Paloma Faith

I did catch the news yesterday re the frog-faced, warbling, cockney arsehole bringing her child up gender neutral.

I suspect this all started as a fashion statement amongst the Notting Hill chattering classes and has now been fully endorsed by our beloved politicos who learned of the concept whilst participating at their dinner parties.

Paloma Faith certainly has questionable talent; she hasn’t had much publicity in recent weeks and therefore is running low on celebrity oxygen. Enduring her singing is akin to castration with a cheese grater. I second a merciless and sustained cunting for her.

Nominated by Paul Maskinback

Sat next to her once in an Islington reataurant. Loud mouth opinionated slapper.

Nominated by Kravdarth

81 thoughts on “Paloma Faith

  1. Absolute fucking cunt. I despise this infantalising, faux-dipsy fucking spastic with teeth that could double as tombstones.

    Bringing up children as ‘gender neutral’ should be considered as abuse, as far as I am fucking concerned.

  2. Child abuse are absolutely the right words for this fashionable nonsense!
    I’ve only ever heard this idiot once, she Came on some TV show and started screeching like parrot who’s foot had got caught in the cage door!, Obviously with the remote to hand I instantly turned over…

    • Forget to mention but she wasn’t easy on either the eye or ear!! Yet another talentless in ya face Cunt!!

  3. This gender neutral fad is really alarming. I wish some children’s charity or Great Ormond Street would say it’s a really really cunty thing to do.

    • Maybe even more alarming is that, by definition, if she has a kid, that means someone shagged her. That’s very disturbing.

    • Kids Co?
      No forgot Batmanjelly killed it off.

      How about calling ABBC’s Esther at Child line?
      Nope, Forgot they are only interested in reports from the abused in order to protect and sweep famous abusers under the carpet.

      After the Charlie Gard fiasco, I would opt elsewhere than GOSH.

      What chance do kids really have when their own parents can’t protect them from harm and do the right thing.

      A future drain on mental heath services is born from this gender neutral shit with poor kids fucked up through what should be their best years and scarred for the remainder of their lives. Probably affecting their own children in years to come.

      Colonel Gaddafi wasn’t such a bad cunt after all and he gave free gas & electricity to his people who abided the law.

  4. Let’s just get one absolute statement of fact out in the open (for the benefit of the younger cunters out there). Somewhere way back down the line (about 1 million BC), one of my distant ancestors crawled out of a cave after just giving some Raquel Welch type a snatch full of grade A man fat, satisfied in the hope that his genes will be thrust into the future. If I had any inkling that any (potential or current) offspring of mine was going to be a gender neutral, asexual transbender type – I would rather not have had you. I would rather have spent my 20’s / 30’s / 40’s getting pissed, going on holiday and having a cracking time – instead of scrimping, saving, struggling and wiping arses. I didn’t have you for your ‘endearing qualities’ I had you to further my line… no other reason. There is no greater disrespect to a parent than having capable but childless offspring and by embracing this pedant culture (or even condoning it), you disrespect every single person who has carried your DNA for the last 1 million years. .. oh yeah and pigeon faith can go drown in a vat of liquid fox shit.

  5. Well deserving of a cunting and its been summed up rather well.

    The thing that comes to my mind on the cunt is why someone thought she was worthy of judging the talent of any other cunt on the ABBC’s, The Voice.

    On the subject of talent shows, I’ve heard shitloads of people suspecting a bit of Weinsteining going on in this industry too since Harv’s exposure.

    What about the lechy type cunts who cuddle the contestants pre / post performance. This is more cringe worthy than the poor cunts singing and it’s not really required as part of any contest is it?

    • I’d not take much convincing if similar allegations surfaced against Simon Cowell, Peter Waterman or Louis Walsh.

    • Easily answered BB ,
      Being a completely useless overrated, overhyped Cunt herself, it made her a perfect talent ( or lack of) judge!
      Amazing as it is sounds she sells loads of records!! ( downloads) ……
      musics in the gutter!! It’s been hijacked by utterly clueless, talentless Cunts!! Aided and abetted by the likes of cowell and co….. 10 years from now will she be heard on the radio??

  6. After WWII the expectations and optimism many of us had in the ’60s for a better world cannot be over exaggerated. All the more frightening that only 50 years on things could have come to this.

    The future social nightmare described in Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ seems positively utopian compared to the entitled, psychotic, gender neutral, rubbish cunt culture breeding today. And it’s only just started.

    Blair…Izzard…Paloma Fuckface. How did it all go so horribly wrong? “The meek will inherit the Earth.” Really? More like the Scum. Maybe that’s what he meant…

    ISIS must be laughing their cute black cotton socks off!

  7. My nephew was on the theatre directing course at St Martin’s College of Art at the same time as her – one of his mates shagged her and said she had the wildest bush he’d ever seen.

    • Marian Faithful was up there if you liked a spot orf jungle warfare. Needed a douche orf Agent Orange just to clear the territory.

  8. Jacob Rees-Mogg has questioned if the BB in Al-Beeb stands for “Brexit-Bashing” !!

    Class !

    • Ress Moggs fuckin class!!
      His dismantling of some cocky Cunt remoaner on Monday LBC was delicious……..
      check him out on you tube!! I love the posh bastard!! Even my wife who’s a Labour Party member likes him??

  9. As far as I can see her only redeeming characteristic is that she can be a reasonable singer (in my humble opinion). That’s it. Don’t bother watching any talent shows on TV as cannot stand them but did see her on Room 101 once. Embarrassingly childish and particularly annoying to watch with her whiny voice. To date the only thing I can see in common with individuals who wish to bring their children up as gender fluid- selfish, attention seeking and not the sharpest tools in the box.

  10. The gender neutral thing is really bad. Every teenager has problems relating to sexual awareness, these poor cunts won’t even be comfortable with their own identity. That will lead to confusion, depression and I wouldn’t be fucking surprised if it goes as far as suicide. Can’t actually think of any solution.

  11. Time for a Dead Pool reset. Having cunting problems with me connection again so popping this in here while I can:

    ‘er indoors has napped eternal favourite Fats Domino. Had him many times but alas not this pool. “Ain’t it a shame”. YT predicts we are going to tire orf that song PDQ. I’ll have some orf me old favourites please:

    Ken Dodd
    Olivier de Havilland
    Roy Hudd
    Murray Walker
    Giscard d’Estaing

  12. Didn’t she sing for the rugby world cup or something? If so that’s the only time I have seen her. Unimpressive.
    Kid should be taken into care the poor little fucker

  13. I would like to nominate the PSNI hierarchy for a full blooded cunting. They’re holding a number of recruitment events for members of the LGBT community. Why ? If they held said events for straight people only there would be howls of anguish. Yet another example of an organisation pandering to the whims of vocal, outraged minorities who demand special treatment and have an overwhelming desire to seek attention.

    This country has been going fucking mad for years. If it carries on much longer it’ll be irretrievable.

    • At least if they recruit a load of dykes their riot squad will be fully staffed! Special recruitment days for queers? How very queer! And I is a poof who once snogged a black man so I is no RRRRAAAACCCCCIIIIIISSSSSSTTTTTT.

  14. Open question to site moderators………
    due to the excessive cuntitude shown during 2017! When are you considering opening nominations for COTY??
    Like regular posters im as eager as a beaver!!
    Pretty please can we have an early window??
    Jesus this sites gonna go into meltdown!! ??

    • So many cuntenders for that award, it really should be open now, considering how deep the talent has been this year.

      • OMG !! I’m like a kid in a sweet shop!! It’s a vintage year please let us indulge! As an early Xmas present please consider my most humble request…….?

  15. Drive-by cunting for the bastard fucking Grauniad.

    Not that a reason is ever needed for cunting that identity politics shitfest, but remember that boot-lipped, Cambridge-dwelling fucker who declared open season on all whites this Summer – Jason Osamede Okundaye – well looky here who the Graun have got to write this poece in today’s paper:

    What an absolute pool of cunts. OKUNTdaye mouthing off again about white privilege. It must be great to have a season pass for endless moaning about your oppressed background – for oppressed, read Jesus College, Cambridge University. Giving this bastard airtime really sums up where that fucking paper truly is these days – the PC mad, Blairite self-loathers and enricher apologists.

    Shitcunt fuckhead bastardlords.

    • In the same vein, I watched the documentary film about Grace Jones this evening, screened live from the BFI in London. There was an interview with her afterwards and one audience member, a rotund afro-toting feminist type,asked her how she had dealt with White Patriarchy during her career. Her musical director for the film one Ivor Guest,replied “i will answer that as a White Patriarch. She doesn’t give a Fuck”. Beautiful it was.

  16. First time I heard this shitbag shrilling warbling voiced excuse of a singer was when she was killing the INXS song “Never tear us apart”. Fucking stupid tart should have exploded.

  17. A particularly nasty piece of racist work!! And a 5* Cunt to boot!……….. where is this absolute sack of shit from??
    At a guess? Nigeria’??
    BTW …. I really don’t know…….

  18. @Quislings, the nominations last year for COTY ran over two days with the winner announced on the third day, i think.
    It comes around January, again, i think and opening votes now would lead to a mess.
    Its not as easy as you think. You nominate and immediately think of a bigger cunt and end up nominating again and that’s were the mess comes from.
    And surely two days of nominations is enough unless you’re a thick cunt that can’t handle only two days and end up forgetting to nominate………………………….like i did. 🙂 🙁

  19. That’s the first time today that pic in the header has loaded, wtf is she?

    She looks like something Rodney would even be ashamed of pulling.

    I’m lucky that like Ed Sheeran, I’ve been able to avoid her and haven’t even heard one second of her pish. Nuffin.
    Still, i feel qualified to call them cunts just on their look alone.

    What’s her style based on? Joanna Lumley meets Amy Winehouse?

  20. Having just dawned on me that someone banged this victim of overactive gum growth and thought surely it couldn’t be anyone of credible fame?

    Here I find the answer;

    Scrolling down reveals the artwork that he has for sale and to what level his talents extend.

    I wonder why his art subject had such tiny teeth? Maybe a reverse picture of what he was actually looking at?

    This kids destined for the system, hope it takes his father’s surname or she he will be a laughing stock at the therapy group.

    • It never ceases to amaze me what utter horse droppings passes as ‘art’.

      Fuck me pink, had I painted to that standard when at school, I would most certainly been placed in the lower starter retarded group and encouraged to develop through finger painting only, as rudimentary brushwork would have started several groups higher.

      What a pretentious, talent free cuntwallah. My artwork would piss over anything this no mark could produce and I am of not exceptional talent.

      A fine, upstanding pair of cunts.

    • Isnt that some cunt out of the Bay City Rollers? They were shite when I was a lad. But, there were alternatives. Nowadays it’s all shite.

  21. Paddington Bear has, apparently, not been coerced into Ugandan discussions (or Somalian discussions) by Harvey Weinstein.

  22. Fucking ABBC cunts and their social engineering shite…

    Woman Doctor Who (even though he’s been a man for 54 years)? Check!

    Middle aged white bloke to play bossed about by woman Doctor and hapless ‘dinosuar’ buffoon? Check!

    Parking Stanley bird sidekick who will be ‘feisty’ and, no doubt, a bit of a lezza? Check!

    Token Darkie black lad who will be ‘streetwise’ and ‘cool’ (as opposed to the white middle aged bloke buffoon)? Check!

    Fucking bollocks!

    • New script for new series leaked….

      Dalek: ‘Exterminate!’

      Black/Asian Lezza: ‘Oh fuck!’

      Dalek: ‘Extermin – Oh, hang on! I quite fancy you! Even though I have no emotions and am a blob in metal armour!’

      Black/Asian Lezza: ‘Errr… Really hate to do this to yer, bro… Really hate to shatter yer dreams… I knows yer reaaally into me, but yer not my type… I’s into wimmin, innit…’

      Dalek: ‘Hey! That’s cool! My granddad, Davros, was also a screaming bender! This has no relevance whatsoever to the story or the show, but it is now BBC policy! So, hey! Let’s have lezzas in everything in the universe!’

      Black/Asian Lezza: ‘Cooool! Now, where’s my bit of space fanny to float away with while the Doc lays dying?…’

  23. When will the oppressed brown cornpops finally have freedoms? This is unacceptable Kelloggs we can’t have cornpop supremacists forcing brown cornpops to work against their will.

    End cornpop racism now! Krunchy Kellogg Kornpop spells KKK proof that kellogg cereal is run by literal nazis

    • I agree , there is a new Rice Krispies launch for the peaceful market, all in the name of diversity. Instead of those racist whitey’s Snap, Crackle and Pop we have Jihadi, Rapee and Mohammed.

      • I hope my satire is appreciated I know sometimes my satire falls flatter then a pancake on some of you humorless cunts but I try my best…

        Agreed LL@ Ahmed Saladin is a closet muzzie poof and is probably angry the brown cornpop is not beheading the other cornpops ISIS style, thats true diversity right there lads

  24. Halloween is a huge cuntfest… Every fucking year: loads of tat and cheap crap on sale everywhere… Town centres full of mongcunt parents and their evil offspring in stupid costumes and then there’s some cuntfuck dressed as Uncle Fester playing ‘Thriller’ on a CD… Naturally these cunts shower the prick blaring out the P@edo Jacko CD with money and want ‘selfies’ taken with the cunt so they can spaz it up on Facebook and Twatter… Britain really is mong central and most modern parents are cunts….

      • No argument there I don’t care much for halloween sometimes watch a horror film or something halloween related but I don’t celebrate it that often.

        Too old to trick or treat now anyway but especially considering last time I dressed up as a ghost some cunt mistook it for a KKK uniform….

      • I had the opposite problem,TS. Some Cunt mistook my KKK uniform for a “ghost”costume.. Gave me a Curly-Wurly and sent me on my way before I could get the flaming Cross lit. Fucking stupid gollies.

      • There are many myths and tales of headless ghosts at Halloween… Emma Twatson is the Titless Ghost… Wooooooooaaahhhh!

      • I hear Lily Mong is going to a Halloween fancy dress party, as herself…. Ding Dong! The bells! The fucking bells! Sanctuary!

  25. It says on a telly channel here “thirteen days of Halloween”
    When i came out here sixteen years ago, Halloween didn’t exist.
    Nuffin on telly and nuffin happening in the streets. Now, it’s way way over the top with street parties and one house in any street with a party will be decked up like a haunted house. Pay at the door.
    Little cunts queueing for over an hour to pay to get in some cunts house.

    I loved Halloween as a kid when it involved getting some class of mask and then making yer own costume to go with it.
    Nowadays, “fuck that mummy, buy everything!!!!”

    And then there’s the chavvy little cunts throwing eggs.

    And then there’s the sitcoms that will all have a Halloween special with them all being feart little cunts.
    Kids being scared at Halloween, fair enough, good, enjoyment. Adults? Fuck offffff!!!!!

    Ban the fuckin’ lot

    • I realise at my age, I’m obviously no oil painting….but last Halloween parents were sending their kids out looking like me….

  26. If any Cunt knows the address where the “candidates” on The Apprentice are holed up will they kindly pass it on to the local raghead terrorist cell. I’ll take care of the covetous market trader and that dumpy-bag shaped woman. I’ve got a PTO driven chipper that should be able to deal with them. I’ll feed them in feet first.

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