Germany’s outgoing ambasador to the Court of St James, Peter Ammon, says that Brits should stop going on about being so bloody independent, that it isn’t WWII any longer, and that we all have to stand together, united…
Oddly enough, on the very same day, we learn that, almost 80 years on, VW (remember the “Kraft durch Freude gassing-wagen” scam, would anyone buy a used / non-existant car from these cunts ?), BMW, Mercedes et al. have been up to their old tricks, using car engines to…gas monkeys, who, apparently, watched cartoons during the “prozess.”
Wot, no Wagner operas ?? Or Goethe poetry (the deluded twat who wrote the Ode to Joy lyrics that even van Beethoven nearly ditched)…That’s a let-down for Vaterlandischer-Kultur !!
WTF is it about these guys and their gas fixation ?? And they imply that WE haven’t learnt.
Fackin hypokrauts.
I wonder if Ammon has seen the Merkelfuhrer’s fanny by gaslight…
Nominated by HBelindaHubbard
Fuck off you cunt.
For supposedly “elite” people (yeah right), they find it hard to get in to their thick heads that we don’t want to stand united with you on stupid policies. We want to stand united in terms of not invading each other (and I wonder who has been guilty of that recently).
Apart from that you can stick your socialist regulations and 10 billion net tax up your arses.
We’ll make our own rules.
If you want to cut your noses off to spite your faces by erecting tariffs, that’s your fault you kraut munching cunt.
“WTF is it about these guys and their gas fixation ?? And they imply that WE haven’t learnt.
Fackin hypokrauts.”
Ha ha ha.
Well cunted!
I’m giving this one a fucking wide berth.
Clearly wise beyond your years Dick.
I could always tell the odd joke….A Rabbi and an insect of the Order Blattodea are caught up in an apocolyptic event. Who surv….perhaps not.
I see what you did there…don’t think the thought police will catch on however, ha ha.
It’s quiet tonight. S.B.
Lost one of mine earlier this evening. In retrospect, it was a bit on the naughty side. Will say no more.
The Krauts couldn’t give a monkey’s nut about being united, unless it’s them in charge of it all. Where Kaiser Wilhelm and Adolf failed, modern Germany is succeeding. In a decade or so, they can re-brand the E.U. and properly, carefully, quietly subjugate all the countries.
Europa über Alles.
The EU is Germany’s 4th Reich. Germany is subjugating the rest by imposing the Deutschmark as the EU currency. This opens all the rest up to German exports while impoverishing their own industries. It is Hitler’s model without the fighting and genocide..
Had a friend who ran a bar in Munich so visited a few times. I thought it quite a cool city, we found a great club that played rock music..
While we were there, we did visit Dachau. Fucking hell, that was a life experience, and the legend seemed right, no birdsong.
Only 40% of German cunts own their home, the lowest in Europe. Don’t know what that means but it’s interesting.
I worked in Germany for 3 years on and off (US parent company). The Germans cant understand this fixation with home owning. Almost all the krauts I worked with rented and were quite affluent. One thing that amused them more than anything was we Brits being handed houses by our parents when they die (well some of us – not me. When my mother was alive she told me when she died I was getting fuck all – I asked if it was furnished;-) – They really couldn’t get their head round being “given” a house – their view was their parents financed them through education and gave them a start and that seemed to be the extent of their expectations. I have to admit through gritted teeth they are absolutely charming and so helpful when not on the Costas or abroad. Their view is they go abroad, usually for 3 weeks, and expect to be waited on hand and foot with no queues and no cares about who they piss off. I went out on the ale with them regularly and when we congregated the Germans would speak in English to one another. When I asked why – they said it would be ignorant to speak in German with English guests. Still cunts mind – but likeable cunts. The Northerners are more friendly and amenable than their Southern counterparts. Oh – and literally nobody mentions the war. That was until big gob here was working with a colleague in the comms room and I kept referring to my mate as “Bomber” (his name being Harris). After a few shouts of press this Bomber, press that, carry that Bomber the German who was working with us asked “Vas ist Bomber?” to which I replied “you know, Bomber Harris who flattened Cologne and Dresden” – old Gerry took it in good part – I don’t think I would have done had he been calling his mate Goering or Himmler in front of me 😉
When it comes up link this post with mine “Leopard II”, the current kraut tank used by Nato.
Fuck this cunt!! , ex German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble and German MEP manfred weber!!
These 3 German Cunts have been threatening the U.K. since it decided enough was enough!!
Backed by European shills like Tusk!, a man so despised in his homeland Poland that he rarely visits!! , add to the list wonky toothed future yew tree Suspect vehorstadt from non country Belgium and political non entity juncker and you complete this set of misfits!!
For all it’s faults I would prefer to taste real brexit as opposed to living another day in subjugation to these unelected anti democratic Cunts!! FUCK U EU …….
Nicely articulated Q – better we die on our feet than live on our knees.
We’re not gonna die SB!!
Of course, of course. You keep telling yourself that Q…
I actually thought Tusk was a brilliant album. Better than that Rumours bollocks.
You wouldn’t let it lie, would you CnR?
Tusk is a bloated monstrosity! Though Sisters Of The Moon could have gone on a bit longer, imho…but agree, beats the hell out of Rumours. But maybe not ‘Fleetwood Mac’ (1976).
Best Mac album is their 1968 debut… Peter Green was the man….
Wouldn’t argue with that Norman. ‘Then Play On’ was a nice one too.
Dominic Lawson, also writing in yesterday’s ST and in response to the comments made by this box Head relayed a story told to him by Sir Christopher Meyer before he became ambassador in 1997
He said he went to a meeting held by Helmut Kohl the then Chancellor and CDU members.
He said the audience was uneasy about giving up the DM and then Kohl told them: this is the only way we can become the dominant economic power in Europe with terrifying the French……..
The Germans do love their ‘Gas’. Apparently, so a mate of mine who worked over there for a while tells me, they are very fond of some sort of device/hood that goes over a pervs head and has a pipe attached with a funnel thing at the other end. The other participant meanwhile consumes a quantity of Saurkraut and after leaving it to ferment somewhat in preparation of a pre planned rendezvous waits for a build up of digestive gas.At such a time the perv dons the hood whilst their partner proceeds to vent off the gaseous build up into the funnel thereby making its way into the hood and giving the recipient the full scent of the noxious fumes and receives much sexual gratification into the bargain. I have tried to source such a contraption via Amazon and EBAY but with little success. Not with an intention to purchase I have to point out but rather as fact finding excercise. Maybe some fellow posters could throw some light as to the availability of these objects of perversion.
Methinks you protesteth too much Kendo. Have you tried Poundland?
I suspect they may only be available via retailers in Deutscheland sadly.
Have you tried asking local MP? I’ve little doubt that mine knows,and probably uses it on himself. The Cunt.,
Something like this?….0……35i39k1j0i67k1.1059.rXWabpbKlT0#imgrc=ZY8SvDLfcEc0qM:
Or Howells of Cardiff, currently having a sale.
I used to fart in the biscuit tin before my ex-wife’s mother came over for one of their “coffee and chat” mornings. I also enjoy lighting my farts while lying in the bath. I like to pretend that the little model ship is The General Belgrano…or a boat load of migrants.
I’d be VERY worried about a possible shart event…
The element of risk merely adds to the fun,HBH,and if the worst should happen at least the bits of sweetcorn look like small bald Chinese peoples’ heads bobbing in the water.
My fault for replying in the wrong place (I was really considering the funnel/pipe/hood combi, and mega-deaths that The Flabbott could cause – would be similar to the Strath Report), but your naval imagery is indeed very colourful, DF !!
Any follow-through on the biscuits could’ve doubled up as choccie sprinkles or caramel hundreds ‘n’ thousands.
Obviously another cunt with his snout deep in the EU trough.
Any guesses how the Al-BBC opened the 10 o’ Clock news tonight?
Clue: stern faced Huw Edwards and something to do with something beginning with B….
It was better than the opening on NAT with that Love cunt – now that is one face I wouldn’t get sick of kicking – the cunt should have been extradited and spent 90 years in a US clink – his excuse for not being extradited? He was on the spectrum and had bad flare ups of eczema the horrible mountain toothed cunt son of a vicar. Greeted outside by his wastrel chums – the typical leftie Greenham never washed Swampy protest everything type. He had one of those Palestinian type checked tablecloth headscarf things wrapped round his waist pushing a suitcase in a pram – nuclear megaton cunt.
Yes I have to say it’s amazing just how many of these cunts somehow quite by accident end up in one of the most secure computer networks in the world.
Come on, give him a break, he’s a bit of a spacker, he doesn’t understand that if a cop is holding a gun to his head that means he could be shot at any time.
No he’s just on the spectrum. Even though his crime was to effectively break In to American Propery it wouldn’t be fair to put him on trial over there as he’s on the spectrum, suffering from depression and likely to kill himself, even though there’s no hard evidence of the latter.
Fortunately for the Americans the Russians haven’t been trying to compromise their networks so any suggestion that this prick had done anything other than follow a dodgy link from Xhamster is outrageous.
Colour me untroubled by our nerds breaking into US systems: their spooks pretty well own our secret data. And, all you cunters who think it would be a nice idea to get some sovereignty back from the EU (I agree, for the avoidance of doubt), WTF is wrong with getting some back from the US at the same time?
What happens in UK stays in UK. Recruit the cunt to GCHQ under threat of a life sentence, and use him…
The Russians suffer from Aspergers, so cannot be considered responsible for anything they might do to inadvertently destabilise the West.