Stanley Johnson

I’m amazed Stanley Johnston hasn’t made the cut yet.

He is a blithering blimpish Remoaner who trades off his even more useless son, and now we are going to see even more of him as he has been signed up to `I’m a Nonentity, Get Me Out Of Here’.

Nominated by Caro.

58 thoughts on “Stanley Johnson

    • I would rather watch how long it took for my dogs feaces to grow fur than watch “ I’m a cunt GMOOH” ……
      boris hasn’t even got a sister!!
      Drag act !! Cross dressing numpty!! ………..,

  1. Parasitic scumbag. Boris is a massive cunt too. And that fucking sister, whatever its fucking name is. Rough trade tranny bitch – cunts the lot of them!

    • I’d rather suck on Manson’s dead todger for an hour than spend a minute in the jungle anywhere near that wretched Johnson fuck!

      • Cannibalism Cuntflap? At least I wasn’t planning to fully consume the wizened Manson bellend!

        Ok, guess I was being a tad rhetorical regarding my options – I saw that picture of Stanley with the polar bear and next thing I knew the wife was scraping me up off the toilet floor, my face covered in a thick film of cold lumpy sick.

        In fact, the very thought of Anton Deck and his tedious programmes promoting irritating non-entities has got my neck throbbing dangerously all over again!

        FUCK THEM…as the legendary Dick Fiddler would say.

  2. Gentlemen (you to Birdman), what you need to understand is that these ridiculous, ‘reality’ tv programmes are created to emulate the bread and circuses techniques employed by the Romans to keep their lower IQ citizens in check. Ignore all of them and the Z list slebs, while chanting the Buddhist mantra, “Om mani padme cunts”, and life will be more pleasant and relaxed.

  3. “we are going to see more of him”. Only cunts that watch I’m A Celebrity lump of rottweiler jizz will see more of him. I certainly fucking won’t.

  4. The old Cunt should have had a wank into a sock instead of firing his foul muck up Mrs Johnson. Spared us his fucking kids and we’d have never had to hear of him either. Hope a kangaroo,or Ant’n Dec,gag- fuck the geriatric Cunt into a coma. Now that would be a proper Bushtucker trial.

    • Some cunt should have rammed a crusty wanksock down his throat and suffocated the cunt in his school years. Would have prevented a lot of shit we endure from his family of fuckwits.

  5. Googled this cunt after I posted , because in reality I knew fuck all about him. He IS a remainer…He IS an EU lover…..He IS a fucking environmentalist….and he IS a big cheese in all sorts of environmentalist bollocks, committees and all that Shite.
    Im pleased I said he was a cunt earlier on, because I was fucking well spot on! This cunt is a cunt.

    • Not rocket science Asim, after all you must have noticed his name was Johnson and he had a fat cunt son called Boris. How much more would you need to know…?

      • Yep…But it is the SIZE of his cuntitude! And fuck me, He’ a Turk ffs…now I must admit, I did not know that! Boris..a sandwog!

  6. Regarding the wall of cunts. To paraphrase the Roy Scheider character in Jaws ‘We’re gonna need a bigger wall!

  7. So the two headed presenter that is Antandec is back again. In essence a couple of cunts who appear to win TV awards just for being on our screens all the fucking time.

    A show for cunts, featuring non entity cunts who at best claim to know a celebrity and presented by two cunts vying for the title of worlds largest forehead….

    • Ant and Dec… Fucking mong featured smug talentless pissed up drugged up unfunny useless obscenely paid offensive irritating Mekon headed cunts!

      That about covers it….

  8. Typical ‘I’m A Celebricunt’ fodder… Johnson is the doddering blustering Lord Henrington Arsetwat buffoon (remember that Lord Brockett cuntbubble?)… Just add some D-List soap ‘star’, a Premiership footballer’s WAGslag, a has been singer, some reality TV trollop, a Youtube star/cunt, a brainless girlband shagbag, and Amir Khan….

  9. This programme is totally fucked up. Why go to all that trouble getting all the useless media celebrity cunts in one place where they could be left to die of starvation or cannibalism related neurological diseases and then let the cunts come back again to plague us? The worst aspect (apart from Cunt and Dec) is giving the biggest cunt of them all a massive prize and even more media overexposure than the cunt had before they went into the fucking jungle. It defies logic!

    • I bet Jamie Vardy is well fucking rid… He must be enjoying himself: seeing his Mrs on the telly and turning the sound off and shutting her up at will…

  10. He looks suspiciously similar to that Fabricunt chappie. I suspect they frequent the same barber.

    Hair by Dewhurst, butchers of repute.

  11. If only the audience were as pleased with ant and Dec as they are with themselves we might have a show!!!
    The Cunts laugh at absolutely anything!! …………
    sorry watching some desperate cunt eat a kangaroos testicle is only funny a couple of times…

  12. Looking at this twat holding a bear reminded me. If it looks like a cunt, tastes like a cunt, feels like a cunt and smells like a cunt, it’s probably a Tottenham supporters.

  13. I think that this years “I’m a celebrity, get me out of here” should have been recorded footage of the shitstain celeb Ant himself struggling and whining his way through his stay at the rehab clinic.

    I would have even done pay per view to see that shack of shit struggle through his stay.

    We could have opened up the phone lines to vote on what “fix” he was given at various times of the day etc and whether or not he should be fed when he got the munchies or not.

    Special effects could have had his room walls projecting images of monsters, dragons and all the gross creatures that are in those bush tucker trial challenge things to have him shouting himself after his magic mushroom tea.

    Best of all, tell him to fuck off when he begged screamed “get me out of here”.

    • Bush Tucker Trial must be like the Abo version of Come Dine With Me, though you feel sorry for all the creepy crawly parasites that have to share the jungle with these bunch of cunts.

  14. I see Theresa May and her remaining chums have caved in and offering more cash to the fucking eu. I’m highly embarrassed by these bunch of spineless cowards. Those cunts in Brussels must be resting in there beds tonight safe in the knowledge that Blighty is a complete push over.

    • Fucking May is a cunting jelly. None of these cabinet cunts are fit for purpose.

      Thanks for your altruism with OUR fucking money by agreeing to donate £40b of this to the sausage munchers, cheese snafflers and fucking flat heads.

      Cunts will tax us more to pay for this fucking folly.

      How is the ECJ to figure in this? Will their rulings trump those of our own courts?

      What an utter abject fucking car crash. We would do better to have Orville the fucking Duck negotiating for us.


    • Maybe tomorrow TM will formally apologise to the EU on behalf of the British citizens who voted to leave? ……….
      fucking jellyfish!!

  15. We have agreed to allow the EU to ‘Have a say’ on some EU citizens still here AFTER Brexit and also £40 billion as a settlement.
    A sell out of 17 million mugs cause that’s what we are mugs for expecting a Government of cunts to deliver a simple fuck off to the European Union.
    This whole thing is an absolute joke, I bet that cunt Clegg is having a wank with his dick wrapped in an EU flag.
    I don’t think I’m gonna ever vote again, I love my country but they don’t give a fuck about the ordinary people, I mean any country that allows even one ex service man or woman end up sleeping rough has to be run by Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunts.
    The government…my nomination for cunt of the year.
    The cunts.

  16. Ex scottish labour leader ( i know leader of fuck all ) Kezia Dugdale (fondly known as kez the lez ) is about to appear on that show / omnishambles etc
    Be keen to see her jump another female while her wee SNP girl pal watches from afar !!!!!

    • To be fair at least she knows labours fight in Scotland against the Krankie is a totally different ball game to Labours fight in England against the conservatives and Corbin hasn’t a clue about Scotland either.

      I’m glad in a way that she didn’t dance to the Corbin / Flabbot tunes. Useless tactic as there’s less peacefuls to appease and Krankie has got them covered.

      The last election results in Scotland were a bit all over the place and the conservatives picked up a load of votes because they were the only party to make sure there wasn’t another independence referendum and appeared to want to deal with the GB withdrawal from EU instead of heel dragging & derailing.

      The conservatives won’t necessarily get them again next time but if that cunt Leonard dances to the CorBot tune, neither will he. He could totally end Labour in Scotland.

      • There was indeed, HBH, although you’ve spelled it slightly differently. It was by none other than the author of the Day of the Triffids, John Wyndham. That was about big vegetables wandering about, trying to suck the life out of the local population. A bit like Irish travelers. Cunts.

      • Sounds like the SNP, sucked the life out of Scotland and those stupid Scots who believed the crap they uttered.

    • That’s fuckin hilarious Norman!
      I bet some are sitting at home , lighting candles and balling their eyes out!! …….. some probably won’t realise their mistake for days/ weeks/ months/ years?

      • “Yes I particularly liked his early stuff, he definitely lost his way with his later offerings? , it’s so difficult to stay relevant “
        # wrong person
        # clueless Cunt

  17. So the campaign group “Stop Funding Hate” are at it again. Whether you like any of the tabloids, personally I think they are all shite, they have encouraged Paperchase to apologise and urged the chain to end the partnership between them and the Daily Mail after their promotional giveaway of two free rolls of wrapping paper in last Saturdays’ edition. Instead of telling these left wingers to fuck off and die they wrote an excruciatingly wanky sorry letter, saying they were very truly sorry and they won’t do it again and please forgive us. For those at Paperchase who apologised like naughty kids, I say grow a pair you load of cunts, and to the campaign group Stop Funding Hate, I will hate you left wing cunts as much as I like, fucking wankstains.

  18. NME obituary…..
    like many gifted artists his work was never appreciated by the masses, in death he will surly like so many greats receive cult status……….

  19. Listen you cunts! I have had a load of ag with the technology I don’t understand. Yes I have had to change my e-mail address and cope with this new fangled I-phone bollocks but that’s no reason to block me you wankers. I am the real Freddie…..there is only one frog! Now get me back on or i’ll come round and stick a statue of Gladstone up your bumholes?

    • Don’t be cunt all your life Freddie, take a day off!

      You’re not blocked. You’re on first comment moderation which works on the email address – duh!
      You changed it, so it’s a first comment – duh!..

  20. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of these numbskulls mistake John Manson for the deceased, crazed killer.

    John Manson ran a chain of over 100 butchers shops in the south east.

    On their error being pointed out, they would likely say “Charles Manson, John Manson – both butchers. Easy mistake to make”.

    Soppy cunts.

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