My fine lady and myself have saved up our hard earned cash and splashed out on a holiday on the Greek island of Thasos, the tourist trade is held to ransom by Thompson as they are the only people to fly here, as such they are imposing their own brand of EU health and saftey on all the hotels they subcontract too.
This requires vast amounts of signage warning us of the fucking obvious, what they neglected to realise is they control about 70% of the rooms in the complex, which are let out to bulgarians, serbs, romanians ect, most of whom speak some English.
Well thank you Thompson because you make us look like a nation of thick cunts at 46 I am fully aware that boiling water scalds, it is possible to fall down the stairs and I may slip next to the pool!
Have them put up multilingual signs or pictures only and you wouldn’t be nominated! …..
Also why is Slobodan next door paying a third of what you charged me for the same place?
Nominated by: Lord Benny
Health and safety has got out of hand and out of control but its down to the cunts looking for a reason to sue if they can find any kind of loophole to exploit….so its really where theres blame theres a claim who should be counted and the blood sucking lawyer vultures as its dowm to them there is a sign stating the obvious…. its an arse covering exercise….. also I would like to count those dancing maggots on the go compare adds…. oh and cunts with scraggly pubic hair beards especially if its ginger…. if your ginger you don’t grow more hair… and pricks with beards that look like the tucking Taliban……… all cunts
In which case I would say that the correct cunting is for one John Major. It was that cunt who changed the rules on payment for legal services to allow no win no fee lawyers, and general ambulance chasing, to begin. Not only that, but he swore blind at the time that his changes would not cause that to happen. Now a considerable part of your council tax, or indeed any purchase in the UK, is paid either directly to blood sucking lawyers, or as insurance premiums against the inevitable settlements. And yes Fred West, I have cunted a Conservative, though I’m not sure if John Major counts.
As an aside, could we maybe reduce some of the questionable language regarding other races? Cunt the individual, not the race.
Race is a questionable definition. Most people don’t understand it frankly.
We’ll cunt anything here: religion especially as they’re all equally shit. As long as it’s not libellous or actionable anything goes – but not hate preaching and the like. The arbiter is basically what we decide. Our blog, our rules applies.
You’re always welcome to disagree as long as it doesn’t get personal or into inter commenter abuse…
I agree Dio, it is your thing and your rules. No one has to agree with everything, and that is fair enough. It was more a suggestion, as a few comments, maybe typed in the heat of the moment, are a little raw, and maybe some people may wish to reflect on that, or not as they wish. I have no interest in entering into an argument with anyone here.
sat in traffic on the way to my daily dose of misery and drudgery suddenly I cant see and it looks like the car in front is on fire, only for the smoke to clear and its the cunt infront with one of those electronic cigeretts the produces shit loads of smoke like a fucking steam train…..this cant be better for you that smoking surely,so I think a cunting is due to smokers for starting to smoke in the first place and then smokers trying to quit for putting faith in these electrcigs rather than giving up properly, if you knew what stupid cunts you look that would be all the motivation required….so smoking flute smokers you are all cunts
Fucking cunts next door banging and braying about again doing some vanity building fucking project. Fuck off you cunts.
Noisy neighbours can ruin your life. You have my sympathy.
If you don’t want to be treated like a cunt, be in the company of cunts and give your hard earned to cunts then don’t go on package holidays.
Precisely why I don’t!
Package holidays are for complete and utter shit skids.
The chances of me paying my hard earned so I can be cattle ranched into a tin can charter flight and flown off to some dog shit infested crap hole where there’s even more slimy wops, kykes, dagos and fat limeys eating chips is zero point zero.
I went to Greece many years ago, it was full of cunts, the food was utter mong, the locals all criminals and the whole place stank of shit and piss.
No with all the added thieving, raping and lying trash that’s come in on rubber banana boats it must be actual fucking hell on earth.
Cunts all of them.
Not to forget the cunts run over kids with steam rollers
No idea on the rollers but some of the execution videos to come out of the latest wog hellhole in Syria are fantastic.
There’s one where they put explosive collars on the poor bedraggled cunts and set of the charges, this cunt’s head literally flies off…it’s fucking hilarious.
Cunts killing cunts, shame they don’t step it up before the Reds get there.
Did it once, never again. Came to the very quick conclusion that if I want to be a cunt I will do it by myself and didn’t need to be in the company of loads of cunts.
At the last hotel I stayed at, the accommodation was so cramped I had to phone reception and ask them to send up a larger room…..
ive got noisy wankers living next door to me,drilling and banging all hours day and nite,kids screaming,loud portugease phone calls in the garden at midnite,scatched my car,dog stuck its fucking head through my fence,fence paint all over my motor bike and the dog barking all day everyday…did I complain not once….they really are cunts but have now been up graded to ubaportocunts since they complained to the council about my dog barking…..if they shut the fuck up for long enough you may hear our dog once in a while,now they want mre to lop my trees in the front garden so they can sunbath out the front and were effended when I said I didn’t want as they block out some of the noise… they will want me to go halves on the fence repair so total ubaportocunts is what they are…..fuck off back home
This December I’m up in court for the second time in year coz of my neighbours . the muzzy cunts are dirty bastards ,leaving buggies ,moped and furniture everywhere from the hall to the shared patio upstairs. I never complained once until their landlord moved out of the opposite flat and then started the 24hour noise. When i did complain ,muzzer attacked me with a hammer and plank of wood. The cunt tried to come through my door until he was beaten back by my trusty stick i keep behind the door . go to court and the cunt got off due to lack of witness’s and now I’m up for supposedly making death threats against his bigfoot wife.every day i have to stop myself from attacking them and i don’t know how much more i can take before i burn the cunts…..
may I sugest a pointy stick behind the door and perhaps frying smokey bacon on the regular, coupled with a few guests on the shared patio having a rib fest barbique.
even have “Jewish outreach” pop in every so often to check on you? (hide the bacon when they turn up though)
crispy bacon being fried regularly and make sure they know that’s what it is,its a shame to have to go to these lengths,but quite frankly fuck em inconsiderate goat fuckers..I feel your pain birdman nothing compensates for living by cunts
I got there first on the pig fest!
Chuck a pig’s head on the landing it always causes outrage at the mosque.
hire prostitutes dressed in burkas! now that would get their goat, a small que of peace loving women waiting to be enlightened.
Neighbours are cunts. Mine are chavs. They complain but don’t realise it cuts both ways. I got threatened about waking up the jailbird’s precious daughter last November. Before the school holidays had finished they complained about my kids bring up at 10.00 saying that their precious little criminal cunt was getting into a routine to go back to school. Two nights later when the little cunt was presumably at her auntie’s the thug wankstain cunt was drilling the walls at ten past two in the morning. My smart daughter recorded it. The next night when my kids were asleep I could hear the cunt mini-chav yawping at 11.30 at night. Just to give you some idea of what an anti-social nuisance I am, I am a 62 year old single parent doing the best I can for two children. Yes I shouldn’t have had kids at my age but I didn’t realise I was going to be left rowing the boat whilst my cunt missus was drilling holes in the stern. I’m not complaining though. I’ve worked all my life and paid tax. I’m not a nuisance. The chavs next door have got no obvious signs of earning an income, drive a better car than me and are all round piss takers. I’ll have to have a word with the cunt’s probation officer because the chav twat’s out on licence for house breaking and battering women. They can wait. Summat shit’ll happen to them. Cunts.
Shit (real steaming shit) through the letterbox, a running hosepipe through the letterbox, or (lit) fireworks through the letterbox are all classics for ‘neighbourly’ cunts… Seriously though, hope you get is sorted, Alan… They sound like fucking scum….
Ha ,totally forgot about the time I flooded their landing until i read your advice to Alan. They have a mini patio downstairs from my bathroom window where they keep more junk including their shoes, soaked the fucking lot…
Well yes Norm, they are the worst poor white trailer trash that Nottingham has to offer living over the border in Amber Valley. They’re not very bright, I am, but not as clever as some of the cunts on here. I could fix em good if I could be bothered. I just want a quiet life but might have to fight for it. I’m not ground down by it. I’m gonna have to move anyway closer to family. I’m here escaping a narcissistic psychopath alcoholic. I saw a meme the other day made me laugh which is true for me. I’m as nice as fuck so if you see me being mean to anyone, that cunt earned that shit.
Lets swap Alan , you get mine anyway you want and I’ll turn up at yours with an icepick and make paraplegics of them all Chopper Reid style.
The pork thing doesn’t really work as I’m a veggie and from experience I’ve found that pork doesn’t offend them ,they just think it’s dirty . one time i had to bash a muzzy youth for having a go at my daughter for eating sweets containing pork gelatin in the play park when she was younger, i shit you not , she was about five at the time and this teenager was calling her disgusting for eating it ,bash cunt.
So basically all that’s left to do is intimidate the cunts every time i see them with long stares , insane whistling and slamming the door in their face….
I know its not easy and a little cliché ,but don’t let the bastards grind you down…….
mine bought a second car (yep only one can drive) to park in front of the house that they “block in” every night to assure a parking space as there are not enough places for everyone.
I think that requires a level of contempt to everyone to even consider doing, but it shows as taxed and has an MOT so they can keep it there till june next year.
Ice picks? Flooding? Pigs heads?
Come on chaps, where’s the subtlety?
It’s amazing what distress and inconvenience the tiniest little thing can cause, especially when it has a tiny dab of super glue on it before pushed into a lock. House door, car door etc.
Those locksmiths don’t come cheap…
The cunt has a big fuck off Mercedes, is it break fluid that strips the paint the best or just regular paint stripper ?
I do agree on the glue in keyholes but they would know it’s me so I’ll just go with the physical intimidation,even though like Alan ,I’m a nice guy who just wants to walk between the raindrops, but these cunts just keep pushing ……..
Nitromors is superb for that kind of ‘paint job’… Bricking up the cunt’s front windows or door overnight is always a good’ un… Go to open the door and see a wall…
You need intelligence on these kind of people, bit of Facebook trolling, register of electors as to who’s who in the gaff etc. I got next door’s surname by accident and saw his shenanigans in the Nottingham Post on the net. She had told me the turdbag was inside for beating up a nonce. It was for thumping her and house burglary. I’ve managed to fuck em over with housing benefit and income support. You have to inconvenience the cunts. They’re the sort, and they are out there, to post a selfie at the airport on social meejah when off to Magaluf, saying “See you later fuckers!” and come home to find their gaff burgled and trashed. JRC is right you need subtlety but as Birdman says there’s only so much shit you can take before taking a sledge hammer to the cunts. I’ve watched and waited without taking revenge on people who have pissed me off for years. One got bladdered, fell in the canal and drowned and one got cancer leaving a wife and kids behind. I met Keith Vaz three times in Leicester and loathed, abso-fucking-lutely loathed the cunt. His recent bum boy exploits were an unmitigated joy. I saw him last in Leicester Royal Infirmary with his head in his hands looking so wasted I spoke to him out misplaced compassion. You know: “You alright mate?” He looked almost human. His mother had died of cancer. Yet after that, up go the shutters, out comes the false persona and he’s gone from human back to cunt. I just think I’m still here watching, yer cunts, I can wait.
I had a new neighbour a few years ago. He’d bought a barn conversion a couple of fields over. I got into a row with his wife one morning when I held her up as she took her kids to prep school,and I was coming the other way in the unimog. She seemed to think that I should reverse down the single lane track to let her through. I didn’t.
That night I got a phonecall off the husband threatening all kinds of legal action. I just put the phone down,went out the back and turned the cunts water supply off. What he’d forgotten was that 4 houses share a private water supply,and the storage tank is on my land.
Anyhow,a few days later,after watching plumbers visiiting his house,someone must have put him wise,and he came to my door to “talk things through”.Turns out he’s actually ok,and we now get on just fine. His wife’s still a stuck-up bitch though.
Fair play to you dick ,your a better man than me. I’ve got revenge in mind for cunts who pissed me off in the eighties .probably my greatest flaw but i forgive no one ,bide my time and keep quiet but never forgive or forget………..they drew first blood……
Must admit a few years ago I’d have gone ballistic and confronted him.I’m a bit calmer now,but still prone to the odd temper tantrum when it’s necessary. It’s all that some cunts understand.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the stuck up bitch wife bullies the neighbour into being a cunt. My first wife tried that with me and I refused which actually proved instrumental in getting free of the paranoid, pissed Alien lookalike…
Brake fluid has gone out of favour for revenge attack purposes recently coz it’s mostly silicon based now. In fact it works as a pretty good polish.
How many times has some poor cunt had to stick up for their gobshite wives who tells cunts off and then tells hubby to sort them out ? …………seen it loads of times…….
By the way I’ve done both Thomson holidays and Monarch airlines. Thomson was ok but with Monarch me arms got cold and achy from flapping out the window.