Owen Jones [5]

Owen Jones is a stereotypical left leaning tosser of the kind our hijacked education system keeps churning out. Many in turn become teachers and churn out more of their ilk.

Owen Jones and his kind equate the old working class with the scum underclass. When in truth, the old working class would have detested the work shy scroungers of today. They are not the same.

Owen Jones is a hypocrite, who refuses to acknowledge that it is real world capitalism which provides him with his lifestyle. Does Owen Jones think he would fair better as a gay man in the socialist utopia of Russia? I think not. Would he acknowledge this? Again, I think not.

God forbid that Owen Jones and his kind ever get any political power, because he is militant and he would force his values on others. You can tell this through his attitude. He is intolerant of the opinions of others.

Owen Jones is a dangerous extremist, who needs to be exposed as such at every opportunity. He needs to be held up to ridicule and confronted by opposing intellectuals who are more than a match for this snivelling wretch.

In conclusion – Owen jones is a stupid fucking cunt.

Nominated by Some Bloke

68 thoughts on “Owen Jones [5]

    • Roll 2 for Rolf Harris…
      15 days to Christmas, here’s hoping to a few more seasonal carks !!

      • I’ve seen that before, it’s a brilliant clip and shows Jones up for what he is, a childish intolerant Cunt!!, when smith rambles on your expected to sit and listen, unfortunately as soon as any person tries to put an opposing view across smith dives in , constantly interrupting them, head shaking, eyes rolling, acting like a fuckin child who’s been told his times up on the Xbox!!
        The most appropriate word for him is bigot…. second word Cunt…

      • Comedy gold. And, it perfectly illustrates how stupid the little boy is, that he can’t accept that the maniacs religious beliefs had nothing to do with the massacre, just that he was a homophobe. What an idiot. Heading for his rightful place on the wall of cunts……

  1. I looked him up and discovered that he is one of The Gays…well, ’nuff said I thought…obviously a Cunt. However I then also noticed that he strongly opposes something called Conversion Therapy.Apparently it can cure the Gay Disease. It sounds brilliant….After a bit of research, I’m truly amazed that every bum-boy in the land isn’t demanding that it be made available on the NHS. Admittedly they may have to up the deterrent to get the required result,but I’d have thought that cranking the voltage up on the cattle-prod would be a small price to pay for Queers to be cured. As an active arse-bandit, this Jones fella really must be a top-class Cunt not to want for him and his Nancy-boy mates to be cured.
    To Fuck with them.

  2. This cunt first came on my cunt radar when he was plugging his book, ‘Chavs – the demonisation of the working class’. It was clear then that he was a reality dodger, living in his own little hate filled world. Chavs working class? Most of the untermenchen he was referring to are third generation welfare scum, work being a foreign concept to them. I would hazard a guess that he has never met one, let alone have to endure living amongst them.
    I hope he lives a long and healthy life, so he can grow old in a country liberal left wing cunts like him have shaped.

  3. David Davis on Andrew Marr still feeling the need to demonstrate what an utterly useless cunt he is and how he evidently has no grasp at all of what he’s supposed to be negotiating.

    He said the money owed to the EU is a “divorce bill” (it’s not, it’s called honouring your contractual commitments) and he said that if the UK failed to get a trade deal with the EU then we would not pay the “divorce bill”. Trouble with that of course is that 1) if there’s no deal, we would need to revert to WTO rules and that means a hard border in Ireland which is a non-starter, and 2) if the rest of the world sees us walking away without paying money we are already committed to pay, why would they consider us a reliable trading partner?

    Hilarious to read on the front page of the Express that they believe we “have the EU over a barrel” when in fact the exact opposite is true. As I predicted a couple of days ago, the rightwing press will dress up May’s humiliation as great Tory victory. Fuck knows what poor deluded cunts read the Express.

    • “Fuck knows what poor deluded cunts read the Express”……that would be me….but only after I’ve finished the Mail. 🙂 .

      • Have to admit I found David Davis’s performance at the select committee hearing last week quite amusing and strangely refreshing. He could have easily bullshitted his way through Hilary Bunghole’s questioning but clearly thought instead, “oh what the hell.”

        One step away from John Nott’s classic walk out on Robin Day:


    • Gonna have to go against the flow here. We have a trade surplus with the EU that means if we revert to WTO tariffs, they lose a shed load more than us. In fact we stand to gain billions per annum.

      Also under WTO rules, the import tariffs on non-EU foodstuffs into the EU reduce, so food gets cheaper – NOT as is being broadcast by the ptb more expensive.

      Same applies to Australian and NZ wine imports

      Also, the taxes on German cars would increase which would hit their economy hard. The majority of BMW and Merc sales go to the UK.

      Yeah, Davis is a cunt but the Express is right to say they have more to lose than us

      • Hopefully the likes of Mogg & Farage are well informed of these facts.

        We need people to fight a fair departure from the EU and what I’m hearing so far is worse off than we were before article 50 lodged. Cunts.

      • All correct dio…..
        As fuckiin pathetic as laughing boy and the hunchback have been the UK has one commodity that the EU is desperately lacking! Cash! , the Germans have it but reading between the lines they are sick and tired of carrying the can for the rest!
        Also as you point out there is a massive trade deficit! , a no deal situation suits nobody, the real issue here is the EU ideology, so desperate to protect their stranglehold on Europe they may be willing to take the hit and dig in, but will the member states who in varying degrees rely on trading with the UK? , divorce it’s not!!! , it’s a high stakes poker game, I’m worried the Cunts we have at the table will keep blinking!
        Money talks! Very loudly, “ you want our money? Let’s talk sensibly “ Offering us a Canadian off the peg deals a fuckin insult! Last time I looked Canada wasn’t paying these snivelling Cunts billions of €,s …

      • At best it’s a demerger. Why do our ‘leaders’ not seem recognise how strong our hand is, as Dio, Bob & Q clearly articulate? Anyone would think they actually want Brexit to go nowhere!

        And why have the Brexiteers gone so quiet?

  4. I’d like to interrupt this cunting to say fuck Christmas , the sooner it’s over the better , complete bag of shite. Thank you .

  5. Probably the same types who read the mirror?
    I wonder what the circulation figures are for newspapers nowadays? They must be plummeting as you can get virtually all stories from multiple sources free on the internet…..

      • Following her shafting of the common people, the Cripple of Crouchend should be systematically spit roasted between two camel shaggers riddled with syphilis.

      • The only time I look at a newspaper is when I’m waiting for a takeaway or at the dentists.

        The money I saved not buying newspapers was enough to put down a deposit on Shitcake Towers.

      • My missus used to buy three of the cunts everyday and they were pilled knee high, 3 piles unread, as she didn’t have time and would read them at the weekend. What fucking weekend will that be?

        Who gives a shit about old same shit news?, I bought a briquette maker to mash them down and make fuel for the chimnea to get some of my money back, but looks a right messy affair and further inconvenience caused by her shopping stupidity.

        Best bit is that she hogs the TV for near an hour every night starting just as I come back from walking the dog. Doing what you ask?

        Reading the news on ABBC teletext….Aaaaaarghhh!

  6. Cunts like Owen Jones think that by subscribing to the anything goes culture e.g blokes ‘identifying’ as tarts or dicks and cunts using the same bogs or thinking putting a mosque on every fucking street in a Christian country somehow makes them morally superior to anyone that takes a different stance to them. As Some Bloke says he needs to keep his gobble hatch shut before some big fucker puts a different part of their anatomy in his gob. Pussy fucker!

  7. Sir Kunt Starmer on Marr Show said Labour committed to negotiating EU deal to include Freedom Of Movement. Quelle surprise! A major league cunt.

    • Committed to negotiating a stay in the EU deal!! Mind you laughing boy and the hideous hunchback are doing all the donkey work!! Eeeh awwww !

  8. The cunt is only in these media jobs because he takes it up the chuff…
    This Owen Jones cunt is made for the ABBC….

    • Should team him up with Cuntsberg and save body guarding fees.

      Also…what is it with these twisted chopped cunts in the media?

      The ones that could pass for a love child of the King of twisted gubs that is Douglas Carswell.

      ABBC have the Cuntberg, Sly have an ethnic looking one whose name is evading my tramadolled memory cells.

      There are others I can’t remember, but I’m noticing this twisted malformed jaw cropping up in media reporting these days. Is it a new requirement?

  9. As with Gutstick the first time I came across this pre-pubescent school boy after reading an article called Chav’s the demonisation of the working class which I understand was actually his discertation, the most startling part about it was it was so utterly far removed from the subject I couldn’t believe it was ever passed and or picked up on.
    But no the Guardian adopted him as their new go to snowflake in an attempt to make them more relevant with that genuinely repugnant demographic. Get fucked.

    Owen Jones knows less about the Working Class than I do about quantum physics. In a game of Top Cunts he’s right up there.

    I was once challenged to think up the most exhausting way to spend a day’s work, i.e. Fireman, warehouse worker for Sports Direct etc but I genuinely came up with cunting Owen Jones, given the opportunity I just couldn’t imagine a more exhausting way to spend 8 hours, slap, punch, kick, butt, slap, ouch, kick, butt over and over again.

    Fucking satisfying though. Cunt

  10. Can someone tell me how on earth this cretin still manages to walk the streets (when ABBC’s Cuntsburg has body guards) of this country?

    There was a time in this country when crossing a line and spouting stupid unacceptable shit resulted in a damn good hiding that would teach such a person to shut the fuck up.

    Clearly, this one missed some important steps of education in his school days.

    What is wrong with this country? Seriously?

    • In my day his head would have been given a good flushing down the bog! Spare the rod and spoil the snowflake…

  11. I wonder if that maggot Clifford left Kerry Katona anything back of the millions the cunt made of her back?

    She was a silly cunt to be fair, but boy did he sail her down the river and make her a prize cunt for G s gain.

    I reckon he knew / was in on the morning TV interview where Philip SCuntfield ridiculed her over her disorientated drugged state.

    That interview should have been suspended just like Question Time did the other week when the audience member became unwell.

    But no, them this morning cunts kept ploughing on, trampling her down through the surface of the tarmac of the gutter Clifford had led her into.

    A nasty cunt which stole our oxygen for far too long.

      • I always forgive anyone who repeats something said earlier in a thread, whether mistakenly or just for damn good measure.

        The more things are repeated, the more it sinks in, even to cunts like us. That’s how the bastards do their brainwashing of people with the shit so we have to do the same to undo the damage.

        That’s why the establishment want to shut down Britain First etc. They don’t want people saying “wait a minute, there’s an organisation that thinks along the same lines as I do. How do I join and support such an organisation?”

        You hear it so often that if you don’t fight back, it would just become the norm, but yet no one is allowed to voice opposite views anymore in a country with free speech allegedly?

        When did free speech exactly end? or are people just being brainwashed and bullied into thinking it is and that any right wing organisation is “nasty & unacceptable?”

        If I ever get told I’ve got something terminal and a short time, I’ve got a bucket list to work through. I guarantee I would get one of them done at the least.

      • I think we’ve still got as much freedom of speech as we ever had, possibly more. A site like IAC would not have been tolerated in the 1950s/’60s when I was growing up.

        And the first time the word “fuck” was used on a record (as far as I’m aware) was in 1969 on The Mothers of Invention’s ‘Uncle Meat’ album.

        Then there was censorship in literature up to at least the late ’60s like you wouldn’t believe! Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Last Exit To Brooklyn, OZ / IT (International Times) obscenity trials, etc.

        These days It’s more a case of being told by every PC cunt and his wife that we’re basically UNACCEPTABLE FILTH if we choose to exercise said right.

        Long live the freedom of speech that drives IsAC!

    • JHB should have decked the him! Bigoted one dimensional cunt!! ……. And worst of all this fuckiin man child has had a first class education!! Beggars belief…… Owen Jones you are a CUNT!!! ??

  12. What am absolute cunt……
    I didn’t know he was a pooh pirate…….
    That’s one thing I could never do turn queer
    I couldn’t stand men turning me down as well……

  13. So, dirty old Max has snuffed it… I wonder how many celebricunts who he kept out of big trouble and covered up all their crimes and shitty behaviour will actually turn up at his send off? My bet would be none… Self serving vermin and complete cunts…

  14. The sore arsed cunt has a twin sister called Eleanor. Not surprisingly, she is also a cunt and I think it must be congenital. Their father was a Sheffield local authority worker and trade-union shop steward, while their mother is an IT lecturer at Salford University, so case closed.
    Owen Jones is someone who I would happily beat to death with a shit filled sock and I wouldn’t shag his sister either, in case there was any trace of poofery left on her from the womb. Fucking cold here in Smeggyland but no snow.

  15. I went in to a meeting about my pay scale with one of these cunts.
    My question was simple. Why are the new people paid the same as me…. (the ones I train)
    Anyway they came back to me with “your pay structure is aligned with your time of employment”.
    So I offered my resignation and cv at the same time.
    Fucking arseholes.

  16. Funnily enough Julia HB keeps making imaginary guest nude appearances doing star jumps for me whilst I’m out on the road….

    Re Jones the reason he doesn’t get a good twating is precisely because his type of rhetoric is considered acceptable.

    A bit like being a fat useless cunt is, it’s not acceptable and fat fucks should be shamed at every opportunity just as in the same way Owen Jones should receive a random slapping every time the cunts walks show leather.

    Bet he owns a fucking cat too, cunt.

    • Oh, and you were doing so well Cunty. But then you blew it…you just had to mention the cat…So close! What a cunt muffin.

      • Cats are cunts ! Fucking shitting and pissing everywhere !! I fucking hate the bastard things and guess what ? We have one of the stinking useless shite things living in our house. Fuuuuckk !! I wish it would just fucking die but I’m destined to have it around until it’s probably 20 fucking years old. Cunt thing !
        Shits in a box at least 4 times a day and I have to clean it often. Today I’m sitting in the kitchen and I look down at the cat. I think what the fuck is it doing ? Pissing on the door mat ! Cunt cat !
        If it wasn’t for my wife I’d grab it by the tail and fling it over the neighbours fence.
        What’s really unbelievable is we’ve taken this shit stray cat from South Africa, to New Zealand and now to the UK. Cost fucking thousands of pounds to transport the cunt and it now pisses on the mat. Typical cat cuntitude !,

      • Suggest you drop the cat off at the RSPCA or similar animal rescue charity and tell the wife it must have got lost or run away. Shouldn’t be too hard for her to swallow considering the warm loving environment the unfortunate creature must have been subjected to.

        Just imagine your relief! And the cat’s too, no doubt…

  17. Fucking good on ya CV.

    Get right into ’em. bastard Nazi collaborators the lot of them.

    Have you got any mates in Croydon?

  18. Owen Jones is a cunt and no mistaking it.
    The Product of our time.
    God knows what my 2WW fighting Dad would think.

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