London Death Toll of Young People 2017

26 young men died tragically in the capital last year, some by shooting, most by stabbing. The police have said they have no evidence that the deaths are linked in any way. Yours Truly pretends to no forensic ability but if I were a white middle aged female I would not be unduly worried. What do you think?

January 20th: Student Djodjo Nsaka, 19,
January 23rd: Schoolboy Quamari Barnes, 15,
March 19th: David Adegbite, 18,
March 21st: Abdi Sheikhey, 19,
April 7th: Karim Samms, 16
April 11th: Abdullahi Tarabi, 19
April 19th: Jordan Wright, 19
April 23rd: Mohammed Hasan, 17
May 7th: Elijah Dornelly, 17
May 14th: Joao Gomes, 18
June 2nd: Abdirahman Mohamed, 17
June 6th: Osman Sharif, 16
June 29th: talented boxer Mahad Ali, 18
August 2nd: Joshua Bwalya, 16,
August 5th: Moped rider Soban Khan, 18
August 8th: Daniel Namanga, 19,
August 8th: Schoolboy Jermaine Goupall, 15
August 25th: RAF Cadet Abdul Mayanja, 19
September 5th: Corey Junior Davis, 14
October 6th: Saif Abdulmagid, 18
October 29th: Aren Mali, 17
November 2nd: Michael Jonas 17,
November 20th: Kacem Mokrane, 18
November 21st: Apprentice carpenter Jason Isaacs, 18
December 31st: An 18-year-old man
December 31st: A 17-year-old boy

The 26 teenagers listed above bring the total number of London deaths by stabbing to 80. The numbers continue to rise remorselessly. May they all rest in peace – not that that will do the poor cunts any good.

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

33 thoughts on “London Death Toll of Young People 2017

  1. 80. Fuck me. The total number of stab fest deaths in Scotland for the whole year is none. It’s really not too difficult to work out why given the number of good British names.

    • Know a few Scots dead by the knife and have received the same twice but in the legs……. Paisley was a cunt for stabbings in the nineties.

      My mate was murdered for a fiver by a paisley cunt……… That cunt done ten years… My mate was fifteen and the cunt that did it twenty one……. Anyway…
      I’ve carried knives and machetes for protection……. Fuckin tightrope out there.

      Also, my da’s mate pulled a knife on two cunts and they killed him with his own fuckin knife. They’ve been inside since 84.

      • Aye Birdman – Scotland was the capital of slashing at one time – I remember it well. Was it the lad Paul Ferris who pulled off a good few? I remember the hard lads in the 90’s – all Pringle sweaters and hand made loafers – thin as rakes but fast as fuck with a switchblade or a razor. I ken the violence of the terraces too – having been a “guest” of a Celtic supporter at an old firm derby – pure evil. Has that sort of shit has just fallen away or is it the lack of reporting? Tasty boys them Jocks when riled up 😉

      • Yep, that wee cunt Paul Ferris.
        Little cunt……… To look at his pictures no one would guess he was a dangerous wee psycho.

        And his “boss” Arthur Thompson……. Old cunt….. And then his son Arthur Thompson jnr, another unconvincing looking cunt…..

        We have a picture of what hard men should look like…… These evil bastards looked like they were nuffin.
        Don’t judge books by their covers.

      • Bollards you prick, I’ve been attacked my 3 7 8. Knives razors abd stabbed. They are coward little cunts. Know when it’s you time to die m, stand up and be a man cos all the cunts you profess to admire are less than she shit dropped out the kilt of the men of Scottish armed forces. Paisley jumpers and loafers, yah fuckin’ shirtlifer. Ya homo poof cunt bastard. Never lifted a finger have ye? Ban this elephant man cocksucker now. I give up on this site. 4 contributors and a bunch of cunts. Enjoy.

  2. Am counting 3 names at a push that could be WASP !
    Fuck me though it seems a high total wae the knife
    Now imagine if they had guns ………..!

  3. On a related subject, I am always looking to expand my musical horizons, and I’ve just listened to a rap playlist for about an hour. I must have heard the ‘n’ word a hundred times. Dioclese says we aren’t even legally allowed to write it, but those cunts are allowed to publish it. A touch of duplicity maybe.

    And the music was absolute bollocks.

    • You must have an iron constitution if you can listen to that shite for an hour. Respect.
      You should be used to this duplicity by now, it runs through the British system at full throttle, fueled by an army of multi racial, liberal – nazi, gender fluid, right – on zombies.
      Oh yes, and they’re all cunts. And in the words of the great Dick Fiddler….Fuck them.

    • There is nothing illegal about using the N word. But Admins have chosen to ban its use on this site, probably cos certain parties have not been using it responsibly.

      Dioclese no longer does admin (as far as I know), just occasionally points us retards to the ‘How We Do Stuff’ page, or interprets if he feels so moved.

      • OK let’s clear this up once and for all…

        I don’t do admin any more. There are four admins. The revised how we do stuff was put together by them not me. Legal advise was as I understand it taken.

        The language thing depends on context. I’d happily call Jim Savile a paedophile because he is but not Cameron because he isn’t. See what I mean. One is libel and the other is a fact. That’s how I interpret it anyway.

        I’m happy to accept the revision, Dick clearly wasn’t. His choice but I think he over reacted. From a personal point of view I don’t think what we want to say necessarily needs to contain offensive language to get the point across. Just needs a little thought before putting finger to keyboard.

        I do agree that the n word is liberally splattered around by black rappers which seems hypocritical if they can use and we can’t but life ain’t fair is it?…

      • It’s a tightrope for all they wiggers buying Snoops latest pile of tat……..

        I own blazing saddles on dvd.

        “the sheriffs is a ni-dong”

  4. I don’t give a fuck about bubble people stabbing each other. Get on with it !
    Londonistan ceased to be part of my country a long long time ago.

    • Just wait til all the white Londonistanis come to their senses and realise it’s not the utopian society they once thought it was?

      When/if they do, they’ll soon find the the north/south divide and all want a fucking house in the country away from the peacefuls?

      Well it’s too late you cunts, fuck off!

  5. Black people commit more crime than whites fact.
    Librtards wanted less assertive policing reap it and weep.

    • And I should know. The area of Manchester I grew up in turned into the fucking wild west when a shit load of Jamaican scumbags rocked up in the late 70s early 80s.

  6. Well done the Maybitch for once! Both as Home Sec and PM she has restricted the use of “stop and search” in case it upsets the ethnic yoot. Result…..said yoot stabbing the fuck out of each other and nicely thinning out the rat pack.
    Four of the cunts went down on New Years Eve to make a great start to the year.
    In this case May is the very definition of a “useful idiot.”

    • Black lives only matter when you can shift the blame for their loss on the coppers. If you can’t do that then you blame the government for failing to give them tings to do……yoot clubs and ting innit?
      It’s called institutionalised racism. ???

  7. They were all ‘aspiring’ young musicians or engineers and doctors who were good kids that loved their mums. Next day the newspaper pictures emerge of these fine young citizens making gang and gun signs on their FB page asking the wider world for ‘respect innit’.

  8. The guy that got battered last year Paul Kohler may not be a cunt but he said a cunt of a thing on chubby cheeks Adrian Chiles radio show this morning. He was explaining what happened when Ades butts in and points out that these cunts were eastern Europeans with criminal records. Kohler confirms this but then adds ‘I don’t think it has any relevance’. It turns out that he is a lecturer so he must have had his Lib jab recently to utter such wank. 1. If we had proper controls these cunts should not have been allowed in and 2. He should have replied with ‘that’s right Adrian these filthy scroats should be fucked up the arse with a hot poker after what they did to me’. Not only that he goes and meets one of these cunts in jail and shakes his fucking hand and accepts his apology. I’m fucking stuck for answers!

  9. Bugger me looks like YT has missed oit agin. Due to me pathetic internet connection have been orf line for most orf the Festive Season. Now I glean Dick Fiddler has apparently had a hissy fit over something, collected his toys and fucked orf and I have missed it. Damn and blast. Shame. Anyone fill me in?

    • Dick left a typically stinging post containing reference to Jews, cockroaches and nuclear holocaust. Admins deemed it breached ISAC rules and removed it, whereupon Dick took umbrage and left a couple of short posts (still here somewhere) deriding admins decision, the last stating he was fed up and that it would be his final ISAC post. Neither hide nor hair have been heard of in these parts since…

      • Thanks for the gen Shit. Sorry I missed your Christmas pudding. Hope Dick returns in one guise or other. Doubtless he is now on sites we dare not mention.

  10. Diane Abbott:What say ye old wise one? The effnik yoot are being culled and you say nothing!

    Put thr KFC bucket down and say something. Come on love, what about “Institutionalised Rrrrrraaaaaaaccccccciiiiiiiiiiisssmmmmmmnnnnnm!”

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