Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Wankstain

This blubbery old cunt who looks like Alan Sugar’s arse has been in the news orf late principally due to the indefatigable efforts orf The New York Times. The allegations (denied) are a classic tale orf Hollywood life. Sweet innocent young gels are lured to Hollywood by prospects orf fame and fortune where powerful producer (Miramax/Weinstein Company) Mr Wankstain is top orf their list to see. However the little rosebuds get to see rather more than they expect. Wankstain is a dab hand at exposing his wizened old privates in lifts, hotel rooms, aeroplanes and taxis. Modus operandi rarely changes – the filly is trapped and given a viewing or an appearance is made in a fluffy dressing gown followed by an invitation to watch him shower and culminating in a spot orf cock sucking.

Now this been going orn for decades, indeed an open secret aroinde Sin City and Wankstain openly boasts orf having fucked and created most orf the female stars in Hollywood. A few fillies going orn old nags that cunters may have actually heard orf include Gynneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and Meryl Streep.

Yours Truly has trundled his old arse aroinde LA orn occasion and what a dried up shite hole it is. Insincerity and aircon is the name orf the game. Bigger the agent the colder the office and the warmer the hello. Lying cunts. Not to say that YT did not get offers from “talent”. Unfortunately once they cottoned on that YT was more boraccic than they were they fannied orf sharpish. How did the cunt Wankstain do it?

“He had an elaborate system reliant on the cooperation of others: Assistants often booked the meetings, arranged the hotel rooms and sometimes even delivered the talent, then disappeared, the actresses and employees recounted. They described how some of Mr. Weinstein’s executives and assistants then found them agents and jobs or hushed actresses who were upset”.

In short those “upset” were “hushed” with £60,000-£110,000 plus gainful employ to cover their distress. The whole seedy system was administered orn behalf orf the Wankstain by lawyers and agents. Wankstain’s response? Total denial orf said allegations and a trip to the therapist (not cheap in LA).

Meanwhile the Hollywood talent has got orn its high horse (and I not mean Wankstain) and frightened Wanks in to resigning/getting fired. Moral orf the story? Don’t frighten the horses.

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

132 thoughts on “Harvey Weinstein

  1. He is a cunt because Emma Thompson is now virtue signalling. Santamonious bint.
    Also period poverty? FUCK OFF.

    • Saw Thompson on telly yesterday, you’d think jizz wouldn’t melt out her shitter.

      Apparently she “knew nothing” but was not surprised. Unfortunately for Emma she can’t act for toffee, and her body language told another story – that she was lying thru her teeth, in common with all the other luvvy slags who couldn’t help but know about Wankstain and every other sick fuck in the phoney cunt eat cunt world of Hollywood. Just like Esther Rantzen knew about Jimmy Savile.

      And both cunts did NOTHING, self serving hypocrites!

      • You can’t say she did nothing as a phone line was set up to report incidents, proved to be a great safety net fulfilling its purpose of filtering out claims against famous abusers and talk the complainer out of going any further.

        A certain female presenter of a crime television program was about to bring the house down on the peado broadcasters and those in the big building next to the big London clock when she was bizarrely killed on her doorstep.

      • The ‘Bosnians’ wanted to fit a new front door but she was dead against it. By the way, I read there is a masonic lodge in Buckingham Palace. Anyone been up there?

    • Who’s the biggest cunt though, Wiennerstien or the bevy of holiwood beauties who signed confidentiality agreements, and are only now breaking radio silence, in some cases 25 years after the sordid event.
      Luvvies, sisterhood, left lessies most of em. All a bunch of snow flake no-marks.

    • Shame they haven’t made any Lassie movies in ages. Although, being a bitch would have meant a massive drawback.

  2. That Harvey Wankstain is seen as expendable by the Hollywood set just shows you how deep this corruption goes. What about the paedos at the top of this sordid institution? What is the real story here?

  3. Harvey Wrongstein.

    The only ‘evidence’ here, folks, is that uttered by a gaggle of tinseltown tarts.

    Let’s see some of these follow this up with statements to their local cop shops. If not then they should all shut the fuck up.

    I am not saying that Wrongstein is innocent but it should be for a court to decide if he is just a lecherous old git or a serial rapist.

  4. An excellent cunting Sir Limply “don’t frighten the horses”

    As yesterday, Dio raised the question “haven’t they heard of the casting couch”. Well that has been the case since movies and entertainment began, and that was a long long time ago.

    We have some talentless “Mega Stars” today, for the simple fact that they shagged their way to Stardom. Their lack of serious talent and ability overlooked as they were only to happy to spread their legs and get their tits out.

    Wankstain is only one of many, who was in a position to stick his dick in eager pussy.

    It had gone on for years and years without anyone seriously raising the issue. Until Clitoris lost the Presidency, and the great fanny fever began.

    Today, nearly every female in the business of Hollywood, is virtue signalling at every level, procrastinating and spilling their righteous bile.

    From the song in Evita, “Oh what a circus oh what a show”

    • Puts all that phoney virtue signalling over Trump and his ‘pussy grab’ tape into sharp perspective. Not to mention Hollywood’s collective hypocrisy in support for serial liars/sexual predators Hillary & Bill Cunton.

      • Take a peek at Fred Wests post of yesterday re Mia Farrow’s son, and the allegations about Woody Allen. Fuck me….I never knew that!

      • Didn’t Fred say in his comment that the allegations against Allen had been found to be fabricated and brought maliciously? Maybe I misread.

      • Fred is a rape apologist lol, of course Allen is as guilty as O.J. Simspon Whats so funny about Woody Allen anyway I’ve seen a few of his films all boring conversation piece wankfests, in my opinion

      • You read right shitcake. Farrow and his sibling concocted the whole fucking story. Farrow, ( the author and engineer of the piece ) is the son of Mia Farrow who was married to Woody .
        Youre right mate, the whole “collective hypocrisy”

      • Wasn’t it his Chinky foster daughter he was meant to be abusing?

        Sleeper is a good film, though.

      • Didja not like ‘What’s New Pussycat?”??? The Farrows are all cunts. My mother’s maiden name was Farrow, coincidentally.

      • @Shitcake Baker

        Whats new pussycat? was a Peter Sellers film not a Woody Allen one. Yeah they kinda lookalike too and both wear humongous glasses. But Peter Sellers is Way way funnier then shallow noi york city bellend Woody Allen

      • ‘Pussycat’ screenplay written by Woody Allen, but accept he’s not your cup of minge juice TS.

      • @Shitcake Baker

        Colour me surprised I didn’t know that, Allen is not my cup of tea and I saw Whats new pussycat maybe 9 years ago. I remember it was bad film and I really hate the Tom Jones song and Peter O toole is a tool

        I’m not a huge fan of Sellers either but I thought his acting in Dr Strangelove was brilliant and Being There too was pretty good

      • @ Titslapper – What’s New Pussycat was written by Woody Allen. Both Allen AND Sellers appeared in it.

        As for Woody Allen, he hooked up with Mia Farrow’s foster daughter Soon-Yi when she was legally an adult. She was neither his foster daughter, nor his stepdaugher as people often wrongly assert. Farrow and Allen were never married either. Allen did marry Soon-Yi and they have been together for 20 years (longer than Allen and Farrow).

        The one single allegation of child abuse ever levelled at Allen was found to be not credible by the New York City Police and numerous child psychologists who interviewed the alleged victim (Woody’s biological daughter with Mia Farrow) on many occasions. The victim was found to be “coached, rehearsed” and “frequently contradicted herself when questioning veered away from her prepared script”. The state prosecutor never brought charges against Allen – the authorities were unanimously of the view that Mia Farrow had fabricated the charges and rehearsed her daughter as revenge for Allen leaving her for Soon-Yi.

        It’s worth googling photos of Ronan Farrow who was brought up as Woody’s “biological son” – even though he looks more like a cross between his mother and a young Frank Sinatra. He doesn’t resemble Woody Allen at all (which of course is a good thing).

    • I’m with you there 100% on ‘Dr Strangelove’ TS, all time classic in my book. ‘Being There’ great too. Glad we could agree on something in the end…!

  5. I don’t really care as long as kids weren’t involved. The tarts must have known how “The Industry” operates,and were keen enough to go along with it for the sake of their careers. Quid pro quo. He’s apparently been at it for years,so if they were all so shocked,disgusted and traumatised why didn’t they do something earlier? They were keen enough to open their mouths for a gobble,and then keep them firmly clamped shut when he advanced their career.
    I wondered how long it would take that clapped out bit of street-meat, Mylene Klass,to shoehorn her way into the story for a bit of publicity. Probably have Amanda Holden reenacting the “sordid encounter” which I feel sure she will soon claim to have suffered at the ” beast’s hands”.
    Hollywood is full of repulsive ,predatory Red Sea Pedestrians and fame-hungry wannabes. Always has been. Winestein is merely continuing a long tradition.
    Fuck them.

  6. I had to laugh yesterday when manly eyebrowed she-man Cuntra Delevigne admitted that she had been asked to kiss another woman by Weinstein.

    I guess that explains the fucking countless pics of her tongue wrestling other cunts in public for the last 5 years. What a fucking cunt.

    As far as I am concerned many of these bitches will have been more than willing to degrade themselves in exchange for the Hollywood bux. As has been said above, if is proven that Weinstein actually did carry out rapes, sexual assaults or anything relating to minors, then throw the fucker into the lava. But a bunch of shitcunt hags who only develop a moral conscience after the fact can go and fuck right off.

    And it was so funny watching Kilary squirm about her association with HW yesterday. Almost as cringeworthy as when rumoured shemale Michelle O’Bummer was waxing lyrical about what a wonderful man he was.

    Just LOL at the fucking democrats…
    – Seemingly, the world and his dog know HW is a predatory sex offender: nowt said for 20y+
    – Trump indulges in jock speak about women: burn him at the fucking stake

  7. The narrative is wankstein preyed on young starlets who were too frightened to tell as they had no power?
    Well according to reports Streep, jolie,Paltrow and now Kate beckinsale knew first hand and did absolutely fuck all!
    Surly this powerful women could have done something?
    As dio said earlier the casting couch isn’t exactly a secret , let’s see if any press charges???

  8. What make me laugh is the media cunts calling the Weinstein thing the ‘darkest hour of Hollywood’… The place has been like that since day one… Brando was a rentboy who sucked off movie moguls, James Dean did much the same, Sinatra pimped out slags like Monroe to his mob mates, not forgetting Monroe taking it up the Khyber from the Kennedys, and Clark Gable killed someone while driving pissed and a ‘nobody/underling’ took the charge and did time for him… And most of the ‘shocked’ and holier than thou ‘victims’ of Weinstein (like Gwyneth Turkey and the notorious Slagelina) have never had any qualms about going down on people at the top to further their careers before until now (not to mention also wrecking several marriages and families into the bargain)… It’s hilarious that homewreckers and walking STD traps like these Tinsletown tarts are virtue signalling and are so ‘shocked’ by this nasty man Weinstein… Lectures on morality from Paltrow and Jolie? Fucking priceless… Mind you, I don’t think even dirty old Harv would have gone for Emma Thompson… Unless he’s one of those weirdos who fancies horses….

    • ” Hollywoods darkest hour ” Unfortunately Norman that’s the bullshit liberal media world we live in, everything is sensationalised to the maximum!! An accusation is made then the floodgates open!!
      All of a sudden it’s a tsunami of often historical abuses!! And throw in the big C ( compensation) it’s a perfect storm!!
      As you say Tinseltowns had massive scandals for years……

    • As I said, he looks like he has zilch taste, and would do an Austin Metro up the exhaust…

      Am SO glad that he’s linked to Democrats, they deserve to be dragged through the shit.

      • …. You can’t deny the 6R4 Metro Turbo was pretty tasty up the back end … but nothing like as tasty as the ‘Boxed arched Renault 5 Gordini Turbo back end’ … only saying.

  9. A mate of mine’s wife is a makeup artist on film sets… She said to me years ago that Paltrow is easily the biggest and most obnoxious and snobbish cunt she has ever had the misfortune to work with, and underneath all the fake smiles and Hollywood cheese there is a total spoiled brat daddy’s girl of a cunt…

    • Paltrow isn’t even a good actress what exactly does she get paid for? Sure shes attractive but nothing special imo a very plastic look to her. I’m sure their are genuine victims of weinstein but something tells me Paltrow isn’t one of them. Shes just getting her attention seeking cunt in there for a sob story

  10. And now we have the IRA killer loving Fenian sucking Rose McGowan saying she’s a ‘victim’ of Dirty Old Harv…. Amazing how these human rats can transform into angels, eh?….

    Mind you, her career went down the shitter ages ago… No doubt this ‘reveltaion’ and a ‘tell all’ book might change that…. What I want to know though is did she have a threesome with McGuinness and Addams?….

  11. Sally Jones the ISIS whore cheerleader is apparently dead and her 12 yr old son. That she had no problem stringing along with her she also had her son excuting men, what a great mother eh? https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/nintchdbpict000342566401.jpg Who knows how many the kid has killed What a sick traitor mudslime slut probably got thousands for doing this but training her own son for hardcore jihad wow some people are truly scum

    • The bitch don’t give a fuck now she got those 72 rock-hard, underage, peaceful sandwogs ravaging her every hole for all eternity.

  12. We had the same trouble at last years Amateur Dramatic’s production of Ten Little Niggers. Firstly the niggers stole all the costumes.Then the Reverent Clit-Pincher flashed his Stick-of-Wickedness at the lesbian from the local tearoom,and told her that unless she tromboned him,she couldn’t be in charge of the ladies costume changing. Absolute bedlam erupted,but luckily some fine looking tart by the name of Lauren Harries agreed to give everyone a right good fettling and so we all left satisfied.

  13. If I’d been Harvey I wouldn’t have limited myself to a bit of flashing and the odd blow-job. I’d have fucked myself to death within a week.

    • DF , I bet he is kicking himself now??
      Having showed so much restraint ??
      If your gonna go down, go down hard?? ( sounds like something wankstein would say) ?

  14. If said allegations about the man turn out to be true then he deserves all the punishment that the law can throw at him. Until then its just words nothing more .

    What i found strange is the 2 of the most powerful women in Hollywood Paltrow and Jolie, who love to play the feminist angle shtick never did anything until now to stop said alleged abuses.

    Shows when it comes to fame and fortune that morals And beliefs mean fuck all, or that they just didn’t give a fuck about all the girls who came after them. Either way if said allegations are true then neither of them come out looking good in anyway.

  15. This is massively prevalent in the film/tv/music business, in every country. The more desperate the actress is (sometimes naive, sometimes pragmatic) , the dirtier the sordid acts she’s willing to perform.

    Such is the desire for fame, driven by blind vanity, this is small chips. The most ambitious actresses (and actors) will crawl through sewers of broken glass and drink the vomit of 1000 AIDS victims if it meant a shot at being “in the movies.”

    Pucker up, baby, and swallow.

    ✨ That’s Showbiz.

  16. Queen of the luvvies, Emma Thompson is in full on damage limitation mode and of course in true Hollywood spirit has compared Wankstein to Trump in a general roundabout way of a ‘crisis of masculinity’ . Her mini-me in waiting Emma Watson has piped up too, despite being the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador what ever the fuck that is, didn’t stop her flashing her bangers in Vanity Fair.

    • If Emma Watson wanted to show me goodwill?? I would give her some hokus pokus and then immediately call her a taxi….. and no I wouldn’t pay for the taxi!

  17. The only reason these bints are flying out the closet is that he is an ugly fat cunt.

    If it’s Brad Pitt or Ben Affkeck the mollls are first on the phone to the paparazzi.

    Wankstain didn’t invent the casting couch and he is not exactly grooming them.

    If Wankstain is a cunt what was hugh heff

    • Agree, King cunt… These Hollywood slappers never seemed to have a problem with Hefner and they frequented the parties at his whorehouse (aka The Playboy Mansion)… Hefner was the most high profile pimp in the western world and his numerous wives and girlfriends were basically whores: with him for fame, money, and luxury… But suddenly someone like Weinstein is seen as the antichrist , while Hef is seen as some lovable rogue… It’s a bit like n@nces and the media/public in Britain… The UK likes its p@edos seedy and uncool (Glitter, Savile, Hall etc), while others (like Wyman, Page, Townshend, Peel etc) are overlooked because they were in rock bands or were ‘cool’ DJs…. Weinstein is the ugly fat demon perv, while Hef is the rich and famous ‘character’ and aging lothario… The hypocrisy will be stinking the place out…

      • “while Hef is seen as some lovable rogue”

        I never saw Hef like that he was a sleazy pimp selling big breasted bimbos to high profile customers. If anything I wondered what skeletons and dirty secrets were hanging in his closet…

      • Two things Garry Glitter and Jimmy Page have in common. One of them being they both had a song called ‘Rock n Roll’.

  18. The wankstein sagas got legs!! It’s gonna run and run!!, at least actor Tyne Daley called it” I’m sad people are pretending it’s something new!, or it’s something extraordinary!,how shocking ! Oh come on , there’s a great deal of hypocrisy going on” enter fuck wit Carey ” right on” mulligan “thank god it’s all coming out, it’s horrific!!, let’s thank these incredible woman for so bravely coming forward”
    If he’s guilty fine but let’s get the full facts first!! ……..

    • Carey ‘Hairy’ Mulligan is a rent-a-gobshite libmong plastic standard bearing, virtue signaling rough minged crosseyed cunt….

      • When I first saw mulligan saying ” thank god it’s all coming out” I thought she was talking about wankstein blowing his load!!
        She’s a really annoying fucker..?

    • Tyne Dyke Daley! At least Wankers is nominally hetero. The same “talent” rules apply to the woofter and lesser brigades or do I mean regiments as well. Plus all the other gender variables. Sex is power.

    • The Wankstain Saga …… have we forgotten about the Las Vegas shootings already ? Surely the American media can’t be that shallow …. Oh, and the mounting deaths due to California being on fire.

      We live in a very shallow world …..

  19. If the law orf averages is anything to go by then Wanky is bang to rights. As other cunters contributions have made clear Hollywood is what it is and there are plenty orf Big Bad Wolves waiting to help the sweet innocent little girls. Gwen Paltrow may have offered Wanks a Goop massage to demonstrate her product. Truly anything can happen in LA and does. Certainly Wankstein is a grade one numero uno ruthless cunt and YT can imagine many business colleagues over many years bottling up a volcano orf grievances. One toss too many and oit shoots the mother load.
    LA is one weird and cynical town. Practically every car wash kid, gardener, taxi driver and restaurant Marilyn has a movie script to pitch or a fake CV ready in their pocket. First flew in when me old arse was a bit younger and a lot prettier and got invited to a big producer’s party orn me second day. Shaved me arse in anticipation orf some action and turned up at the venue, a vast Colonial style house high in the Hollywood Hills. Breathtaking views looking over the great sweep and golden smog orf Los Angeles below.
    To cut a long story in through a front door opened by a camp butler and big enough to get a Technicolor camera orn a dolly through (in the Golden Age all Hollywood houses were built that way so they could be hired out to film companies). So in and let the party begin.
    Hardly any women to be seen but lots orf young boys in shorts. Felt rivers orf sweat trickling doine me perfectly presented arse. In a flash joined by the producer and his camp assistant and invited to view the hoise. Camp assistant despatched after a little hissy fit and took in the fixtures and furnishings. Lots orf black and chestnut leather sofas and silk wall coverings with orchids in tall thin vases. An airless atmosphere orf incense and marijuana with back notes orf morphine.
    Then shown the staircase – a magnificent sweep orf black shag pile straight oit orf Citizen Cane – and up to the first floor to see a “special” room. By now me old poof finder conk twitching like a good’un. Lo and behold me host’s bedroom – four poster bed, black silk sheets, black leather pillows and some leather and antique iron stirrups hanging over the bed plus a large screen TV. Made me excuses and left.
    Cab cost a fortune and the Ukrainian cabby cunt gave me the eyeball. Turns oit the residence well known for its “parties” and yes the Ukrainian cunt had a script to pitch. Gave the cunt a handsome handshake but no tip.
    Point is later could not help wondering if YT had not missed a trick. Black silk sheets and leather stirrups in exchange for fame and fortune? But then life is a fuck enough.

  20. If the law orf averages is anything to go by then Wanky is bang to rights. As other cunters contributions have made clear Hollywood is what it is and there are plenty orf Big Bad Wolves waiting to help the sweet innocent little girls. Gwen Paltrow may have offered Wanks a Goop massage to demonstrate her product. Truly anything can happen in LA and does. Certainly Wankstein is a grade one numero uno ruthless cunt and YT can imagine many business colleagues over many years bottling up a volcano orf grievances. One toss too many and oit shoots the mother load.
    LA is one weird and cynical town. Practically every car wash kid, gardener, taxi driver and restaurant Marilyn has a movie script to pitch or a fake CV ready in their pocket. First flew in when me old arse was a bit younger and a lot prettier and got invited to a big producer’s party orn me second day. Shaved me arse in anticipation orf some action and turned up at the venue, a vast Colonial style house high in the Hollywood Hills. Breathtaking views looking over the great sweep and golden smog orf Los Angeles below.
    To cut a long story in through a front door opened by a camp butler and big enough to get a Technicolor camera orn a dolly through (in the Golden Age all Hollywood houses were built that way so they could be hired out to film companies). So in and let the party begin.
    Hardly any women to be seen but lots orf young boys in shorts. Felt rivers orf sweat trickling doine me perfectly presented arse. In a flash joined by the producer and his camp assistant and invited to view the hoise. Camp assistant despatched after a little hissy fit and took in the fixtures and furnishings. Lots orf black and chestnut leather sofas and silk wall coverings with orchids in tall thin vases. An airless atmosphere orf incense and marijuana with back notes orf morphine.
    Then shown the staircase – a magnificent sweep orf black shag pile straight oit orf Citizen Cane – and up to the first floor to see a “special” room. By now me old poof finder conk twitching like a good’un. Lo and behold me host’s bedroom – four poster bed, black silk sheets, black leather pillows and some leather and antique iron stirrups hanging over the bed plus a large screen TV. Made me excuses and left.
    Cab cost a fortune and the Ukrainian cabby cunt gave me the eyeball. Turns oit the residence well known for its “parties” and yes the Ukrainian cunt had a script to pitch. Gave the cunt a handsome handshake but no tip.
    Point is later could not help wondering if YT had not missed a trick. Black silk sheets and leather stirrups in exchange for fame and fortune? But then life is a fuck enough.

    • whats that song? ‘ and all that the stars that never were are washing cars …. ‘ sumfink like that.

  21. i would like to cunt Harvey Weinstein’s teeth. fuckin hell. no doubt he spent a fortune on them but they dominate his face, they are too fuckin perfect you twat.

  22. found it !
    dianne warwick

    In a week, maybe two, they’ll make you a star
    Weeks turn into years. How quick they pass
    And all the stars that never were
    Are parking cars and pumping gas

    “Do You Know The Way To San Jose?”
    Do you know the way to San Jose?
    I’ve been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way.
    Do you know the way to San Jose?
    I’m going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.

    L.A. is a great big freeway.
    Put a hundred down and buy a car.
    In a week, maybe two, they’ll make you a star
    Weeks turn into years. How quck they pass
    And all the stars that never were
    Are parking cars and pumping gas

    Do you know the way to San Jose?
    They’ve got a lot of space. There’ll be a place where I can stay
    I was born and raised in San Jose
    I’m going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.

    Fame and fortune is a magnet.
    It can pull you far away from home
    With a dream in your heart you’re never alone.
    Dreams turn into dust and blow away
    And there you are without a friend
    You pack your car and ride away

    I’ve got lots of friends in San Jose
    Do you know the way to San Jose?
    Can’t wait to get back to San Jose

  24. The NOT so independent has an interesting story today ? Apparently according to the “not so “Nick Clegg is the only politician who understands BREXIT!! I fucking kid you not!,
    Clegg has come up with 3 scenarios?

    1… disastrous negotiations and no deal ( doesn’t sound good)
    2… stop the clock?? ( crikey that sounds even worse)
    3… we must stay in the EEA and single market ( sounds like he doesn’t want to leave)

    Well I’ve come up with a single scenario…..
    Clegg has been expressly rejected by the British electorate and his party rode the 2 nd referendum ticket at the election and got nowhere!!
    So why doesn’t Clegg just pack his bags and fuck off to his beloved EU with his Spanish wife!! Go away cunt…….

  25. Angelina Jolie snogged her brother with full on tongues on a red carpet once.

    Just sayin’

    • I like red carpet. I’d like to tongue Lindsay Lohan’s red carpet. I don’t care if it’s seen a bit of action.

      • Seconded…..
        I always thought she looked dirty!!
        And anybody who fucks off annoying cunt Robby Williams ain’t all bad!!

  26. On the plus side Wankstain is straight. Frankly, I am envious even as I laugh at the aging slut-lets and their moral posturing.

  27. I suppose wanksteins new film is gonna get binned??
    Apparently it was a remake of Herman Melvilles classic moby dick!!
    Set on an updated pequod which now looks like the playboy mansion and is crewed by young hotties in bikinis , wankstein was going to play captain ahab? To keep all the animal activists happy the only harpoon thrown in the film was the pork one swinging between the captains legs!! Shame!!

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