Serena Williams [2]

I’d like to nominate Serena Williams for a Grand Slam of a cunting. If you think Andy Mugray is a virtue-signalling cunt of the highest order, then you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. ‘Ms’ Serena Williams not only ticks many of the minority boxes but is a total fucking victim with it.

I could bore you with how this cunt abuses gamesmanship and endlessly fucking feigns injury to win over hearts and minds on the tennis court. I could don the anorak and inform all parties about her ‘panic room incident’ – back in 2011 official drug testers paid her a visit at home to literally take the piss, she ‘mistook’ them for intruders and hid in her mansion emergency room (safe space, natch). Said drug testers were shooed away and never ended up taking a sample. Nothing suspicious there, huh?

I could even remind you how this beast momentarily dropped her liberal-adorned halo at the 2009 US Open, getting disqualified by threatening to have some lowly Korean line judge killed.

But no. That’s all small fry.

Serena Williams is a proper fucking cunt because she leaps on every possible bandwagon to avoid any and all criticism, as well as shameless self-promotion on the back of ‘wimminz’ issues. Don’t acknowledge me as the best athlete ever? Racist. Don’t think my shitty one-sided tennis matches are as good as the men’s? Sexist.

And today we read about her wading into the media campaign against some male tennis player – laughably called Tennys Sondgren – who was revealed to be following right-wing figures on Twitter. Outcunting herself in extremis, Serena Williams ‘demanded’ an apology from this male player. An apology. For following someone on fucking bastard Twitter.

Who the fuck does this behemoth of a cunt from the ghetto thinks she is, wading into something which she isn’t remotely involved in? An apology demand from the fucking cunt who, to this very day, refuses to apologise for abusing the aforementioned Korean line judge. The problem with this fucking shitcunt is that she has truly fell into the pond of her own hype, like Narcissus, complete with her Beyonce-tier ‘independent sister’ and mother-Earth baby photoshoot cliches.

Game, set and cunt – Serena Williams.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

Serena Williams is indeed a monumental cunt. Not only her but her gangling freak of a sister and a mother who is the epitome of the ‘Don’t you know who we are’ set of self important jumped up cunts who have had their morals dissolved by vast amounts of the filthy lucre.

To hear Miss Williams grunting and screeching her way through such boring matches is akin to striking one testicles repeatedly with a ball pein hammer and I shudder to think what the fuck her ‘booty’ will look like in 5 years. I think the sun will have severe competition on the eclipse front.

I for one can’t wait for the day these cunts play their final matches at Wimbledon and we see the last of this clan.

Nominated by Kendo Nag

82 thoughts on “Serena Williams [2]

  1. At the risk of appearing to be sexist, I look at that picture and think “No thanks, love”…

      • It is quite disgusting.
        I say ‘it’ because I’ve never been sure of what’s going on there to be honest. A bit like Sletvana the ‘Female’ Eastern European Weight lifter back in the 80’s who was quite clearly packing meat and two veg down there.

        Sharapova, rather good. Martini Hingis, she’d have got it and probably still would.
        Gabrielle Sabbatini, she was all right en all, and once you got past the nose Stefi Graff was alright till she went of with that Agassi knob.

      • Although a brat Anna kournikova was hot!!
        I will never understand how she choose Spanish heartthrob and multi millionaire singer Enrique inglesias over myself …… ?

      • I had just about got over that when Charlize Theron dumped me for some orish cunt actor!!!
        2 time loser……. ?

  2. On a purely childish point of view, she looks like she smells badly. Can you imagine the odour, cheap fast food mingled with streams of sweat and b.o.-stained sportswear. That’s BEFORE she starts playing tennis.

    • Really would “Pity the fool” that would try and get a leg over that/ her/ him/ it…

  3. Empire and kendo – take a bow. comprehensive thorough cunting at its finest. Nothing to add apart from she is now advertising tempur mattresses having slept on one for 10 years??? Its a double bagger for me. One on hers in case mine comes off. I wager a lost tribe amongst her beef curtains, which reminds me – the privet needs trimming. Lastly, no fucker ever grew that much pork as a vegan.

  4. Didn’t her gangling sister kill some old guy in a traffic accident??
    These two grand slam babies can fuckin do one, I will dance a jig when they eventually play their final games at Wimbledon!
    And I’m sick and fucking tired of their back drop story “ growing up on LA,s public courts “ blah blah blah, we’ve all heard the tale! It’s Wimbledon not the X FACTOR!! …….
    excellent cunting lads!! ?

    • Oh yes you can’t beat a fucking ‘we had it hard rags to riches’ back story. It’s No 1 on tick box form that confirms your status that ‘cus you’s Is Black’ your rise to the top was so much harder.

      No doubt their Dad had to work as a fucking bus driver in between coaching sessions just to make ends meet.

      Talent and hard work means fuck all in sport, it’s never got any cunt anywhere.

    Eggheads is a programme I quite like. Tonight’s quiz team are a group of overweight Zimbabwean wimmin – hugely fucking ugly going by the name of “Women United” – a support group for ugly fat Zimbabwean wimmin. Is nothing fucking sacred from the lunacy of ALBBC’s quota of box ticking. I wouldn’t mind but they are as thick as a Ghurkha’s foreskins.

  6. Living proof that Dr. Moreau’s Island has had the odd escapee. I blame her and her troop for driving away the bonny feminine looking women players like Martina Hingis. They knew that they couldn’t compete against someone who possibly developed her forehand by swatting away biplanes while hanging off the top of the Empire State Building.
    Still,I suppose at least she’s not a furry-cup sipper,although where they found a man sufficiently equipped to plumb her depths is a mystery to me. I wonder if they used a “love-swing” or just made do with a tyre hanging on a rope.

  7. Off point….
    Just saw guardian headline
    Yet another coalition of remoaners is forming to apparently “give the people a voice on brexit”? How thoughtful…….
    Headed up by non other than future ISAC hall of famer Chuka Umunna!!
    This Cunts starting to challenge Blair in the lack of self awareness stakes!

    • Well there’s a surprise Q. I would appreciate a second opportunity to tell Europe to “fuck off”. Don’t need another vote to say that though. So. If your listening Chuka Fuka…..Fuck off!

      • The chicken shit cunt bailed out when the heat came on! Used the old personal issues card!!
        Bottle job back bencher back stabbing cunt!!
        Touted as a future labour leader this back biting brexit denying cunt has blown his chance to ever be a labour leader!! Fucking coward………

    • The more coalitions of remoaners, the more chance of internecine warfare. Bring it on…btw, I see Jonathan Powell’s been meeting a Chinese business delegation this week. Is the #2 remoaning rat in the Blair syndicate hedging his bets?

  8. Brexit scare Day2.
    We wont be able to staff the NHS. So called BBC News at 6.
    I wonder how non EU countries manage to attract and employ skilled workers? Could it be that they have a points system and priority occupations?
    Of course this could never work for Remoaning Britain. Better to let every fucker from the EU, and of course far beyond thanks to Frau Merkel in without control or checks.
    Doomed. we’re all doomed.

    • Life before Europe was a better managed affair. The NHS recruited from within and there were few imported nurses. The HSS decided to reduce significantly the training places , and the way in which we were trained in favour of imports that were cheaper. Politicians made this mess. And as an aside, this evening, cunt Osborne is interviewed bragging about his Northern Power house, and New Apprenticeships ( as if the cunt invented apprentices ) It was the political class that ENDED apprenticeships in almost every fucking occupational area.! Cunts

    • I posted on this a few weeks back, the reality is since the vote on 23/6/16 there’s been a net increase of workers from the EU going to work in the NHS of 3193.

      But as the Al-BBC is totally neutral and has at its core a charter that compels it to present fair and balanced debate I’m assuming you must have missed this CC?

      • Interesting fact that. Its amazing how the figures are “compiled”. The majority of Staff I worked with were Malaysian, Pakistani, and Indian. Some Romanian and Spanish were recruited, but they all fucked off into the “bubble” 14% had bogus qualifications, 27% failed basic English. The NMC ( for Nursing ) held over over 14000 dubious qualifications, but allowed applicants to remain as “HCA’s” Many went to work in the Nursing Homes of the UK.
        After Leaving Newcastle RVI, I worked for Forensic, and FME at UKBA. You would be surprised at how many bogus nurses and doctors are in the system

      • That’s the thing with stats, you can bend ‘em to your own advantage……..

        So I’ve just had a quick look again at the ONS figures and they would agree with your experience.

        It appears there’s 25,000 more Common Wealth or Rest of the World workers in the NHS than EU Nationals.

        But we’re led to believe the NHS will ‘collapse’ without a regular supply of ‘brave’ nurses from the EU.

        I guess what ever way you choose to cut the figures it remains only 5% of the NHS workforce comes from the EU, around 8% the RoW and the rest from Blighty.

        Thank Christ there’s no waiting lists or language barriers.

        That really would be unacceptable

    • Admittedly my late dad was a racist cunt, but I remember someone saying if we didn’t have immigrants then who’d run the busses and trains and hospitals?

      His reply was always “If we didn’t have all the immigrants we wouldn’t need so many buses trains and hospitals!”

      I have to admit he had a point?

      • My late dad was also a racist cunt. As a 13 year old he told me if I took drugs I’d have black babies!

        Have to admit he too had a point, cos I ended up marrying a girl of Indian descent. No sprogs though, so his warning remains to be validated.

    • More project fear nonsense, one of the UK,s main problems is because of our EU free movement and the mass of Europeans coming in it affects the amount of non EU Nationals we let in…..
      A good example would be my cousin, she’s a doctor and lives in America, shortly after passing her exams she thought about working in the old country for a period, she was amazed at the array of red tape!! And didn’t bother, At that time she had no dependants so it would have been all gain for the U.K., yet a cleaning lady from Europe with a transit van full of kids can just waltz in!! How on Earth is that ever right?
      That’s fuckin dumb immigration!!

      • Exactly, Quisling.
        Qualified/experienced engineer from Korea who wants to come, work hard, pay tax? Fill out these forms and go through bureaucratic Hell.
        Qualified/experienced dentist from India who wants to come, work hard, pay tax? Fill out these forms and go through bureaucratic Hell.
        Qualified/experienced doctor from Kenya who wants to come, work hard, pay tax? Fill out these forms and go through bureaucratic Hell.
        Dodgy, lazy, unskilled, inexperienced, unqualified drug dealer from East Europe? Step right this way and have free money and housing.

  9. Whilst she would be a terrifying bonk, I’d quite like to fight her, monster as she is. Where’s cheeky monkey Gunther Parche when you need him. If I remember correctly, he was the scamp who stabbed grunting, piggy-eyed minger Monica Seles in the shoulder 20-odd years ago.

    • I would suggest you read up on the effects of entering a ‘Black Hole’ before countenancing such a wreckless mission. I believe either Einstein or Hawking could explain the pitfalls quite well.

  10. What the fuck is up with Canada? I know they have that rapugee loving posturing mangina Trudeau as PM but changing the English version of the national anthem to be gender neutral is just too much, they should be out on the bloody streets.

    • Canada is quite possibly the worlds most PC country……
      North American soft cock central as I prefer to call it……

  11. Confess, a bit of a tennis fan, and especially McEnroe. Went to all 5 of his Wimbledon finals when there was standing and it was easy to get tickets.

    As for the women, the modern game sucks. Apart from the Williams, there’s all that fucking screeching! What the fuck is that all about?

    They should run the slams over 4 weeks, 2 men, 2 women and let’s see who sells the most tickets. Let’s see how equality works. Even now, tickets for women’s final at Wimbledon cost less than the men’s. Who the fuck cares if Clarissa Wrvenska beats Arianna Le Pontier 6-2 6-3?

    Of course, Chrissy and Steffi have a place in my heart, for shaggability.

  12. *News Flash Cunting*

    Darren Osbourne is a cunt. This is the man who ploughed a car into a bunch of Muslins last June, killing one and injuring nine. He’s just been found guilty and sentenced to prison.

    What a loser! Only one killed? What was he driving, a fucking Smart Car?

    • I’m building a turbo-charged steamroller with a front-mounted combine-harvester cutting head and a rear-mounted Greenmech wood-chipper purely to speed up landscaping jobs……What a relief that the wicked Mr. Osbourne didn’t steal it and use it for his outrageous attack. However,it may be available for hire if Mr.Osbourne feels the need to become a landscaper after his release… I’ll even throw in a route map to that hive of landscaping opportunities, Bradford.

      • Perhaps your Fiddlermobile could be used to chase his (possible) relative, George “Immediate recession after Brexit” Osborne. I’d love to see old ‘Six Jobs’ in the Wood-chipper.

        Good to have you back, Dick.

    • He wasn’t even responsible for killing the gadgee, he’d already collapsed just before said nut job arrived at the scene. Bit harsh to do him for murder. Parking illegally yes but murder no.

      • More people killed when a learner driver hit accelerator instead of brake and ploughed into a shop front in North Harrow near 40 years ago. Just about managed page 5 of the Evening news. Can you imagine the coverage if a White male not mentally ill takes out a bus stop full of peacefuls then runs amok with a big knife, all the while shouting verses from the Apocolypse or some other dare I say Christian work. This is a cuntish move to appease the peacefuls nothing more. The only reason as you are all aware that this even made the “news” was that peacefuls were involved and they were on the receiving end for once.

    • I was rather disappointed with his defence. A big boy did it and ran away. Very poor indeed.

  13. Did you read about her Grand Slam themed wedding ? It was all about her and her Grand Slam trophies etc. Pity the fool who married her because he was just a side show on the day. It would only have been true love if she married herself -if that’s at all possible.

  14. I haven’t watched tennis since Steffi Graf retired. Now there is a woman. I would happy to end my days with my ears gripped by those Teutonic thighs.

  15. Apart from being fugly, I dislike “her” aggressive tactics on court. Tennis was once enjoyable to watch, mainly because the players behaved with consideration to their opponents, but now it’s a vile grunt-fest, with steroid-packed “females” like this specimen – all power and no finesse. The sister’s much the same (but even fuglier) and the pushy father is giving even pushy ‘mericans a bad name.
    Bring back the days of Chris Evert!

    • I loved Chris Evert when I was a lad…. Big favourite of mine…

      Lukaku fan club very quiet today… No doubt he’ll bag a hat trick against the mighty Huddersfield and everything will be fine again? He’s a fucking cunt and a clown! The Belgian Emile Heskey….

  16. Question Time perfectly demonstrates that feminists would gladly throw innocent men under the bus in pursuit of advancing their ideology.

    Greening and Swinsob going on about Thatchers vagina rather than her policies.

    • Even if you can somehow, miraculously, ignore Thornberry’s Mount Olympus tier cuntitiude, she remains one of the most physically unappealling women I have ever seen.

      Her, Anne Widdicombe, and Billie Jean King are three examples of what I would call ‘The Unfappables’… women who, even during the driest of dry spells and at maximum sexual frustration, cannot muster even a twitch from the old pork sword regardless of how creative and imaginative you are with your mental ‘wank bank’.

      Watching ‘This Week’, though, and my goodness, Liz Kendall MP doesn’t have that problem right now. Thankfully she’s washed her hair today; quite often it looks so fucking greasy it puts me right off.

      • The Unfappables? Here are mine, ECB…

        Jo Brand
        Abbott The Hutt
        Janet Street Cunter
        Devil Streep
        Skeletor Spice Beckham
        Tilda Swinton
        Chickboy Gaga
        John/Paul/George/Jack Monroe
        Cuntlin Moran
        Yoko Fucking Ono

      • My unflappables list:
        Diane Abbott
        Emily Cuntberry
        Ann Widdecombe
        Camilla Parker Bowles
        Shami Chakrabati
        Nia Griffith
        Sandi Toksvig
        miranda Hart
        Liz Carr
        Kate Smurthwaite
        Cherie Blair
        Hillary Clinton
        June Brown
        Margaret Beckett
        Ruth Bader Ginsburg
        Theresa Coffey
        Susan Boyle
        Beverly Callard
        Carol Mcgiffin
        Amber Rudd
        Julie Goodyear
        Elena Kagen
        Germane Green
        Julie Bindel
        Karen Taylor out of Eastenders.

  17. QT audience seemed truly balanced for once on the Brexit issue. As it’s in Lincolnshire, totally flooded by iron curtain scum, that’s not really surprising I suppose.
    I was very impressed by John Mann. If only there were more like him and Kate Hoey in the Labour Party!
    I noticed how really fucking angry the remoaners were finding themselves outnumbered in the audience. Not used to that in your bubble are you, cunts?
    Greening is a self serving bitch and needs to fuck off.

      • Indeed Captain. She is in the constituency next door to me. All these years i’ve had to put up with Tessa fucking Jowell and now Helen Hayes, the dirty Blairite remoaner bitch.
        In my constituency you could dig up Jimmy Savile’s corpse, stick a Labour rosette on it, and the cunt would still have a 20,000 majority.
        What a fucking world eh?

      • I coughed up £3 to vote in the initial Labour leadership contest featuring Catweasel. Guess who I voted for? Yum yum – pass the mint cake please vicar!

        The ballot allowed for 3 choices. Corbyn was my second choice, cos I reasoned that if the membership were cuntish enough to not choose Kendall then the Leibour cunts deserved to be wiped out. Of course, all this took place before the Referendum, Camaroon’s resignation, and the walking abortion that is Treeza Maybot.

        But despite being the luckiest looney in Labour party history – up against a fox hunting, dementia bashing vacuum in the General Election – Cuntweasel still couldn’t crack it.

  18. Didn’t these cunt sisters bleat about how they could best some of the best men in tennis only to be walloped by some guy who want even near the top 100?

    As an aside, and I may be wrong, but I remember reading that women tennis players (at the top at least) get paid more than men. Couldn’t see any feminist cunts demanding equal pay, or those paid more reducing their income to be on par, funny that.

    • Yep.

      Some real outlier on the men’s tour ranked 200+ beat both sisters consecutively, playing one set against each, way back in the late 90s.

      The male player in question apparently had a ‘round of golf and a few beers’ beforehand, too. He is also famous (or was) for smoking during changeovers.

      Funny that the Brothers Grimm don’t bring this one up in all the equality arguments, eh? Beaten easily by some random pub geezer.

  19. I think we’d need Dicky Attenbruff to lead an expedition to rescue lost souls if ever her butt cheeks are pulled apart on her booty. ?

  20. Plock…..grunt plock….shriek plock grunt plock…plock scamper plock…grunt plock…
    (continues for plocking hours)

    Watching paint drying isn’t nearly as hard on the neck muscles, either.

  21. Nomination – The PDC and Formula1
    These two cunts of organisations have decided to do away with the walk on and grid girls. They have prematurely decided to toe the PC line for fear of retribution from the minorities who want to ban anything they deem unnacepable and demeaning to women. Let’s hope the girls who have just lost their jobs fight back against this latest ridiculous decision and speak out against this pc bullshit. Who’s next? Cycling, Boxing, UFC, Cheerleaders at the American football.

    • Next they’ll demand half the drivers on the grid be women because of “equaliteeee”.

    • If a male actor exposed himself at the Golden Globes (or some other bollocks) it would be seen as outrageous and the Me Too mob would be in meltdown and ready to burn him at the stake, Franco style…. Yet all these Hollyweird celebrislags can turn up with 90% of their tits hanging out of skimpy frocks and they call that ’empowering’… Of course, if you pointed this out it would just go over their dizzy thick slapper heads… Cunts….

  22. Yes. Ugly, smug cunt. Apparently became a “real woman” when she gave birth. Never ending pics of her spawn on social media like she’s the first to have ever done it. What on earth her husband sees in her who knows. She must give good head.

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