Here is a headline from an article in the Telegraph culture section.
“Kiera Knightly says she doesn’t do modern films because female characters nearly always get raped.”
I’m virtually speechless. This is so richly deserving of the deepest of deepest cunting and doesn’t need any narration.
Nominated by Cunts n Roses
Dear Kiera. I had not realizes that rape was such a modern invention. By the way, are you still a virgin? Only asking.
What’s in it for me? Sand?
are you still a virgin?
silky cunter Pfft you don’t go into showbiz if you want to keep your virginity, you go into a convent! Aside from that fact Keira looks like shes sucked more then her fair share of cock and shes in her late 30’s I’m thinking No
Apparently British driving licenses may not be valid in the EU after we have abandoned this great project.
Someone should tell them that we have millions of foreign cunts driving around without licenses. Get used to it cunts!
how come you get a little red light?
I think driving licenses come out of a crisp packet these days regardless of nationality, as both a motorcyclist and a lorry driver I see a lot of stuff on our roads and the sheer fucknucklery of Britains road users is astounding. Black white man woman whatever fucking useless, some woman accused me of endangering her and and her kids when I had to slam on when some old codger pulled out on me but this silly bint was so far up my arse she nearly crashed into my trailer. I asked her clearly in front of maybe half a dozen other people what the fuck it says on the back of my trailer and gets bigger the closer you get to it, yes that’s right it says “If you can’t see my mirrors then I can’t see you” the silly cunt.
I’ve also nearly been taken off by motorbike by parked cunts just swinging their car doors open, people who don’t check mirrors or blindspots and don’t indicate. I know people go on about shit foreign drivers but honestly as a professional driver fuck me I think everyone is out to either piss me off or kill me, the standard of driving and road courtesy is on it’s arse.
And yet the car and bike tests have never been more stringent and complex.
Too much law and not enough order…
The problem is once people pass the tests they then drive how the fuck they want.
The Somalian cunts with the old Peugeot’s and Citroens are the worst, relegated to the French dross due to poverty stricken Parking Stanley’s snapping up all the Nissan Bluebirds & Toyota Carina’s.
Drive then like dodgems. How the police can’t tell they have no MOT, insurance or even a licence other than the fake handwritten ones made up at the same place that does the nurses qualifications back in the homeland.
I suppose if they’re good enough for fooling the NHS, they’re good enough for fooling the Police and DVLA.
Does that mean all those ‘no speaky english’ blagslag Somalicunts and Eritrean filth won’t be getting free cars off local councils any more?…
No need to worry after working in der vaterland for the last 25 years
i got pulled over last tuesday and still have my old eu driving liscence
and the old thing is crumbly without a picture and gave my passport witch is 2 years out of date and took a breath test 0.00 an was on my back home
White van bricklayer shat himself lol
Does she ‘do’ catching a taxi in northern England or an Uber in London?. That’s real life for dozens of women and girls , none of your made up jackanory #MeToo bollocks, I’m sure this cunt would be all over a Weinstein type like a dog with a hot chip if the money was right. Probably needs to sound off and give her flagging career a bit of attention around the Oscars run-in.
As she has starred in such classics as “The Hole” and “Bend it like Beckham” (obviously autobiographical roles) I can understand why the cunt feels that way.
According to Variety she is up for the lead in the third installment of her life trilogy, “Waltzing with Weinstein”…but only if the sex between her and Harv is consensual.
The pouting Ms Knightley is clearly struggling with her career. The last role she played was a rider of a Ducati in a daft Chanel advert.
Did she catch Harvey Weinstein sniffing the saddle of said Ducati after she rode it and is this what has now made her move over to the #Metoo, misandrist dark side?
I was thinking that snurfing was a pastime limited to bicycle seats carried out mostly in town on seeing a bike being “freshly parked” while the saddle was hot.
Maybe this is posher snurfing but I bet the Ducati seat didn’t smell of Chanel afterwards.
I am currently watching Black sails on amazon, so she could be right.
No its actualy quite refreshing to see people going at each other with axes and a plenty of sex.
very realistic keal haul scene (shreded pirate) lots of violence.
sort of helps me unwind after a nice day at the office.
Black sails is pretty good, can be a little slow at times but overall worth watching. I need to watch the last season, been busy watching Vikings and being a lazy cunt.
It’s filmed in South Africa which is wrong the cunts should have filmed in the Caribbean and specifically Jamaica, the original Pirate haven in the Carribean. The black people in it speak with South African accents when in reality they would have spoke Carribean patois. The bloodclaat producer cunts.
Is it full of Parking Stanley’s too like every other period drama, just to make it unperiod correct?
I’d have them removed and replaced with a tasteful pair of 32As.
I’ve always seen Knightly as a sort of (very) shit Fenella Fielding….
Another coked to the gills gobshite celebrislag… Yackety fucking yack…
Nah, she doesn’t do films now because no fucker wants her in them, simple as that…
And she’s a shite actress and all… The daft cow will probably end up in EastEnders when she gets a massive tax bill,,,,
Only time I ever noticed Knightly was when she posed in the rick with Scarlett Johansscunt…. At least Scarjo had some meat on her (in those days) and a nice arse, Knightly just looked like a swan vesta in a wig….
You’ve saved me some time Norman….
A vacuous talentless cunt!!!
Well said Norman. I saw her in some film called Domino and she was meant to be some bounty hunter in America and she spoke with some Kensington posh accent and it was shit.
That pic is fake, lads… Keira Shitely doesn’t have any tits… Well known fact…
In the film The Duchess she played a Duchess who was raped by the Duke. Must have forgotten that role.
This from crybaby purple cunt and plasticmanc Tez:
‘Hostlity from Brexit mob . All I’m doing is pointing out lies they’ve been told – don’t be mad at me – be mad at con men who lied to you…’
Cant imagine why… Maybe being a condescending, arrogant cunt who called anybody who voted Brexit stupid and still does might have something to do with it… And like the Remainer lot aren’t a mob? Fuck off Tez, yer Judas cunt! ?
What the fuck did the cunt expect, going to Darlington and telling them they are all thick as shit?
These slebs are so used to tongues going up their arses they are genuinely shocked when somebody tells them to fuck off. Fuck off Fuckwit.
I saw him, talking over cunts like the shit he was coming out with actually made sense. I’m sure they only have a token low brow cunt like him on every week to try and make the knobs we have for politicians look half human. It doesn’t work.
Didn’t somebody stick one on Terry Cuntstain on the word, or some other crap he was presenting? I was hoping someone from the audience was going to throw a chair at the cunt. An opportunity missed…..
Keira Knightly may be a cunt, but I’d stick my tongue up her asshole. I’d insist she said in her posh accent ‘ooh you duhhhty Black and White cunt’.
You wouldn’t, would you?
Er I dunno what came over me, I had a funny five minutes. I know naffink abaaaaaht it.
What a disgraceful thing to suggest. I would though.
Sunken chest no booty….having said that, I’d nail the posh bitch to the floor for hours, and when I ran out of nails I might even fuck it….
Might as well finish her off after that with a Cleveland steamer.
Off topic – what a surprise! Catweasel collaborating with Barnier to keep UK in the Customs Union…of course, that is only the tip of Labour’s thwart Brexit iceberg.
He would run it differently alright, he would run it / our country right into the ground.
The answer to Keira Knightly is Keeley Hawes: virtually the same face (especially in Ashes to Ashes) as Keira but without the xylophone chest assembly and a much better set of hips!
Ahh Keeley Hawes, sexy as fuck she is. Still looking good now.