Emergency cunting of Andy Burnham who as we all know is a Labour Loony who parades around Manchester like a god, in fact, the only person to out god him is Bono.
The reason for Burnahms cunting is the self-styled flamboyant git is paid a huge salary and expenses that now Manchester council tax payers have to cough up money to pay for this waste of space/
An extra charge on this year’s council tax bill has been agreed to pay for Greater Manchester’s mayor. Manchester Householders will be charged an average of £7 annually to pay for Andy Burnham’s £110,000 salary, as well as his transport and housing plans.
The precept agreed unanimously at a meeting of all ten council leaders,
will also pay the £730,000 cost of running his office including his
wages. The Taxpayers’ Alliance described the council tax rise as “pretty bad news”.
Most people in Greater Manchester were not aware they would have to pay
between £6 and £18 to have an elected mayor, the group claimed.
Nominated by iamnot
Andy fucking Burnham’s hair resembles that of a bullied schoolboy, 3 hours after his daily toilet head-flushing. The only slight amendment I’d like to make on that simile is to ensure Burnham’s head-flushing takes place over an Armitage Shanks pan, filled to the brim with steaming piss and shit.
He is one ultra-heavyweight fucking cunt. Tries so hard to curl his vowels into that Warrington working-class bonhomie; but fails to convince anyone that he is anything other than just one more aloof and disconnected career bureaucrat. And cunt.
So the insult to our Mancunian friends must be all the more unpalatable – not only have they had a premier league cunt parachuted into their region, they now have to PAY for the fucking privilege via that council tax surcharge. I feel sorry for those who didn’t vote for him – those who did, well, what did you fucking expect?
It’s testament to the Labour front bench/prominents that someone with the cunt-calibre of Burnham isn’t even in the top 10 cunts of the party. In any other realm, he is a cunt colossus and would stand head and shoulders above cunts pretty much anywhere other than Labour HQ.
Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back
Ah, Burnham… Self serving, libfucking, peaceful loving, English hating, glory seeking Scouse cunt… Ulcerous little piece of vermin…
Don’t sugar coat it Norman tell us how you really feel…..?
Ha ha ha ha ha … ?
The only thing I could add Norman is ‘bandwagon jumping’.
Anyone mentioned Blairite yet?
Blairite Cunt !
ECB, it defies chaos theory that Burnham is outside the top ten, but indeed he is. It says rather a lot about the electorate of the city that gave us the Stone Roses. Oh. it also gave us Manchester United, so that indeed tilts the balance into a vat of pasteurised smegma.
And this latest cuntery of giving homeless people a house, fuck me, anyone struggling to make ends meet is gonna sleep on the streets the day after the election. Mrs CnR says it is so cunty in the extreme that he wont get in on this ticket. I think she may be right.
Catweasel is the pied piper of cunts.
Would have called him pie eyed, but the cunt’s too big a cunt to imbibe anything more than a single sherry at Winterlude.
Or Mid Staffordshire Hospital Scandal ?
Nice one wurzel – I was about to cunt him for that alone. >2000 people died in that scandal and he refused 82 times – that’s eighty two times a call for a public enquiry. Bad enough a scouser as a mayor in Manchester but that cunt has form. An utter cunt.
Apparently he doesn’t know the words to “Don’t look back in anger” either.
How he landed this I do not know, makes you wonder who will replace him? How about Clegg, BLiar or how about Jo Cox husband or maybe that tourist / reporter / spy woman will be home from Iran.
What is the criteria for being a mayor? I thought you at the least had to come from and have stayed in the place your whole life but appears not.
He is trying to be as much a cunt as Khant and everyone loves a tryer or is that a trier
When a local referendum was held in Manchester on whether a congestion charge and mayor was brought in it was soundly rejected. What happens a few years later? Yes a mayor was brought in going against the will of the people Next I can guarantee you a congestion charge will be implemented. Sorry my fellow Mancunians but you deserve everything you get you spineless cunts. Why did you sit back and just except it?
Burnham is a member of the footlights brigade, a thespian seeking the adulation of his adoring public. Burnham is the quietly spoken, heavily coached faux man of reason and schooled to attract the easily distracted who never search beyond the image.
He has however, few qualities that are attractive and least of all his absolute pulsating cum in pants love of the European Union. As a “light” Marxist ( his description ) it is clear that his sympathies lie , not with the interests of the people, but with the Party.
Pretty boy with the eye liner is disingenuous at all levels, but is a dangerous little piece of shit. He is indeed a right cunt!
ASA, I think your key word is dangerous. It’s very dangerous. Burnham, Khan, Cobyn, McDonnell, Abbott et al. Can you imagine if labour got in? We would be bankrupt as a nation within, what, 18 months?
But the homeless and muzzos would have houses, along with Grenfell cunts so, with our conscious clear, we would happily look at a top rate of tax at 70% for all those rich cunts earning over £30k.
Thanks CnR…I won’t fucking sleep now!
What do you mean “if”? With May in charge of the Connies a Labour Govt is almost guaranteed!
And – because she’s procrastinating on leaving the EU until AFTER the next General Election now – chances are that the intellectual heavyweights of Abbott et. al. will also get to decide our Brexit fate as well.
And we all know a Labour Brexit means more money to the EU, less say in what goes on and having to tolerate all the shit we have to now such as the free movement of people, except they’d want to increase immigration as well.
Combine that with a “piss it up the wall” spending programme (which does not include disbanding the HS2 white elephant) then our race to the bottom is guaranteed.
The Blairites are waiting in the shadows like the vampires they are and once in power they’ll come out, oust Corbyn and reinstate the dark prince’s (un)ideology!
Unless May goes we’re fucked.
Labour say they’re going to end Free Movement and replace it with Easy Movement. Ha!
My cats are laughing in unison!
Barry Scott’s back, btw. I’d like to nominate him for a contract killing – BANG and the cunt is gone!
Just as well, as they would be crying if they were in Ushite or the GMB.
Viz did a good one of him a few years ago. The mascara wearing girly-boy
It seems the great and the good of the parish are getting mobilised, to have a massive protest march against Trump, should he dare show his face on UK soil. Through the medium of Facebook (where else), lefty politicos and right on celebs are stirring the pot, hoping to get over a million cunts to march on London. Why they want to protest the Cunt is beyond me, perhaps they are bored with Brexit, and they need something else to whine about. If they do manage to get this ‘Sea of Cunts’ march off the ground, I hope Trump uses the lefties favourite logic, in that, anyone who didn’t vote, or attend in this case, can be counted as a supporter. Cunts.
After shooting his brother, stabbing his producer, having threesomes behind his wife’s back, and punching his sister-in-law in an elevator, Jay Z says he doesn’t like Big Don’s tone….
Fucking thick as shit Gangsta Uncle Tom cunt…..
I must take issue with iamnot with regard to his comment that Mr Burnthem is only out godded by Bonio. In my humble opinion there is only 1 true God and we are fortunate enough to be able to hear the godly vocal enlightenment every day, Monday to Friday 10 till 1 through a medium known as LBC. He has a regular stream of disciples calling in but occasionally the Devil and his evil gorks get through but are swiftly fucked off by a majestic sweep of The O’Grate ones wise words. As for Burnthem he is a Labour cunt but at least he’s a Blue cunt.
Agree, Burnthem is pretty thin gruel compared to Lord Haw Haw O’Shithead, who never fails to deliver wondrous cuntage in excelsis!
Thing is, O’shithead doesn’t get to make decisions that allow him to spend other peoples Wonga, Burncunt does. As far as I can tell – the cost of employing / bestowing the honour on some scouse cunt as mayor comes with a host of other expenses. I thought my Mancunian muckers were more switched on than that. I think it was originally the idea of the fat wastrel 2 jags horrible cunt ex ships steward made good Lord Prescott. Now that was a waste of a good skin that should have gone the way of Gideon and Camercunt – instead they give the colossal cunt a peerage. He wanted several City enterprise schemes overseen by Mayors – jobs with no real meaning for cunts who couldn’t cut it in parliament or get a job on the EU gravy train. Police commissioners are also wasteful jobsworth cunts paid for by who else but the ratepayer. Cunts
Agreed but Burnit can’t touch O’God by a fucking light year in cuntness. No way Hose A.
Yes…there are multiple Burnbum type parasites, wasting other people’s money. But there’s only one mighty O’Shithead, thank the Lord God Almighty.
Why on earth did the people of Manchester vote for this pathetic cunt to be mayor?
Was he the only candidate?
Nobody else fancied having a dabble?
I wouldn’t trust him to run the local newsagents!!
A mystery Q, at least with Citizen Khan you knew it was the peaceful vote and being a toadying EU cock sucker because of course London would grind to a halt without its army of Polish baristas and Bangladeshi Uber rapee drivers.
Exactly LL…..
it’s an Odd one…
How fucking depressing…….
I guess the only way you/ we can stand up to that type of absolutism is through mass civil disobedience such as non payment of the surcharge in an attempt to clog up the judiciary.
I’d bet my mortgage and then some that wouldn’t happen though as most people are only looking out for themselves, or may be that’s just my experience.
On a brighter note, im just watching Big Don being interviewed by Piers Morgan.
We live in hope.
I think I’m missing something, surely Andy is a Labour man. a Socialist snd man of the people. Someone with that pedigree couldn’t possibly be party ti yet another layer of bureaucracy being created placing a larger tax burden on working people at the same time watching public service levels fall could he?
He would look like just another leech feeding off the working people just for his own ego and enrichment.
This is what you get if you vote for a socialist people. what a cunt.
‘Lying in your bed, with your phone, working out how to wind every body up’…
Re opera, but defo NOT the frock variety, Beethoven’s Fidelio could provide an anthem for those who wish to leave the EU trough-crap-fest.
The evil, repressive gaolers could wear EU armbands in a new production.
I’d pay to see that.
Somehow, don’t think it’ll happen, but every time I hear Karl Bohm conducting the overture, I think “Out, out, out”
(or as Maestro Bohm would probably have said, “Raus !! Raus !!).
Frock operas, I suppose, do have there uses…what would Notting Hill and Hampstead be like with a load of unemployed luvvies clogging the place up ?
Wrong fucking thread…apologies !
I thought he was good in Thunderbirds.
Shit in clockwork orange though
Who was he? The doctor Brodsky cunt or someone else?
Appy loggys, not seen in a while as stuck in bedways and I don’t mean doing the old in- out- in- out. I mean bezoomny bolnoy with the bratchny synthemesc that make my tick-tocker slow and wanna spatchka.
No tolchoking or pyahnitsanis for a while now droogs.
Outstanding cunting. As a Mancunian, I greatly resent having to pay for this chump. It STILL annoys me that none of the councils that make up Greater Manchester had the decency to ask Mancunians if we even wanted a Mayor. I suspect it’s because they already knew that the answer would a resounding ‘NO’. Prescott asked us a few years back, when he was Deputy PM, and he was told exactly where to shove the idea.
The fact is, we don’t need a Mayor. It’s just another level of bureaucracy in a system already overburdened by bureaucracy. They way I hear it, £7 is at the lower of the scale. I’ve heard it will be at least £10. All to pay for a twat we didn’t want in the first place.