More anti-white, misandrist, ‘diverse’ bollocks… Yet another scrawny posho militant feminist female lead who talks all ‘Haw! Haw! Haw!’ A gang of rebels that has more colours than jelly babies, and a new droid who is about as endearing as piles… And no amount of Darth Vader will save such shite…
Nominated by: Norman
I’m a big fan of SF but I have to say that Star Wars when it first came out was the most disappointing load of hyped up, completely unbelievable horse shit I’ve ever had the misfortune to watch, second only to Lord of the Rings…
Forced my self to watch some of the later ones in the hope they’ll get better, but they just don’t.
I wouldn’t even waste my time downloading this pile of crap off Pirate Bay!
Nominated by: Dioclese
I don’t care for star wars, but i have noticed the very pc friendly cast, when the trailers come on……..
Apparently in the next Star Wars movie Chewbacca is gonna have a black, lefty, female companion….played by Wookie Goldberg.
Might be just an another internet rumour….got it from Wookieleaks…..
The only Star Wars that matters Is Empire and maybe a new hope but those horrible cringe scenes need to go. Empire the one film george lucas had a minimal role in filming and thank fuck for that!
In fact if you only watched Empire Strikes Back the story of star wars would make alot more sense then if you watched the whole trilogy and oh boy are they really fucking up the plot now what a clusterfuck from hell thats become Just trying to conceptualize it just gives me a headache alone
I’d love to comment on this one…but I’m too white. ( sorry )
Star Wars never interested me at all.
George Lucas just ripped other people idea off, mainly Frank Herbert’s Dune
Plus a number of classic war movies, primarily 633 Squadron for the ending.
Star Wars has become a conveyor belt of agenda driven tripe. Films are meant to entertain. Why would people sit their kids in front of 90 minutes of recycled shite let them get brain washed into the bargain and to top it all off pay for it?
You ain’t seen nothing yet….
It gets worse.
Downey Jr. Is retiring from iron man and the replacement is going to be….
Yup…iron woman.
A sassy black one, modelled on Beyoncé.
Robin is being phased out from batman to be replaced by another young black woman as batmans sidekick.
The hulk is being re jigged so dr david banner is now a Chinese bloke.
Robert Downey Jr can piss the fuck off great at playing a easily annoyed character but apart from that, generally a piss poor actor. Yeah Marvel I have no respect for them anymore, they have hook line & sinker listened to the demands of crazy dickless SJW terrorists
DC comics isn’t perfect but they have made the least amount of changes although nothing surprises me anymore if someone says they turned Batman into black IRA member
Downey as Sherlock Holmes? Fuck that.
Nomination for Guy Ritchie perhaps?
That’s never going to work! Iron Man is a super hero, Iron Woman is a command!
So Iron Man is gonna be Iron Ho’?
Ayo Hol up, Hol up Hol up Are you saying we be black superheroine’s an’ shit? even tho the bloody original character is a fucking white male?!
…. It’ll be interesting to see who will be cast as her able assistant ‘Pepper Pott’ … who actually seems to be the only one that knows what they are doing….
A white female keeping her right … a white bloke keeping her right … a black bloke keeping her right ? Have they backed themselves into a corner ?
Batman and Blackbird?
Don’t get Macca started on blackbird fuck wouldn’t surprise me if he trademarked the name
Macca: “Did I mention to you Jools, that blackbird was originally a civil rights song?” Jools “No but Do go on you boring old tosser”
I’m going to watch it next week with the boy while the Mrs and daughter fuck off blowing Xmas vouchers, etc., in that fucking hell hole known as the Metro Centre.
The saving grace being that I’m not driving and the seats I’ve booked are poshy fuckers where cunts serve you piss-poor beer at an extortionate price at your seat. O’course the obligatory hip flask will be there, just cracked the head on a lovely drop of Tullamore Dew – always handy to raise the ABV of shit beer.
The seats look comfy so I’ll no doubt be catching a few ZZZzzz’s within 1/2hr or so. I’ve told the lad to stay off the blue sweets so that he doesn’t get excited and tries to wake me!
Star wars, lord o the rings, harry wanky potter. Utter utter fookin shite. I love sci fi but it’s gotta be half credible. As for Dr Who, much funnier than michael bouncy hair Mcintyre but an embarassment to anyone under the age of fuckin 10. Toshy wankpiss.
2001: A Space Odyssey and the original Planet Of The Apes film still can’t be beat… Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker did the definitive Doctor Who(s), and Star Wars went wank after the first two original films… If Darth Vader kills every cunt at the end of Rogue One, that’s something, I suppose… But the CGI Princess Leia is a right load of shite…
The first two original Apes films were excellent. They turned to shite with “Escape from the Planet of the Apes” the plot of which relied on three members of a pre-industrial society being able to raise several tons of waterlogged spaceship from a remote lake, then figure out how to fix it, then pilot it back through the same time warp thingy that Chuck Heston & co arrived through then back to present day Earth and even land in the good old USA no less. All with the look of a cheap TV movie.
And I thought modern film plots were contrived and poorly written. Maybe they should get JJ poxy Abrams to do the remake…
I dunno bout 2001 SO tho, its a decent film with some great moments but it was overly long and badly paced just kinda boring film Imo
If you got the patience to watch it ain’t bad just felt the film was lacking dynamic but I loved the Hal 9000 character
Shit! You got me here chaps and chapesses. It’s my guilty pleasure and I thoroughly deserve a good cunting for it!!!
Only started watching it all this year thanks to my lad, but the Mrs is the spitting immage of Ray (the new bit of fanny that leads in number 7) so it’s spiced our sex life up a bit.
Come on force choke me bitch!!!
Anyone remember Dark Star by John Carpenter?
Made in his garage and fucking awful special effects but funny as fuck and still a classic IMO.
The tomato creature scene still has to be one of the funniest ever! “It was full of air! How did it live?”
Dark Star, fantastic film an all time great for me.
Grew up on JC’s earlier films. The Thing, The Fog, Escape From New York and Assault on Precinct 13 were ace. Best to forget the later indignity of Ghosts of Mars and Escape from LA.
“Errrr…… Bomb?”
Original “The Thing” is fuckin’ ace.
The 2011 remake is a prime example that sometimes original is best.
Remake was a turd…
The Howard Hawks B&W version can still give the odd good scare first time around and is satisfyingly nasty in places for and old movie. The 2011 version suffered from “token American woman syndrome” and crap CGI creatures rather than the gooey effects for Carpenter’s masterpiece. Shame he went off the boil after “They Live”.
Anyone remember Geordie Star Wars?
It’s on youtube. Some students mixed (at the time all 3) together and dubbed over it with famous lines from other films.
Have a joint before watching, it’s much funnier.
Right, on a more serious note. Whoever invented the road-side saliva test for cannabis is an utter Cunt!
The old tests only worked if you’d just had a joint. Now we’re fucked!!!
How the fuck can alcohol be legal and cannabis not be???
It contains absolutely no toxins. Does not cause mental health problems (fuck me I should know) and is actually prescribed now in many countries as a treatment for mental health…
It won’t make you kick fuck out of the Mrs or drive like a cunt and unless you choke on it trying to eat it, you cannot physically take enough to overdose.
Sadly not. I predate YouTube by some margin. ?
Alcohol isn’t legal when your driving and neither should Cannabis be. I am all for personal freedom in private households, as long as it involves consenting adults who the fuck is to say what we do to ourselves or each other.
Like alcohol which is a drug Cannabis does have a downside and pretending it doesn’t is lying to yourself. Cannabis legal, not a problem for me, stoned and driving you should be nicked.
Blimpo… I wish you were right on your “no toxins” point.
I’m no weed expert, but cannabis is loaded with toxins and badly cured weed is even worse.
The worst are ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and the weed smokers nemesis…ridiculously high levels of tar. I stopped smoking joints twenty years ago and now would only consider a pipe.
In a joint, tar seeps into the paper, is then re-burnt and drawn into the lungs.
A pipe doesn’t stop it completely but leaves a fair amount in the pipe stem which can be cleaned out.
When I saw a pipe stem that had the equivalent of around a dozen joints through it, joints were history. Pipe convert. Maybe you use a pipe already, if not give it a go.
Weed gets bad press, sometimes justifiably but for me it’s adults only, and only at the end of the day or better still, end of the week.
It’s so much stronger than the stuff I started on in the ’70s and now for me it’s just a now and again thing after forty years smoking daily.
And Sixdog….your bang on the money, anyone driving stoned is a cunt…
I hear Princess Leia has had a heart attack and is in serious shit…
They will probably get a Thai tranny to cover for her
Qu’Vatlh,Thats fuck you in klingon,Yes i admit it , I like star trek,But only the original one,Oh fuck what a cunt i am,I knock my self a fucking sick i’m a cunt.
Anyone seen the Malteasers advert with the disabled bird talking about how she has a spasm whilst her hands were wondering on her fella, she then makes a wanking motion and the chocolate balls shoot out everywhere? This is fine because she is disabled I spose? WTF? Why not go all the way and get a fit bird putting a few in her gob before she sucks her fella dry or a couple of lipstick lesbians showing chocolate treats up their cunts before they nosh each other?
I just don’t get where they’re at with those maltesers adverts… How the fuck is an irritating mong going to help sell chocolate to people?…. World’s gone bonkers, folks…
I know what you mean.
The little thing in the wheelchair gives me the heebie jeebies….
Thought of the day,I’ve never seen a prostitute in a wheel chair????
I have………
President Police Officer Trump just arrested this thug by the white house just seen trying to break in, he said “I’m the president I work here” Hahahaha kids these days lol
I didn’t realise how funny Ann coulter is sometimes
I’ve never really been a big Star Wars fan, but I agree Empire is my favourite one. Not really big on sci fi films, as I prefer westerns and historicals…but Blade Runner remains my top sci fi film. I see the sequel is out next year, with an ageing Ford as Deckard returning.
All of the “brave rebels” appear to be young kids…I dont think most modern kids do the concept of “brave”, they’re too busy updating Facebook and nagging for finance for the Gap Year piss up. But guess what you young Cunts. Not only can Tarquin now go to the end of the earth shithole that the Great British Public thought it a Good Idea to “Liberate” but now Mellissa can go too.. carrying a bergen and some ammo for the CSW. Yes , I can see the Daily Express readers sending their needy smug dependent kids to fight the good fight as I speak. Fucking stupid weak Selfie Taking Snowflake Cunts.