Emma Watson [2]


Not only is Emma Watson a so-called ambassador for some fucking charity, the last bastion of ALL shit actors these days but the cunt has been in the news for leaving books on the underground with a hand written note.

Now, in my eyes, that’s fucking littering, so she should get a fucking £80 fine, the fucking bitch.

She is a shit actress anyway whose range is akin to Barry from Eastenders.

Nominated by: Boaby

18 thoughts on “Emma Watson [2]

    • Do you mean of chips? She definitely needs a few more pounds before I’d shag her. At the moment it would be like fucking a long term resident of an ossuary. What’s her mother look like?

      • I fully agree, fucking littering and shite actorings plus being an “activist “are a crime in my book anyway. I sentence her to be placed within my custody, where I shall shove a gag ball into her grid and deliver a punishment bumming with a “cod eye” crescendo of some note. That will learn her good and proper.

      • Ahh, Scotland, the only place you can ask the girl behind the counter for a “poke” and get away with it………

  1. A cunt of an actress so wooden she needs to be Cuprinolled before going on set.

    And absolutely nobody wants to hear her new wave feminism bullshit either.

  2. She’s the perfect example of how marketing is the selling factor because there’s fuck all talent in the product.

    A bit like Starbucks coffee.

  3. Overhyped,overrated, and will be forever a favourite of creepy ‘like ’em young’ types… Don’t konw what all these cunts who fancy her get all worked up about… Put her in a pair of Doc Marten’s and you get a golf club… Watson overkill on the web is ridiculous… The way a multitude of Emma Watson fakes (you know the sort!) that surfaced the very minute she was 18 years old freaks me out… It’s pretty fucking creepy (did these closet kiddyfanciers have a clock counting down to her birthday?)… Not her fault, of course, but it sums it up when most of her male fans have these dubious tastes and tendemcies… All the attractive women in the world, and these cunts are waiting for a kid from Harry Potter to ‘come of age’…. Sick fuckers…

    Cunts like Watson and ‘Banksy’ (a massive cunt) get away with littering and vandalism,yet some poor girl was hounded by her local banana republic council for giving a chip to a hungry pigeon (who ate the thing) and some old lady has to jump through hoops of fire to get permission to have her own ‘Merry Christmas’ flag put up outside her own house…. I fucking hate celebrities and their untouchable status… Leaving books with handwritten notes on the tube for us grateful riff-raff to gawp at in wonder? Typical celebrity largesse and pure arrogance… Like a medieval monarch throwing coins to the mud covered plague infested peasants just to look good… And let’s not even start on the little darling’s tax dodges… She is a cunt…

    • All of which may be true. I don’t know about her personality, but she’s slim and I think she’s quite pretty and my dick would stand up for her. I wonder if this means I’m a pervert.

    • You took the words out of my fingers.
      Every time i hear of her, all i think of is the sleazy tabloids counting down to her coming of age.
      At the time the rags were out to nail every molester out there, but were also showing pictures that were practically saying ” not long now”.
      Sick, creepy fuckers is what you call a fan of hers……….

      • Exactly like the time the Mirror printed an article about the Brass Eye ‘Paedo’ episode using words like ‘sick’ and ‘perv’ then in same paper printed a pic of Charlotte Church with the line ‘She’s a big girl now’.

        She was 15 years old at the time.

  4. Nothing whatsoever to do with the little actress cunt but I was on the Breitbart website recently and came across this.

    “In 654 AD Muslims invented the condom using the intestines of a goat. A few centuries later, Christians improved on this invention by taking it out of the goat first”.

    • Not quite sure where this thread could go.
      Surely not another dig at Islam.
      What people need to understand is that it is a religion of peace, if you just ignore the acid thrown in young girls faces for refusing to marry a stranger, sharia law, slavery, rape, paedophilia, beheadings, stonings, honour killings, hostage taking, genital mutilation, burning people alive, the destruction of world heritage sites, the banning of alcohol but the production of heroin…..then it suddenly all makes sense.
      And if that’s not enough to convince you they’ll sent round a child suicide bomber to ram home their point….

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