Linda Robson

I would like to nominate that bow-legged, saggy-arsed old cunt Linda Robson for a much needed, most severe cunting. I have been meaning to cunt the knock-kneed old trouting cunt for ages, but keep forgetting to do so. I read a couple of months ago that she was getting her kit off, or doing some fucking bikini thing for her 70th birthday or something, I do hope that it did not happen. I also remember reading that she wasn’t going to get a face-lift either, good job an all, she’d end up with her old mingebox where her necks supposed to be.

My pot-bellied father insisted that birds of a feather was on when I was a kid because he fancied Linda Robson, I was about eight when it started, and thought that she was disgusting. Being that age, I didn’t think much of Sharon either, but Dorien made me want to watch it, she reminded me of a teacher at school. Apart from that, I have just somehow remembered a lad being stabbed in London a few years ago, he was a friend of this fish-faced old trollop’s son, and that she tried to re-launch her career on the back of this.

While I am blathering away, please may I suggest a picture of John Zoidberg from Futurama without his shell for the cunting, I would assume that she looks quite him this with her saggy old bangers out.

Nominated by Ram it home Ginger Rogers.

33 thoughts on “Linda Robson

  1. I thought she was dead?

    Birds of a feather was a pile of fucking horseshit, three completely unshaggable mainly fat jizz buckets, was Fat Slags in Viz based on Robson and the equally ‘talented’ Quirke?

    • I think it was the other way round. Robson modelled herself on fat slags. It seems to have worked.

  2. Her first break, along with Pauline Quirk, was in Shine on Harvey Moon.

    I have to say, as a teenager at the time, I thought she was very pretty.

    Time is a favour to no-one in the looks stakes I suppose.

    The real key to cuntdom however, for ladies of this age, is weather or not a) they spout a “right on” “everyone loves everyone” mantra, safe from that odious reality in their private mansions, etc., and b) if they have appeared on “Loose Women”.

    I don’t know but I’m betting Ms Robson has no doubt appeared on that lunchtime hour of torture?

    • I’m really not sure if Linda robson was up to much in the looks department, mind you anybody would look attractive standing alongside face ache Pauline quirke and Leslie GONZO Joseph…..
      I fucking hated BOAF, boring as fuck with 3 absolute munters to look at!! , and quirkes voice could raise the dead!!! utter shite and it seemed to go on for ever!, season after season, year after fuckin year!!

    • Before ‘Harvey Moon’ these two cunts had a ‘yoof’ show on Thames TV in the 70s called ‘Pauline’s Quirkes’…. It was fucking wank and they always had a poncey pretty boy band on called Flintlock… Featuring David Cassidy impersonator and Tomorrow Person, Michael Holloway…
      When I saw the lag slags ‘comdey’ Birds Of A Feather, I thought ‘Oh fuck! Not those two cunts again?!’

      Here is the aforementioned ‘Pauline’s Quirkes’… See how long you can stand it…

    • Not a clue but rough guess is its been wiped out by a recent update. Its a plugin and sometimes plugins need updating when WordPress updates as they stop working

  3. If the haggard old bitch hadn’t got lucky and joined the actors brigade she would still be working on the tills at Asda and standing in the doorway of her house shouting ‘fack and cant’ and cackling away at lewd joke like some old witch. Slaaaaaaaaaag.

  4. Also as Rebel asked where is the like button. It’s the only pleasure I get these days when someone gives me a thumbs up. ?

  5. How long do flies live for? had afucker flying round here for more than a week now, makes a noise more like a ?. Now normally I ‘ ‘wouldn’t hurt a fly ” but this fucker is seriously irritating. Thought I’d swatted it about 5 times but nooooo , couple of minutes later bzzzzzzzzzzzz. Likes to fly right past my ear as well. It’s a hard fuckin life innit?

  6. Funny that lads;my mrs says its the only pleasure she gets these days is when I put me thumb up……………cunt………Baaaaaaaaaaaaah(c)

  7. The picture reminds me that there’s a new Planet of the Apes film out…

  8. As if the face isn’t bad enough her voice is like a torn pocket ‘ Awww Saaoww’ . Bigger crime to inflict the airwaves is Loose Women, bunch of whining, washed up man hating old hags.

  9. Sahnoun Daifallah, is in need of a severe cunting as is the fucking useless cunt Amber ( lick my clit ) Rudd.

    Sahnoun is the Algerian piece of Islamic shit that washed up upon our shores many years ago to pursue some agenda at the expense of the long suffering tax paying public. This fuckwitted retarded political class, are the useless fucking ideological bastards that allow any rag headed fucker to walk upon the people of this country, and then have the fucking cheek to tax us to oblivion to keep the bastard here, no matter what he does.

    And what has this Islamic turd done? Well he attempted to poison thousands of innocent people by mixing his own shit with his own piss, a few added chemicals and away he goes around Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose and a few other businesses contaminating food. He managed to acheive this over a period of several weeks before being caught, and to this day, no one knows how many other times he spread his vile filth around other supermarkets.

    Said cunt was detained in Immigration detention, but seems not to have been criminally charged. Dumb Cunt May tried to deport him, but decided instead to allow his application for an appeal, and allowed him unlimited legal expenses to fight against his deportation.

    And this retarded fucking useless bitch is Prime Minister ! FFS, you couldn’t make this shit up.

    Amber fucking useless Rudd has allowed the continuation of this fiasco which has so far cost the taxpayer £250,000 in legal snout feed, and has cost Tesco and Morrisons £700,000 ( contaminated food products )

    Neither Rudd nor that useless fucking hunchback of Downing Street, has the balls to simply kick the bastard out and fuck his human rights.

    Instead we ( the people ) have to put up with a corrupt and dysfunctional Human Rights Act that has more fucking holes than Elton Johns arse.

    At the time of posting, this fuckard remains in Immigration detention at huge cost

    The only smiling faces here, will be the Lawyers.

    Fuck Europe and its Council, Fuck .The Human Rights Act, and fuck all Lawyers particularly the snout shovelling fucktards who go into politics.

    Feel better now!

    • Your right to remain should be dependent on you being law abiding. The fact that you might get persecuted or tortured if you were sent back to whichever shithole you came from should be incentive enough to not commit crime. If not, either you are lying about the consequences of being returned, or are that scummy that you would do it anyway.
      Never mind, as long as the lawyers are raking it in….

    • You just identified what Brexit is about.
      We’re not allowed to kick the fucker out or disallow his appeals.

      Don’t blame Rudd and May. Blame Juncker and Tusk…

      • If I were Tusk, and faced with British Politicians ,thick as pig shit and treacherous to the last, I would milk every last advantage I could.

        We need a really hard full on up your froggie arse Brexit!

    • Daifallah is filth… Evil, dirty, reeking, parasitic, camelbuming human filth…

  10. There have been several cases where having won the right to remain here due to the perceived dangers of being returned to where they came from the cheeky fuckers were found to have returned home for holidays. They must be laughing their fucking heads off.

    • No that only happens to infidels when they realise the irony of their continued ‘M’ appeasement and support.

      Tristan: “And to think Poppy, it was only 15yrs ago that we were walking the streets hand-in-hand with them, saying they weren’t all bad.”

      Poppy: “I know Tristan, what silly arses we were! A-har, har, har!”

      Any “British” “peaceful” type: “SILENCE YOU INFIDEL WHORE! And now I cut your head off live on ShariahTV – formerly the infidel BBC!”

      Poppy: “Ok yah but do mind the hairdo. I had it done special seeing how I was going to be on TV!”

      Announcer: “The following beheading is brought to you by Soros Life Enrichment, Empress Merkel’s Islamic European Union and Walls – who’s beef sausages are even better than their infidel pork sausages of the dark ages of the 2010’s! Today’s splatometer jackpot now stands at 4 goats. The person to correctly predict Poppy’s jugular and carotid spurt radius to nearest millimetre will become the winner whereby they will be visited by Prime Minister Ayatollah Khan who will present the prizes, assuming of course that they will be immediately handed back to him as a gift to the state – or else! Good luck! Now lets get this show on the road…

  11. Google Chrome is shite….
    Try to post on it and it says ‘Error. Comments blocked in case of spam’ or some other such bollocks… Go to IE and I can post no problem… Chrome is fucking shit and it’s got a stupid name…

    • As with most chrome things, the shiny veneer soon wears off to reveal the rusted away shite underneath!

      • Is that a Harley Davidson reference?
        In the UK climate the chrome starts dropping off the minute they are out of the crate…

  12. “Greenfell Tower tenants who were illegally subletting wont be prosecuted” announces Sajid Javid.

    Well,what a surprise… Of course they wont be prosecuted. They’re greedy,cheating,ungrateful parasites,so of course they wont be prosecuted. People like these aren’t subject to laws like the rest of us. The authorities have allowed these people to do whatever they wanted for years…Can’t risk being called racist….and to fuck with the indigenous population.

    Most of these “cultural enrichers” will be delighted at what happened. They’ll be able to keep their ill-gotten sub-letting money,while being given compensation,benefits,charity money plus a brand new shiny apartment for them to let out (no questions asked) while they sit in another council property under a different name. Double Jackpot. No fucking wonder we’re swamped with the parasitical bastards.

  13. I see that Morrisons and some other cunt supermarket have reduced their petrol by 2p a litre. How come nobody has attributed this to brexit? Every other price change is i notice. Drip drip drip, day in day fucking out. These rich cunts don’t like losing do they?

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