Been listening to some soppy cunt on LBC whinging about the new fivers containing animal product in them. He was saying that some Hindus are complaining now, I ain’t got a problem with vegetarians as it’s their choice but these vegan cunts are the taking the piss. I’ve said on here before they are pale as fuck (due to lack of protein) and that’s the Black vegan cunts the White vegan cunts are paler than delux pure brilliant white.
Seriously this cunt was saying he refused to accept some change from someone because it had a new fiver in it. He definitely needs a kick in the bollocks, and a bit of beef for dessert. As for those Hindus, I bet they’ll accept it in their shops, if it’s their religion that’s offended then fine I respect that but what if these cunts walk past a fried chicken shop do they hold their breath and then have a shower, and what about touching a door handle some cunt has touched after eating pork scratchings. They are probably touching meat residue many times a day the dumb cunts.
We need an uprising against these cunts, they are getting out of hand. With all the poor cunts struggling to heat their fucking houses and putting food on the table you get these cunts who are offended by anything.
We need to set up an educational facility for these snowflake cunts, it would begin with a kick in the bollocks for breakfast, beard shaving for dinner and a Twatter and Cuntbook ban all day. What the fuck is going on with these Vegan cunts. The fucking cunts.
I need a Bacon sandwich.
Nominated by: Black and White Cunt
(Any offended people, please send your plastic fivers to me and I’ll give you a quid for them. Ed.)
I hope the hindus ARE complaining – now they know how we feel that supermarket meat is all secretly halal now.
Even the Pork Fred?
Not everything, just the scratchings.
They come in handy for shrapnel in a hastily manufactured IED.
Yeah, I know that hindu meat is jhatka, not halal. It was a general point about how these cunts expect us to bend over backward to accommodate their every cuntish whim.
In a couple of months, the McCartney’s will bring out their own range of fivers.
But as i hate the cunts, I’ll wait for the Quorn range…………
These cunts come into contact with this ‘tallow’ all day long with an untold amount of products.
It’s probably a miniscule amount anyway.
Give these cunts something to moan about with some full fat fivers…
Quite simple.
This is our currency…
If you are of foreign extract and you don’t like it then fuck off back where you came from.
Veggies- get a fucking life or use coin.
Of course no one would say that as all politicians apart from Nigel are trying around the clock to not offend anyone so they can get re elected.
So they can feather their own nest some more.
Fuck the right thing to do or what the people want.
This is one of the reasons, along with the fact that the British Parliament, I think, is not going to be capable of making Brexit happen.
Too many vested interest.
Is why we need our own uk trump.
Someone independently wealthy who can’t be bribed or held beholden to special interests.
Our govt and parties aren’t fit for purpose.
Fucking turncoat cunt Boris saying today that we will pay the we a fee every year to have access to a tariff free eu!
The ferris the fucking tariff.
If any single one of them had any balls or spine then they would say nowt and wait until the Germans, who sell a third of their cars to us, to beg us to join them in a free trade deal before we started buying tariff free jap cars.
They all need replacing
“The fee is the fucking tariff”
Coins as the veggie option, brilliant, lord Ferrigno, but what about the feathers to feather their nests ?………..
In shops I’m referring to them as “Beefers” instead of fivers now. D’you think it’ll catch on?
I reckon that no one’s complaining.
I bet there’s a little group of cunts who get together and come up with mad shite like this, just to fuck with everyone.
They’re probably having a right laugh at all the shite the cause, and new laws that gets made.
I’m probably not that wrong. All it takes nowadays, is for a handful of doss cunts in a population of millions, to have a whinge, and a shitestorm starts………
I reckon you are right. Professional complainers. But what about the companies or organisations on the end of these complaints ? when was the last time you heard one of these tell the complainers to fuck off.
No, they immediately issue an apology. For fucks sake grow a pair and tell these cunts where to go. The further the better.
Would love to have lots of beefers to buy beef with,its fucking dear stuff now for a decent joint of beef,love fillet.
Try beef curtains.
Hi dick lingfield tomorrow are you having a bet tomorrow???
biggins likes a beef sausage.
Well done with desert dick.
aye.12.20 jack the laird
1.55 beardwood
3.30 desert/cruise
12.20 storm flower,12.50kiribati,ayr,145,spanish fleet.
They wouldn’t be fucking moaning if they had a million of the cunts, OR, if some cunt went to one of these wastrels and said: “Hello Mr Beetroot-Urine-Drinker. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you’ve won £1,000,000 pounds. The bad news is that we can only pay you in the new beef laden five pound notes. Now we see here that you’re a bit vegan and so – as you can’t possibly accept them – we were wondering which self-agrandising charity you would like us to give it to on your behalf? Unless of course you actually DO want to keep the prize for yourself?”
What do you reckon the answer would be there then! Yep, straight in the arse pocket, bovril and all. Two-faced cunts!
It wouldn’t surprise me if one of these dumb Vegan cunts owned a Dog and tried to feed it Cauliflower and peas. On a serious note though, fellow cunters in the interests of us out living the cunts let eat less red meat as too much ain’t too good for ya. Try the Black and White cunt diet:
Two Veggie days, two Fish days, two Meat days and a Cocaine sorry I mean Chicken day. A good diet.
I’ve gone off fish since I realised that the poor buggers had been sharing their water with a load of sinking refugees.The water quality must be appalling.
Some would call a two day storm a cunt.
I’m in one just now , and have just had a phone call from a workmate, telling me that we’re off tomorrow coz the place is flooded.
Happy days ?
I don’t know, coz my daughters school is flooded and she’s off as well.
Family days………….
How can a rock flood?
I’ve heard its like a waterfall.
Over here in Spain, the streets are like rivers.
I’m half expecting a dinghy of rapeugees to wash up on my doorstep………..
What gets me why the fuck do schools ban pork products?????
Because they don’t want to offend all the peaceful non-infidel w*gs that infest Britain’s schools..
Yeh norm i know,What the fucks happend,Sad times.
I see the Military Wives Choirs have a new Xmas album out: “Home for Christmas”
Not if it sounds like that they won’t!
Marouane Fellaini is a cunt…. He makes Colin Gibson look like Bobby Moore..
The stupid useless incompetent clown haired cunt….
That fucking hair.
Oh, to get a hold of that hair and cave the cunts skull in.
Joking aside, i think it must get in the way when he’s trying to play.
If i were his boss, I’d cover the cunt in brylcream , if , if i had to have him in my team.
On the topic of football, any Leicester city “fan” who boos Robert Huth, or the team, is a cunt…………
I agree, birdman… Anyone who boos their own team is a cunt… Mind you, there will now be gloryhunting cunts at the King Power who won’t even know that Filbert Street existed and the only ex-Fox they will be able to name is that cunt, Lineker…
Fellaini is a fucking clown, but United used to have a player with a proper afro, a Moss Side lad named Remi Moses… A fine player and hard as nails… Not in the class of Robson or Wilkins, but not many people were…
A few days back we cunted “Skip Parasites”.
If any of you are missing any gear from a skip, may I suggest you head over to aBBC4 because they’re showing the Turner Prize from the Tat Modern and from the looks of things more than one skip is missing a bit of ballast this evening.
If you took a shot at any angle of any corner of my cluttered to fuck garage, I reckon I’d be in with a shout!
Jesus in Concorde. I heard this one as well. What a load of moonbeaming hipster vegan cunt twattery. I used to work for a vegan many years ago…he was a total cunt, and apart from adopting that bullshit lifestyle to “make himself healthier”, he was about as healthy and active as a month-old cadaver.
These vegan alternative lifestyle cunts make me reach for the sick bucket. I bet these rainbow-haired pixie worshipping weed sucking fucksters would try to get a pack of slavering wolves to eat lettuce leaves instead of meat. Cunts. Vegan lifestyle my arse. Give me a big juicy steak any old time. Yum! As to these Jesus Wants Me For A Cuntbeam vegans…they can get back aboard their spacecraft and fuck out back to Planet Famewhore.
The world has gone mad. I wonder if you gave these cunts 3000 £5 notes, would they not want to spend them or touch them? I’m sure these cunts would be out on the piss and buying pot noodles and bean bags, the old vegan shit would be long forgotten!
Thats unbelievably lame and I thought I was stingy… I wouldn’t snort cocaine unless it was gluten free and this animal product in the fiver is another reason to not to
We have had plastic money here in Australia for years! Nary a sniff of any concern from anyone until this shit made the news in the Mother Country.