What does Eddie Izzard have? He has a mental disorder common to many members of the Labour party. It’s called ‘Left Wing Retard Completely Bigoted and Intolerant Too Stupid To Be Taken Seriously Syndrome’ or LWRCBITSTBTS.
Sufferers usually display a hyperactive sense of entitlement, a vastly overblown sense of their own importance, an entirely unjustified belief in their own intelligence and moral and ethical superiority, and an arrogance that defies all logic.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
Must have it from the circle jerks with that mincer Graham Norton
Trouble is with Izzard he mixes in circles where a bloke in a pink beret, lipstick and false nails is mild for some of them. His political circle love him as he is an expression of the liberty of the few made possible by oppressing the majority.
The cunt believes that he is going to be taken seriously by the average working man or woman. Or cunts as they call us.
Fuck off Eddie, you ain’t got nothing to say worth hearing and your bubble is going to burst. Joe Public has had enough of your shit and that of your fucktard commie lefty shit eating friends.
Everytime I see the cunt, I want to reach for my revolver
Oddly enough, he makes me want to reach for my bow and arrows.
Eddie Izzard is an utter cunt!
No need to dress it up, in a pink beret or otherwise, an utter cunt!
Eddie Izzard also speaks fluent French and so if he’s reading this in French, Eddie you are a “cunt totale”.
Given how the world is going Brexit is going to be the best thing we ever did for our country and if you don’t like that statement Eddie why don’t you fuck off to your beloved France, Calais in particular, and get arse raped by one of these fucking 40yr old African children with a cock the size of a small caber!
Who knows maybe you can use the pink beret to bite on as your arse is transformed into the start of Bonanza! YOU CUNT!
RWAC. Re Bonaza, is that the fiery hole? Fuck me I only just about remember it. Mixing Vaseline with chillies and smearing that on ,might have the same effect. ?
That’s the one!
Sorry Eddie but wearing a silly hat does not give you the right to preach to normal people, despite what the pope might say.
Looks like the type of person who keeps the toilet door open when hes having a shit,and the type to play twister at christmas with geldof and brian sewell,he knocks me a fucking sick hes a cunt.
Brian Sewell is no longer with us.
Just two to go then…
fuck me how did i miss that ones passing i must of been in some sort of time wart im a cunt dam.
warp is the word,he will prob use barrymore and play it pool side.
think eddie won that pink hat in a glory hole comp.
Brian Sewell is no longer with us…Good riddance to the vindictive old cunt…
Globalism is a cunt both as economic globalism and ideological globalism. International Socialism is a cunt. At work I saw the “Racial Awareness Course” morph to “Diversify Training” and I managed to avoid these courses up until my mid fifties. Nobody was amused when I suggested that I be sent on a Cultural Singularity Course as a white Englishman to learn about and promote my own culture. On racial awareness in the 90s my view was that as I lived in fucking Leicester, I couldn’t fucking help but be racially aware. We were swamped from ’73 onwards with Indians and Pakis. I don’t mind the Hindus and Sikhs too much as people but they are, with every other fucking immigrant, diluting our culture. It’s the condescending way that this diversity shit was put forward to intelligent people that fucked me off. There arrived a new language to be learned and spoken, the new terms of political discourse, what could and couldn’t be said. The right noises had to be made. I couldn’t fucking do it. Political power grows out the barrel of a gun as Mao said, or the struggle for, and allocation of, scarce resources (think oil), or the ability to make a view prevail. In globalism it’s the last one we’re up against. Homogenise everything like the 1970s shit song by Blue Mink, Melting Pot. Cultural Marxism is, outside of Islam, the prevailing view of the western world so the cunts are winning and appeasing Islam towards fluffy pink multiculturalism which is exactly what the fucking muzzers don’t want. It’s all about breaking frontiers, hence the French pushing for us to take their problem. Oil is not far behind all this, keeping the Middle East cunts sweet to get what they’ve got. Is it worth it? All I can see is that at some point these patronising one world, one people, no frontiers, mongs are gonna condescend a bit too fucking low and assume too much and political power will then grow out the barrel of a gun. I thought the shooting of the Labour MP Jo Cox was a grotesque outrage and to kick her when she lie bleeding was overkill and callous. But bet yer life she was programmed to internationalism and globalism like all these Labour and luvvie cunts like the pink bereted mong on the header. I’m too soft to be a Nazi or Fascist and sites like the Daily Stormer frighten me to fuck but I can’t help thinking that unless some kind of grip is taken by our government (or the disenfranchised ex Labour voters) then something will eventually kick off. In the 48 years since Powell’s speech what he predicted is edging closer. Oh, and Eddie Izzard is a colossal cunt who embraces all the shit I’ve been spouting about. On his last cunting it was suggested he be force fed dog turds. Sounds good, the cunt.
Alas this is the way of things. The cunts at our gaff go on them and one course is £3,000 a pop (I shit you not), this Dale Carnegie shite where they learn to be more confident about themselves and give them confidence to chair meetings, give talks, speeches, etc.
They come back brimming with confidence and within 5mins I have the cunts in a pool of dribbling mess. What a waste of money!
As a contractor I am exempt from such bullshit but if the cunts were to send me on one I’d have Carnegie himself reaching for the valium & vodka solution within 10mins!
Hey cunts, ever heard of “common sense”? Works for me every time and for whatever shit life throws at me. Maybe you should have gone on the Dale Carnegie course for the hard of understanding, you cunts!
My eyesight is not so good. I’ve enlarged the header and just noticed that in the photo of the twatmong Izzard it’s got the European flag painted on one of it’s false finger nails. What an utter cunt!
Yes it’s the one he picks his arse with.
Fanny Izzard should be dealt with in the old British way…
The EU sucking arrogant tranny cunt should be flayed across a gun carriage…
What I can’t understand is that this is only the 3rd cunting for this cunt.
Should be a daily occurence. There are not enough hours in the day to cunt this mincing, beret wearing bastard.
I am not sure I want him to fuck off as he pretty much guarantees that any bandwagon he jumps on is doomed to crash and burn.Mind you I wouldn’t mind him fucking off to Syria or Calais to meet up with those children. Let’s see if they accepted him rather than stone him to death because they are very respectful of “alternative” lifestyles aren’t they.
Once again this proves why the minted are so bloody odd…because they can afford to be. If this was a normal everyday bloke, working his cock off to keep a roof over his head and pay bills, would he keep this theatrical shit going or even start it to begin with? Would he fuck. Self entitlement rules these cocks.
They crave being socially different and “everyone look at me…I’m your alternative culture demigod” to further their own self worth especially when TV, film and book deals start thinning out. Do they genuinely give a wank about the real supposed reasons they pretend to support. Nope…not one bit. It is highly cynical media-whoring on a massive scale. They have blinders on to the very real and marble-cold fact that decent clued up matter-of-fact ie people who can actually be arsed to think for themselves citizens are going to see clean through their shit and not believe a word of it. “The truth is what I say it is”. Bollocks on that.
Well said QDM – succinct and accurate portrayal of an ivory tower , fairylander
cunt . Mr Farage wiped the floor with ‘him’ on Question Time , exercising considerable restraint and politesse despite the PC , vapid and insulting ramblings of the twat.