Snowflakes [2]

Can I cunt snowflakes, progressive left wing cunts and the media for cunting princess Michael for wearing an18th century broach that happens to show a black person?

The broach isn’t a negative, it’s regal. It’s not a Robinson’s Gollywog for fucking sure.

Add in to the mix this mountain out of a molehill as allowed the media to masturbate over the fact Megan is mixed race. So fucking what? Is this pertinent now only because of a broach. Let’s be honest Megan’s fathers white genes were dominant in producing Megan. Her heritage isn’t obvious.

As Eddie Murphy may observe she ain’t no jungle bitch with a bone through her nose. (Eddie is black and he wouldn’t have an issue saying this, why should I!)

The real twist in this story will come of Megan’s mothers genetics are more prominent in any offspring. Harry is ginger ffs, what were you thinking?

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

Snowflakes you want? Click below –


62 thoughts on “Snowflakes [2]

  1. Princess Michael. Now there’s a fucking conundrum. Who or what the fuck is it? The fact that this parasite even exists is cunting enough. It could be blacked up and singing Pollywollydoodle for all I care.
    So a storm of virtue and guilt over a benefits scrounger wearing something that may offend a soon to be benefits scrounger.
    Strange times indeed.

  2. You can’t say anything or crack a joke nowdays without someone being offended.
    On TV the other night some poor cow was recalling her tragic life and said..

    “I was sexually abused at 8.”

    All I said was..”Do we really need to know what the time was when it happened?”

    Got slaughtered….

    Happy Xmas cunters….

  3. Want to really offend a snowflake? Tell them to fuck off and get a sense of perspective when they whinge at you, after interrupting you when you’re talking to your mates. Talk about triggered. I did that last weekend. The funniest thing though, was the look on the little twat’s face when the landlord through him out. Then the little shit called all his snowflake mates and they waited outside until we came out. They were shouting all kinds of names like, Nazi, racist, etcetera. But the second I and my six mates went over to talk to them, they took over faster than the millennium falcon in hyperspace. And there were TWENTY of them. Snowflakes are such soft cunts.

    • Sod that QDM, snowflakes are just cunts, pure and simple!

      Cowardly, gutless, worthless, pathetic cunts!

      Got I hate them.

      • We were discussing the need for the immigration system to be overhauled as it’s currently too easy to get in. For the record, two of those present were my black brother in law and a Nigerian I served with in the army

      • Haha, I’m sure the snowflake just assumed that your black acquaintances were just Uncle Toms with internalised racism as blacks are just incapable of having independent or rightwing thoughts.

        Clearly you must have been holding them hostage/slave and it was snowflake’s job as a neo colonialist to liberate the poor brown men from whitey.

  4. Problem with these cunts as I see it is they’re all ‘professionally offended’.

    Like David cunting Attenborough is doing at the moment they plunge the depths seeking out new forms of offence.

    It doesn’t seem to matter how tenuous these cunts can find offence in the direction of the wind.

    However it’s the finding offence on behalf of a unknown third party that makes me want to take to the rusty nail.

    In the words of the Manic Street Preachers….’if you tolerate this then your children will be next’.

    Oh fuck, too late!

  5. Right cunts. I’ve spent the day building a home made suicide vest using two pieces of flint and some kindling. I’m going to my co op boxing day and if I see one creme egg I’m gonna blow the fucker.

  6. The fact is life is too easy and comfortable for most people in the west. This is not an accident, it’s a result of hard work and suffering by the generations before us to get us where we are today. This fact is lost on snowflakes, who only see the now. They have so little to worry about, and Fuck all of any consequence to take up their time, that they feel the need to legitimise their existence on twatter and cuntbook by all this virtue by association wank.
    Well, I’ve got some bad news for them. We have peaked as a civilisation. And, thanks in no small part to cunts like them, both in the political sphere, and their civilian counterparts, we are on the downward slope. For cunts that can’t survive without a wifi signal, let alone hot water or electricity, they have no chance.

    • Spot on – agree 100%

      Everything previous generations suffered and worked so hard to achieve is beginning to unravel fast, now these Libtard snowflake cunts have found their way into the driving seat, careering all over the shop and taking us nowhere fast.

      “Oh Jeremy Corbyn…oh Jeremy Corbyn…” Mindless cunts.

      • These cunts are properly annoying but you can have a lot of fun baiting them. A youngish chap told me proudly the other day that he was a Social Justice Warrior. I said “oh Christ,you’re not one of those are you?” Like he’d just told me he’d soiled himself. The best ones to row with are Anarchists who inexplicably always have all their CD’s in alphabetical order.

    • I suppose at a push and in a dodgy situation one could eat the useless bastards. Happy Christmas to you all and hope the New Year brings you much joy.

  7. Good point well made Gutstick.

    First world problems, eh!

    It occurred to me recently as a child of the 70’s that was just about old enough to sort of grasp what was going on, Snowflakes have no knowledge or interest in the period, it’s glossed over.

    The History taught in school by and large ends at the 2nd WW so the industrial strife of the 70’s is largely ignored, however having a Snowflake nephew who knows everything (or thinks he does) about Thatcher, as he’s been royally indoctrinated by his fat cat public servant fat dad, this reinforces my belief as he can’t debate with you on that period. Funny though as he can’t debate fuck all unless he’s in his safe space echo chamber.

    About 10 years ago I remember discussing growing up with a work colleague who was roughly 10/15 years younger than me and mentioned having frost on the inside of my bedroom window when it was cold and finally in 1979 having central heating installed which put an end to it, she genuinely looked at me like I came from another planet.

    That for me succinctly summed up the generation gap.

    • Indeed. I spent my first year at my grandparents house, which had no electricity except for a generator which was used occasionally, an outside toilet, and a fucking well. Honestly, they lived no different than people from the 1920s! My parents didn’t get double glazing until way after I left home, and that was 1990. I didn’t have it hard growing up, but I still had the joys of cutting a bucket of coal in the freezing cold and wet. The frost on the inside of the windows takes me back!

      • The modern snowflake hasn’t a clue Gutstick.

        An example was a recent water supply problem in my area, the supply being cut for around 18 hours while emergency repairs were done.

        They were all on the twitter giving the water people no end of abuse like they had been without for weeks.

        I hope we don’t ever go back to WW2 conditions as they wouldn’t cope the way people did back then. Cunts don’t know what tough times are and the real consequences of voting for a political party with a cabinet of clowns.

    • I wonder how the snowflake would have coped with a Christmas where presents were very sparse due to mortgage rates being about 17% and their parents struggled to avoid losing their home? I recall this in the late 70’s / early eighties (maybe 1980). Times were pretty rough back then and that’s not so long ago but never gets mentioned much.

      • Yeah good old Thatcher days.I remember mortgage payments going through the roof. The only period since I past my test ,that I couldn’t afford to run a car. She used to bang on about the importance of a family unit ,whilst doing her level best to split families up via financial hardship.

      • There was one particularly memorable year things were bad, factories closing down everywhere and my fathers place of work got hit. My mum had to take on two jobs to help cover the mortgage and my dad took his Wolseley six off the road due to running costs and make his redundancy money last out further.

        Instead, he walked 5 miles to the job centre every morning, as there was no internet then and you had to get down pronto and read all the cards on the boards which were often sparse. The pet boxer dogs loved it though.

        He was out of work around 5 months and he was one of the lucky ones from his place.

        Demise of our industries and manufacturing shouldn’t have been allowed to happen.

  8. Snowflakes can kiss my hairy arse. What I don’t understand is if, as they claim, this country is full of racists, fascists and “hate crime” why is every fucker in the world falling over each other to get here ? They seem to be doing ok without whispy bearded, skinny jeaned little wankers to protect them.
    No, it’s not about immigrants it’s about THEM. The only thing these whiny little shits care about is themselves. Imagine the cunts with a mirror in their hand instead of a fucking phone and you get the picture.
    If they ever had an independent thought in their empty heads they would realise that concern that your country is being flooded with cheap foreign labour and god bothering terrorist fanatics does not make you a member of the Waffen SS.

    Not that they have ever heard of the Waffen SS the thick fucking cunts.

      • And you can bet your bottom dollar if they do, it will be the Terrorist sympathising cunt Corbyn’s version.

        M62 Coach bombing, Hyde Park, Manchester Arndale, Birmingham, Harrod’s, Brighton, Lord Mountbatten, Airey Neave the list goes on but that pond life scum Corbyn and his right hand bitch actively courted these cunts at a time they had declared war on us.

        Non of this resonates and I’m genuinely fucked if I know why.

      • Not to mention Flabbott’s call for MI5 to be abolished, and her ‘previous’ position re Ireland:

        “(Ireland) is our struggle – every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us. A defeat in Northern Ireland would be a defeat indeed.”

        My niece lives in Flabbott’s constituency and voted Labour in the GE cos she believed Catweasel would cancel her student debt…unbelievable I know, but that’s the level of debate we’re up against…

    • So true FTF,
      These Cunts have absolutely no idea of what’s going on, happy in their ignorant snowflake bliss!!
      They have absolutely no concept of what previous generations gave to give them democracy and self determination!
      The pathetic Cunts are more than happy to peacefully drift into servitude to an unelected bureaucratic foreign body……

      Fuckin sheep!………,

      • I blame the education system for this in where it is failing to prepare children for adulthood and the real world out there.

        We seem to have generations coming through where they think no further than what they have been programmed to do, they don’t think outside the box.

        They never question or think why things happen, they just go along with the “that’s what school told us would happen” and roll with it.

        Is this the generation who they expect to travel to other solar system planets without going to the moon on our doorstep?

        Oh that’s right, people went to the moon in the 60’s. Why go back there? We found out everything about it we need to know.

        We don’t even know how our own planet ticks and everything about it despite billions of us being here for thousands of years, but the moon was all explored by a few guys on an alleged couple of trips?

  9. I never bother arguing with Snowflake types. They can’t be reasoned with,so the best bet is to to take pride and ownership in being a “racist old bigot who has stolen their future.”. I always earnestly agree that I really am a terrible old Cunt,make as many inflammatory statements as I can,laugh at their shocked expressions and watch while they blow an internal fuse trying to work out what to do next. Being soft as clarts,in the main,they normally just stand there slack-jawed as I bombard them with a diatribe that old Adolf might have considered slightly provocative. Being the gentleman that I am, I like to finish on a “Fuck Off,You soft Cuuuunnnnntttttt.” dragging out the “Cunt” as loudly and for as long as I can manage.

    Fuck them.

    • That’s really made me laugh and has just reminded me of the time someone very close to me accused my sister of being racist, which she is, her reply was…. yes well at least you’re finally right on one thing…and so what…

      Deathly silence, followed by a stutter George VI would have found tiresome.

  10. Sorry Cunters – Off topic, but I’ve just returned from the local beer shop suitably refreshed by a few small libations, which will now continue as the Fosters is cheaper in cans at home… Whilst at said hostelry, a female acquaintance backed her posterior into my knee whilst moving a barstool. “Please forgive me Ffion” I ventured “but I just kneed your bum”. Place went into meltdown…. Merry Cuntmas one and all.

  11. Why do they want a world where people of all colours live together in some metropolitan suburbia SO FUCKING BADLY!

    Ok accept differences, try to live together whatever, but to act as if it is some holy grail and that is all that matters, that’s fucked in the head.


    • This idea that things would be great if we were all the same colour is a load of old wank. People would just find or invent new things to argue about. It’s the same with intelligence,you aren’t allowed to suggest that someone is just thick now,so workplaces and schools get run from the bottom up and entertainment is pitched at the lowest common denominator. The worst offenders are liberal middle class cunts who’d rather cause death than acknowledge that their kid is a dumbo and so all sorts of Mickey Mouse degrees have come into existence to cater for these fucking plankton.

      • From my perspective that’s bang on the money MH.

        White middle class liberals that I refer to as Whyties, I use the Y ‘cus those utter cunts like to be ‘like ya know, make statements’ along with their double barrelled surnames, they are the 5th Column.

        They spent their late teens at ‘Uni’ going on protests with Swampy, hating Thatcher, decrying capitalism, being CND activists then graduated with a 2:1 in PPE or English then got a job in the institutions they so despised.

        Along came B Liar and these cunts were cut free and started their quest as the thought police.

        Subtle at first, as the lad / ladette culture still prevailed they set about calling out what they considered ‘casual racism, sexism, ageism’ and any other fucking ‘ism’ they could manufacture then invented ‘positive discrimination’ and ‘institutional racism’.

        How the fuck can any discrimination ever ever be positive and when the fuck did an institution ever become racist, point the racist out and I’m with you but if you can’t don’t expect me to believe you without any credible evidence that an institution is racist.

        It’s a fucking monumental get out clause and woe betide you disagree.

        Now this is where the Whytie snookers him/herself. Race was used as the ultimate trump card to close down debate and climb the slippery pole.

        You only have to look at Rotherham and Newcastle to see how these Whyte bastards had over used the race card, not just to their own detriment but disgracefully to the detriment of the victims.

        The cunts paralysed themselves into inaction and when anybody made a stand they were made the scapegoats. You only have to look at the treatment of Jane Senior who exposed Rotherham to see how these bastard cunts work.

        Yes we have a problem with ‘peaceful s’ but their ’cause’ is super turbo charged by the closeted Whyte Liberal bastards who’ve systematically taken away their own tools to fight the enemy with.

        Isn’t that what Corbyn wants to do.

        Fuck me the worlds gone mad.

      • Booted into oblivion for speaking the truth ……
        I wonder if Corbyn would be as quick to dismiss a shadow cabinet member for reporting white middle aged men were committing similar offences?

      • That was absolutely fucking disgraceful the way she was treated as was the way the victims were.

        I voted for the Labour Party in the General Election though I’m no Corbin fan.

        Wanted to vote Conservative, ensuring my brexit vote was delivered as I feared Flabott & Co would talk Corbyn into a u-turn to help the mass migration routes open. But as the Tory’s were fucking me badly with shambolic treatment by their DWP system and their stupid atoz assessments, i couldn’t.

        They have repeatedly left me financially fucked and robbed of a poxy £72 a week. This voided my payment protection plans which I paid for over 15 years to help in the event of these troubled times.

        ATOS is a sheer waste of money when all they had to do was look at my medical reports & MRI scans and even call my surgeons or GP for clarification but no, they don’t want hard facts that prove your fucked.

        Instead, they get you to a medical and a shitty nurse says your ready for the next Olympics because you sat on a chair for 30 minutes. Useless lying cunts trying to meet targets, screwing with peoples lives.

        There’s been a lot of water under the bridge & flames out of a tower since the election which would deter me voting for Labour again in the near future.

        I’m not giving that Cable cunt it either so I may as well stay at home. British politics is a total mess due to the parties being bullied into pleasing all by the media & PC cunts.

        Screw the hard working man harder.

      • I probably sound like a boring old cunt but PC is a massive problem also. I heard it described as AIDS of the mind, very accurate as is easily absorbed by those with little resistance. It’s practitioners probably don’t care much for minorities but do care to be publicly heard endorsing the right things. The LGBTXYZ scenario is a good example of this as these people can show off the new terminology they are using. I prefer to say such behaviour is either mental illness,attention seeking or both. It’ll all come crashing down when there aren’t enough rational people capable of doing a days work.

  12. That is what is the most worrying part of the snowflake proliferation – their complicity. This once OK isle will grow with peacefuls, dindus and flat heads until the tentacles off their enclaves will reach out and infest previously respectable boltholes. I reckon we have less than a decade before we see this on a large scale.

    This is all being done as the politicians race to do what they can to please these cunts and secure their votes.

    Come that day we will need 1 day a year like in the film The Purge. Batten down the hatches, hole your family up in a panic room in the house and pick the cunts off with a good rifle with sights and hollow tipped bullets when they attempt to raid your castle or kill, main, rape you/your family.

  13. May I wish everybody a very Merry Christmas……..except remoaners…….and Muzzies obviously……..oh and the Blairs…….and the Cleggs……and Mandelson and his Brazilian rentboy……and the fucking Kinnocks…….and the O’Brien cunt…….and that Soubry bitch……oh , and Saint Gary Taxdodger and Lily fucking Slagheap……..fuck me by the time I finish this list it will all be over.
    Catch you later!??

  14. Just taken up my position waiting for Santa . He’ll discover that I’m no easy mark for a house-invading old Pisshead. A dose of Eley 12 guage up the shitepipe should dissuade the old Cunt from attempting to force entry down my freshly-swept chimney-stack.

    • All Saint Nick excepts is a tall glass of milk and a few cookies and he delivers presents in a big red sleigh with flying reindeer for all the good girls and boys

      And you want to murder him for no reason?! shame on you fiddler, shame…

    • Cuntflap is Michael McIntyre and I therefore claim my free bag of sparks for my angle grinder.

  15. Happy Xmas birdman… Saw the game last night, and Leicester definitely deserved the draw… People are asking ‘Why aren’t Man United winning?’ I shall tell them… Because the United squad is bang average and full of players that have the same bottle mentality as Arsenal…. Plus our fan base believes every United player is secretly world class and will eventually ‘come good’… Because if they play for United, they must be!?… Stupid cunts…

    • They don’t deserve a cunt like Keith Vaz supporting them though. I thought Norwich had it bad with Delia hanging about, but I will let them off now.

  16. It’s two o’clock in the morning and I’ve just marked the occasion by having a good christmas shit. I left the window open so that I can share the aroma with the outside world. My generosity knows no bounds.

    In a few hours, excited children will be rising early to find out what Santa has brought them. I’d like to have shit all over their presents, the squealing little twats.

    I send festive yuletide greetings to cunters everywhere. And may the blessings of the baby Jesus be with you.

  17. These snow flake cunts are fucked in the head. So arrogant and conceited, they think they are right and can’t see the world any other way. I recently read Orwell’s ‘1984’ and it’s easy to see why it is compared to the shit storm happening in the West today.

    • That’s the thing, 1984 was written as a warning, sadly it seems to be regarded by left wing libtards to some sort of handbook for a future utopia.

      Frankly I am increasingly worried about the future where we will see a collapse of our culture possibly a huge right wing backlash, civil and international wars.

      We in the west have a very comfortable existence with the absence of the struggles and sacrifices made by our forefathers and the west has forgotten this leaving self destruction as a real possibility.

      Another good book is ‘one second after’ which really shows what happens in the aftermath of a emp strike on an unprepared USA.

      Just look at the riots, crime, violence and looting following a natural disaster in the USA, can you imagine what would happen if the power went off in London after a targeted well coordinated large scale terror attack of the electricity grid in midwinter, damage that would take weeks to fix? Doesn’t bear thinking about. Utter chaos, riots looting, murder and martial law.

      Part of me thinks that a collapse is necessary for those alive in the west today to remember just how fortunate they are.

      Anyway that’s is enough positivity from me on this holy day, Merry Christmas fellow cunters!

      • We’ve had some really great postings throughout 2017 (the one above being another fine example), so roll on 2018, when ISAC is likely to be more essential for our sanity than ever!

      • Let that cunting stand as a monument to 2017 and a justified warning for 2018. If I didn’t agree that a collapse is necessary, I’d have to say it’s inevitable.

      • I agree, every empire has its day.

        I remember a few years ago a major player in the gold industry saying the West is like a 60 year old couple still with a hefty mortgage, flashy cars, expensive habits, credit card debt and no savings or pension worth speaking of not realising that within a few short years their earning power is going to be severely reduced (as in retirement) and then they are fucked.

        Struck a cord with me and seems to be the case with the West, huge debt, huge spending commitments, low or no economic growth and no real prospect of radically improving the prospects of growth either, usurpers everywhere (India, China, Turkey, Brazil and even Russia if it gets its act together).

        I can’t see anything other than a reset for the West, With governments enacting increasingly controlling legislation on us in the name of counter terrorism and protecting the cheeldren but in reality just trying to keep themselves in power, papering over the cracks, attempting to eliminate civil unrest, just what do people think the welfare state is for? Without it crime, civil unrest, black marketeering and cash in hand jobs etc would sky rocket.

        The West has to face facts that our standard of living will fall over time and our governments will continue to create problems that it cannot solve and in its attempt to do so make our lives a fucking misery by accelerating their interfering and controlling laws and regulations till in the end it just all collapses.

        I’m in a cheery mood today before you ask……

      • The pisser is that the problems the government create get loads of our money thrown at them in order to solve them, however this is normally a bottomless pit they have created through stupidity.

        Cunts don’t pay out their dues on legitimate DWP claims so I have no faith they will provide for me when I hit 65 or is it 67? Probably 73 if they keep moving the goal posts.

        Peacefuls flood in, take out & pay nowt.

        Cunts even turn up at Charlie Chalks, team handed / the famileee across four Toyota Previa’s and think the full family can eat for £39.95. They used to take passports for ID to verify all famileee and argue meal for 3 quid a head.

        Milking the arse out of our culture every way possible, and then some.

  18. I’m at four o’clock in the morning and no sign of Santa so far. Looks like its just another day in the basement for me.

    I think Santa came round my way on the eve of Christmas Eve as some people in the neighborhood awoke to their door handles being tried to gain access. Mine was locked as it is tonight and my condemned gas fire stops his usual form of entry so I won’t expect anything if he returns once I “nod off” due to the good old Trams & Gabby cocktail effects.

    Merry Xmas to all Cunters, and if your out & about, stay vigilant & safe.

    • Stay strong Basement, truly hope that your situation improves in 2018.

      Don’t let the fucking bastards grind you down.

      Best wishes to you and your family

  19. Thanks folks,

    Its just really hard to take at times when you’ve worked your arse off and paid in plenty, to have so much stress and aggravation in getting a pittance of help on top of injuries & pain.

    Never mind dodging paying me the £72 a week, they should pay me back what I paid them a week in tax when at work, the taxes they claim “they needed”, and I will be expected to pay again when I return to work.

    Its the failure of another government department, the NHS which has controlled the timescale of my treatment and duration of my absence from work.

    Am I looking forward to returning to work?….Yes.

    Am I looking forward to contributing financially to HMRC again (who are currently harassing me for money from 2016)?…I will let you guys decide the answer to that one.

    I will be glad to see the back of 2017, but when 2018 arrives, I’m coming out my corner fighting!!!

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