Geldof – how the fuck does some scruffy sack of shit whose family are dropping like flies from various drug “issues” end up telling the rest of the populous to “do more for Africa etc” and attempting to adopt the moral high ground.
Get right to fuck off! I didn’t see you and the other prize bell end Boner handing out UNICEF grain bags. It was the minions who you sneer at and tell to do more, I know, I was one of them.
And the boomtown twats were shit.
Nomiated by: Thorax Cockslammer
The man who said “give us yer fookin money” own a fireworks company.
Firework displays aren’t cheap, and all they do is burn money.
And this cunt wants our money ?
And then you have Nobo, you could run many an African village with the amount of electricity he wastes on light bulbs at a u2 gig.
Oh, and they are both landlords…..
Not to mention Bonio’s tax…arrangements. The cunt goes about giving money to Africa’s poor, but this fucker is increasing the burden on the poorest taxpayers in his homeland, by not paying his share.
Not to mention Geldoff’s tax arrangements. How does a cunt like that get £35m from a couple of shit songs in the 70’s?
I can only assume (for I have no evidence) that he’s skimmed a bit off the top, like a cunt.
That wouldn’t surprise me.
How much of the cunts money has he given. F all is my guess the cunt.
Him and Bonio are a pair of despicable bell end cunts who should shut the fuck up and give us all a rest. Cuntdorf could and should od and Bonio should follow suit.
Oh, and by the way they should do it on their own bogtrotting island so we don’t have to deal with the mess.
Oh no oh fuck no not this cunt oh fuck no i beg of th;e ,I want this cunt placed in concrete boots and then thrown in the thames ,For he is not of human,Hes a walking cunt fuck.
Yay, nothing better than starting the new year with a monumentous cunting of of that flea bag hobo looking wank stain Goboff. These people are Sooooooooooo fucking stupid they can’t see the more they preach the more people rush for the fucking off switch. If you set yourself up to take the moral high ground you’ve got to be prepared to do something really tangible. Not just sneer at people you beleive to be beneath you when you in actual fact are usually the most contemptuous cunt of all. Thick Irish bog dog.
In Goboff’s defense, his Thames barge intervention, shouting abuse at Boris etc, helped swing it for Leave. Possibly not his intentions, so all the more funny for that. But otherwise he’s the biggest sack of diseased cunt scrapings there’s ever been.
Apparently, Corbyn reckons the Government are making a mockery of the honours system because they’ve nominated a number of Civil Servants. One thing to say to you Jezza, “SHAMI CHAKRABARTI”.
It’s long been a tradition that Senior Civil Servants (SCS) get a gong after a while as the pay is relatively low compared to the public sector, so an award makes up for it (plus the gold-plated pension).
These days, SCS get paid shit-loads to fuck people about, and if something goes wrong, they just move to another department (Old Boy’s Network still works), yet they still get the gong! Cunts.
Ordinary, scummy, shop-floor Civil Servants don’t get so much as an extra half-hour for Xmas lunch (paid for by themselves) in case the Daily Wail (cunts) smells a wasted tax-payer quid or two. Not to mention the pay freeze from 2010 to 2013 and an ‘average’ 1% until 2020.
To summarise: SCS, cunts. CS, not so much.
Have to disagree there. Being a cunt and a traitor are prerequisites for a job in the public service. Why else are they only advertised in the Grauniad
Oh Yes, Live Aid. A pivotal event . No more poverty in Africa. No more War.
But strangely, MegaDollars later, no difference and no effect. Just endless daytime TV pleas for more money fronted by pictures of deprived looking kids to lay a guilt trip on us Fat Westerners.
But hang on you Plastic Punk Cunt, where did the money go?? Perm any one from three:
1) To finance the latest inter tribal war
2) Presidential Lear Jet
3) Salary of Smug Leftard Charidee CEO
Its Fucking Bollocks. You give money to these Cunts, your not helping, your perpetuating it. And they dont like you for it . They think your weak and thats an invite to come and take more.
So if you have any spare cash… send it my way for a bottle of Jack and some fags. At least I’ll be grateful and wont try to kill you.
Happy New Year Y’All
The only charities I give to are local ones. NZ Heart Foundation, NZ Stroke Foundation (my old man died from a stroke), and NZ Help the Homeless (Salvation Army). Call me xenophobic, but international aid is a sack of donkey bollocks. NOTHING ever comes from it, except for the usual cunts skimming the pot dry before it ever gets to those that do need the help.
The cunts on the take are exactly the same as beggars over here who want “sixpence for a cup of tea guv”
Just offer to get them a cuppa and they start wailing.
The crooked cunts getting aid from here don’t want bags of grain or whatever cos they can’t pay that into their Swiss bank accounts. Theirs is the Cuntdorf cry of “give us the foolkin money”.
Charity begins at home and as far as I am concerned any cash I donate will stay here for ours and not some despot to have a good time at my expense.
It’s a good test of a true homeless person to offer them food or drink instead of cash. Most I’ve come across in Manchester are hugely grateful for anything and when they pass I give them my change too.
A hint of a sneer and they get fuck all. Carry an umberralla too chaps, I had one go straight for my phone so all I did was raise it up (centre of the base of the rib cage is their sweet spot) and he ran straight into it, stopped the cunt dead in his tracks.
I know it’s camp, but the metal end works a treat in self defense ?
“So if you have any spare cash… send it my way for a bottle of Jack and some fags. At least I’ll be grateful and wont try to kill you.”
I’d make that the slogan/tag line for any UK based homeless charity! ?
Cheers Mate…
I’ll e mail St Brendan of Cox with the spiffing idea… I bet he’ll see the potential of looking after your own….
Sorry mate, St. Brendan has already got the printing press going on this catchy little tome: “Allah is good but benefits are better.”
Or my personal favourite: “Join the UK ISIS Appreciation Society – it’ll be a blast!”
Live Aid… Only decent acts on the day were Quo and Queen… It achieved fuck all and Live 8 was even worse.. Just a giant areslicking Madonna excersise and lavish goody bags, champagne and caviar for the ‘stars’… Make Poverty History?! Fuck off you cunts…
Banana Republic was OK, but Geldof should be hated and despised the world over for his slice of cak I Don’t Like Mondays knocking Are ‘Friends’ Electric? off the No. 1 slot back in June 1979. You utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter hobo looking, scum sucking piece of fetid shit. And Live/Band Aid was nothing more than a publicity/career-furtherment fest for you and your mates. You utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter hobo looking, scum sucking piece of fetid shit.
“I don’t like Mondays”. Well I fucking detest you, Bob….a hypocritical,blinkered,self-anointed expert on fucking everything (except how to prevent your wife and daughter O.Ding to escape your fucking whining, self-important snivelling).
You’ve made a fucking nice living out of starving gollies,because ,lets face it,your music was never going to do it,was it? You were one of the earliest symptoms of the pathetic,grief-loving disease which seems to have taken over this country. I’m fucking sick of a bunch of uneducated,naive “celebs” thinking that they know better than us “common people”,who you assume are too thick to “get the big picture.”
I would urge you to follow your daughter and wifes’ example,hell I’ll even come and find a vein in your scabby,unwashed arm if you’ll promise to just push that plunger. Just think,you can leave all your ill-gotten gains to some bunch of spear-chuckers who’ll use it to buy arms to slaughter the neighbouring village. Result all round.
Harsh, but fair. 🙂
Mostly fair fed up with his preaching when he he can;t even take care of his own family
Spear chuckers.
Years ago i was in a Caribbean restaurant, and ordered the fish.
It was full of bones, and when i complained, i told the manager that he could make spears from them.
The whole table stopped and stared at me, and then i realised what i had said…….
You’ve got to be careful these days,Birdman. I once committed a slight slip of the tongue when I,inadvertently,called a Romainian beggar a scrounging,thieving,rancid fucking pikey who should fuck off home. Luckily,I managed to bluff my way through this social slip by laughing in the cunts face.
I’m actually crying with laughter here at that dick fiddler ?
The doss cunt fell asleep on the stairs to a Glasgow hotel, in the middle of the day.
Somebody offered him some spare change.
No joke.
Who the fuck takes a nap in the street apart from Kenny Samson ?
C’mon Kenny, you were a fantastic footballer. Get it together……….
Do you think his ex Mrs and kid really killed themselves or were they just bored to death of the cunt?
The latter I think
Either way they are better out of it.
Feed the exactly?
This wasn’t explained too well, but that didn’t matter because the stars were out.
Out doing their bit for famine relief, and slapping each other on the back at the recording session and that Wembley gig.
The world was blinded by cheridee as Geldof sat as ruler.
In the world of the blind….the one eyed potato is king….
Is that Bob Goboff or Bill “I never Touched her” Clinton in a wig?
Looks like the pontificating cunt is mouthing off at some journo. See the way his finger is saying “I know best”.
I dunno but he doesn’t appear to be getting too much sleep.
Sporting a full set of luggage their Bob me auld shill, Michael Aspel would be proud of you.
Geldof looks like Jo Brand in the final stages of AIDS.
Happy New Year everyone.
All the best Fred me auld jammy dodger.
And the very best to the rest of you cunters!
Here’s to lashings of cunting in 2017! I wish all cunters well for the New Year and as for the cunts themselves….well, I guess you cunts can just take yer chances!
And the names of his spawn! JC on a bike, not names you’d here shouted in the old terraced estates when your Mam wanted you in for tea? “Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily, yer tea’s ready!” Not really, I thought Tiger Lilly was that Chinese bit in the old Rupert Bear annuals you used to get. Hypocrites anyway, people are being starved in Africa because of the money from so called aid etc being creamed off by the likes of Bob Mugabe etc. Look at the appeals for water etc because they have to walk miles to get water from a puddle. Dig a bloody well or install some pipes, it isn’t difficult, but no let’s suckle at the pockets of SJWs (Who really do need cunting).
Has anyone got Geldof on the dead pool list??
Why ?
What do you know ?
Have you got something planned ?
I’d like to cunt kids of Celebritys or K.O.C.S – famous because of Mammy or Daddy, Lilli Allen, Osborne freaks kelly and Jack, Peaches Geldof, Stella mcCuntney etc
I’m at a party with ex pat mates of the missus.
It’s that good, I’m in the loo checking ISaC.
They don’t want to celebrate new year until Big Ben, wtf.
There’s nobody at this party that hasn’t been away for more than ten years, yet they won’t recognize the new year until it is in Britain.
And i need to go outside for a fly doob.
Even though i don’t care for festivities, i hope your all having a good time.
i think i read that spain is on german time (to simplify ww2) and that they plan to revert to GMT some time next year
Happy New Year to you birdman, nothing helps me more at this time of year than a glass or two of Jack D. Obviously the misses comes first or I end up in shit street.
Did anyone see Trumps message on twatter, they showed it on the news. Can’t help but like him sometimes.
Just had a geez , good on him.
I’ve always hated American politics, but the next four years are going to be entertaining.
I’m on my third glass of bushmills, four fingers, no ice.
Lovely stuff.
All the best , Gingers Ballsac.
Lets hope ISaC gets through the year……..
Dear sir, what happened to my last 2 posts. Thankyou
If you use a VPN or proxy, they will go into a moderation queue before being published (which might take a LONG time since there’s no one running the site admin at the mo).
Nonces use VPN just saying
How do you know titslapper?? That sounds a bit like your very familiar
I no nothing about Sir Bob other than he’s getting on a bit…..
Let it be a known ,Theirs a know hiding place for cunts in 2017 ,They will be a reeled in and have to pay for what they a be,For they know not what they a do,Bring forth the cunts bring a them forth,Cast them in the pit of cunts.
One man party in my bedroom, sit faced and watching me Scottish Comedy called Still Game. Ran out of food so eating dry ritz crackers, bit got plenty booze left so that’s what matters.
Have you watched Burniestoun or Limmy’s show ?
Good Glasgow sketch shows.
Limmy’s rant about the X factor fucking cracks me up every time …….. “she’s turned the weans against us” is also a classic and a site that I’ve seen many times through my living room window in easterhouse …ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I belong tae Glasgae
What got me onto Limmy was the ‘bus to Yoker’
“Ahv nae right being oan this bus”
Shit faced not sit faced, Hobgoblins strong stuff
I just said to the wife “who do you want to watch Jools Holland or Robbie Williams”. I’ve ended up watching the cunt Williams – sombody kill me.
Happy New Year everyone.
As bad as Williams is I’d probably pick him over Jools Holland too but true they are both insufferable cunts whom I both loathe
Btw maybe next time try putting Hunchback of Notre Dame on…. if shes gullible enough she could be convinced that Quasimodo is infact Jools Holland Happy New Year another year of cunting up the bracket
Geldof, the thick as pigshit cunt. A cunt who was repeatedly warned not to release cash to the current day Ethiopian dictator Mengistu, but ingnored these many warnings resulting in cash being used to fund the purchase of arms enabling Mengistu to continue on his programme of oppression and building the best equipped army in Africa. Yes Geldof you are a thick unwashed ignorant piece of shit. However you personally have not done to bad out of it all, the gong, the fortune, raised public profile, all of which has been generated on the back of live aid, so I’ll retract the “thick” tag and replace it with opportunistic, but still a massive cunt.
Wishing everybody a happy and healthy 2017.
Thanks for all the craic in 2016.
Fuck me is Robbie Williams the best the fucking ABBC can muster as New Year’s entertainment these days?
They may have spent millions on the fireworks but they should have kept a tenner back in order to pay for a bit of decent entertainment – I mean Larry the pisshead would’ve done his bo-jangles routine from his pitch at the Warren St. tube station entrance forra tenner. Infinitely better than Robbie fucking Williams!
What a cunt!
Why do all non Scots sing “Old Lang syne ?
Its “Auld Lang syne”.
I reluctantly joined in the sing along, and ended up being the odd one out.
Is Blobbie Walliams singing Millennium ?
I bet he sings let Me Entertain You. The cheesy, gurning cabaret prick.
Any new years resolutions ?
Yes 720×460 but it is an old PC.
I think i get that.
All the best , Rebel without a Cunt.
More like Yes 90125 am I right?! The song millennium is the reason I turned to hard drugs don’t do it kids it ain’t worth it ,… just makes the song barely tolerable