Sir Robert Devereux

Sir robert Devereaux, Head of works and pensions minister, largely responsible for raising retirement age to 67, has retired aged 61.

What a cunt, usual government ‘do as I say and not as I do’ bollocks.

Another clear indication of the contempt these people have for the people they purport to represent.

Enjoy your £1.8 million pension pot, £1/4m lump sum and £85,000 p.a. you ( IMHO ) hypocritical cunt!

Nominated by Fillipo

75 thoughts on “Sir Robert Devereux

  1. He is married to Lin Homer, you know the one, the woman who repeatedly fucked up in every position she was appointed to, she is also retired.

    So a whole family of money grasping failures richly rewarded for their incompetence.

    Why the fuck I never joined the civil service and spent my life fucking everything up that I got promoted out of they way to another department for more money and perks I’ll never know. Oh yes and get gongs and awards for it to boot.

    Bunch of cunts

    • And if your piss isn’t at boil level Radio 4 on the late night news at 11 are doing a piece on the extraordinary amount of PTSD sufferers there are after Grenfell barbecue. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that oompah wallers know a trick or two (think Nigerian uncle with loads of money who will give you $4m for your bank account number to help him retrieve his trapped cash) and having either been given new council accommodation or begging for homes to be built to keep the community together in Kensington whilst living in 5* all inclusive local hotels are now swigging on that flashbacks are a commodity. Having left some desert shithole and plonked in the middle of the most expensive real estate in England they will now have a reason to ensure they and their little Abduls and Fatimas wont ever have to lift another finger in their ill educated miserable Islam worshipping existence as long as blighty via liebour and the loins of the swivel eyed lunatics adherents can utter the word Grenfell and still shed bucketloads of faux tears. In Londonistan it will be remembered longer than Ypres or the Somme, taught in schools to remind the new breed that Britain is a fucking soft touch so get yourselves over and enjoy the hospitality. It beats being chased by the Islamic police when you accidentally expose an ankle.
      PS. Just watched 19 kids and counting. That bird must have a flange like a wizards sleeve.

    • Mindless Spend
      I got a better deal than this maggot. Can’t spend it all. I give it away what I can’t need I give to poor people. These cunts in the civil service needs cunts as stupid as them to give them ideas and shit. It’s all shut up money to work in a low paid hi benefit taxpayers funded organisation but then you claim you can’t attract anything but wankers and get market bonuses paid to all these cunts based around ruptured business taxpayer funded income. Being brits we swallow that shit and just moan about it and the wheel rolls on. We reward cunts like this cos we want it too. It’s fucking great. I’ve have 3200 days lying on bed wanking and getting drunk. God bless. It will stop soon once we run out of taxpayers thanks to the Brown Cunt and have hospitals full of Elsies and peacefuls and EUs. Been to a hospital lately.?

  2. Did you know there is a government website where you put in your name and NI number and it tells you the exact date you start collecting your state pension?
    If you are under 50 don’t bother. It just says…….
    “You’re having a fucking laugh mate.”

    • I spent an hour trying to set up my ‘account’ with this heap of shit and it told me how much I would get if:
      1) I live that long
      2) I ever get a fucking job and manage to pay any NI
      3) the next budget doesn’t increase the retirement age to that of Methuselah.
      I reckon that by the time I ever qualify, the weekly pension would about pay for a single bus fare to whatever local Government Department’s ‘Office’ they would make us attend to prove we are entitled to it! We would be expected to fucking walk home.

      • A word of warning if you’re self employed. A couple of years ago my book keeper said to me I could probably stop paying national insurance as I would already have enough years. I was wary and said I’d rather keep paying, anyway I set up my profile on the Government Gateway as it’s called and yes it was laborious, but perseverance paid off and I was in , eventually. I proceeded to get a pension forecast and found out that even though I’ve got 42 years in ( where the fuck did they go ? ) I have not yet earned a full state pension. I can only assume that recent changes mean you have to contribute within the new rules timeframe to qualify for the full pension, which in my case is 67 years of age. Unless of course I’ve misread the thing ( not beyond the bounds of possibility )
        Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that pensions are an absolute minefield and shouldn’t be viewed as the only investment to make with a view to retirement.
        Oh yes, and Sir Robert is a cunt, as is his hair stylist.
        Fuck them.

  3. Remember we are all in this together. Bankers cause the recession, along with a load of fucking useless politicos but we are in it together.
    Unless you are a banker, politician, academic head, charity director, company director. These don’t qualify as being in it with the rest of us. Their pay, pensions and dividends have rocketed while the stupid cunts that we are suffer.
    I blame Brexit.

    • No not bankers. They just helped. It was the Clintons and the Mafia AkA the Insurance Business. The banks just provide the cream on top. Clinton created the subprime market by passing law that allowed poor people to borrow with no credit history. The insurance business underwrote the risk of the sub prime synthetic bonds. The insurance gangsters were a deregulated casino business with no cash or ability to meet its commitments. Sounds like the mob eh? You need to understand organised crime organisations are hand in hand with the US government and the secret services. Them you start to understand.

      • It was bankers who turned bad debt into ‘products’ and traded them. And other bankers who bought this shit.

      • I don’t know the level of you awareness. Maybe you July’s want one level to hate. Like a daily nail reader. It’s one or two levels deeper than that but they rely on people like you with a 1 level understanding then you are happy and so are they. It’s only 4 levels ignoring religious organisations try and get your brain working FFS. Argos didn’t kill JFK or do 911. The bankers were the method of pricing and distribution. As always. Think about it. Or read Pete and dud oooh the whales.

      • Hands up Heywood, I lost you after the first word but so what? I wager I have earned more than you would in 2 fucking lifetimes and raised 3 sprogs with lifestyles you could only dream of. If you don’t have anything to cunt other than fellow cunters why not fuck off and play I can run blindfold across the M62 without being hit. If it works the first time dont give up.

  4. Ant life. Work till you drop dead.
    Cunts like Devereaux infest the governmental trough system, that was only ever intended to look after them.

    I am a fortunate cunt, I am retired on a full state pension, an occupational pension and a private supplementary pension. My wife also has 3 pensions.

    I do not brag., but I will make this point. The poor fuckers who will be following along behind me will not fare so well, and the poorer cunts to follow them will eventually get fuck all in the New World Order.
    Revolution Now!

    • Luckily for me, I realised when in my 20s that contributing to a pension scheme for fucking decades to tetire on £15k was not gonna cut it. £15k is pretty close to my brandy budget. So I opted out and put any spare money into property. That was when a start up in Brighton was £20k. Those houses are now my pension. They are now worth half a fucking million. How can any cunt now afford to buy the fuckers? You would need to be on £120k to get a mortgage. How many first time buyers can run to that?

      I truly worry for the young. My daughter reckons she will be 75 before she will get state pension. She can probably afford to buy a place in Rochdale.

      • Well done. I was actually called ‘stupid’ (by my boss) for working out that my pensions contributions would be worthless and saying no thanks to a company talk from the same bank that almost folded a few years later. I’m taking my chances and if I end up in the gutter at least I didn’t pay through the nose to get there. I am happy to work to old age if need be because my work is more of a vocation than slavery and if too ill, I’ve got backups and my needs are little. I can exist on very little indeed although if things pan out I would not need to. Pensions are a joke and sadly for many will not work out. I hope by the time the system fails we are all nicer to each other and support our elders who went through hell for us to throw it all to the dogs.

      • Agree with you quirk. My emoloyment years were in a different England. There were few ( if any ) sandpeople and other gimmeegrants, there was full employment, low inflation, and housing was affordable.
        Nowadays, 11 million have been added to the population in less than 10 years, House prices are way out of the reach, and those jobs up for grabs are not long lasting and tend to be very poorly paid. My daughter cannot buy. She is trapped.
        The young people of this country have been sold down the river by greedy treacherous cunty politicians who have fucked over everybody. And to continue with open borders and endless benefits for filthy uneducated breeding scum, really rubs the face in the shit.
        Im glad you will be ok, but Jeez, I worry myself sick for our kids.

      • Our kids are screwed royally – I could not agree more. I will not be gifted by having any personally but I have endless time and patience for those that I have mentally adopted. If I can afford it, I will also give as much as I can financially. I’m certainly not leaving it to the government to squander how they see fit should there be any left if they continue the way they are. It is very sad to hear you good people having such worries and that the greatest thing we can be sure of leaving is a smidgen of wisdom if, that is, the thieving brain problems don’t get us first.

  5. A priest hooks a large fish, while reeling it in, a boat hand says, “Look at the size of that fucker!”

    “Mind your language please” says the priest..

    Thinking on his feet, he apologises “Sorry father, but that’s what it’s called, a Fucker fish”

    Back at the church he shows it to the Bishop, “Look at the size of that Fucker.”

    “Do you mind, this is the house of the Lord”

    “Sorry Bishop but that’s what it is called, a Fucker fish.”

    “I didn’t realise” says the Bishop, “I shall gut it and we will eat it tonight. The Mother superior can cook it. The Pope is coming for dinner.”

    “Can you cook this Fucker?” he asks the Mother Superior.

    “Yes I can, but see no reason for such language”..

    “I’m sorry Mother Superior but that is what it is called, a Fucker fish”

    After the meal the Pope says “That fish was fantastic, where did you get it?”

    “Well I caught the Fucker” said the priest.

    “I gutted the Fucker” said the Bishop.

    “And I cooked the Fucker” said the Mother Superior.

    The Pope gives the three a steely look, pours himself a whiskey and says “You know what?….you cunts are alright….

      • The following is a fucking lie. I never fucked a skate honest your honour. I did hear of old salts on long sea trips though who were thought to be partial to the odd skate. Me? I just made do with whatever was hanging round the Avondale outside St Levans gate.

        Another, less well-known myth concerns fishermen who spent weeks gazing lustily at their voluptuous figurehead, with nothing to relieve their sexual tension but the tedium of hauling in nets. If the stories are true – and I merely repeat them as a historical anecdote – the fishermen became hopelessly aroused when they landed female skate.

        The topside of these strange fish is mottled so they can hide on the seabed, but the underside is a pale white, not unlike human skin. Skate, which are related to sharks, even look as if they are smiling at you (though they resemble those upside-down Ben Elton faces). The nostrils look like eyes and the mouth is remarkably humanoid, with large, fleshy lips. But the horny sea dogs didn’t just want to kiss the fish. At the base of a skate’s spiky tail is its reproductive organ, which bears a vague similarity to its human counterpart. If maritime tradition is true, battles were fought for the right to have their wicked way with a particularly attractive skate.

  6. Football fans need a cunting. I’m a big football fan but I find myself more and more sickened by some of the behaviour of other fans, highlighted this time by the nameless piece of shit that taunted West Brom player Jake Livermore over the death of his infant son. I’d be hard pushed to do that to my worst enemy, never mind over something as trivial as football. It really does make you despair at the complete degenerates that make up part of society, and as for this particular shameful cunt, I hope he gets cancer. I really really do.

    • I’m an Arsenal supporter but I’m finding I care less and less. I hate the obscene wages, and paying £100 million for one player. There is no moral justification. I go to 3 or so games a year but paying a pound for every minute grates.

      • I’m the same, not half as obsessed by football as I was 15 years ago but I do still enjoy it. I’m a man City fan but it’s like when I hear some of my fellow fans shouting Munich whenever we play Utd, they make me fucking sick too. The world is shit enough without people taunting eachother about death over a fucking ball.

      • Agree about the crash… Frank Swift, arguably (alongside Bert Trautmann) City’s greatest ever keeper also died in that plane crash, so both sides suffered losses…. Love the red/blue rivalry: always have done and no love lost… But I draw the line… I think reds who mock Hillsborough are also cunts…

      • I’ve been a Lesta fan my whole life but grew up in Dumbarton.

        I went to rangers games with friends as that was their team, so went for the football.
        I also watched Clydebank and Dumbarton as it was cheap for my milk boy wages.
        Don’t really have a point but just wanted to say I hate celtic fans, magement, directors, players, tea ladies the fuckin lot.
        I do wish death on the cunts and would happily gloat at any misfortune these scumbag cunts have coming their way as I feel they deserve it.. They just deserve it. No rational reason, they just do.

        It’s not healthy I know, but fuck em……….

      • Been on the Stretford End since I was a boy in the early 70s… Now I hate what Man United has become, I hate the way the old boys have been priced out, I hate the extortionate prices, I hate the sanitised atmosphere, I hate the ‘official’ fan banners and ‘singing section’ (Fuck off Boyle, you cunt!), I hate Glazer stooge Tufty (fucking cunt!), I hate the ‘Little Hitler’ stewards, I hate the i-Phone wielding selfie stick waving half-half scarf wearing mongs who don’t even know who Bryan Robson is, I hate the overpaid ‘can’t be arsed tonight’ players, and I hate that ungracious moaning cunt of a manager… Give me The Doc or Big Ron any time….

      • And – for some years now – it appears that the Derby (and winning it) means more to City players than it does to United, which is shameful…. I think Giggs was the last United player who ‘got’ what a Manchester Derby was and what it meant… And the blue players were entitled to celebrate that recent win… They turned up, our lot didn’t… And the way they celebrated at least showed that the game mattered to them… Maureen Oh is a soft cunt….

      • Correct Norman. I love the rivalry, as CnR says with all the detachment of wages, fees and astronomical ticket prices, that warm fuzzy feeling you get when your team stuff it’s city rivals is well up there. I hate Utd, but not in the sense I wish their players or fans any harm. That kind of behaviour isn’t my bag, nor should it be anyone’s. Rugby shows how players and fans should be, as me old grandad used to say…. “Rugby is a thug’s game played by gentlemen, football is a gentlemen’s game played by thugs.”

    • Yep, packed in my season ticket for the Bloo Shite about 4 years ago after many years and a lot of dosh. Haven’t missed it a fucking bit. Cunt of a game played by cunts, run by cunts and watched by a lot of cunts.

  7. Chris Parker is a fucking cunt! That piece of turd: the so-called ‘Homeless Hero’ who ‘helped’ the dying and injured at the Manchester Arena sandfilth bombing by robbing phones off 14 year old girls and stealing cashcards is currently my No.1 Cunt…. Of course virtue signaling snowflake social media fannies immediately took to the cunt and ‘crowdfunded’ (ie: scrounged) to get money for this sack of scum… Libmongs, eh? Gullible ‘look at me’ sacks of shit….

    I hope this thieving piece of filth gets buggered (without margarine) by every bottybasher in Strangeways… The fucking cunt…

    • A quick conversion to the religion of peace and his life behind bars will be “peaceful”

  8. If the abuse had been over Livermore’s laughable call ups to the England squad, it would have been fair enough. He’s really shit.

  9. I remember this Parker cunt being interviewed at the time and he played the modest hero……”oh anyone would have done the same, I didn’t stop to think” What a Fucking CUNT!! ?
    What a fucking country eh? Goat shaggers murder our children in the street while our own home grown scum rob their bodies. Happy new fucking year.

  10. Just a wee query…….. So please, no offence is to be taken by any cunt or cunters….. Ok?

    Anyway, since the start of the new way nominations are being lined up, I’ve noticed that quite a few nominations are posted by new names.
    Who the fuck are these secret cunters?

    There’s been a few…… Are they spectators but not commentators?
    Are they made up characters used by existing cunters?

    Who are you people???????

    (again, just a jovial question. No need for knickers to be twisted)

    • It would help if we knew which cunters you were referring to? Why does it matter though, can’t newbies nom?

      • Maybe the EU, BBC, Corbyn , Lineker and Branson to name a few have woken up the inner cunter in a few more likeminded people.

      • Maybe we should invite Linecunt, Drunker, Verhofftwat, Izn’tard, Mong, Blurrrrggghhh, Clagg, Vag Millar, Krankie to post on this informative site.

      • Doesn’t matter…….. Just a query

        It wasn’t newbies I meant and I wasn’t trying to make rules. I was just fuckin sayin that cunts appear in nominations, unknown cunts and then disappear without a comment. There’s been a few and I was just curious.


      • Lol relax chief, no one was getting uppity as far as I can see, just engaging with your post. I’m relatively new myself and enjoying the rants, it’s very therapeutic for the mind.

      • Filipo for a start……..

        Wasn’t getting uppity…… Just got a habit of sayin “fuck” a lot.

        The fuckin fuckers fucked…… An’ all that…….

      • As far as I know it’s a ‘first cunted, first served’ policy and there’s a queue (unless it’s an emergency cunting!)… I did that Emma Twatson cunting well before Xmas, and I don’t even remember a lot of the other cunts I’ve nominated… All get done in good time and every cunt has its day….

      • @Norman – There was always a queue even when I did it. Otherwise you’d get seven in a day any nothing more till next week. It spreads them out.
        I like the new system. I wish I’d thought of it to be honest. I used to plough through hundreds of comments a day looking for noms. It took forever and I missed a good few.

        I would guess the new way means they pick up more postings?…

      • Hi Birdie. The sites fame is spreading rapidly, and is attracting new supporters, but also some unwelcome attention. ( Our favourite troll has a big mouth. Until he was silenced.)

      • I think it’s double agents…….

        But there has been a few names appearing only once and that was in a nomination.

        It’s a new thing there is no denying that.
        Before it was just us cunters, now it’s all these unheard of names.
        And its often.

        I’m sure others are wondering the same.

      • I was thinking the same birdman, I have noticed some cuntings nominated by people I’ve not seen post on here. I think I remember Dioclese used reply from a poster on his blog as a cunting once.

      • I think the site is read by a wide range of frustrated fuckers who are still unsure if we’re actually allowed opinions these days. 🙂

      • Would you like to vet me birdman ?Being a cunt is bad enough without being a paranoid cunt?

      • I have a dual personality, but only one ISAC I.D. which both personalities speak through equitably. Don’t think I could cope with more than one moniker anyway. I also happen to be quite paranoid, but try not to let it show too much.

  11. Deveraux is a worthless puffed up noddy clerk, over promoted to a job where he can void his noxious bowels over the people who pay his clerk`s meal ticket. A useless pen pushing, keyboard bashing parasite, a suit wearing desk jockey: a horrible shirt and tie bastard. As well as his pension look forward to him appearing as a ‘ consultant ‘, ‘ adviser ‘ and director of spiv outfits he assisted to leach off the taxpayers tit when he was a noddy clerk.

  12. Got the fright of my life when I saw (the now ancient) Amanda Barrie on the front of the Mirror this morning… At first I thought it was Terrahawks and Zelda making a TV comeback…

    Shame, mind… She was quite a saucy MILF as Alma Sedgwick in the 80s… Ah well…

    • Well she is 82 , give her a break for fucks sake! She was at her best in “ Carry on Cleo” but still a cracking looking sort in Corrie.
      Getting old comes to us all…….well, for the time being anyway. Old people are expensive as our wonderful caring politicians never fail to remind us. Keep looking over your shoulder my friend.

      • It was just a shock seeing her like that… I always remember the sexy doe eyed cafe owner on Corrie in 1982… Always a jolt: seeing a young lad’s crush/fantasy years later… Sobering thoughts and trying to see the funny side of it… And doing the Celeb Big Brother bollocks? She ain’t growing old gracefully… Don’t blame her for taking the cash though…

      • Was always a favourite dream of mine, that… Going in to ‘Jim’s Cafe’, getting a bacon butty off Mrs Sedgwick and also a lot more… The ideas young boys have, eh?…

  13. I know two cuntings in a day is a little greedy, so can I trade my football cunting for the jizz bucket that is Jeremy fucking Kyle. I’m on a week’s pat leave and up until now I’ve been relatively unexposed to this bug eyed, jumped up, scrawny little tosspot and boy am I glad I’m not unemployed, because if I wasn’t I’d be making the relatively short drive to MediaCity to give the cunt a good slap. He flies under the cunt radar but believe me, he is one seriously underrated cunt. His cringy attempts to be funny, his belittling of guests, his obsession with saying his own fucking name, the way he gets right up in the grill of people who are meeker or smaller than him yet hides behind his meat head bodyguard when someone bigger comes along, his ‘Paxman’ style of interview where he asks a question then butts in a nanosecond later…..jeez there is so much to dislike about this self obsessed little rodent I could be here all night. No wonder his wife left him, he’s a fucking embarrassment. Very rarely have I seen anyone on television so overtly desperate for fame and attention, it would almost be tragic were he not such a dickhead. With any luck he will soon realise no one likes him and descend into a dark depression that keeps him off my TV.

    • Jeremy Kyle and James O’Brian – twin shit-stained piles scraped off their mother’s arses.

  14. Sir Robert Devereux deserves a mention for being a huge cunt this man was responsible for altering the UK pension age from 60 to 67. yet the sagging face knighted cunt is to retire at age 61 with a massive pot worth £1.8million. He will get £85,000 a year and a lump sum of £245,000. Just goes to show how these civil servants are like all government cronies living the dream.

  15. For some reason, I feel I have to interject some fairness here.
    1. He didn’t raise the pension age. That was the government. This guy is a civil servant tasked with implementing it.
    2. Civil Servants retire at 60. We should cunt that for inequality. He could have retired a year ago on a full pension.
    3. It’s the contributory CS pension not the State Pension. He won’t get that until 67 and he’s paid into his CS Pension over his working life.

    I retired at 52 because I’d made private provision for my old age and I’m not about to apologize for it because it was a personal choice, I worked for it and put money aside. Anyone could do the same. It’s simple. You just don’t spend it as fast as it comes in and live your life on credit.

    You can cunt the CS system but this guy’s done nothing wrong…

    • Snap! (as in the card game), and I know of at least one other fellow Cunter here who has saved up enough to take early retirement – as with a lot of stuff we cunt, it’s often the system that’s to blame rather than individuals.

      Unless it happens to be Sir Kier Starmer and Alison Saunders, whose hands are dripping with blood over the early release of scumbag John Worboys.

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