Can I nominate David Haye the boxer for a cunting due to the fact the guy is a total fucking retard of a cunt. He should have learned the last time he wouldn’t shut his fucking mouth until it was shut for him. Just take the money for the fight you cunt and stop trying to big up the endless ball room dancing demo you turned the last few fights into, it’s embarrassing and if your going to retire stay fucking retired…… rather than mouthing off to get public interest, just channel all that verbal energy into fighting better and putting on a good sportsman like show cuz at the moment you’re 2 steps away from the football hoolie cunts.
Nominated by fuglyucker.
Well here we are and the Haye V Bellew undercard is about as entertaining as a stubbed toe!
Christ this is drier than the Atacama Desert!
And the PC-ness of having a lady commentator alongside Johnny Nelson when she quite clearly has no fucking idea (purely because there’s a lady’s bout on) is ridiculous to the sublime.
I hope the main event is better than this shite otherwise I’ll ask Sky for a refund!
I’ve seen better fights in workingmens clubs of a Sunday afternoon in the old days of pub licencing laws where pubs weren’t allowed to open on Sunday afternoons!
Sixteen quid! Fucking joke!
Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt.
Never liked Haye…fucking flash mouthy Millwall cunt. However, much worse than him is that other Millwall cunt Frank fucking pervert Maloney. What a sack of shit that cunt is. I saw him on Celebrity Mastermind last week. Total cunt and thick as shit. Fucking Stacey Dooley looked like a fucking genius next to him. If you are going to pretend to be a woman and have your knackers lopped off at least learn how to walk in high heels you arsehole. Fucking degenerate cunt!
Frank fackin Maloney. What in facks name is it supposed to be? It looks like a fackin attempt by 3 pisssd up cants trying to dress their mate up to look like a bird. The cant must spend fackin hours in its bedroom each mornin to try to mask the hideousness before venturing dahn the apples to subject his kids to the fackin nightmare that they are forced to live with. I fink it’s a fackin liberty taken too far you cant. Fank you, fank you.
Bring back Freak-bashing.
Oi Malone, behave yourself you facking cant! Dressing in wimins undies and sitting down to piss does not make you a woman, it makes you a facking pervert. And the BBC are cunts for encouraging him.
The BBC love deviants and circus freaks like Maloney… In ten years time (if the cunts haven’t been closed down) these BBC twats will have transbenders doing the news, weather, sport, even kids programmes…
fuck off you cunt why bring Millwall into it? cos Haye fought there once?
Boxing is like F1 to me. I find them both boring and both sports seem to be full of cunts. The only thing I have learnt is that Haye has a son called Cassius.
Haye has made a laughing stock of himself losing to Bellew. He now looks like a complete cunt and shouldn’t show his face in the ring again. No excuses, retire now you cunt.
He’s a cunt to be sure. All sports are for cunts.
Football = Sheep, bread and circues type cunts
Boxing = Coucil house pay per view cunts
Formula 1 = Nigger and wop tax cheats
Cycling = Drug cheats
Rugby = Faggot towel slapping cunts
Just a few examples but all cunts basically.
I love the boxing and you bullseyed my origins perfectly. Luckily I was around during Maggie’s era, had half a brain and so was able to get myself a decent (if not glittering) education in a subject area I actually wanted to make a living in.
But like they say, you can take the kid out of the council estate but you can’t take the council estate out of the kid! ?
In fairness the main event (Haye V Bellew) was 1/2 decent. Pity Haye got a rubber leg half way through.
Dont forget Athletics : Clearout from the Dole office of Refugees and Aftricans, Tennis – Miserable Cunts and whores.
Be fair, dwarf throwing can be quite entertaining.
Especially when the dwarf is Warwick Davies…
I fucking hate the fucking BBC.
Their latest shit is about Tanveer Hussain who was allegedly banned from the USA for being a Muslim. BBC headline: Kashmir Muslim athlete denied US visa due to ‘current policy.’ But when this fine upstanding individual was accused of sexual abuse the headline was: Tanveer Hussain: Indian athlete held over sex abuse in US. No mention of the dreaded M-word.
Fucking Islamophile, cock-sucking, Jimmy Savile protecting cunts.
Full rant here:
The BBC has set itself up as the self appointed arbiter of “fake news”, so ironic as they are the world leaders in the subject. I was back in Blighty recently and saw a couple of BBC news bulletins, the bias is staggering. Take Trump, they never have any positive stories about the cunt. Not a word about him bringing 1000s of jobs back to the USA nor how he has decreased the national debt by 12 billion dollars in 2 months nor how he has had 1500 child sex slave traffickers arrested.
Fake news is not just being factually inaccurate, it is as much to do with which stories they run and which they don’t.
For anyone who cunts David Haye…….”In the red corner,with shit dribbling down his leg, the multi-millionaire(courtesy of the BBC) MBE holder,6 foot 6 tall,quivering bag of skitter….the mighty AUDLEY HARRISON.
Haye’s not looking so bad now,eh?
I saw Ordinary live at the Excel in London when he was in Prize Fighter alongside Danny Williams (who got knocked out in the first bout).
He was fucking huge! Pity he was shite as a pro.
Another £85 thousand on top of the £11 million already spent on the search for Madeline McCann. Absolutely fucking incredible. At the very least those two ghouls of parents should have been charged with endangering a child,personally I’d charge them with something a hell of a lot more serious.
I read about that Dick and now the police say they are concentrating on just one suspect. Total fucking joke. Such a shame that Madeline and her other siblings have cunts like them as parents.
I know who my number one suspect would be.
Rumour has it that Guy Vercuntstadt was on holiday in the area at that time. Wish I was a detective?
I know. When it transpired that they’d left their kids (plural) in the room while they were downstairs, outside and round the corner having a few glasses of chardonnay, both me any my Mrs were horrified at that fact (because at the time we also had two young kids – one of Madeline’s age).
Neither of us would have dreamed of fucking off and leaving either or both unattended just so we could guffaw outside with our plummy mates.
Why weren’t they pilloried at the time for their abject neglect? Simple because they were well-to-do libbo doctors who therefore require immediate sympathy and protection from the press agencies.
If that had been some average working class Joe on a package hol in Albufeira and him and his Mrs were in the bar downstairs having a swifty the press would have hung them out to dry as part of a witch hunt campaign and – as we know most ordinary folk get trialed by press these days – would probably be still rotting in prison.
£11m on a never ending pretence that we’ll never know the truth about. Had it been ordinary Joe they’d be lucky to have had €50 spent on an investigation before getting the bracelets put on!
And answer me this: if it was anyone’s plan to abduct a child then why take the 5yr old who can already communicate and speaks English when a baby has no such traits? Surely it would be far easier to pass it off as another’s child than a 5yr old? Just saying.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven and has done from day one. Anyone flicks any aspersions in the McCann’s direction…cue the stretched skeletorial face of Kate…there you go, that’s all forgotten about again.
I doubt anyone will ever get to the bottom of this. At most, only 3 people know what actually happened that night: the McCanns (if they were involved) and the kidnapper (if they actually exist).
The press and police can be fooled but only the one(s) responsible will have that on their conscience for the rest of their lives.
What really stank was when the kiddie ‘went missing’ the McCunnts went on a ‘tour’… Audiences with The Pope and suchlike… Were they trying to divert attention to themselves and their self promoting antics in order to stop people paying attention elsewhere?… Something really does reek about it, no doubt about it…
Keith Bennett’s body has never been found (die in agony, Brady, you fucking cunt!), but the media don’t give a fuck about that… Oh, silly me, th poor boy was just a northern working class lad and his parents weren’t middle class professional class media whores like the McCunnts…..
The police are just trying to put off the day when they hold a press conference during which they try to explain how they have managed to spend 11 million pounds and still know fuck all.
Friends in very high places, those two cunts. I’m very well aware there is precious little justice in the world but if that pair of cunts get away with this it will be a new low.
On the subject of has been sport cunts, I’m sick of seeing David Beckham and his obvious attempt to rehabilitate his ‘brand’ following revelations of his childish aspiration to become a knight. The slow witted attention seeking cunt has never interested me, as I have no interest in sport, or dressing up as a metrobender and stinking like a drag act with his fucking man perfume. Fuck off, you chavvy cunt, and take your pointless family of fame hungry, no talent has been/wannabes with you.
Some cunt got me some Judas Beckham doodorant for Xmas, and it’s fucking shite… And aren’t his offspring cunts?…. Brooklyn is as almost as big a media prossie as his parents, Romeo must be the ugliest ‘model’ that ever lived (apart from Kate Moss and Muttley Delevigne), and Cruz the ‘pop star’…
Only a matter of time before young Harpic Bloo-Loo 7 joins the cunt gang…. They were not going to turn out any other way with parents like Judas and Dog Spice…
If only Branson would give the whole family tickets for the inaugural flight of his space rocket thing, cos we all know how that is going to end. While he’s at it, he can fill the rest of firework one with a few other known cunts. Any suggestions for the passenger list?
Branson himself for starters. To show how much faith he has in his spaceship.
His balloon burst and his yacht sank. Explosive decompression beckons…
Cunt wants a knighthood. How about this one?
A cunting for Turks please.
The Dutch government doesn’t want the Turkish minister entering Holland to stir up the immigrant Turks regarding Turkish domestic politics. Fair enough in my eyes. Now the Turkish immigrants are protesting in the usual peaceful manner associated with peaceful people, this peaceful protest has required the Dutch police to deploy water cannons to control the very peaceful protest.
Holland, do the best thing you can for your people. Tell these cunts if they want to engage in Turkey’s domestic political process TO FUCK OFF HOME.
Modern colonialism. Cunts love the freedom that comes with moving to the west, but couldn’t give a cup of piss for the responsibility that goes with it. And they usually don’t have to, thanks to entrenched libertarianism. Turkey, soon to be a fully paid up franchise of Alan’s Snackbar.
All designed to
(1) fuck up the Dutch elections on Wednesday
(2) get the Erdogan cunt installed as King
Yes, king ffs!
And it’s illegal to hold political rallies in Turkey
You couldn’t make it up.
My neighbours little dog has just blown up his kennel.
Yorkshire terrorist….
Well, Yorkies (the dog and the chocolate) are usually brown, aren’t they?…
And I suppose the pooch will get glowing character references… ‘Oh, it was a very ‘peaceful’ dog most of the time…’
Great piece by Brendan O’ Neill… Couldn’t agree more or have put it better myself…
Offence is now taken at everything and anything, skins are as thin as wet bog roll, and the law will now favour the snowflakes and freaks… Mind you, if you are not a rich or media darling, nobody will give a fuck…
I hate it when my fingers go through the bog roll.
That aside, it’s not all bad working in a nursing home…..
Think we’re all fucked on this site then. It wern’t me m’lud Norman made me write it!
Not me, I’m polite and respectful of anyone and everyone who gets nominated…. It’s nice to be nice.
Far too nice for this site Dickie boy.
O’Neill is bang on. As the septics say about free speech it doesn’t mean you can shout “fire” in a packed theatre but surely it can cover an error as in the Hopkins case.
I think the case had more to do with the defendant being Hopkins than what alleged upset the comment caused the thin skinned cunt who sued her.
The judge wants a kick in the bollocks as well for the over the top windfall he awarded.
I am afraid that day by day there are more thin skinned cunts coming to the fore. Don’t/can’t say anything even slightly abusive without having a storm of protest on social media and now the prospect of being sued for libel.
Fuck the lot of them.
Hopkins has a bit of a reputation, let’s say… But that ‘Jack’ really comes across as a total cunt…. The defendant being Hopkins had a lot to do with it, I agree.. But also so did having a snowflake media darling who is a lezzer (who never shuts up about it) with stupid coloured gonk hair and tries to look ‘different’ by having a man’s name… The snowflake is now king (King Jack!)… If someone gets so upset about someone accusing them (mistakenly) of writing on a war memorial, that they have to drag it through a court of law, then there really is no hope for them…
Strange that ABBC never mentioned the tweet was deleted. Perhaps she should have tweeted a retraction as well and that would have scuppered the case.
The great thing about retractions is there’s no obligation of sincerity involved…
Anyway, twitter is for cunts IMHO.
Watched his last fight. He was fucking useless
His got all the mouth but apart from power his got nothing as a boxer , all of them are shite to be fair nowadays.
boxing is a dying sport most of the potentially good boxers have enough sense and get in to other sports were they will get a lot of dough, and won’t have to have there brain scrambled when they retire .
Who in there right mind would fight at a low level get your head battered in and only get a few quid for it ?.
Not many that’s why only morons like David Haye are out “best” fighters now .
As we used to say “Don’t let your mouth write cheques your fists can’t cash”
This Ergodan Recip bastard is a real cunt Every public statement this guy makes sounds like a threat of war or blackmail. He can threaten any european country without condemnation yet russia goes to ukraine to stop a problem that he did not cause was a soros coup and MSM goes crazy. That isn’t even an exaggeration.Pretty much every statement Recip makes it sounds like he’s ready to invade.
Why does anyone think this is okay?I mean, just imagine if Putin got up and said this stuff. Well, okay, you can say Putin has a more powerful country. Well, what if the leader of Belarus said this stuff? huh?!
He is a nutjob alright, rather worrying for me as I live 50 miles from the Turkish border…..
Not a lot of love lost between the Bulgarians and Turks, wonder if NATO will step in if Erdogan decides to reestablish the ottoman empire over here. I doubt it, the whole point of bringing the Eastern European countries into EU/NATO was to create a huger buffer (fighting zone that is) between Western European wealthy countries and the commies in the east and muzzies in the east and south.