Afua Hirsch

I would like to nominate Afua Hirsch for a well deserved cunting. This pathetic specimen ( writing in the Guardian – what else ) has said that Britain’s ‘ colonial crimes’ deserve a lasting memorial.

She burbles on ‘ Our nation must confront the inconvenient facts of its history rather than glorious versions of an imperial past. That’s why we need a museum of empire ‘

So what she’s saying is we need a place that denigrates our country and a place where we can wring our hands with grief and guilt for being beastly to darkies of yesteryear. No doubt claims for compensation will swiftly follow.

Some people may remember this daft cow as the person calling for the destruction of Nelson’s Column a few months ago, she wants the white population of this country to be on a permanent guilt trip for events that are unchangeable historical facts whilst ignoring people such as William Wilberforce. She also fails to mention facts such as the creation of the largest democracy on earth ( India ) which without the British Empire would never have existed.

If this cunt is so unhappy with this country then she has every right to fuck off back to Norway where she was born , or the flyblown shithole that is Ghana. Will she ? Will she fuck, she’s too comfy in nice, obliging, easy going UK, a country she despises but will take from it a good life while continuing to belittle and undermine it.

I’m proud to be British and I object to fucking cunts like Hirsch trying to impose their revisionism and destroy our monuments. So fuck off you scrawny, liberal , waste of fucking space

Nominated by Jack The Cunter

57 thoughts on “Afua Hirsch

  1. Agree 100% with this nom, if you go down the road of apologising for colonialism and invasion where does it end? Genghis Khan, Turkeys Ottoman Empire, maybe we can claim compo off Italy and France for the Roman Invasion and the Norman Conquest of 1066 and ask them to knock it off the Brexit bill?

    Been to India and a lot of the people i met are grateful to the British, foundations for democracy, justice system, education, free press, the English language and the railways to name a few. Its bad enough being a white, heterosexual male in this country without being made to feel some kind of historic guilt by cunt waffles like this.

    • I feel no guilt – we went all over the world and colonised places. Natives should have fought harder.

  2. I look forward to seeing this bitch in the queue of poor exploited cunts desperate to get out of this country. If anyone knows where it is give me a shout and I might saunter along there myself.
    In the meantime if you don’t like my country feel free to fuck off back where you came from.

  3. Just the usual coonery and buffoonery from these motherfucking Guardian columnists.

    They fail to see the irony – for all the lambasting and accusations of hatred thrown at rags like the Sun and The Mail, I see no paper as divisive, as self-loathing and as outright prejudiced as the Grauniad; both columnists and commenters on articles alike.

    Their articles are nothing but clickbait these days; proper journalism eschewed for baseless opinion pieces and continued demonisation of the white, the male and anything to do with being British. As much as I virulently cunt the Al-BBC on these pages – and make no mistake, every grievance held against the Big Bastard Cunt corporation is wholly legitimate – to me, the Guardian is just as bad, if not worse.

    I can’t help myself scanning the online articles from time to time; in the same masochistic way some of you geezers listen to James O’Brien despite hating his fucking guts and everything he stands for. This week I have seen some exceptionally direct shit-pieces on the usual topics; with some extraordinarily self-flagellating pieces on the debt we owe the Grenfell scum and how, stated matter-of-factly, men in the workplace should be seen and not heard.

    I know I’ve segued cunting of the Guardian with the nomination of this Anus Hirsch abomination; but to me, these sorts of fucking left wing columnists with enough chips on their shoulders to prevent the great Irish famine are all the same. They adopt the same methods of feeding the white guilt felt by the liberal left, and constantly indoctrinate their readership that every person any shade of brown ever is owed a debt by this country. Yes, even those who strap cemtex on their backs and scream Alluh Akbar.

    Tarring and feathering these cunts would be too good. Perhaps she should be publicly presented with a dildo made from solid ivory taken from Accra’s very own African Elephants. Then have it violently rammed into her left ear.

    • I am, for my sins, one of those “masochistic geezers” who ‘listens’ to James O’Bigot (sometimes only manage 10 mins) despite the fact he only listens to opinions that accord with his own. Same with this bitch Hirsch, who is a regular on Sky ‘debate’ show ‘The Pledge’, usually with fellow steaming pile of perennial shit, June Sarapongo. For this programme you need a stomach almost as strong as that required for O’Brian’s den of mendacious dissimulation!

      I put myself through this hell mainly to keep tabs on the enemy (“know your enemy and know yourself…”), but it can be very hard going so wouldn’t blame anyone for steering well clear. Hirsch is never less than deeply offensive, as perfectly described in previous posts – a male blaming, PC, Libtard racist of the worst possible kind.

      Only thing I didn’t know was the ungrateful cunt is foreign born and of Ghanaian descent – quelle fucking surprise! Fuck off back to Utopia if you despise our culture and heritage so much.

      • I listen to radio four like Bletchley park used to listen to nazi enigma codes, but you don’t need Alan Turing to work out their agenda. Is there a reliable source of news?

      • Don’t think so. You have to take little bits from everywhere, keep your crap-detector on maximum alert while joining up the dots – exhausting and fucking time consuming if nothing else! No wonder the general population is so easily brainwashed.

      • June Sarapongo just comes across as fucking thick . She comes out with any virtue signalling stupid comment that enters her cunting head without realising how absurd she sounds. you can see the other people on the Pledge cringe with embarrassment when that token fuzzy haired woman opens her big gob.

  4. Too fucking right. What sort of logic does this mongoloid use were she expects the people of this country alive now should feel ashamed of their country’s past. It’s called history you 1 brain celled fuckwit and people learn and make their own judgements about it and shouldn’t be lectured to by cunts like you carrying a fucking grudge on behalf of your ancestors. Fuck me if that were the case Germany would still be a zombie like state with every cunt being whipped 100 times a day. It wasn’t today’s citizens fault. Stoopid bee-atch.

  5. Excellent and thoroughly deserved cunting, unfortunately the UK in infested with Cunts like this, either born abroad or first generation migrants, Our old chum AC Grayling for example, born in Rhodesian came to the Uk via Malawi….
    We have been far too tolerant of this nonsense and hence we have become a magnet for these human ticks!
    As you say JTC if they hate it so much why don’t they just fuck off somewhere else…..

  6. I see that fucking cunt Gove has said that we all get to decide on the Brexit deal at the next election. Whoop de do!
    Of course he forgot to mention that all 3 parties will have exactly the same policy but he wouldn’t know that would he? I know about it but a fucking cabinet minister doesn’t. See how fucking smart I am?
    Is there a bigger back stabbing, nastier, untrustworthy, more mendacious cunt in British politics than this bag of slime? Er …….oh yeah….. there’s his mate Boris. I nearly forgot.

  7. She’s quite right. We do need a “Museum of Empire”, and what a glorious museum it would be. Schoolchildren could be shown and taught about our proud history. The good that we have brought,alongside,admittedly some of the bad. I have no problem with the “bad” being discussed as long as people realise that it was “of the Age”,and compared to most Colonial powers we really weren’t the worst. I’d say that the “good” things that we spread around the globe far outweigh the bad. As long as the “Museum of Empire” acknowledged that fact,I’d be fine with it.

  8. To me the issue isn’t: “If you don’t like it, fuck off!” – which would suffice TBH.

    It’s more: “If Great Britain is such a bad place, so evil, so unfair and so unkind/unfeeling towards minorities, then why come here in the first place?”

    Great Britain abolished slavery in 1833. While there are some n-th generation minority folk in this country descended from slaves who chose to remain rather than be repatriated to their country of origin, most minority folk in this country now came here following WW2 when we looked to the Commonwealth in the 50’s and 60’s to bolster the numbers of our workforce.

    My best mate’s Dad came over from Kingston Jamaica in the late 50’s, worked down the pit with my Dad, married an English lady, settled and had a family.

    The few Indian folk I knew had come over as young couples in the 50’s/60’s, settled, had families and I went to school with their British kids.

    I can’t remember any time any of them or their kids “hating” Britain or feeling “hard done to” by Britain.

    They chose to come here and made a life for themselves. If it had been such a bad and hateful place they wouldn’t.

    The self-loathing of this country coincides with socio-globo-libero dark ages of 1997 onwards (certainly post Thatcherite era where folk of all colours still had pride in this once great land) and now we have cunts coming into this country (freely I may add) only to moan at how fucking bad and unfair old Blighty is.

    So answer me this: why did you chose to come here then if it’s so fucking bad?

    If we’re supposed to apologise for something that was common worldwide up until around 150-200yrs ago – and not just white Christian communities as the main protagonists but also in Africa, Asia and South America – then why do those communities not have to apologise also?

    Are they exempted because they just happen to be of the right colour/religion in current times which precludes them from any form of blame historically and in-perpetuity?

    History is as history was. Are we to apologise endlessly for developing as a nation far more quickly than the RoW including all of the militaristic developments that brings with it thus enabling us to win more battles? Developments which also included medicines, sanitary practices and industrialisation – which benefited all nations (over time).

    So how far back are we supposed to go? Should I March on Rome in order for them to apologise for the Roman occupation of these islands 2,000yrs ago?

    Should the Italians do the same to the Greeks and Macedonians? And they themselves to the Egyptians. The Egyptians to those that preceded them?

    Eventually you go all the way back to paramecium having a go at amoebae for being cunts to them in the primordial goo!

    It’s complete folly and is merely the product of this ludicrous concept of evolution (both biological and industrial): you can’t uninvent the atomic bomb, you can’t uninvent the musket and you can’t uninvent slavery.

    All were products of their time and trying to repeal/rewrite history in some flowery apologising heap of shit is as repugnant as some of the history itself.

    But – and think on this do-gooder cunts – if history is diluted to make it more acceptable to certain folk then if the bad things from the past are eventually forgotten about, what’s to stop them from happening again in the future?

    Oh and ask yourselves one final time: “If Great Britain is such a bad place, so evil, so unfair and so unkind/unfeeling towards minorities, then why come here in the first place?” Cunts!

    • Another superb analysis Rebel, thanks!

      “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.”
      ― Edmund Burke

    • Some comprehensive posts here that say it all. Unfortunately, the left are running riot at the moment , and this is before Steptoe becomes PM , FFS.

      • They are at their most successful in opposition, because they can say what they like, and know they don’t have to back it up with facts or actions. Cunts like Thornberry with a permanent sneer, like someone is offering them a shit coated finger to sniff. Someone get the common sense party started before the next election, or these cunts are going to be in charge.

  9. In a similar vein, I was in Hiroshima a good few years back now in a group that was 50/50 UK and USA. The nips tired to guilt trip the yanks mercilessly. Eventually one old boy wearing a USS Something baseball cap lost it.

    The cap came off and was hurled to the ground. “Fuck you sonny!” yells he. “You had it coming! I was AT Pearl Harbour!!!”

    A poinient message to apologists out there who weren’t actually there at the time and have no fucking idea what they’re talking about…

    • The Japs were a brutal bunch of bastards, Google the rape of Nankin for a taster.

      They were lucky the yanks stopped after two bombs.


      • If you want to know just what brutal cunts the Japs are just google ‘Unit 731’.

        On second thoughts don’t unless you have a strong constitution, particularly avoid clicking ‘images’.

      • There’s also a book called “The rape of Nanking”. I’ve read it.

        Another good read is “The Good Doctor of Shanghai” where a German doctor took as many Chinese as he could into the protectorates to stop the Japs killing and torturing them. They used to have beheading contests to see how many Chinese they could decapitate before the sword went blunt. Honest.

        As the preface says “When the goods guys are the Nazis then you know there’s a problem…”

    • I was at the USS Arizona memorial in Pearl Harbour last year. It’s quite a moving experience, knowing that you are standing over the grave of more than a thousand men. However, the experience was marred for me by a group of Japanese people, who showed great disrespect by yapping and giggling loudly, as they took selfies with the wreck behind them. It’s not like they didn’t know what the memorial meant to the yanks, you have to watch a twenty minute film before you get there, which without finger wagging and jingoism, sets the tone perfectly, and asks for reverence to be shown whilst on the site. These japs didn’t give a fuck, and how the Americans there didn’t lose it on them I’ll never know. I now want to visit one of their Shinto shrines, which honour their war dead, and get a selfie, all squinty eyed and buck toothed, just to see their reaction.

      • There’s no doubt the Japanese are an advanced nation.
        Sometimes, if you fancy going to the beach you won’t have to…’ll come to you…..

      • I was there in 1980. Not a single Jap to be seen on the Arizona Monument or anywhere else in Pearl as far as I could see. Now the place is bloody swarming with them.

        Bet they’re not apologising for what their fathers and grandfathers did…

        Been to Japan twice now. Lovely country reminiscent of the UK in many ways except for the food and people. Food is shit. People are so insincere in their sincerity it’s sickening. If you live to be 1,000 years old you will never understand the thought processes of a Japanese. Definitely not human as we understand it in the west…

  10. Amphibaphobia!! Yes, all over the world the Amphibian community are oppressed, exploited and are victims of unprecedented discrimination!
    And what have we ever done except eat a few flies?

    It’s not easy being green. ?

    • Few years ago we were on a villa holiday with friends and a frog was in the pool trying to avoid some random cat that used to pop in, we chased the cat away but the fucker just kept coming back eventually getting the frog!!
      My wife and her friend were both upset by this unfortunately incident my mate simply explained it was the way of the world “ dog eat dog cat eat frog”

      • I’m a regular Schindler me – rescued no end of mice and other (sometimes not so small) creatures from our cat.

        PS: Happy Xmas Cuntflap!

  11. In other news some student cunts at Liverpool Uni, headed of course by someone with an unpronounceable name, are demanding a hall of residence removes the name ‘Gladstone’ as he may have supported slavery over a hundred years ago. This would be about the time that, though abolished by the British Empire, slavery was rife in Africa and much of the Muslim world. And today it thrives in Muslim Africa and under ISIS. It operates in Saudi and the Gulf states too in all but name.
    The denial of history and failure to recognise that things change is exactly the same as ISIS destroying ancient artifacts, which predate their paedo founder.

  12. Who the fuck is Jay Swingler and why the fuck would he do this? Trying for the Darwin awards maybe?

  13. Good cunting mate. I really hate people like this. People who continually slag the UK off, but will happily live in the UK, a country they clearly despise, because they benefit greatly from living here. I especially hate the cunts who continually drag up the Empire. I’ve seen so many remoaners over the past year use the words, “They need to understand that the Empire no longer exists”, when talking about Brexiteers. We fucking know that the Empire no longer exists, you fucktards. WE have NEVER mentioned the Empire. It’s you soppy left wing cunts who continually dredge it and try to use it as a battering ram against us. The problem is, we don’t care that the Empire never exists. I was born in 1973, The Empire was long gone then, it has no relevance to me apart from historical interest.

    Must admit that I’d never heard of Afua Hirsch until this cunting, so I googled her name. Yep, definitely an interstellar, weapons grade CUNT! Sadiq Khan jumped on the same bandwagon a few days ago on his ego massaging trip to India. He demanded that the UK apologise for the Amritsar massacre, which happened in April 1919. I’ve said this before, and now I have to say it again. WE, i.e. the current generation of British people, are NOT responsible for the actions of our ancestors. It’s not OUR fault that Britain, along with many other nations, including Africa, engaged in slavery. In my view, we made amends for that by being one of the first nations to criminalise slavery. And the Royal Navy did more than anyone to stamp it out.

    WE are NOT responsible for Amritsar. We are not responsible for slavery. We are NOT responsible for ANYTHING that our ancestors did. EVERYONE who IS responsible, is dead. And they’ve been dead for a long time. Likewise, everyone who actually deserves an apology, is DEAD. We, modern Britons, have NO obligation to apologise for crimes and alleged crimes that our forefathers carried out. And anyone thinks we are, then the Indian government has a duty to apologise for the massacre of British subjects in Calcutta during the Indian Mutiny. Also, the Italian government has an obligation to apologise for the crimes carried by Roman soldiers and citizens during the days of THEIR Empire. They especially owe an apology to the people of Dacia. Around 106 AD, the Emperor Trajan invaded Dacia, and over the next four years, he wiped out the indigenous population and replaced with retired Roman soldiers and settlers. It was later renamed, Rome-Ania, (Romania).

    Sorry lefties, but I have NO feelings of guilt for anything bad that my long dead ancestors MAY have done. Why? because I wasn’t there, and took no part in any alleged crimes. In other words, it’s not my fucking fault. The likes of Afua Hirsch, Sad-Dick Khan and all the other grievance mongers are NOT OWED an apology. Why? Because they weren’t there, and were not the victims of any alleged or perceived crimes committed by long dead British citizens.

    My advice to any cunt who is butt hurt by slavery they didn’t endure, or a massacre they weren’t involved in is simple. Either get the fuck over yourselves, or buy a fucking Ouija board.

    • Superb riposte, well done that man; I was thinking along similar lines but you beat me to the comment. So right; what have I got to do with something that took place years before I was born?? Do you hear Turkish people bemoaning what happened under the Ottoman rule, do you fuck, never heard a Han chinese saying that the Quing era was cuntish. Why does every type of cunt have to end up in the UK? This arse of a person is not really helping anything; bleating about what occured x hundred years ago is a waste of time and effort. What is to be gained by this bollocks? I would say pull your fucking head out of your copious arse do something useful for the people that are alive now to prove that you are not a moronic cunt grade 16

      • The Turks get really angry whenever people so much as mention the Armenian genocide that their ancestors carried out. The fact is though, modern Turks aren’t responsible for what happened.

    • Tremendous post QDM!

      Btw, Remoaners keep going on about “the Empire no longer exists, get over it!”,etc, yet they’re desperate to hang on to the heinous Empire across the Channel! Go figure…

  14. I know I’ve segued cunting of the Guardian with the nomination of this Anus Hirsch abomination; – they go hand in hand with each other. Treasonous and odious cunty bedfellows

  15. Theresa May deserves a cunting. She deserves it for many reasons, not least because she exists. Specifically though, she deserves it for her craven, treasonous even, capitulation over Brexit. In my cunting of the EU a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that May had handled the situation badly. It was worded differently of course, but that’s essentially what I said. In the past week, she’s proved me right by once again capitulating to the EU’s demands without even trying to put up a fight.

    In that same cunting, I also said (again, worded differently) that a side effect of May giving the EU exactly what it wanted, would be an emboldened EU going on to make even more demands. Guess what? Within hours of Theresa Chamberlain proudly waving her shit stained piece of paper in the air, Donald Tusk was making even more demands of the UK. If I, a 44 year old former soldier, with NO diplomatic, political or negotiating skills could see that coming, why the fuck couldn’t a career politician? Either May is hopelessly incompetent, or she DID see it coming, and didn’t care.

    Some of the shit she’s agreed to revolves around EU citizens in the UK. After Brexit, EU citizens will still have the right to come and settle in the UK, albeit after criminal checks are carried out. Those who fail those checks will, supposedly, be removed from the UK. Personally, I think that’ll turn out to be bullshit. We’ll see. EU citizens in the UK will also have the right to bring existing spouses to the UK, regardless of whether they are an EU citizen or not. Those with progeny will also be entitled to child benefit. The ECJ will be able to make rulings in cases involving EU citizens in the UK post-Brexit. Basically, May has given the EU everything it demanded on the issue without bothering to even to TRY to negotiate. What do British citizens in EU countries get from this “deal”? Fuck all. Nothing. Nada, Zip, the square root of zero.

    Since being elected to head the Tory party, (I refuse to call her a leader, because she has all the leadership skills of a pile of a donkey shit), she seems to have gone out of her way to make herself and her party look as inept and unelectable as possible. I hate her, and I hate the Tories for electing her. And I say that as a man who has pretty much always voted Tory. She was a walking cluster fuck as Home Secretary, so what made them think she’d be suitable to hold the position of Prime Minister? She banned Boris from using the water cannons he bought, thereby depriving the police of a valuable resource to put down rioting dickheads. Countries all over the world use them, why can’t we? She called an election that did not need to be called, she gave away a 21 point lead over a Labour party that is lead by a bunch of anti-British, terrorist supporting, numerically illiterate, anti-Semitic, nasty, lying, violent Communist assholes, by presenting the most shite election manifesto in political history, she’s unnecessarily antagonised Russia, she’s soured relations with President Trump, she’s cosied up to Muslims (and they STILL plotted to kill her), and she did whilst simultaneously calling everyone who uses their right to free to point out that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, Islamophobes. She’s made the UK a laughing stock across the globe, and her efforts to negotiate our withdrawal from the EU have been, to put it kindly, pathetic.

    May is as much a leader as my seven year old niece is an astronaut. Over the past year, she has staggered from one self inflicted crisis to the next. How much longer must we wait for the Tories to realise that the woman they made Prime Minister is a thousand more incompetent than Gordon Brown? She has to go.

    I thought David Davis was in charge of negotiating Brexit. After all, he does hold the title, “Brexit Secretary”, but she seems to have pushed him out of the way, considering herself better suited to the job. A person who actually cared about Brexit, a person who fully intended to deliver what the majority of referendum voters want, would not have behaved in the manner that Remain supporting May has behaved. The idea of negotiating is to haggle over a particular issue until you reach an agreement which is acceptable to BOTH sides. Her idea of negotiation seems to be along the lines of:

    EU: “We want 5000 boxes of Yorkshire puddings every week for the next 50 years”.
    May: “OK”.

    EU: “We want 1000, 2litre bottles of Irn Bru every week for the next ten years”.
    May: “OK”.

    EU: “We want 300 Harrods hampers every month for the next thirty years”.
    May: “OK.

    EU: “We want you, personally, to lick the cheese from Jean-Claude Juncker’s bell end, once a month, for the next six years”.
    May: “OK”.

    EU: “We want you to suck Donald Tusk off twice a week for the next four years”.
    May: “OK”.

    EU: “We want you to lick this Belgian Mastiff’s arsehole for the next three hours. Without a break. Then suck it’s balls”.
    May: “OK”.

    A TRUE leader would have turned around to the EU and said; “Fuck it. Y’know what? We’ve tried to negotiate with you. We’ve tried being fair and reasonable. We’ve tried to agree terms that are both acceptable and fair for both sides. But you’ve not only thrown it back in our faces, you’ve constantly thrown the most ridiculous obstacles in our path. You’re not clearly not interested in behaving a logical, mature manner over this issue. So fuck you, that’s it. We’re done. We’re walking away, right now. No “divorce” payment, no trade deals, no agreement over who gets to fish in British territorial waters and certainly no deal over EU citizens living in the UK. You’ve shown that the EU is a malign, vindictive entity, by seeking to dissuade other member states from leaving by punishing Britain. You’ve shown that the British people were RIGHT to vote to leave. And your contemptible, childish, vindictive actions over the past 18 months prove that you would rather shoot yourselves, EU businesses and EU citizens in the head, than give the UK a fair deal. Click, Bang, motherfuckers”.

    Despite claiming to have been on the verge of walking away several times though, May has never had any intention of doing that. Apart from anything else, she has neither the guts nor the spine to do so. Yes, walking away would be bad for Britain. It would hurt us. But it would hurt the EU more, especially EU businesses. Part of the reason that the EU has behaved in such an appalling manner toward us, is that they know that no matter how much shit they throw at us, and it’s been a lot, May will not tell them to fuck off. She’s has cravenly surrendered our most powerful weapon to the whingeing Remainers in parliament, and their puppet masters, such as Branson.

    The Tories missed a golden opportunity this week. The EU has been terrified of the prospect of May being kicked out and replaced by a Brexiteer. But like their boss, they lacked the spine to do it. For the sake of the UK, she HAS to go.

    And if anyone doubts the EU’s malignancy, Martin Schulz, the bearded German twat who resigned from his particular unelected Presidency to fight Merkel in their recent general election, recently said that there MUST be a United States of Europe, and that any member state who disagreed with that, should leave. That is not a comment made by a man who believes in democracy, and the right of the people to decide. That is a comment made by a man who believes in his own divine right to rule. Whether he’s elected or not.

      • Fan-fucking-tastic QDM. But would have been more appropriately posted in the ‘Brexit Breakthrough’ nomination…

      • The Brexit Breakthrough nomination hadn’t been posted when I posted the May nomination. You’re right though, it would have been better posted there.

  16. Had a different experience. Visited Hiroshima in 2010. Found the Peace Memorial Park incredibly moving, and the Museum informative. The Middle aged Japanese lady guide explained to our small group that dropping a bomb was the only way to stop the Japanese Empire advancing further.

    Have visited Japan about a dozen times. Love many things about the culture, a truly fascinating and futuristic country in many respects, whilst maintaining their traditions. Very proud and nationalistic people.

    Agree about the food, a vegetarian such as I am will struggle to find suitable food. When I can portions tiny. Also agree that the Japanese are wired very differently to us. Married to a Japanese girl for thirteen years, will NEVER understand what makes her tick or what she is really thinking.

    The country is far less tolerant of immigration than in the UK and visitors views, expects people to ihtergrate into their ways of doing things by not making things easy for them. No benefits for anyone unless in extreme circumstances. No work, no money.

    Generally much happier and harder working people than in the UK and extremely respectful of their elderly population.

    A great country to visit with great people.

  17. Don’t like my county? Then fuck off back to Africa. You may get a mudhut and aids, but you won’t feel so hard done by.

  18. She needs to buy some cement and some breeze blocks. Build herself a bridge and FUCKING GET OVER HERSELF.

  19. The cunt is on Good Morning Britain as I write this being ripped apart by Piers Morgan.
    Apparently Live Aid dehumanized the poor suffering children by using them to raise money to help .. er …. the poor suffering children. And we shouldn’t be considering the poor rapeugees dying in the Med in little rubber boats as less important than ourselves just because they are.

    FFS! What a fucking idiot…

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