Shia La Beoufburger is a cunt.
This is the piss poor actor cum ‘caped crusader’ who ran his childish exhibit ‘He Will Not Divide Us’ in the United States..
The ‘He’ , of course, being The Donald. It started on inauguration day and was supposed to run the whole Trump presidency.
Beouf the Oaf also flew a pathetic flag, which was broadcast 24/7 at some supposedly secret location, with the same script on it. In no time at all, the flag got tracked down by 4Chan in the U.S and was replaced with a ‘Make America Great Again’ flag. That move sure took some of the wind out of the Oaf’s sails.
Meanwhile, the exhibit part of the ‘show’ was an opportunity for bed-wetting pseudo liberals to jump up and down like a bunch of deranged chimpanzees shouting “He shall not divide us” into a mic while being filmed by a 24/7 webcam, for as long as they could manage – well until it was time for them to go back to their safe spaces .
However, the exhibit got canned at MOMI in Astoria, NYC only a month later, due to heckling, some ‘violence’ and such like. After moving to Albuquerque, it too got shut down. The dog-do noos outlet, Huffington Post while reporting on the incidents, described one heckler as a ‘white supremacist’. A reverse euphemism from the HP ( aka Obummer/Killary mouthpiece). What they actually mean is, he was a Trump supporter.
So now Monsieur Boeufburger, feeling ‘unsafe’ and unwelcome on his side of the Atlantic, even in Killaryville (NYC), is bringing the show to the UK. To Liverpool of all places. Too scared to go to London, maybe, in case a peaceful type mounts the pavement again?
Well, let’s see how long he lasts in Liverpool. The scousers, de do doh, dont de doh, will nick his film gear, his mobile and his Nikes. Although, looking at him, perhaps they won’t bother, thinking he is just a homeless cunt who has soiled himself.
So once again another useless cunt washes up on our shores bringing with him great wisdom and knowledge.
Nominated by Mike Oxard.
As soon as you see the phrase “performance artist” you know you are dealing with an attention seeking cunt who has never done a days work in his life. Never heard of this wanker but his name suggests some sort of Camel driver/ garlic munching hybrid, which may explain his dislike of Trump. I hope a warm Scouse welcome awaits him…..they leave his car up on bricks, rob his pockets and kick the living shit out of him. Fuck off back where you came from La Poof, you’re not wanted here shithead.
Worse hes a actor, a bad one and everyone hates him for it, not to mention Shia has divided us 3 times! His original plan was to have a 24/7 Rant-O-Thon in New york for butthurt hilary/bernie supporters this hilariously back fired and it became flooded with people.
Shia then put up a fence to separate the overcrowded people. 2nd time he just had a flagpole sticking out of in the desert somewhere the 4chan group /pol very cleverly found it through meticulous clues and planning they stole the flag lol 3rd time he set it up in liverpool (right?!) at some museum sure enough 4 chan users found it and captured the flag
I thought it was a meat course in a poncy restaurant. Didn’t realise it was an ‘actor’ and therefore with significant world views. Must pay more attention.
Le beef or what ever his fucking name is, is the one doing the dividing along with his bedwetting wanker fellow libtards.
Another dreadful actor who thinks an “always look puzzled” expression is actually acting.
I noticed that he hasn’t been in much since that dire 4th Indiana Jones flick or Transformers 3.
Nowt better than a bit of public demonstrating with a “right on” message to up the old profile – or shilling for work as I call it.
Yours was one vote Shite-ah, your vote lost. Live with it. Oh and as for being divided well we all know once “peaceful” sector of society which is responsible for most division in the western world!
A good Son of Abraham such as yourself should be focusing on shaming that sector of society but you won’t cos you haven’t got the balls to do it. It’s much easier to ridicule your President safe in the knowledge that he won’t put a fatwah on you and try to blow you up (no matter how much he’d like to). Cunt!
What a fucking coward choosing a multicultural city, Liverpool’s always been a lefty sesspit like it’s cousin Manchester.
I bet he doesn’t preach his hate in Cornwall or South Wales…
I’m actually starting to enjoy muppets like this, a bit like the press too. All they’re doing is exposing themselves as cowardly moaning fuck-pigs to normal voting folks. And at the polls’ is where the real battles’ take place in the 21st century.
The next general election should be a breath of fresh air ?
Two Muzzies are crowd funding on the net to raise money for the families of the people their pal murdered on Wednesday. If I were one of the relatives I would tell them to stick their guilt money up their arses. They can keep the dough and use it to move their Camels and their extended families to some desert shithole where they belong. Fucking saucy cunts!
Excellent cunting,Mike…..La Beourf is the weirdo who starred in a video for some strange singer called Sia. The video involved LeBoeuf and a 12 year old lassie getting very “hands-on”……presumably because both LeBoeuf and the singer Sia are the darlings of the “intellectual” set,nothing much was made of it……the fucking video was just a ( she was too young to have any) fanny hair away from full on kiddie-abuse.
The man is obviously a pervert of the highest order.
He hasn’t had much work since the last Indiana Jones film, due to gaining a reputation for cuntish behaviour towards those he views as lesser mortals, such as fans, other actors, the general public, directors, producers, makeup artists, stuntmen and pretty much everyone else who goes near him. A right precious little cunt with even littler talent whose career is sinking rapidly, hence the attention seeking.
Washed up cunt..
Follow-up to my post about the Westminster attack. Basically, I think anyone who wants to go to Syria should be allowed to. I’d even lay on chartered flights free of charge – only one condition, don’t fucking come back. Cunts.
I’d happily push them there,free of charge,in a fucking wheel-barrow,as long as they promised to stay.
It lasted one day in Liverpool after some blokes tried to get on the roof to damage it.
I’ve read the cunting, read the responses and looked it up in the Guardian and I still don’t get it.
24hr footage of a flag with a slogan ?
Is that what it is ?
I also read that he sat in an Oxfordshire lift in the name of art.
If I did that, I’d be put in hospital with the shoe and pavement fuckers.
Are these things only ‘art’ when its a millionaire doing it ?
What is it with these actors that wear tuxedos on the red carpet but wear cagoules and red bobble hats when they’re being arty ?
Overrated actor, moody little shite and definitely a pretentious scowling cunt.
Are you sure he only “sat” in an Oxfordshire lift ??! The cunt wasn’t straining to do a “Gilbert & George”, by any chance ?
Noel ‘potato’ Gallagher is a cunt.
The cunt broke up Oasis coz his wife wanted to be married to a ballad singing McCartney sized cunt.
The potato has joined Chris Martin on stage and provided backing vocals on Dullplays last bit of tat.
The cunt joined Damon Albarn on stage and has provided backing vocals for a Gorillaz track.
The cunt is supporting U2 on a few gigs.
He’s besties with Nobo, Chris Martin, Fran Healey and Damon Albarn.
His drummer wears a black T-shirt with a shirt and tie print on it, with a bowler hat.
He sings dulled versions of Oasis songs.
He dresses like Gary Barlow.
He’s boring as fuck.
And he’s a fuckin sell out.
Liam, Liam,Liam,Liam.
Not a serious cunting, cunters, but the little cunt has never been cunted and nobody in the media is going go slag his dour shitty tat.
This ad wasn’t paid for by Liam Gallagher.
My local cafe does a great Oasis soup……you get a roll with it…
Gazza and liam were in the same food place* and liam ended up spraying Gazza with a fire extinguisher for reapeting that joke every five minutes.
I think its a belter.
*food place.
How do you spell restraunt ?
Spell check ain’t helping me. 🙂
I always saw Oasis as Liam’s band anyway… Noel also does ‘celebrity interviews’ with Garv Neville, Pep Guardiola, Gary Lineker, and is the ‘professional celeb Man City fan’ on television and social media… And his solo stuff is shite, I agree… Even the High Flying Birds name is nicked (what a surprise!)… It was a song by Judy Henske and then Richie Havens…. Must annoy Noel Spudhead that he thought he was going to corner the solo troubadour market, only to be eclipsed by the insipid and boring as fuck Beetroot Head Sheeran… No fan of Sheeran (and that’s putting it mildly!), but him scuppering Potato Bluenose is pretty funny…
Shia shite La Bellend just looks like another cunt who thinks it’s fashionable to have a big smelly pubic beard and probably has some tattoos to make him look “interesting”
Remember when that cunt David Blaine came to London to sit in a perspex box suspended over the Thames…..people egged him,chucked MaccieDs at him,and soundly abused him….. Made you proud to be British.
Yeah… Blaine was such a cunt even Paul McCartney (a first class cunt) laughed at him… People and press asked Macca under the perspex box, ‘Why are you here, Paul?’ And he replied ‘To see this stupid fucking cunt!’
Were The Police Scousers? It’s just that song: ‘Di-Do-Do-Do (Don’t Di Dough)’
I’d much rather have a police record than a The Police record. 🙂
Copeland and Summers were OK blokes and good musicians, but Sting was (and always will be) a total cunt…
Do do da da is a bloody annoying song I kinda hate police tho ironically really enjoyed their Synchronicity album especially King of pain song
Didnt mad Heather then get Macca’s PR man sacked as a result of that little episode. A Beatle cant be seen to be pissed as a fart in the oapers.
If ye Google ‘Shia LaBeouf is a jerk’, there’s loads of reports of this cunt being a cunt.
I remember a not so bad kids programme he was in called ‘Even Stevens’ and then he had a small part in the hilarious sequel Dumber and Dumberer.
In these two roles he was a funny,weedy, curly mopped geek but he cut his hair, grew stubble and became a mega cunt with the press dubbing him a ‘hunk’ along the way.
After reading what I’ve read this morning, his career is over until Tarantino casts him in a mumbo jumbo pile of tat in ten years time.
Then he’ll be ‘cool’ again.
What is it about cunts like Le Bullsballspie and other celebricunt luvvie types? In the old days we’d get the odd gobshite plastic activist (be it the butter fiend, Marlon Brando, Hanoi Jane, or the IRA cockgobbler Micky Rourke), but now every fucker is making out they are politically minded and have a social conscience… But, truth is, it’s complete bollocks and the bullshit can be smelled for miles… Unless there’s a McCarthyesque witch hunt (I hope!) what Trump does or doesn’t do won’t affect any of these rich as fuck ten people to wipe their arse movie bastards in any way…. They lecture on about Big Don and his family, yet they live like fucking emperors themselves… Their ‘caring’ natures are as fake as the bonhomie and smiles they put on when plugging their latest pile of crap on Colbert (cunt) and Jonafan Woss (another cunt)… They are self important, narcissistic, spoilt brat, overprivileged cunts and it’s all about them… Does anyone really believe they sit in their mansions and think, ‘Oh, what about the working class of America?! What will Trump do to them?!’ And they only attach themselves to libtard ’causes’ (wimmin, brown babies, transbenders, ‘peaceful’ sandspades etc) because they are favoured by snowflakes and it gets them points and arselicking from the Twittermongs and the MSM… And all their telling people how to vote and take in migrants (which they never do themselves) more than reeks of pampered ponces and perceived royalty talking down to the lower orders… So Shia Le Bullsballspie can join Benderdick Cuntberbitch, Madogga, Kunty Perry, Cerano De Streep, Hubby Hoover Johansson, and others in the ‘Let them eat cake’ celebricunt hall of fame…
That Shia Le Bigmac looks like a right dodgy cunt… Maybe he should book into the Guantanamo Hotel…
He gives some young tart one up the council in Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac. Volumen 1, if that’s any help.
Has anyone got Billy Connolly in the pool? If not bagsy me.
The Big Yin’s going to meet The Big Yin…
There are too many Yanks coming over here acting the cunt. Who can forget that elephant-eared bastard Obummer waving his finger and giving us the “back of the queue” bollocks? Old Cameron must have thought that was a clever idea but it shat back right in his pig-fucking face. How I laughed that morning as he stood outside No. 10 handing in his notice. Where are you now you posh cunt? What a fucking great day that was. They can never take that day away from me.
True, Freddie… The arrogance of Cameron and the Remainer lot was astonishing… They took it for granted that they would win, and they also thought the British people wouldn’t be arsed and that would go in their favour… Get up to work that Friday morning and it’s media shitstorm, Pigfucker Dave resigns, and cunts like the Kinnocks and others on the EU gravy train shitting themselves… Great stuff…
And here’s to the demise of Banana Gob Miller If we do leave the EU, the Ghanian trollop willl have to shag and BJ her way to the top all over again…
I think all this ultra liberalism from A listers is down to the fact that the value of true celebrity has been lost. Now, to be a celebrity is so easy, just have some cunts film you doing whatever mundane shit you do, be it pointless rich by inheritance chavvy scum going shopping like those waste of breasts the kardashian twats, or just sucking a dick on geordie shore, or now, just sitting watching the fucking telly. All these cunts are really famous, and yet, have no talent, or reason to be celebrated whatsoever. That leaves your actual celebrities, who like them or not, have done something of artistic merit to warrant recognition, without the elevated sense of importance to humanity. Now, to show they really are a breed apart, they have to make these political do good type rantings and actions. Unfortunately, this is where it goes wrong, because they separated from reality, they are out of touch with mainstream thinking. Some of these deluded cunts are even thinking of running for public office. That should be fun……
Anyway, I’d love to go and see this bollocks in Liverpool, just so I could ask him, Shia, what’s your beef?’
The new series of The Kardashians starts here next week.
The Kardashians In Miami…
They do nothing.
Unless shopping, driving, talking nonsense or driving to the shops while talking nonsense is something.
I will admit that I’ve watched a couple of episode’s for cunting purposes and I’ll tell ye something, that Bruce Jenner was a funny guy.
Now he’s just a fanny guy.
There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits. 🙂
How about The “Kardashians on Mars” (minus space suits)?
Brilliant, Mr Bastard, but how would they get them big arses up there ?
The insensitive cunts went to Greece a while ago to live it up in their country of origin.
Everybody’s skint and the kardashians go over and lord it up.
Fuck, I know too much about these cunts.
There is one I quite fancy but as they all have similar names I can’t remember.
And if I had a guess, I’d probably name their grandad by mistake.
These cunts can start any name with a ‘K’.
Yours, Kirdman.
My pretentious neighbours named their son Mark… with a “C”
My favourite oasis story goes back to around 2003/4?
Apparently a coked and pissed up gobby Liam got his front teeth knocked out in a Munich club, he said his assailants were Russian mafia/ gangsters?? Later the German police said they had arrested some German estate agent and and an IT geek for the assault! Fucking priceless!!! ?
German estate agents are tuff.
Have you ever tried to sell a two and a half bedroom semi in Dresden ?
Especially after Bomber Harris had finished with it.
Can you give me some advice? I was thinking of buying a bird, I have never kept birds before so what would you suggest? I was thinking of maybe a cockatiel. Do you have to keep them in a cage or can you let them out to fly around? Will they come back if they fly off? Is it advisable to get a pair?
Hi SE, I had a cockatiel a few years ago, they are really nice little birds, if you have the patience it’s possible to teach them some words, they can’t speak as well as an African grey or cockatoo but they don’t cost anything like as much…
with a little training they will happily sit on your hand or shoulder etc etc..
Best cages are the ones you can open at the top and have a perch for them to sit on, just make sure all widows are closed or you new friend will cock off!! ?
Get yerself two male budgies.
The males will sing and dance together, whereas females can be a bit bitchy and only call out rather than sing.
I have five male budgies and two female, and I let them out from late afternoon until sundown.
The males are in one big cage and females in their own smaller one, coz females will get arse about the singing and dancing and attack the males.
I was talking to a novice last night who’s female had killed his male budgie that morning.
At night, cover them up away from draughts with the back of the cage to the wall for their sense of security, and let them sleep for 12-14 hours.
If you let them out and have trouble catching them, then clock where they are, turn off the light and ye can just pick them up.
If ye have the patience, get a hatchling and hand feed it.
That way yer face will be imprinted in its memory and it’ll become yer best friend.
Budgies can live for a month up to 14 years.
I’ve never had a ccockatiel, but they are great and just as easy to look after.
Or ye could try some finches.
Lovely songs and they can live with budgies.
I’ve had birds on and off for most of my life and I never get bored of them.
I hope ye do get some and I’m sure ye’ll enjoy them.
Good luck Skidmark Eggfart.
Cheers guys, much appreciated advice.
Funny what you say about the sexes not mixing well, BM. The females get the arse with the blokes for having a laugh and acting the cunt. Not too different from humans, then.
It’s amazing what you can learn on here.
Things like budgies are lazy cunts…..
That’s cheep talk, J R Cuntley.
Sound advice my friend. But I don’t think you can beat a nice pair of tits. Tits of course are better managed as a pair, as it is possible that with a little encouragement they may consent to breed. Pigeons are nice too, but can be a trifle messy around the house. I would stick to tits. Yes, definitely tits.
They get a bit messy when ye throw a cock in between them. 🙂
I’ve heard of the icf (inter city firm)
But not the itf information technology firm! ?
Mine is when Liam ruined Noels unplugged MTV performance and started shouting insults at him. Best part is Liam was suppose to be there with the band but he was too drunk to sing so Noel told him to fuck off & go back to his hotel Liam had other plans of course and got even drunker and made his way to the concert
This is a lclassic… Noel has always bullshitted that he was part of Man City’s ‘firms’, The Black Cats and The Young Guv’nors… Well, for a start, the Black Cats were in the 70s and they were black: Black lads from Moss Side and they were tough cunts, so that’s a load of bollocks….
Also, the only real action Noel ever ‘saw’ (not took part in) was at Wembley in 85, when City met Chelsea in the Full Members Cup (a big deal for both success starved clubs a the time)…. Noel and his bother, Paul, saw the infamous Chelsea Headhunters, promptly shat themselves, ran off and never went to an away City match again… Noel being a City ‘face’ and a guv’nor is about as plausible as me giving Chrisitina Hendricks a titfuck…
This is a a classic, that should say… Bollocks..
Chrisitina Hendricks a titfuck…Hmmmmmmm.
What about the caffuffle (?) about Paul Gallagher being kicked out of a pub in Heston Moor the other week for wearing tracky bottoms ?
Liam Gallagher took to twitter having a go at the pub and the next week the Manchester Evening News sent some reporters down wearing tracky bottoms.
Liam Gallagher on Twitter is brilliant.
No arselicking of the media there.
I’ve just googled Christina Hendricks and thought she’s OK.
Then I clicked on images,
jeez-o-bambino !!!!!
Christina Hendricks….. fuck yeah!!!!
Is it hard to follow storylines when she’s on screen ?
Apparently it happened in Dec 2002….. ?
If all these liberal bellends had hobbies, or anything closely resembling a life, I’m sure there wouldn’t be so many pointless marches through London. The anti brexit twats are filling the streets again today, even after some of their supporters have said perhaps this isn’t the best weekend to do it. Farron, proving his cunt of the year credentials, is there spewing his hate filled rhetoric. See, two can play at that game. What do they think this march will achieve? There’s a big bunch of cunts blocking the traffic for an afternoon, better suspend democracy and call brexit off. Twats….
Where is a peaceful cunt in a lorry when you need one?
…..Or even a mentally ill person, of indeterminate and irrelevant ethnic background, driving a Range Rover.
How many acts of terrorism do these cunts need before they smell the thick stench of reality.
Ooooo they make me mad!!!!!
BBC spewing their EU biased shite!! Jean Claude wanker is talking about the Second World War , concentration camps etc etc ????, tusk too!!, why not be more current and talk about bankrupt Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland?? Mass uncontrolled immigration, a failed currency and a failed ideology??
Nothing beats a good fearmongering and blackmailing people with threats of war to make them bow into submission to the great and all powerful EU
“Mass uncontrolled immigration, a failed currency and a failed ideology??” @ Not to mention No go zones, sharia courts, random massacres, Rapes, no penalty for migrant crimes. Boy the EU is so full of shite it enrages me to think people buy into their lies but of course it doesn’t affect the rich or privileged or delusional
TBH TS the list of their bollocks is endless….. ???
Shia the beef is a twat.
All his films are shit.
How do these cunts even get famous in the first place?
And what the fuck is standing by a camera, repeatedly chanting “he will not divide us” supposed to achieve? !
If lefty’s weren’t so dangerous I’d find them hilarious!
Douglas Carswell is a two faced, unprincipled, hypocritical, turncoat cunt.
Call a by election and show us just how ‘honourable’ you really are Carswell!
We DESPERATELY need The Nigel back… I don’t think UKIP is going anywhere without him, but quite honestly, am so fucking pissed orf with the others that I shall vote for them anyway. In my life, I’ve voted for all three “major” parties, feel MASSIVELY fucked over by the whole bloody lot of them. NOT voting goes against the grain (use it, or lose it), so I guess UKIP is now my only option. They just need to sort themselves out a bit…
Vote Loony! You know it makes sense…
Carswell is a tricky bastard for sure, I saw him on the BBC saying that he was not calling for a by election because
A …. he knows he won’t win
B…. he is a Cunt
C…. both of the above
Also he dodged around the question of him rejoining the Conservative party….
I bet he’s fucking good at seeing round corners tho.
There should be a by election, he was voted in as a UKIP MP, not for his boyish good looks.
Carsewell talks out of both sides if his mouth. Figuratively and literally.
Yeah carswell is a million times worse then Nuthall This is an entirely nonsensical situation carswell is a weasel.UKIP did Brexit. The people wanted Brexit. But now they have a government which didn’t want Brexit, and is not doing a good job of implementing Brexit or implementing any of the programs which obviously follow from the mindset which led to Brexit.
Logical thing is for Nigel Farage to just become the leader of the Tories as Prime Minister, and then for the party to cleanse itself as the GOP in America is presently trying to do. But Nigel keeps doing weird things and changing his mind then doing other things. Also various high profile people want farage so yeah he isn’t coming back anytime soon…. soo yeah
My hope is that our Nigel will return when his timing is absolutely spot-on.
The libtards must be losing support daily if today’s turnout was anything to go by “tens of thousands” hey!!! Or 20 ‘free’ coach loads…
What a weirdo beardy cunt, Trump should have just got the NYPD to tear gas this tool. Where the fuck is Optimus Prime when you need him?
A little something you won’t be seeing on the BBC today, an anti EU march in Rome.
The first sentence in that clip should be enough to shut the left up.
But they’d have to open their minds first.
Cheers Skidmark Eggfart.
Something else that doesn’t appear anywhere on the bbc.
Strange that from our supposed impartial broadcaster…
I rarely post but I followed a link from here and led me to this. If there is ever a sign that we aren’t racist then this is it
She owned the dumb muslim that tried to appeal to the snowflake population
Muslims have no place in western society, they don’t understand our ways and we don’t understand them either.
Fuck off back to your shit infested shithole of you country, and leave us alone, and take lilymong with you
That woman said something that needs to be said more often until people get it, she also backed up her argument with historical fact. Most of all “Peaceful Muslims” need to understand what she says above all others.
Sort your own shit outr before the rest of the world has too.
Carswell, what a cunt, how can people vote for a cunt that will change allegiance halway through breakfast.
Pro EU marchers, more cunts, especially the hope not hate>no borders cunts. Too fucking stupid to differentiate between an organisation and a continent or the people that live on it. You cunts don’t give a flying fuck about “Europe” You want to flood it with Islamic poison, you cunts have the front to pretend you love Europe? You just see the EU as a tool to bring about the fall of western civilisation. Self loathing cunts, you don’t speak for me. I don’t want the EU or any part of it and I don’t want to see Europe fucked up for your SJW utopian dream.