Question Time


Fucking cunting BBC snowflake propaganda shite makes me froth every time I catch it but once I start watching it it’s like a car crash. I shouldn’t look but I do.

Tonight it is a panel of super cunts, They are coating off the president elect like he is a nobody. Antagonise the man that could give us a better future outside thr cunt EU why not.

They sit there and peddle the same old shite, Trump and Farage are Hitler and anyone voting UKIP is a paid up Nazi.

The audience is practically in tears because they say that Muslims have a bad press because of Trump and Farage, totally forgetting the reality of why Islam has an iffy reputation and that those reasons predate Trump, Farage.

There are many more reasons to cunt QT the biggest tonight is the uber cunt Tim Farron, lapping up applause from the carefully hand picked audience like he is the messiah. Wait till the next election Tim and then you wil maybe understand how popular you are you low life snake.

Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit

17 thoughts on “Question Time

  1. How many time will Dimbleby interrupt any counter argument that doesn’t go with the snowflake agenda.

    He’s supposed to be neutral as he’s chairing the debate. Nope, not Dimbleby. A BBC cunt of the highest order and so is the person in his earpiece.

    • It’s the same fucking trash debates that play out in the states. The minute a guest deviates from the acceptable narrative, the master cunt moderator pulls out a king sized fuck stick and signals two suits in the back to hold the offender down. They finish up by calling the patriot a fag, followed by accusations of hate crimes or bigotry

  2. Not like it used to be with Sir Robin at the helm….
    Question Time now reminds me of the final episode of The Prisoner…. When Number Six tries to have his say he is drowned out and shouted down by a bunch of sheep-like gimps in black and white masks who just refuse to listen to him… I bet the BBC has an application process: where those who meet the snowflake criteria are let in and all ‘undesirables’ are kept out… And Dimbleby is a right cunt…

  3. QT is now a programme that I make a point of missing.
    I’ve enough shit going on without watching this panto.
    Cherry picked questions from a cherry picked audience with Dumbledee giving a wide berth, not even with any subtelety, to anything not fitting the agenda.
    Usually with a panel of “experts” who couldn’t find their back pocket with both hands, let alone an answer to the problems of British day to day living. A platform for cunts who can’t make it the real world, so take the easy way out and go into politics.
    I won’t be switching on as I’ve got some drying paint that needs watching….

  4. Brand,Coogan,Vordemann,Church, Joey Barton and,of course, the queer who dresses like a 6 year old girl ,Eddie Izzard….just a few of the “Special Guests” who’ve been on Question Time.
    Throw in an audience of “right-on” students,muslim apologists,uppity gollies,Socialist Workers Party members,confused old duffer Daily mail readers and a fucking chairman who never lets anyone answer a question without butting in with his views and you’ve got QT.
    More cunts,arseholes and tits than in my extensive porn collection.

  5. Woe betide anybody who has the temerity to proffer a counter-opinion to the snowflake herd-‘thought ‘. Such a contributor is automatically cast as pariah and therefore pre-emptively dismissed , no matter the validity of his/her argument – even were it to chime with the mono-opinioned morons who simply want positive affirmation of their pre-conceived , banal notions.
    Even people who represent organisations that could be conceived as holding dubious beliefs can deliver sound philosophies on some subjects , but are we to tolerate such abject beings? No way!!! BOO HISS. It’s frightening how narrow-minded and flaccidly compliant the generically minded lame-brains who seem to dominate our society have become.

    • A beautifully written piece Simon de Cuntford. You expressed my inner feelings towards this biased, sanctimonious horse shit excuse for a political debating show perfectly.
      It’s nothing more than a Left-Wing propaganda vehicle, used to brainwash anyone who has no common sense or who can’t think for themselves.
      Previous presenter, Peter Sissons wrote in his autobiography that the BBC has a majority of staff with Left-Wing views and it has been a driver for Political correctness. It also maintains a corresponding bias towards the Independent and Guardian newspapers.
      *Us CUNTS have to pay those CUNTS a TV licence fee for this contrived indoctrination.

      • Cheers , Anonycuntmous. To be honest , I’d rather hear the panellists offer sincere , heartfelt opinions from any viewpoint rather than peddling anodyne , pre-sanctioned and non-combative garbage in order to pander to popular consensus. A blood and thunder leftie speaking with passion is better than some lily-livered , self-proclaimed liberal crowd pleaser.

  6. Here here!!

    Cuntion time is the biggest cuntfest on telly!

    If democracy votes for lefties it’s the democratic concensus. If they vote against them it’s popularist right wing despotism.

    The cunts make me foam with rage too!!!

    Great cunting sixdog.

  7. I just heard that labour have released a single for Christmas!

    I’m NOT going to listen to it!

    If someone could cunt it on my behalf I’d very much appreciate it.

    Probably gonna be some leftist snowflake multicultural cuntfest, but if someone’s willing to take one for team….

  8. I had to stop watching QT. TV’s are expensive and my bank balance says throwing a fucking rock at this slimy crew of nonces has to stop. No politician on QT has ever said anything against the Party line, they just drone out the line from the manifesto and the carefully handpicked audience give them the questions they need to do this.
    As someone said earlier ,Dimbleby is beyond contempt , a BBC leftie MMGW,pro muslim anti Trump stench that pervades and has destroyed any credibility it ever had.
    Someone I know who has been on that programme met some of the audience afterwards , they were training in from over a hundred miles away and it is supposed to be local.
    I would say it’s shit but we all enjoy a shit sometimes.

  9. Like Sixdog – great cunting by the way – I find myself watching this cuntfest and getting angrier and angrier at this leftist bollocks. It surprises me not at all that the audience is bussed in from Moscow or Islington to make things balanced. It’s an outsourced task to organise the audience apparently. Pretty obvious the company responsible is marching to the ABBC tune.
    As for the loading of the panel to get the lefty propaganda across that’s down to the ABBC themselves. Having said that the last few programmes have had a few Brexit supporters in the audience and who have put up a good show. Still far too many cunts applauding that worm Farron. Fucking little elf lookalike cunt.
    Public execution is too good for the treacherous bastard.

    • Thing is Russia is probably one of the least left-wing countries in Europe now.

      Communism had its chance there and now its capitalism all round.

      Russia and China may be deemed/seen as “communist” countries but they are capitalist through and through.

  10. I’m with Norm – Sir Robin Day wouldn’t have folded like a cheap hooker like the present day shit streak Dimbleby does. He was ace. His put downs and blatant condescension towards guests who were obviously ill informed or just plain wrong were classic. He also used to jump on waffling answers and straying from the point. It was good television. Alas, we live in different times.

    The bashing of Trump and Farage is so beyond boring now. It’s often fun to laugh along with mocking the Yanks on shows like Mock The Week and HIGNFY. But when I hear utter shite being talked about Trump on TalkSport of all places, it’s beyond the pale.

    One of my regular reads each morning is that day’s Dilbert strip. Scott Adams also has the occasional decent blog (hate that word). Here’s one you all might enjoy:

  11. Is this seriously the first cunting of QT on IAC?

    This must have been staring us all in the face since fucking forever.

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