has a minge like a split bag of soot and a line of piabs up to her belly button.

      • What are piabs?

        I imagined her box to be a petite, tidy-lipped and fragrant affair; far from a split bag of soot or even a black standard poodle with its guts slit open.

      • Piabs? Ho ho – pubes! Probably a very localised term where I live. Black poodle – excellent!

    • I had a similar experience with Bananarama, but I’m not going to be the first to shout about it.

      The randy little bitches knew afterwards their lust for me was wrong and they had taken advantage. Afterwards, they did the song guilty, of love in the first degree.

  15. Just heard those 2 parking Stanley cunts Alexandra El Baba Dark Cunt and El Shabi Cunty Cunt Sub human Cunt who were part of the so called Jihadi John’s gang of 4 (by the way I’ve aways wondered what the P on his cap meant) should have said PC and that’s not the lefty version either, have been caught.

    What’s the bet these brown skinned murdering bastards who follow a Peaceful religion will be begging to serve their sentences in UK rather than Iraq where they’ve been rumbled. But that won’t happen as they’ve been stripped of British citizenship.

    Sometimes, in life, what goes around really does come around.

    In CuntyMcCuntface’s Britain I’d treat the families of these murdering pieces of cunt in the same way the North Koreans treat the families of defectors and I’d allow the families of those aggreived the honour of carrying out any punishments.

    • There will be the usual assortment of parasitic lawyers fighting for them to be tried here sniffing out a big pay day, it’ll be a change from hounding our troops over ‘war crimes’ ; had some towelheads handcuffs on too tight or hurt his feelings and called them a nasty name.

    • Betting they eventually get it through a back door if some fandangled international court sentences them accordingly.

      I certainly think they should be tryed in court and serve sentence over there as they probably killed more of their people than British.

      No sentence will be good enough. If Osbourne got 43 years, these cunts should be stoned to death by the wives and children who lost their husbands to their terror network. Leave the remains for the vultures.

  16. Strange how these brave, strong, empowered (hate that word) women get total recall when the bank balance shows $50m.
    Cunts can go and do one.
    Brave, strong, my fuckin’ arse.
    Just watched Jamie Bulgers’ mum on TV. That’s brave, that’s strong.

    Different class….

  17. Some cuntishness on QT.

    I’ve always hated Terry Christian, the fucking manc Skeletor tribute act. Even back when he presented The Word he was an insufferable cunt. He’s like a template for Owen Jones. The wannabe working man’s cunt.

  18. Sorry cunters if you’ve already cunted this but the new Cadbury’s TV advert needs a severe and extended cunting !!
    It shows a young white girl going in to a peacefully run newsagents trying to buy a bar of chocolate with some toys from her purse!! Oh fuckin please!! The kind peaceful shop owner takes her grubby toys! Even returning one of her old toys as he happily parts with a bar of Britain’s favourite chocolate !! FFS!!
    Gut wrenching political virtue signalling shite………..

    • Oh, I don’t know Q. I’m sure that the kindly shopkeeper had big plans for the young girl. He might let the kid and her mother have the flat above the shop and get her a job with his brother,the local taxi firm owner.
      I wonder if they filmed this ad in Rochdale?

    • You don’t know what she gas to do in order to get the rest back though?

      Maybe a sequel will tell or maybe its a Bradistan shop and we will never know.

  19. Watching the Qt panel sequel that Jon Venerable should keep his anonymity whatever he does.I swear this cycle of him imprisoning and releasing him will only lead to him killing and mutilating another poor child.And none of these cunts seem to gave a cuntsuck.

      • He’s worse than that pink beret wearing cunt izzard fuck me he’s a right cunt sat there gobbing of with his fuck stupid Stan laurel hairstyle manc fucking bastard i’m fucking raging…. grrrrr.

      • The Cunt’s jabbering away on Radio 5 now….he’s just referenced some fucking Manchester United football game.

      • Tez is a fucking cunt and is well known in Mcr for being a ‘purple’ cunt… Which means the cunt cracks on he’s a red, but when he was younger he ‘supported’ City too (the rat faced fucking weasel ‘changed sides’ when United were relegated in 1974), the little twat… The ‘accent’ is also a put-on and all… Cunt…

  20. That utter cunt is one of the strongest arguments for the reintroduction of capital punishment !! Fuckin maggot…..
    A serial offender who has never shown an ounce of real remorse!
    Venenables is also a premiere league cunt!! ??

  21. And coming up on the outside in the ‘Cunt of the Year’ stakes it’s Terry ‘Bones’ Christian riding I’m a Cunt, he’s powering past Lord Adonis on Rusty Ring and pushing Anna Soubry on Smelly Snatch into 3rd. This is amazing a totally obscure cunt fighting his way through the pack. Oh look, Little Timmy Farmong is stuck in the stalls. What a race.

    • And now we’ve got that ugly,nastycunt Sourberry on this week fucking telly’s gonna get a good fucking kicking, I can’t handle this shit the CUUUUUNTSSSS

    • It’s only February but fuck me it’s a strong field for COTY!!
      So so many worthy candidates ..

  22. I thought Terry Fuckwit was doing well until the Brexit question came along. Then he transformed into the usual sleb EU loving twat spouting the same old mantras we’ve heard a thousand times before. I noticed his accent had a distinctly less Manky edge to it, the cunt.
    The wanker has just gone into the top 30 ( or maybe 40 ) of cunts who need a good kicking.

  23. Alan Johnson needs to get his shirts from Jacamo. They have a category for ‘Fat Stupid Cunt’

  24. Just look at what the Soubry bitch and Alan Remoaner cunt are wearing! How can you trust cunts with such bad taste? The poofs must be squirming on their sofas and having a little weep.
    That Yank bird just made them look like a right pair of ignorant cunts.

    • I remember Kate Andrew’s destroying ISAC favourite and guardianista wankstain owen Jones in a debate on Venezuela!! She absolutely oblterated the Cunt!! She absolutely annihilated him……..
      one of my favourite you tube clips ever………..

      • I remember her destroying that thick as mince, lying, feminazi cunt Kate Smurthwaite fucking brilliant it was,
        has she ever been cunted?

      • I remember that one too. I thought this woman could really go places if allowed to speak her mind.

        One of the best on the Sly Press preview™ especially if the topics for discussion are right.

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