Halimo Hussein

Halimo Hussein is a cunt of the most epic proportions.

For those that don’t know, Halimo Hussein is a Somalian cunt that lives in our country, receives free health care, a great education and a ticket out of her native shit hole just so that she can look down her nose, spit in our faces and take us for the soft mugs that we are.

Her and her band of left wing cunts stormed a Churchill themed cafe in London chanting “Churchill was a racist” and defaced a Muriel of Winston Churchill by painting the word scum across it.

Her partners in cuntitude were:

Timesh Pillay – A fucking junior doctor in the NHS. …The cunt is 28 years old. What a prick.

Nisha Phillips – Another Corbyn supporting, ugly student cunt with no brains.

Hamish Anderson – A soppy student “activist” cunt that says: ‘Notably I’ve been involved in occupations, protests, petitions, negotiations, unions and co-ops from environmental issues to social injustice issues.’ … basically … a pussy.

Dimitri Cautain – A trampy looking, smithie wannabe, commie twat .

They’re all cunts but Halimo Hussein is the leader.
She is a staunch corbynite and idolizes that shit for brains, pretentious cunt Russell Brand.

If there was ever an advert for ending this farce of multiculturalism, this is it.
Only one has a British name (hamish) so maybe a custodial sentence for that cunt.
The rest can fuck off.

When people are allowed into this country, they’re not expected to have any respect whatsoever for our history, culture, morals or laws.
They can just come here and spit in our faces, insult our country and disrespect our ancestors.

Most …well, some .. people that come here integrate and have love and respect for this country.
Those people are welcome.

The immigrants, more often than not, show respect for their new adopted country (apart from the peacefuls of course).
It’s some of their “British” offspring that are the real cunts.

They call themselves British yet have no feeling of pride in our history, and actually think that because their families originally came from a shit hole, that somehow gives them the right to look down on us, insult our traditions and disrespect previous generations of Britons that have sacrificed and struggled to give us the freedoms and safety that we have today.
Just like that twat June Sarpong that I cunted the other day.

They also seem so fucking proud of their original country. Why?
It was obviously shite or you wouldn’t be here.

Cunts like Halimo Hussein should be immediately sent back to where they belong.

Timesh Pillay should never be allowed to work in the NHS, for his own safety as much as anything else. …I know what I’ll do if the treasonous little cunt ever lays his hands on me. It won’t be pretty.

As for the rest, maybe now that they’re exposed as the ungrateful little shits that they are, perhaps we should either pack them all off on national service until they learn some respect or deport them back to their ansestoral homelands.

Some people might say “but they’re only young, we all make mistakes when we’re young”. Yes but these cunts are in their mid 20’s. .. The junior doctor is TWENTY fucking EIGHT. By that age it’s time to grow out of being a mouthy little student cunt and take responsibility.

Fuck them.

Nominated by deploythesausage

72 thoughts on “Halimo Hussein

  1. It’s the sheer arrogance of Cunts like these that boils my piss. No other country would put up with their history and tradition being so publicly rubbished by a bunch of self-righteous,ignorant fools. They insult and demean the past generations who sacrificed so much to safeguard these peoples’ right to spout their opinion. They also insult and demean the present generation that provides them with an environment safe enough to enable them to spit in the face of the vast majority of their fellow citizens.
    Immigrants or natives,they should at least have the common decency to realise just how insulting and offensive their actions appear to people…perhaps that’s the point?,,anything to garner some “likes” from their equally deluded and ungracious friends on Twitter.
    Fuck them.

    • They are well and truly vermin, these offensive little cunts also pull this shit because they think they’re too good to go and get proper jobs. It’s all take take take with these scum-suckers without putting a whit back into the country. I don’t care where they come from and what their backgrounds are, all I know is that a cunt is a cunt and these cunts deserve to get their heads kicked in. Fucking maggots.

  2. Another seriously awesome cunting there Mr Sausage!

    For some unaccountable reason both my blood and piss have simultaneously reached boiling point, possibly in record time. The wife has taken the precaution of calling an ambulance.

    How is it that unproductive filth like Haslimo are allowed to walk the streets with impunity? Legs would not go unbroken if I were 40 years younger.

    • Actually I’d be more likely laughing at my dad’s blood & piss boiling over, cunt that I was.

  3. Excellent and most worthwhile nomination.

    It is called biting the hand that feeds you.

    Disgraceful disrespectful behaviour by ungrateful unprincipled nothings.

    Fuck them.

  4. This backstabbing cunt who of course sucks on the bell end of Jezza, should be sent back to Somalia from which her family fled for a crash course in REAL racism and intolerance and not swallow any anti-British/colonial/imperialist horseshit spouted by her Student Union.

    A quick side cunting for the good doctor, agree with Sausage, this twat needs to unfuck himself sharpish..a member of some group called ‘Docs not Cops’, basically they don’t want to check if people are health tourists or illegals and therefore liable for payment. The folks got the shits in Bangkok, question 1: Are you insured?’ Question 2: ‘Can I see your credit card?’.

  5. There are also British people, admittedly uneducated and loony leftish, who dislike Churchill and label him a “way-cist.” He made plenty of mistakes which are documented and well-known but without him we’d be in a terribly different Europe. In less than five years, these dopey middle-class, Lefty, wealthy cock-gobblers will all be driving Range Rovers and grumbling about paying tax.

    Probably all a publicity stunt by the café who must be making a fortune.

  6. These people really are cunts, great cunting.

    Give em an inch, they’ll take a mile.

    Give em a house, they’ll take your country.

  7. A very equitable cunting, Monsieur Sausage.

    This ball of Somalian excrement would have otherwise been speaking in clicks and whistles whilst dining on goat’s scrotum and deep fried chimp brain if it wasn’t for the generosity of this country. It is given access to housing and a decent education, although ironically this does seem to have been wasted on this tossrag.

    I simply can’t stand fucking Somalians. Out of all the RAL8014 shade cunts who settle here, the Mogadishu Maggots are the ones that seem to take the piss the most by their unabashed freeloading and complete paucity of gratitude towards their hosts.

    Try pull the stunt she did out in Dubai. The cunt’s baggy arse wouldn’t have touched the ground. It would have been forcibly frogmarched and thrown into some piss-soaked cell with just a cockroach and some assorted friendly flies as company.

    What a complete cunt.

    • News article on Radio 4 this morning about how a thousand+ Somalian women in Londonistan are currently DENIED the vote because WE aren’t doing enough to encourage them by providing translators, explaining the system (vote Labour), or helping their menfolk see the benefit of allowing their chattel to partake, etc, etc, blah blah cunt cunts!

      Btw, Harriet Harperson is the putrid cunt that just keeps discharging.

      • Why the hell would we want a herd of fuckin’ ugly Somalians voting anyway!

        You know they’re scum when even the rest of Africa hate the bastards.

      • Don’t forget that patronising POS Dawn Butler too! God, it was on TV today and fucking hell it takes a certain level of cuntitude to be that smug, self satisfies, condescending and speak in such a patronising way they way she does.

        Fucking hell, she makes Jabbott look tolerable!

      • If they want an interpreter they should only get if charged full market rate, cash up front. Or use free online translators on their inevitable iPhones, lazy cunts.

      • Suspect the useless fuckers only want it if it is paid for by someone else.

        In Japan everything is in Japanese (with a few things also in English (road signs, train stations, restaurant menus etc).

        Not like here where we make it rar too easy for people to take advantage.

        I am so fucking angry why our country continues to give hard earned tax payers money to those who should not even be in the UK or on overseas aid rather than to those who have paid into the system for years but get fuck all.

      • Oh Christ, SB, I’m going to be stuck with a nightmare image of Harperson’s minge (detached from its owner, like Gogol’s “Nose”) flapping round my room like some demented bat, squirting gleet everywhere…

      • Gleet…nice…glad I didn’t see that before MY buddy-byes time. Sleep well Belinda? Ha ha.

  8. The “skinnies” take first prize in cuntishness throughout the known universe. I would think that trans dimensional travel would possibly provide a chance to meet a bigger bunch of cunts but the possibility would be very small. Even the travellers hate skinnies. Read some report that had arrived at the surprising conclusion that more skinnies claimed benefit than any other distinct group of goat fuckers the figure quoted was 87% of eligible adults. Not bad eh.

    • But what about Mo Farah, Norman? The UK’s greatest ever Olympian was born in Somalia,but just look at him now, a true representation of how migrants enrich our society…drug-free,tax-paying,trustworthy and with a highly attractive wife to boot.

      • Mo Farah, born in Somalia and lives in and works out of America? He’s about as from the UK as the first cunt that got shot dead in ‘Black Hawk Down’.

  9. Somalians are bad news full stop. Their unemployment rate exceeds even that of their similarly useless co-religionists and they are vastly over represented in every area of crime you could think of. Plus there is no war in Somalia. I’m sure the usual murder and famine and rape and tyre necklaces and AIDS plagues and other accoutrements of Africa and the snackbar de Allan are all present and correct in Somalia but I don’t care. And it does beg the question – what the fuck are these cunts doing here?

  10. I wouldn’t want anyone being under any illusions that what I’m about to say may be racist. It IS fucking racist. And I do not give a continental fuck.

    Somalia must be the single most disgusting, cuntworthy country on the planet. Nothing seems to emerge from there except scum, filth, detritis and 57 varieties of criminal cunts. Clearly they have a womderful breeding programme that causes them all to look exactly the fucking same. It is therefore entirely logical that our wonderful successive governments have gladly welcomed them here with open arms.

    My apologies in advance for not reading other comments from esteemed ISAC colleagues on this entry, so forgive any duplication… the pissboilng was that severe. Perhaps someone should forcefully remind Holimo Hussein that if she voiced the same type of dissent back in her native homeland, she would very likely be sodomized 12 times before breakfast and burned at the stake before – or more like ‘for’ – dinner.

    Like so many other vocal cunts whose origins are from legitimate shitholes, they know that the UK is there to be played like a fucking keyboard; bark a few cries of oppressed immigrant and the left-wing lobbies will do the rest. Say what you like about Trump but his observation on these types of septic pit tier countries was spot on.

    I fucking despise these sorts of cunts with exceptional vigour.

    • Somalia is one of those cuntries that I still fail to see what positive purpose they have or what useful contributions they make. It is truly a worthless dominion.

  11. Gentlemen.
    Could I offer the opposite of a cunting?

    The Russian pilot that was shot down over Syria over the weekend.

    Get’s shot down. Pulls his sidearm and kills two of the snackbars that had come to capture him. Realises the jobs fucked and all he has to look forward to is a lot of torture and a very grisly and painful death. Pulls a hand grenade and tops himself rather than be taken alive. That must take some bollocks.

    The good thing about Putin is that you know his response will not be at all proportionate. I imagine a large number of Syrians will be crying before bedtime very soon.

    • Ivan may have had big bollocks but if the peacefuls got hold of him they would have been served up on someone’s plate by the end of the week. It was ever thus. Savages don’t take prisoners.

      • Savage doesn’t do it justice Freddie.

        ”Sub-human” is more apt for the peaceful scum.

        Let’s hope Vlad and the boys annihilate the fuckers!

      • And he clearly understood that. I can’t even imagine how scared the poor bastard must have been. Went out like a boss.

      • It’s the ultimate definition of the term ”between and rock and a hard place” isn’t it?

  12. How utterly ironic, Winston Churchill, in my opinion Great Britain’s greatest leader initially stood alone to take on and defeat a tyrannical regime that shot, gassed, operated on, starved, tortured and worked to death 5m Jews, Gypsies, Disabled, Blacks, men, women, children and babies.

    The Frogs had capitulated at the first sign of a Herman Infantryman and the Americans were constitutionally barred from entering the War.

    Hasnt it occurred to this utter fucking cunt fuck piece of Somalian shit that what Winston Churchill led was a fight to rid Europe of a tyrannical regime that really wouldn’t have took kindly to a female immigrant who’s skin colour didn’t exactly fit into his idea of an Arian.

    Whilst I’ll defend the right to free speech as a society we have to accept that there are limits as set out in the Crime and Disorder Act.

    I genuinely can’t find the words to convey my hatred for this cunt.

    • It is utterly inexplicable. Wilful ignorance barely scratches the surface. Abusing our hard won right to free speech to insult us – a right that generations of our ancestors fought and died for – negates, in my opinion, her right to spend even one more night mooching off the British people.

      Any Government worthy of the name would have put this scumbag on the first flight back to Somalia, microchipped so if she attempted to return only death by electrocution at Arrivals would be there to greet her.

  13. Churchill was so racist he took in 25,000 Jewish kids during world war 2. Fucking wankers like that Somalian simian should be educated into what would happen to them if Hitler won the war.

    • Well said! I hear the cafe in question is now busier than ever. If I had been there when these cunts had turned up it would have got very messy.
      As for the grinning cunt filming it…. I would have shoved that phone right up his jacksy.

    • We won’t hear the end of it I suspect Shaun.

      I’m sick of this endless Femnazi back patting and all the other bullcrap that’s associated with it.

      They don’t want equality…..

      • I used to think I believed in equality, but not now. I prefer to say that people should realise their potential but always add that in some cases that isn’t very much. I also don’t see why some cunt who has never done a hands turn should have the same standard of living as me. Socialism now means hating any cunt who has got a bit more than you, meaning a modest home and a bit of savings. Their kids will never have this I’m told..well not while they are waiting for that job on the unicorn farm to come up, the cunts.

    • Truth is, most of them are as thick and ignorant as fuck… It’s great when you ask these wimmin who founded the Me Too movement… They say some celebrislag like Natalie Portmouth, Fat Oprah, Concorde Conk, or Skank-Jo… And their cavemen staring at a wheel faces when you tell them it was Tarana Burke…. They never -ever – know who she is… Priceless…

      Also, when you point out to them that a lot of their female celebrity feminist heroes are killers (who have had multiple abortions simply because it interfered with their careers: Madogga, Stevie Nicks etc), they don’t like that either… Fucking nectar…

      • Try the Tarana Burke thing on any bolshie femstapo smartarse cunt at work, in the pub or wherever… Ask them on the spot (without the daft bitches googling it on their phones) and their face will be a picture…

    • And I believe ITV are peddling more transbender telly next week.

      Eyes dahn for a full arse… not forgetting saggy dockers’ knockers, shovel-faced blonde bint wannabes, and a load of really crappy syrups, not seen since the Mr. Whippy wagon last came around with its merry jingle.

  14. Presumably the grinning self satisfied bitch at the front of the photo is the Somali ponce in question. I’ve never hit a female in my life but I would make an exception for this scrubber…….oh, and Sturgeon……and May obviously …….and Lilly and Flabbot of course……and the Soubry baggage…..shit, i’m doing it again!

  15. People selling Munich “memorabilia” on the anniversary ……Yeah, them fucking
    cunts ……

  16. “They call themselves British yet have no feeling of pride in our history, and actually think that because their families originally came from a shit hole, that somehow gives them the right to look down on us, insult our traditions and disrespect previous generations of Britons that have sacrificed and struggled to give us the freedoms and safety that we have today.”

    Exactly. And they are encouraged by the stupid braindead left wing cunts that
    mostly couldn’t make it in a real job so they became teachers instead.

  17. Ideally their next protest would be at the “Adolf Hitler Bar & Grill” where they can try their best to intimidate the clientele of hulking, swastika-tattooed, neanderthal skinheads wearing size 12 steel toecapped Doc Martin boots.
    Oh to see that pop up on Youtube…

    • They have to recycle this record over and over again, don’t they? All the rare (?) tracks on discs 3 and 4 have appeared before on various bootlegs. I’ve got the lot.

      • Aha! I predicted something like this back in 2008 when I wrote an Amazon review for the excellent Forever Changes (Collectors Edition) 2CD.

        I concluded my review with:

        “All we need now to complete the cycle is the original mono mix – start saving up for the 3CD box, due for release in 2015 (possibly), ho-ho-ho…”

        Only 3 years out, and as Allan points out there appears to be very little new on this lavish 50th Anniversary edition, apart from the aforementioned mono mix.

        I have the original vinyl UK Elektra mono, and imho most of it sounds like a stereo fold-down. If I had to choose I’d take the stereo version anytime (I have that too on original vinyl) over the mono.

        Most, if not all the extra audio tracks appear to have been released previously, so I’m going to be strong and say no to this 50th Anniversary rip-off, though the wife’s already bugging me about something for my upcoming birthday, so may relent and throw her chunk of red meat…ungrateful cunt I am.

        And I still haven’t got round to listening to those Beatles Stereo Mono box sets from 2009 ffs!!!!

    • Something I will have to switch on to Norman. More time on the net discovering other peoples fave music – cheers 😉

    • PS – Norman – would you actually fucking believe it??? I have been racking my brains for ages to find out a) what that song was called and b) who sung it. I heard it playing out newsweek the other week and tried (dismally failing) to find out who or what it was – it is one of those songs and one of those bands that everyone (?) has heard of their music but unless you are an aficionado you cant quite get the tune out of your head or who recorded it. Massive thanks – yet another avenue of top class music to explore.

      • “sounds like a stereo fold-down”

        It is stereo fold down Shitcake, the mono digital release sounded fine to me tho the vocals sounded warmer then again most mono does

        Not to be the dissenting opinion here but I found Love to be a tad overrated few great tracks but arthur lee and the band were writing lots of lsd hippy lovy dovy type lyrics and I could never understand what the cunt was singing about half the time…. some great love songs tho but too many of them. 7 is 7 and my little red book had great riffs tho

      • “writing lots of lsd hippy lovy dovy type lyrics”

        That is the exact opposite of what Arthur Lee & Love were all about!

        Oh well…

  18. I have long thought that the medical profession are over-rated – as did The Romans whose doctors were Greek. They really think highly of their over-paid selves but most of the time they either have no idea what is wrong with one or hope that recommending taking paracetamol will solve the problem. A placebo would have the same effect.

    • Paracetamol for which they pay many times over shop prices for! And they moan about being underfunded…

  19. “When people are allowed into this country, they’re not expected to have any respect whatsoever for our history, culture, morals or laws.
    They can just come here and spit in our faces, insult our country and disrespect our ancestors”.

    That is very true mate. On the flip side WE are expected to respect THEIR culture and morals, and called racist when we don’t. The thing is, why the fuck should we respect the culture of those who have absolutely NO respect for Britain or the British people? I’m sick of these people coming here, kicking us in the balls and immediately demanding that WE change to suit THEM. NO! It’s not for us to make changes to our country, just to please foreigners. It’s for THEM to adapt to OUR way of life. And if they don’t want to do that, they can fuck off back where they came from.

  20. On the subject of cunts, Anna Soubry mostly definitely deserves a nomination. The publicity seeking gimp has got herself on TV and in the papers yet again. This time, she’s demanding that Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson be expelled from the party for being…err…Tories. Except she doesn’t think they are. In her words they are, “not true Tories”. Really Anna? Said the woman who, in the 80’s, cancelled her membership of the Conservative party to join the SDP, because it wasn’t liberal enough. It was a Conservative party led by Margaret Thatcher you dumb shit. Of course it wasn’t fucking liberal. The woman was genetically incapable of liberalism. Soubry later re-joined the party when it was under Duncan-Smith’s leadership, and it was taking an anti-immigrant stance. Not very liberal of them.

    Soubry has threatened to quit and form a new party with other traitors if she doesn’t get her way. In the words of Curly Bill in the movie Tombstone, “Well…bye”. You won’t be missed. In fact, I dare say there’d be quite a party if you do go. Of course, you WON’T quit the party, because you’re a twat, who comes out with shit like this merely for the attention. And because you lack the moral integrity to follow through on your threat.

    This is a woman whose hero is Ken Clarke. Another arrogant, traitorous weasel who thinks his position as an MP puts him above his employers, the British taxpayer. This is a woman who betrayed her party to vote down the Brexit Bill, because SHE wants us to stay in the EU. Not only that, later that evening she actually went and CELEBRATED her part in that defeat. Incidentally, her pro-EU stance puts her at odds with the majority of her constituents, who voted to LEAVE. This is a woman who publicly whinges about remainers receiving abuse, whilst simultaneously dishing it out.

    Not true Tories? They’re more Tory than Soubry will ever be. She’s about as Conservative as the left bollock of the bull that lives in a field near my house. And like Soubry, it’s a fucking big bollock! I have no problem with people not wanting to leave the EU. This is, allegedly, a free country. They have every right to their opinion. What they do NOT have, especially public servants, is the right to try to sabotage the democratic will of the majority, whilst simultaneously claiming to respect democracy. Fuck you Soubry, you nasty, hypocritical cunt.

    As I said in a previous post, MP’s work for US, not the other way around. They are entitled to their opinion, but their sole function in parliament is to represent their constituents, the people who sent them to parliament in the first place. If they can’t do that, then it is their moral duty to quit and make way for someone who will. Like I said earlier though, Soubry lacks any kind of moral integrity. We’ll have to see if the constituents she has betrayed make her pay for her treachery at the next election. Personally, I suspect that, like so many other people throughout the country, all they’ll see when they look at her will be the colour of the rosette on her chest. I could be wrong. But I doubt it.

  21. This country just gets dafter and dafter by the day, this idiotic sandle dancing sjw should be deported from the stinking dust bowl it came from,I liken Corbyn to the master vampire Kurt Barlow in Salems Lot,infecting all the impressionable souls with his warped ideology…….slay Corbyn and it might help reduce the sjw infestation but the slaying never stops,we need sjw hunters to rid our cities and unis of this pestilence,a lot of this sjw insanity has spread since Corbyn left his lair,I bet the smelly old cunt hates garlic too…….just a thought✌✌

  22. Churchill got his revenge in fist, though –

    In 1920 a decision was taken to send warplanes—one of the early uses of air power to put down an insurgency. Churchill, by now the minister of war and air, had become convinced that air power could do what ground forces had never been able to accomplish. He was instrumental in getting backing for the mission.

    The Z Unit arrived in Somaliland disguised as geologists, and assembled the de Havilland 9A planes on site. By this time, the mullah had grown tired of running around the bush and had built many stone forts. On Jan. 21, 1920, he awoke at his fort in Medishe expecting nothing out of the ordinary. He was sitting on a balcony with his uncle, other Somalis, and a Turkish adviser.

    According to Jardine’s account, Somali aides suggested the spectral objects coming out of the sky might be the chariots of God coming to escort the Sayyid to heaven. But five minutes after a first pass, the pilots returned and dropped bombs. “This first raid almost finished the war, as it was afterwards learned that a bomb dropped on Medishe Fort killed one of the mullah’s amirs on whom he was leaning at the time, and the mullah’s own clothing was singed,” wrote Flight Lt. F. A. Skoulding, who took part in the raid.


  23. Top cunting DTS.

    I would prosecute the cunts and deport them. I think I would accidentally throw them out over Myanmar instead of Somalila. They would sort them out.

    I don’t understand how the doctor cunt hasn’t been struck off yet for a start. Not only does he lack the mindset to be a caring doctor in our NHS, he should lose his disclosure certification following his crimes of racism, vandalism / destruction of private property & against a historical government figure and public order offences they surely breached. Probably other offences like resisting arrest etc were also commited.

    The dirty aids ridden cunts like spitting on anyone who challenges them, which I would deem attempted murder should they prove to be knowingly carrying the disease.

    We must prosecute these individuals to the full extent of their crimes and send the message that this behaviour is unacceptable and wont be tolerated.

  24. I have just read this today.

    I find this sickening!

    Is it racist to say that? In the current fucked society we live in – probably!

    Utter, utter cunts! Birching them is too good for the cunts!

    In fact no I’d give them 24hrs solitary with no electronic devices. They’d feel that far worse! Disrespectful snowflake bastards!

    Had it not been for Sir Winston and the resolve of this country 80yrs ago I doubt they would be made to feel so welcome (well by certain political and globalist cunts – for me they can fuck off and should be fucking deported if our fair and even natured society is not good enough for this scum).

    It’s to be sure that had the toothbrush-moustachiod Austrian won, the only welcome I could see these cunts receiving would be in a shower block rigged up to a calor cylinder or two!

    I’m outraged! And the cunts will get away with a £10 fine pay £1 a month I bet. Cunts!


    • You can be sure any fine levied will be paid for by the taxpayer, including legal representation, court costs, etc. This country is well and truly fucked.

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