Womens’ magazines


Can I cunt women’s magazines?..

I did a lot of travelling last weekend and forgot to bring a book so had a look in WH Smiths. Christ on a bike, what unmitigated shite these magazines are!. You’ve got the ones that cost about a quid and have cover stories like “My baby’s got two heads” or “My husband’s a ghost!”

And every issue is the Sex issue! Like no-one was doing it up until now. Then at the other end of the scale, you’ve got the ones that cost about four quid which tell you how to get a man, please a man and bin a man in the space of about ten pages.

Jesus wept! Who reads this shite? I thought lobotomies were illegal now. What a monumental sack of fetid cunt.

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

55 thoughts on “Womens’ magazines

  1. Apologies for hijacking the latest topic but if the news networks have got it right it’s 2-0 for the idiot, racist masses.

    Democracy’s a cunt isn’t it! ?

    Bye bye Kilary. ?

      • And you know one of the best things about it Dio me auld sausage?

        The presenters on the Al-Be-Be-Cera sound like they’re having to talk (yet again – in less than 6 months) like they have a mouthful of shit to chew. Good!

        Fuck you libbo, appeasing news networks! Time to get real and start to consider that force feeding bullshit from your globalist agenda to the majority of people (idiot, racist, or otherwise) is no longer working.

      • That’s actually not as daft as it seems.

        Under the constitution, the States each send a certain number of delegates to the electoral college. Traditionally, delegates vote the way the state voted but constitutionally they can vote for anyone they like. It’s never happened, but in theory a delegate from a state that voted Trump could put his hand up and vote for Clinton.

        Like I said, it’s never happened and I suspect said delegate would be strung up if he ever did it, but legally he’s perfectly entitled to do it. It’s a bit like an MP whose constituency voted overwhelmingly for Brexit voting against it in the House – and as we all know there’s plenty of them prepared to do so…

      • There’s a twitter trend known as Calexit apparently.
        Loads of whinging snowflakes wanting to do an Khan with California.
        Fuck off you pussies

  2. The times , they are a changing…..

    Do spare a thought for all people born with vaginas…….

    • Apparently, the 9th of November is now officially to be known as; “Grab A Pussy” day.

  3. I’ve spent the night watching al Jazeera and Spanish 24h coverage.
    It was worth it just to see the demeanor of the presenters and commentators change as trump was trumping the delightful Mrs Clinton.

    May i take time out to wish the Clintons all the best for the future , and cant wait to see Mrs Obama get her arse get fucked when she decides to run.

    Before i dropped my daughter off at school, i gave her prepared responses for when her teacher spouts shite about an evil man winning.

    Fuck me i feel good this morning, there seems to be less cunts to piss me off today………..

      • Aw they so scared are they? LOL. The sound of the Left democunts, and celebtards screaming and crying is like music to my ears. 🙂 The silly cunts should move to another country and the remainers can go with them.

        This victory was along time coming, I thought it was too good to be true when I heard he won. This win will finally push forward certain issues that have been in the closet for a very long time. If I’m not mistaken the last republican president (and I mean true republican not the obama/george bush kind cause they just ain’t Rep.), was nixon I think…

  4. Men are taking back control and it’s about fucking time. We’ve had enough of this feminised touchy feely leftist glottalization bollocks. Thanks a lot ladies, now get back in the kitchen and get the tea made.

  5. That reminds me of Monkfish in the Fast Show, “put your knickers on and make a cup of tea”

  6. Did anyone see clintons campaign manager telling everyone at the Democratic gathering to go home and get some sleep as there is still more votes to come in ?

    Funny as fuck……

    • Is that the devil worshiper?

      I loved the faces of the buthurt millennial snowflakes. I can’t wait for some silly little cunt to top themselves. Just wait for the backlash, though. It will make the remoaners look like sensible balanced human beings.

  7. My Mother use to get My Weekly magazine and I would flip through the pages to see if any women were in their undies

  8. Every cunt who thinks they’re an expert on politics does my head in. The only thing I know about politics is that politicians are the puppets and the big multi national corporations are the ones pulling the strings so don’t be surprised to see President Trump regardless of whether you are for him or against him carry on the status quo while the next puppet is manufactured for 4-8 years time.

  9. Well, I’m quite happy over the result. Not because I particularly support Trump, but because I’ve just won £500. I placed a bet that a Trump win would see Clinton’s lefty supporters rioting. And sure enough, students in Oregon and California have taken to the streets. Lefties are so predictable.

    • You have won the lottery of the Republic of wenjebxn, all you have to do is send me £495 to Brother Benson@paypal and will process the details and you will also get citizenship my friend. Many congratulations. Please send money as soon as possible.

    • Shame you only put a fiver on. I got 100/1 six months back and shoved £50 on on the off chance…

      As Farage once said “You all laughed. Well, you’re not laughing now are you?”
      Fuck you Killary. Or not, come to think of it…

  10. On the subject of ‘wimmins’ magazines: it’s funny/ridculous how a mens publication like Loaded or Zoo or whatever get covered, fags and tobacco style, in supermarkets… While womens magazines with headlines like ‘Daddy raped me in the shed!’ and ‘New blood guts and incest story!’ are put next to the chewing gum at the till where kiddies can see them… So an attractive woman with a nice pair of tits, no… But sensationalising sadism, incest and rape, yes… What a load of upside down PC world gone potty bollocks…

    And mens magazines are shite nowadays… Even Playboy has capitulated to the PC feminazi mob… And who have Esquire got on their current cover? Tony Fucking Blair! Still, I suppose it’s a change from that Delevigne slag…

    • I was more of a Razzle man myself. More representative of the birds I could actually pull, like fat Shaz from Sharlson and not so pretty Polly from Ponty. Happy days. Can you still get porn on paper?

      • When working in my old man’s garage, copies Mayfair were all over the place… One name sticks in my mind, Jenny Barnes… She had such an ‘impact’ on an impressionable lad I still remember the name…

      • Just found some pics online.
        Good taste Norman

        Even though I’m a bit of a chubby chaser….ok quite a bit.

      • Lovely picture with that eighties figure i like, but it sent a virus warning to my phone.
        Fucking shat myself, sounded like a banshee…..

      • Fiesta Reader’s Wive’s Special.

        Plenty of them looked as rough as bull’s lugs but attainable.

        And in the early 80’s most had a canny “growler” too, like they were try to hide Dave Lee Travis in their knicki-knacki-knoo-doos. ?

  11. Can’t ever recall the losing candidate scuttling off without congratulating the winner, very poor show.

    • … Just goes to prove it was all about her (Me, me, me.. ) …and she really couldn’t give a flying fuck for her support.

      • One can imagine Bill saying ‘Thank fuck that’s over with… You’ve had your litlle moment, now go and put the tea on, eh, love?…’

      • Bill will be gutted. He was banking on getting 4 more years of Whitehouse interns. He’d even bought some more cigars.

  12. What other country has people so distraught over an election result that they take to rolling around the floor crying uncontrollably.

    Only in America…..

  13. Supercunt Gary Lineker has had a stinker this year… Lauded Rooney, said England could win the Euros, backed Remain, backed Clinton, stood up for the wo… sorry… ‘migrant’ ‘chIildren’ while talking down to Joe Public and labeling us all ‘racist’, and now the tabloids are after his arse… As Partridge might say, ‘Back of the net!’

  14. I still think Madonna had a hand (or mouth) in getting Donny boy the top (blow) job. I think I may indulge in a tot of Jack D when I get home from work later

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