Owen Smith [4]


Owen Smith is a thick cunt. He was interviewed by John Humphries on his radio show and despite all evidence to the contrary, he claimed the UK was heading into a recession because of Brexit.

He also insulted the majority of voters by haughtily announcing that we didn’t what we were voting for. Which in Owenspeak, means we were too thick to know what we were voting. The problem Smith has there, apart from being a patronising cunt, is that we knew EXACTLY what we were voting for.

I didn’t think Labour could come up with a candidate who was worse than Corbyn. The lesson there is, never underestimate Labour’s ability to find a leadership candidate even shittier than the current/previous one. Even the Welsh hate him.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

Owen Smith has found the answer to the homeless crisis in Britain – built lots of houses and give them to the homeless.

Brilliant! They won’t be able to pay rent, light or heating but at least they’ll have a roof over their heads.

And the money will come from central government via the local council – or in other words from the likes of you and me.

A plan so frighteningly simple that even the homeless charities think it’s complete bollocks. Nice one, Taffy…

Nominated by: Dioclese

58 thoughts on “Owen Smith [4]

  1. I’d like to cunt Jeremy Irons, the precious, self-important cunt and very worst kind of luvvie. Normally his cunting would not have been a priority in a world in which Corbyn, Smith, Sturgeon, May and Hunt are all alive and active, but then I saw a photo of Irons and his wife Sinead Cusack arriving at this year’s Venice Film Festival, just after having bought their outfits at Cunts ‘R’ Us:


    Who the fuck does the smug cunt think he is – Lord Byron or Pandit Nehru ?

    • This is the cunt who said he would leave this country and live abroad if they banned ‘Lolita’. That would have been one good reason to ban it, the other is that it was one of the most boring films I’ve seen. Well I saw the first half and that was more than enough.

    • What the hell is he wearing? some 18th century chinese mao suit or somekind of high priced nehru jacket?

      Jeremy irons is a piss poor actor or should I say boring actor lots of shakespeare junk in his filmography he’s great at playing the same exact character over and over again

      • This is the cunt who said he would leave this country and live abroad if they banned ‘Lolita’

        So he’s basically a paedophile then or at least a paedophile advocate?

        Your right, Film was boring the original was directed by stanley dumbdick. film is about a sick feck millionaire type who starts to realise that his favorite teeny bopper slave won’t stay lolita forever and I assume he’ll have to “find” groom another

      • Max Shreck’s overcoat from the silent version of “Nosferatu” maybe?
        P.S. I’m not that fucking old…

    • That’s saddest thing, is that that jacket is probably tailor made and very expensive. It’s a sack of shite. He looks like Jack Sparrow after rehab. What a cunt.

    • I’d bend the pair of them over a kitchen-table and fuck them up the hoop.
      They wouldn’t look quite so self-satisfied then.

    • I really like that look.

      Probably because I’m a cunt, I have a tailor and I can pull it off. (the look, not my pud).

      Sorry Fred.

      • I doff my cap to anyone who can carry that look off.
        You, Sir, deserve a Viviene Westwood award for sartorial elegance.

    • Owen Smith isn’t just a stupid cunt, he’a dangerous wee cunt. He is prepared to subvert democracy to get his own way which he believes trumps the democratic will of the people. Thats the measure of this little cunt.

  2. I’d like to cunt people who are always on their phones. Last week I went to the Edinburgh Tatoo and a group of 20somethings sat in front of me. They pulled out their phones and started taking pictures as soon as the show started and were busy putting everything they saw on social media. They also stuck their phones above their heads to make it difficult for everyone in my row to see. What is the point of going somewhere if you’re going to spend the entire time broadcasting it to the world? Cunts!

    • One of those phone-photo wankers left their device on the bar while they went into the restaurant in my local a few weeks ago.
      Luckily, the gin hadn’t kicked in , and I was still capable of deleting the pictures of them and their appalling offspring when I went for a run-off, and managed to erase their happy family snaps and replace them with several photos of my flaccid member.
      Good luck getting those happy snaps printed at Boots.

      • I’ve no idea where this FUCKIIN Welsh weasel popped out from but he is a worthy addition to ” cunts are us” Soundly defeated by the corbster this bag of stale Welsh wind simply won’t disappear or shut the fuck up!!.. The stupid cunt basically said Brexit voters were a tad thick?? Didn’t know what they were doing?? So he managed to alienate labour heartlands like Sunderland etc that voted leave!! Hilarious stuff!!, The self important little fuck has now positioned himself as a champion of the people?? I’ve been thinking clegg farron Branson sturgeon and Blair were in a dog fight for CUNT of the year but this odious little fucker is coming up on the rails, it’s going to be a photo finish.. celebrity cunt of the year is all sewn up , Kate winslet flying in first class from America to tell working class how to vote in referendum takes some beating, Other Cunts worth a mention are lineker, mirren, Vanessa Redgrave, Kiera knightly, cumberbatch and Jeremy irons! Question… are they acting like cunts?? Or actually just real Cunts?? Just wandering ?

  3. Smith is a thick cunt
    Who’s going to stop the millions of Somalis,romanians and Iraqis coming here and claiming to be homeless?

    The way to REDUCE homelessness is to halt immigration and sort out the council waiting list system ,the cunts at local councils are thick as shit and don’t communicate with each other

      • Smith is a sheep fiddling bellend who is contemptuous of 17m people who voted out. He wants a second referendum because we didn’t know what we were doing or voting for.
        NEWSFLASH we did know what we were doing you Taffy cunt. It’s called democracy

      • No reflection on you Gutstick.
        Makes Smith stance even more incomprehensible that his own countrymen ( although I suspect you disown the cunt) voted to get out.
        Let’s agree he is a monumental anti democratic cunt who is a taff.

      • No offence taken, I made sure to disown the cunt in his inaugural cunting. 110 percent cunt, hopefully soon to disappear up his own arse.?

      • I learned with great delight that some pro-Europe demonstrations that took place around the country today took place in the pissing rain. At least the lefty cunts got a well-needed wash. I might be a knuckle-dragging Out voter but at least I know when to stay indoors.

  4. What a prize cunt Irons looks eh? Are the long shirt sleeves there to enable the snot to be wiped from that huge snout;and I”ll wager he could get a decent signal from Cusack”s satellite dish face…………..Arse.

      • I saw him playing Jeremy Irons playing Alfred the butler in Batman vs. Superman. Fucking shit film but you’ll be glad to know Irons put in his usual sterling performance playing Jeremy Irons.

      • In Die Hard With a Vengeance he gave a splendid performance as “Jeremy Irons with a German accent”.

  5. The BBC need another cunting as they now want to enforce the need to have a TV license to watch BBC iPlayer on devices other than a TV.
    Why would you need a TV license when there’s no TV involved.
    Good luck with policing that you cunts.

  6. But I only watch videos of Jo Brand look-a-likes spreading their pissflaps and demanding oral attention from a less than keen Prince Andrew, while the Queen flicks her bean to the tune “I touch myself”by the Devinyls.
    Until the BBC put this on a dedicated satelite channel, they’ll get no cash off me.
    Cater for the more discerning viewer you cunts.

  7. Mary Berry is a cunt…
    This old prune says that fryers are dangerous and unhealthy… Yet in the shops today a saw a Mary Berry Summer Pudding: with a fucking massive load of sugar in it…
    Hypocritical old witch…

    • Mary Berry…another BBC employee cunt who’s half a million a year salary the license fee payer is forced to shell out for.
      I know people who consider the BBC good value and are happy to pay, I’m not one of them, because it’s compulsory.
      If they were forced to pay for the Cartoon Network or the Hackney Lesbian Alliance I’m sure they’d be singing a different tune.

      • For all her cake making bollocks, I bet the old bag couldn’t make a decent Great British Breakfast if her life depended on it… And as for that other Bake Off cunt and favoured BBC muzzie darling, she would cry if she had to cook the infidel bacon, bangers and black pudding… Berry is a cunt, but Nadiya is a bigger cunt… Talk about token jobs and getting on TV for wearing a daft thin on your head… BBC scum…

  8. I think the National Lottery is due for another cunting. I’ m sure we all remember that brilliant advertising slogan when they increased the balls from 49 to 59 :’ more balls to chose from’ ! Jeez. Has anyone noticed the last 3 draws? Not only did no one get 6 numbers but nobody got 5 and the bonus either, in all the last 3 draws !. I’d really like to know how many people are still playing it. ( I stopped immediately they increased the number of balls) . People must be jacking it in in record numbers. It always was a mug bet now you have to be a complete cunt to keep playing it.

    • Agree…Camelot are fucking cunts.
      I also stopped buying tickets at that point.
      Along with the ‘more numbers” bollocks is the ‘don’t let it be them’ slogan…..well those cunts like Katie Price and that Llewellyn Bowen prat
      are fucking winning from the massive wedge they get from Camelot.
      Also how is me buying a ticket going to stop somebody else winning?
      Camelot are fucking piss taking cunts. They are currently owned by a Canadian pension fund..and we all know who has a hand in north American pension funds.

      • Anyone who has ever played the lotery is a cunt. Not because it has always been a dumb fuck of a bet but because you directly funded a couple of bummers to fall “artistically” into a swimming pool.

      • I’ve heard it called “paying your dumb tax” by a yank friend of mine.
        And let’s not forget that it is ‘allegedly’ run by the mafia…

      • Oh yeh I forgot about those repulsive ads. All those ads do is show the contempt for the public those appearing in them have. They don’t give a toss that they are portrayed as unpleasnt cunts ,just GIVE ME THE MONEY.

  9. More Strictly Cunt Dancing is afoot, I see… What a load of bollocks and what a bunch of cunts… Mind you, I’d give that Daisy Lowe an immense tonking though…

  10. I would like to nominate Ed Balls for a cunting.

    This pasty faced twat was placed (by the BBC) in the politics section of the news cheesing off about how a split party would be bad for labour should the gov’t call a snap election, blah, blah, blah, before then going on to bang on about his strictly appearance.

    Ed mate, labour had no problem in fucking up an election as a united party in 2015, cunts like you and Ed RubberBand made it all too fucking easy to let Wee Bernie rob all of your Jockland seats and the rest of the UK just didn’t like you cunts!

    Ed, you were a cunt before joining parliament, a cunt during your tenure in parliament, and a cunt after being booted from parliament.

    So the EU gravy has run out, never mind Auntie Beeb will sort you out plenty of coin for doing strictly

    • Ed Balls ( you don’t have to spoonerise his name, it’s bad enough as it is) wrote the book on losing elections so he must be the bbc’s go to man on the topic.

  11. I’m surprised no ones cunting Tony Loser Banks he opened his dumb again telling a french broadcast that brexit voters didn’t know what they were doing so we should have another vote.

    Wanker! perhaps he forgot that almost everyone hates him for being a traitorous worm? Why isn’t this war mongering rat in prison yet?

    • Tony Blair* faceplam NOT Tony Banks

      Tony Banks is that genius keyboard player from Genesis not that traitorous criminal warlord who hates england and everything it stands for.

      Now that we are on the topic of cunts like Blair “Selling england by the pound” was a great album and the LP title explains everything Blair stands for https://youtu.be/7Rn9tzirks4

      • I think Tony Banks was that dead labour cunt (they’re the best ones) who was always droning on about fox hunting.

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