This guy who hacked the us government or whatever is the newest poster boy for victim remoralising/excusemaking sympathy porn.
He has aspergers syndrome or something, which apparently means (I am playing a faux-ignorant charicature here to emphasize the stupidity of the situation FYI, anyway …) that he didn’t give 2 shits about why he was hacking, it was all about the challenge.
So apparently that makes it alright then?! The cunt even arrogantly made some wanky statement to the media saying that it was a victory for justice and blah blah we’ve heard it all before pal. What kind of mental gymnastics go on in a morons head to make him think that it is heroic to get away with something that in most cases would mean the end of a normal persons lifestyle? To fuck with such power and then laugh at it and then think you are right means you are a cunt, not a hero.
I’m not backing up the US Government though. The problem is the arbitrary and frankly laugh or you will die nature of it. Here is the nub of it.
So because he has aspergers, it means that his motivation was technical. He wanted to see if he could beat the challenge of hacking some of the tightest internet security. He didn’t care about whatever military bullshit he would find (who would?), he just wanted to see if he could, because his “disease” made him. This apparently passes for logic. The best I heard was some sympathy monger on LBC state, and I quote, “I wouldn’t call it hacking”.
Think about this for a second. Someone commits a crime, but because they are motivated by some condition (meaning something they can describe that other people do) then its ok. Because his primary intention was to commit the crime in the first place, and not some other goal, that makes it ok? What the actual cunting fuck?
Picture the scene. A woman comes home to find her son in the process of being stabbed by another man, who has aspergers syndrome (or whatever fucking excuse is next). Horrified she says “you stabbed my boy”. The perpetrators mother is there (for purely anecdotal reasons), “I wouldn’t call it stabbing” she says, “he just wanted to see how far the knife went in”.
They’re just taking the piss aren’t they, they’re not even trying any more.
So Laurie Love deserves a cunting, becaue he let the sympathy dealers brainwash him into thinking that he can do whatever the fuck he want because he has a condition, and then brag about it.
Nominated by Cunting Rank Wags
Anyone who calls himself Laurie Love deserves everything he gets. What a Cunt.
Aspergers, ADHD, ODD, Tourette’s and any other shit that hasn’t been invented yet are just excuses for being a cunt.
Just wankers taking the fucking piss. They can all fuck off out of my face the pricks.
Funny that all these hacker cunts all seem to have this BS isn’t it?
Christ Almighty I can hear it now. Some guy comes home and finds some cunt banging his wife…I wouldn’t call it shagging…he just wanted to see how far it would go in.
Fucking cunts!
Look…like it or not governments the world over have secrets. This doesn’t necessarily mean nefarious…it means (in some cases) legitimate. I hope they prosecute this mentally ill cunt and lock him up for trying to access them.
As an Americunt I must say this psycho cunt is lucky. If he tried this shit with the recently cunted Russians, Putin would have him killed.
Full disclosure…I have Cuntsburger Syndrome.
Is he related to Mike Love by any chance?
Because he’s a massive fucking cunt and all….
Great cunting, he is a criminal pure and simple, but I think it’s pretty obvious what’s happened.
Someone from GCHQ, MI5 or 6 or whatever the fuck, took him off to the side said “you work for us now”.
You hack who we tell you, when we tell you or we’ll hand you over to the septics.
I hope that’s what happened anyway. If they just let him go then they’re dumb cunts.
Actually forget what I just said, they are dumb cunts so they most probably did just let him go.
They probably even let him book his summer holidays to Russia this year.
You’re right, security services too dumb to make him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
Same soft as shite attitude Worboys exploited: “let me out, I’m ok now, honest guv…” And that cunt Venables.
I’m genuinely at a loss to understand all these “On the spectrum” classifications. I acknowledge that there does seem to be far more weird kids nowadays than when I was a child. I know that a lot of it is just an excuse for bad parenting,but there does seem to be more kids who have no idea how to interact in a “normal” manner. There certainly is something the matter with them. I’ve wondered if it’s down to food additives or air pollution or their brains being affected by too much computering? I don’t know what is causing it,but I think that there really is a serious problem.
Once, in 1984, my mother ordered me to tidy my room. “I can’t,” I replied. “And why not?” she enquired. “I’m on the spectrum,” I protested. How we laughed…I was playing Manic Miner on my ZX Spectrum. And a tidy bedroom is, of course, the habitat of a homosexual.
I’m deeply suspicious of people who play video games. I believe it to be gateway behaviour to a life of knob-fiddling debauchery. The Gays play video games while high on drugs at their parties,they are too interested in collecting golden ring-pieces to care about the health implications of their wanton lifestyle. I’d ban them. (You’re right about a child with a tidy bedroom….a sure time of a jobby-jabber in the making.)
I will freely admit to playing video games late in the evening. It’s either that or spend time with that ghastly cunt to whom I’m manacled. At least then I can picture her sour, moaning face plastered on to the heads of the aliens I kill. Or should that be “gayliens”?!
My guess, like most things, it goes back to Blair’s time. The parents were subject to poor primary socialisation, and they in turn, not surprisingly, were clueless when it came to socialising their own sprog, the current generation.
Great for the barbaric cultures and extremists who wish our country ill.
Actually Dick I really think you’re on to something. I don’t know what’s causing it either. Has psychology made great strides in it’s understanding of the human psyche and explaining our behavior or has post modern liberalism made great strides in rationalizing the human psyche and making our behavior relative?
The family unit ( despised by the left ) was destroyed purposefully , and the nuclear family became a minority. A reduction in social standards, poorer education, and the aggressive application of the “Human Rights Act ” helped to reverse the standards of the established populus, and the result is what we see today.
It is in the interest of the Globalists that we are impoverished intellectually, Nationless, and without the strong social and family ties that would stop the progress of the march of “Ant Life ”
Kalergi ( lickspittle ) envisioned a society so disjointed , that a sheep like state would emerge. His greatest success. Angela Fucking Merkel.!
@Simple, Dick and Shitcake:
You “gentlemen” display a collective (and indeed individual) genius not often seen in today’s society!
Hats off “gentlemen”
There’s loadsa money to be made making up phoney disorders that used to be considerd part and parcel of growing up.
Today the arrested development industry see to it that no one grows up anymore, all grist for the pseudo psychologist’s scam money making machinations.
Nice libtard touch btw, confusing our primary school children into questioning their gender…
Abso-fucking-lutely Shitcake. You just keep raining wisdom in this thread. ?
Which is rare for you. ?
@General Cuntster
Guess it’s all part of Multiple Personality Disorder’s rich pageant. We all have our crosses to bear. Apart from that I also have to put up with being Stalin reincarnated. Not proud of it obviously, but what can you do? Wouldn’t want to be Charlie Manson though. That dude was crucified at birth.
I think there should be a total ban on the use of the word “fucking” followed by certain wimmins’ names…
“Fucking Angela Merkel” ??!
JC, I’ve got to try and get some kip.
Wonder what the old bitch specialises in ? Soapy tit-wank ?
@ General. Social behavioural Conditioning. The sinister science.
Really good stuff going on in this thread! Spot on Mike. No stigma no shame accurately describes so much of what goes on here in the states too!
Following the dissolution of the old Asylums, the NHS had nowhere to place those who were a threat to society. I recall in horror my reaction to the liberal “Care in the Community Act ” which made so many malevolent spirits loose upon the streets. CCA was always going to fail.
Why did this happen? Because nearly all Asylums were sited on valuable building land!
The outshot, is , that in my lifetime I have sen some of the most forensically disturbed take their place in “normal ” society, and the result has been disastrous. Psuedo Psychology and a whole raft of sociopaths have contributed to some shocking attacks upon society.
Now, a new breed of Faux Intelligencia, have provided a passport to exemption from the rules of normal behaviour.
Gentlemen, unless we fight back, we are fucked.
And, as for the fucker so cunted. Cunt!
We are already fucked beyond the point of no return. This must be what, for hundreds of years, generations of our forefathers fought and died for.
There will soon be a special certificate….
Why not ??
They’ve already got a job-anthem…
“When I’m licking windows”
Starring on Question Time tonight:
David “ my best friend, the brilliant artist, died in Grenfell it was a racist murder” Lammy.
Proceed with extreme caution.
Why are the same torrid fuckers booked time and again? Lammy is a fucking retard.
Fucking Lammy seems to be collecting ‘friends’ murdered by the evil Tories. The rough sleeper found dead in a underpass near Westminster was a victim too, Compo Corbyn having sent flowers and a card, couple of opportunist parasites.
Would not have given the rough sleeper a flower when the poor fuck was alive, when he could have smelled it and enjoyed it a bit.
Only because he discovered there was a buy one / get one free at the florist when he was in sorting out the whales Valentine delivery.
Wonder if they got a dine in for two somewhere
It’s been said that there are more lawyers in Westminster….than people.
I’m tempted to agree with you there Mike but then I’m reminded that we’ve got Kier Starmer, Lady Nugee, Tony B Liar, Chucka What’s his name and Sadiq Cunt gimmegrant son of a bus driver, I think Jack Straw was a lawyer too and just like his old boss His Tonyness had an unblemished record when it came to The Iraq War and WMD’s, so they’re not all bad.
In the best tradition of Englishness (by way of a stateside poster):
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
In the best tradition of ISAC:
Bunch of fucking cunts!
Steaming festering bucket of black shit. That’s his better side. Grenfell grotto daily attendee along with comrade swivel eye. A huge fuck off banner appeared on the Thames asking why there has been no prosecutions. In true libtard peaceful style they want the execution before the trial, but only when it suits their agenda. They want the peacefuls out of gitmo who murdered by design and the irony is there was only the festering bucket of shite Lammy that knew any of the bonfire gimmegrants . Cunt cunt and thrice cunt
They want to blame and lock up everybody involved with the aftermath for their failings but all residents are to be exempt from prosecution for ANY criminal offences committed.
That includes Mtembe’s distant Uncle Behailu who lived on the fourth floor, allegedly with his son and disposable BBQ.
Strange how when he raised the alarm with his neighbour, he was standing in the hallway with all his stuff packed up in bags and no sign of his son.
Clearly he had already been taken down and strapped in the car before the return mission for the family silver took place.
Pity he couldn’t save the goat burgers, would have saved him going awol / to the drive thru and he could have spoke to Sly News™ instead.
Is free buildings, contents and life insurance, medical treatment, temporary accommodation, food, drink, clothing, entertainment allowances, funerals including free flights for family members if required not enough?
No, they’re waiting out in case the council replace the tower with a new multi million pound high end prestigious development which they are entitled to of course. Despite being so traumatized that they can’t walk down that road (except on carnival days) ever again.
The way that Javid clown is allowing tax payers to foot the hotel bills after the “government insurance / money tree” payouts made and refused housing offers is ridiculous.
Years ago, I had to accept the second flat my council offered me despite being as big a shithole as their first offering. Had I refused, I would have been put to the bottom of the list again.
Yet the cunts want more!
He is a total cock womble. Has pulled the wool over everyones eyes: scum cunt.
How many times have you and I heard this shit from detainees eh? I used to assess for rule 35, ( you are familiar with that Krav ) and every fucker was trying it on…….Oh fuck the Jamaicans….some of the worst.
Stopped working in IRC’s. The system is fucked…
Rule 35 is a total joke! Torture claims are wholly subjective.
Exactly….the whole fucking issue was wank, and I got paid £112 and hour for shite!
Any cunt, so dangerous that they invade restricted cyberspace, playing the ” Special Privileged Needs ” card. Should be instantly executed.
Fed up of seeing this snide annoying little retard on the TV with his Palestinian headscarf and army of degenerate hippie friends I would not touch with yours.
That’s 1-0, this means that when a peaceful gets caught up to no good on his computer then he gets off too.
Anyone breaching the security of government defences should be punished. I bet he’s been through shitloads of sites here in GB that he shouldn’t have been near.
I’d give the cunt something to celebrate…
A good water boarding for starters would unveil what he’s been hacking in GB.
David cunting Lammy on Qt tonight
The Grenfel Grafter
I wonder when the costs of this government failure wil be released?
I would have put them all up in community centres for a two month period out of courtesy and to allow them to get alternative accomodation and settlements sorted from their insurance companies. After that they would be on their own.
Didn’t see “Winston fucking Woolf” screeching up outside the tower did we?
How do you think the same situation would have been addressed if this happened in their countries of origin?
It certainly wouldn’t have been 8 months+ free accomodation and meals at the Somalia Hilton & Trump Eritrea.
Funny how when cunts get caught they mysteriously develop some imaginary mental illness or affliction in a vain attempt to prevent justice from being served. That’s politicos, through Hollywoodland slebs, through meejah cunts.
Besides, I thought the yanks had successfully applied to have the cunt extradited?
Hopefully the cunt is there now getting a binary load off a couple of “pipe hitting n*ggas” (TM Pulp Fuction) called Bubba and Marcelus.
“Ay chuck, was that a van that ‘peaceful’ cunt used to mow those folk down?”
“Naaah! It was a Laurie Love! “
Application denied.
What a shame.
One think about the yanks is that they know how to treat their prisoners properly.
Not like the holiday camps we have here where they sue on human rights grounds if HM Prisons didn’t get Grand Tourismo Sport in for their PS4’s a whole two weeks after the release date!
The grisly details – read at your peril…
We can’t trust you Brits for anything. If you had granted extradition you would have (a) one less cunt in your country and (b) saved the US taxpayers the cost of a trial when this miserable cunt offed himself.
Yeah I wouldn’t have been asking for his belt or laces in solitary.
In fact I’d add a couple of sturdy hooks in the room should he be that way inclined.
I agree wholeheartedly, a missed opportunity for one less cunt in the UK if not (eventually) the world.
Will never forget the Flabott’s case of severe calculatitus just prior to the general election which led to her refraining from duties / being contacted by the media.
How this one could be deemed fit for purpose in the event of election success I will never know.
Here we fucking go.
How can you tell if David Lammy is talking bullshit?
His mouth is open!
No, that’s when he’s straining to understand the words coming out of other people’s mouths.
You can however tell Lammy’s talking bullshit when his lips are moving.
(A body language trick I learned from Judge Judy).
And what the fuck is a “Centre for Labour and Social Studies”?
Is that the new PC name for a prison??
A re education camp I reckon.
Opening all across Gt Britain soon…
You will have to read between gritted teeth. I cant even begin to type what utter cunts these lot are but anyone who has Paul Mason as a regular contributor just has to be cunts.
Cunto, have you READ any of the articles in that link? We need a war against these bastards…
I didn’t see CUNTS listed amongst the donors to this Commie snowflake Labour /Momentum loving bunch of cunts.
Lammy should have been fined more than five grand for his nuisance calls episode, instigating some 35,629 automatic phone calls to influence his mayoral campaign.
Was he kicked out or even suspended? No, he is allowed to remain in the party. Having the audacity to think he was fit to be Mayor of London not once but twice is a disgrace to the labour party and he should be banned from future mayor elections / campaigns.
He is one dirty cheating cunt.
Tyranny alert.Tranny alert.
Im going to fuckin bed! Piss is super heating and my balls are glowing red hot!
Yeah when I looked up I didn’t put that voice with that face.
It was so low only blue whales could hear it and yet I look up and there’s Mrs Merton’s long lost cousin looking down the idiot box!
Jesus fucking christ almighty. That BEB Lammy once again has got in his hatred of our Imperial past, and how evil white people are! I swear to God I would love to kick the living shit out of that smug self serving arrogant banana munching cunt!
Aid? Fuck aid.
I love the fact that they are surrounded by symbols of our glorious colonial past. The buccaneer looks particularly attractive.
Totally agree.
Rude ignorant thick cunt who thinks that being the loudest makes him right.
Would also like to kick the fucking shit out of him.
That trannie made me fucking laugh! It wasn’t that long ago that a cunt like that would have only surfaced on a two bob comedy programme ( think Dick Emery, Les Dawson ). Now we are expected to listen to them pontificating about politics. If I ever become interested in sucking cocks they might be of some use to me. In the meantime they can fuck off.
Fuck that’s so true.
A couple of weeks back my youngest daughter (14) told me that some fuck Cardigan Jenna or something had given birth.
Whilst I sort of knew who she was talking about I genuinely wouldn’t have known the cunt if it had thrown a double top in my forehead.
So, being an argumentative cunt that should know better I said ‘oh is that the trannie thing I’ve heard about’.
Ill spare you the detail but my dislike and open intolerance for the thing wasn’t appreciated.
I don’t take any pleasure in rowing with any of my kids but to be told it’s perfectly normal to want to be a bloke / women when you’re not needed to be challenged.
So I said, if we went in town today and some ‘thing’ was dressed up as a bird and presenting as such and was flapping its arms saying they could fly would you believe them?
That’s different Dad, was the answer…..!!!!!!??????
If I hadn’t been such a gobby bigoted racist bastard I’d be ashamed of myself but can’t help think I’ve failed somewhere along the line.
The classic retort is this…
“Hang on, so how is he…er…she…it a woman again!?!”
“Because she says so Dad!!!”
“But I mean there’s no attempt to even look like a woman!”
“That’s not the point Dad. She has chosen to identify as a woman and – biologically a man or not – you have to respect their wishes! God you’re so 90’s!”
Two days later…
“Can I have £20 to go to the pictures and get a MacD’s with my friends please?”
“Yes certainly here you go.”
“What!?! Dad, that’s a fiver!”
“Well you see it may *look* like a fiver and have the words ‘pay the bearer 5 pounds’ but actually it identifies as a twenty pound note and who am I to argue against it!”
Keep chipping away with realisms like that and they’ll soon start to learn what daft cunts they’re being!
I like that Rebel….I must try that! A fiver eh…?
when I turned 60 I identified as a woman so was able to get my state pension 5 years in advance.
Ah now that’s a very interesting point!
So if I state I am a woman, in this PC fuelled shitfest of society, I have to be believed right?
So if the law doesn’t recognise that you are a woman (and let’s face it you don’t even have to go through the trials of physically becoming one) then no one else should have to either should they?
And so, while Citizen Khan is ignoring the fact that real crime is on the rise across the boards in Londonistan, focusing instead on the installation of transwhatthefuckever toilets in the shitty; there’s absolutely no reason to do this because they’re not women legally.
O’course would they see sense, would they fuck! Instead of telling this tiny fringe group of deluded pricks (literally) to fuck off, they’ll appease them and simply pass a law which makes the retirement age the same for men/women/whatevers.
And that will be 60 right? No it will be 67 for everyone!
Maybe that’s what all this tranny appeasement is all about anyway. Wait for some cunt to challenge the pension rules and then make it equal by wanging up to 67 for all.
And any cunt who disagrees is transphobic, homophobic, racist and Islamaphobic!
@Rebel without a Cunt
It’s already happening – the state pension age for women started to rise from 60 to 65 in stages between 2010 and 2020, and the coalition Government decided to speed up the process in 2011.
As a result the state pension age for women is due to go up to 65 in November 2018 and then to 66 by October 2020.
Luckily I got my identification in as a woman just in time!
I’ll further confuse her when I give her a fiver and say ‘here you go love, have this’ and she’ll say ‘what’s that’ and I say ‘it’s a Lady Godiva’
All the same I can’t wait for the next borrow. It’s going to save me a fortune.
Cheers Rebel?
This sneaky cunt is a Computer Security advisor, conscientious objector and all round cunt. I just read this from his own Web blog type site.
“The National Crime Agency (NCA) seized Lauri’s computers and tried to force him to turn over his encryption keys, but Lauri refused to cooperate and was ultimately released on bail. Nine months later, Lauri’s police bail was allowed to expire and the UK investigation against him appeared to be closed, although the NCA refused to return six devices that they could not decrypt.
Now he sounds like a sneaky suspicious cunt who could be up to any one of a hundred dodgy things. Spying, bank fraud, child porn and much more.
Seems guilty of something or else he’d allow access to prove otherwise.
They should seize his computers for good and he should be banned from owning or using internet enabled equipment.
We are all potentially at risk from this clown who could access our information held by organizations or sell it to the highest bidder.
Is this soft approach the reason so many of the “northern pee dough power house” are still walking / driving the streets?
Poke the cunts eye’s out
He will be lobbying for more money to get thrown Africunts way in order to rebuild Zimbabwe and s̶h̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶i̶t̶s̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶r̶e̶g̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶b̶i̶g̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶s̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶l̶e̶e̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶M̶e̶r̶c̶e̶d̶e̶s̶ ̶l̶i̶m̶o̶’̶s̶, help its poor people get a standard of life which the previous leader deprived them of before retiring with a mahoosive bank account.
I shall “identify” myself as being mega-minted.
To further my ends, I shall rake it in, Sorearse-style, in any number of illegal and dodgy ways.
And I reckon it won’t be long before they lock me up….
My defence shall forever be that:
“I identify”
Wot a complete load of psychobabble, brainwashed WANK.
Of course when this guy ended up in court in America, they put him let him join the navy and put him on a nuclear powered ship.
so logicaly we should whisk him away lock him in a room and have him hack the chinks and ruskies.
Laurie? and thats clearly a man but thats a womens name or is this one of those female to male trannie weirdos?!