Alan Cumming – what a horrid wee cunt.
How dare the wee pillow biter stand there in his tartan suite and comment on the EU referendum result. The dirty cock jockey said the result was down to “stupid English people”. Well let me correct you arsehole.
A) I am Scottish and voted leave (and remain in UK).
B) I am not stupid.
C) you live in the US, so shut the fuck up and go back to chugging cock!
Until you pay some tax and contribute to the UK, shut theft I up you cunt. You are a fucking embarrassment and the yanks are welcome to you.
Nominated by: Lord Vancelot
Is the little sporran tickler trying to look menacing in that photo? The only way the aids infected little gobshite could menace anyone would be to bleed all over them.
Some Brexiteers are stupid, most aren’t. Some remainers are stupid, most aren’t.
People had heartfelt, honest and logical reasons for their position.
I’m getting sick of these cunts belittling people for their choices.
That is directed at people on both sides.
How can any cunt voting for the fourth reich be anything but a cunt?
They’re probably thinking:-
How can any cunt voting for Brexit not be a cunt?
Don’t see the fucking point, politicians want this divisive ‘them’ and ‘us’ bollocks.
The issue here Chris is as fundamental as you can get so going to be divisive.
I don’t have issues with people who voted remain, that’s democracy, I do have issues with them trying to delay and stop Brexit happening.
Remainers actively trying to prevent brexit are cunts
I totally agree. The decision has been made, democracy means dealing with outcomes you don’t like.
“How can any cunt voting for Brexit not be a cunt?”
They would think that, because they are cunts.
I had to go look this cunt up as I didn’t recognise him from his picture, I thought the best place to start was his own website. Well Mr Cumming, you do seem to be a narcissist of the highest order. It seems no one could ever admire your body of work more than you do. More worryingly I thought you were Peter Tatchell, given your leanings you well could be.
Thing is I know who he is and what he does, you I still don’t have a clue about, all I do know is your a nobody who thinks he is somebody.
According to Wiki , the pathetic little cuntsmear is bisexual and lives with his husband and his dog in NY . Bi species more like it.
When his shitty little jock gob isn’t fucking up films and plays, he rants and moans about Transgender freaks, equality ,Gay rights, human rights and Aids.
But what really nails down his cunt hat is that he is strictly vegan.
I rest me case m’lord.
Must be a spitter then
What a self-important wanker. Typical of his kind of “we know better than you common,insular, uneducated people”. No wonder his own father denied paternity,who’d want to be held responsible for creating that pretentious spunk-gargler?
Stay in America,you cunt. The CIA might invent something a bit more virulent than Aids and need your ever-so-important input.
I left his web site open whilst I went off and watched some TV, ate breakfast etc. I came back and looked at it some more, the more I looked the more cuntitude leapt off the screen, the section look at me leapt off the screen.
At the risk of being labelled all sorts of phobic’s I must clarify, it’s not his sexuality I despise, his business, it’s his sexual persona that makes sure everything he does is tainted with his sexuality.
Never fear Alan before you call the thought police, you would I am sure be just as big as narcissist cunt if you were straight.
If not for Lord Vancelot I would be blissfully unaware of you (not sure where that leaves Vancelot and me to be honest)
But you have gone from zero to near the top of my cunt list and are now rubbing shoulders and doubtless other body parts give the chance with Goboff and Bonio.
Alan Cunting this is your sad self indulgent life
Agreed Mr Vomit. I have nothing against poofs. What boils my piss is cunts who make it their identity. Not just poofs either; blacks, jews, tranies, feminazis, lezers, every cunt who identifies as any of the LBGTIQ brigade. I even hate profesional Yorshire men and I’m from Yorkshire. Identity politics is a cancer that rots peoples brains, it is no longer about what people say or think or the actual issues but rather who people identify as.
Labour’s shadow foreign minister Emily Thornberry is a cunt in point. She was on Sky this morning and accused the presenter of being sexist for asking her to name the French foreign minister or the South Korean president. Needless to say she knew neither.
But far from being ashamed of her own incompetance she sees this a a sexist attack because, you know, vagina. CUNT.
Thornberry is a cunt. £3m house in North London somewhere. Woman of the people indeed.
How the fuck is is sexist to ask that question ? The daft cunt didn’t know the answer. That shows her ignorance nothing more,nothing less.
Katie Derham is a cunt.
Once upon a time she used to be an innocuous presenter on Classic FM. She was then recruited by the cunts at the BBC to present the Proms, amongst other “highbrow” programs (none of which spring to mind). Thereafter it was downhill all the way. She was then made a “Star” by joining Strictly Cunt Dancing (with Carol Cuntwood, Susannah Cunt, Anita pakiCunt and Naga Cuntchetty, to name a few). All these BBC Luvme cunts are now convinced they are “Stars”, but they are merely a bunch of cunts.
For the doleful performance on the Proms last night, Katie, and all your BBC cunting about before that, you are hereby awarded the title of “BBC luvme Cunt”
Big Al
Derham is a cunt… Bring back Richard Baker…
An excellent and much needed cunting as this jumped up little cunt has been getting on my goat for some time. The wee prick is typical of those up their own arse wankers who use every opportunity to pontificate down to the rest of us yet go ape shit if anyone was to do the same but take a contrary view. Viscious wee cunt.
Anti count sniper required for this whining feretty looking vermin of a count.barbed wire cat and nine tails followed by a double tap to the head…… or just drop him off at the Calais jungle, he should go down a storm there…… treble cunt
Flunking spell check,i meant ccccc uuuuuuuuu nnnnnnn ttttttt
Who cares what this rat faced little tax exile turd burglar thinks? Alan Cumming? I bet he fucking does…
My problem with Remainers is their view that anyone who voted Brexit is a bigot/racist/intolerant etc… And also that a lot of them are rich celebrity cunts and spoonfed student twats who:
(a) Have no idea (or care) about how the working class in Britain live (or what they have to put up with).
(b) Don’t (and never will have) their private roads, rich neighbourhoods and mansions infested with ‘take take take’ foreigners and migrants who get treated better than British people (including the sick, elderly, taxpayers, war veterans etc).
and (c) Throw their toys out of their expensive prams and refuse to accept the outcome of a democratic vote….
Also, anyone who wants a United Kingdom that has to defer to Merkel is a cunt, no question…
Brussels bully boys are making little fat piggy noises about Brits needing a visa to visit EU countries post Brexit. Pitty they are not so keen on visas for the million and a half wog cunts who walzed into Europe last year. Cunts.
The visa thing doesn’t sound such a bad idea as long as the poles, frogs etc will be required get a visa whenever they want to visit us.
I agree… My grandparents used to holiday in Yugoslavia (before Tito snuffed it and the place became a bloodbath), and they didn’t mind visa applications and all the paperwork… But they were a different generation and did their bit in the war… One can imagine some twatty student cunt throwing a fit because they have to fill in forms for a visa to go partying in Ibiza with Tristan, Farquar, and Pandora… Spolit spoonfed cunts…
Its not the visa issue that pisses me off, plenty of places have a visa on entry system where you turn up, pay a few quid and get a stamp in your passport. No problem. The trouble is they are saying it is for security after the terror attacks in France and Belgium while at the same time inviting unlimited numbers of wogs from god knows where. The very wogs who are responsible for the trouble in the first place.
I still don’t know who this cunt is. I can see he’s a cunt, and he’s been vociferously cunted by decent cunters on this site, but I am clueless as to who this feckless twat is.
I mean, I could Google him but then I’d feel like a cunt!
P.S. I bet if the cunt read this he’d be outraged and demand I cunted him properly in a “Do you know who I am?” manner. Sorry mate, I don’t. All I know is that whatever you do, and whoever you are, you are a cunt.
In the film Goldeneye as the little cunt who keeps shouting “I am invincible” then thankfully dies…
Sean Bean dies too.
Ah yes, Boris, the cunt who kept clicking his pen. He was a cunt of a character so ideally casted in that case.
We have a cunt at work who continually clicks his fucking pen. Strangely enough he only does this when you’re doing your count, dare breathe during his count and the cunt goes in a strop!
When he’s away from his bench I take the fucking spring out. The pen still works but it just won’t click anymore. So he bins it and gets another one, cunt!
I watched where store was of these pens and one evening during a much deserved “Douglas Hurd” in trap #2, I removed every fucking spring from every pen in the box – and then removed his again.
The thick cunt went through every pen in the box and told the stores lass it was a faulted batch and to get some new ones, and she gave him her pen! Click, click, click! FFS!
I’d have stabbed him through the eye with it by now with his clickety-fucking-click but for the fact that he’s the gaffer’s dimwitted nephew.
Oh and he’s a milllenial cunt too! The cunt!
I don’t know who he is either but he looks like a right cunt so that’s good enough for me.
Like RWC I could google him but I would never get that 60 seconds of my life back so can’t be arsed.
Thank you for alerting us to this cunt. Apparently he won an award for fighting homophobia, a non-existent mental condition, otherwise an abnormal fear of homos. I ain’t got a problem with them. I just fucking hate cunts who keep banging on about it. It used to be better when it was don’t ask and don’t tell, now fucking Reginald Dwight and the Tatchell twats (good name for him and his backing band) publicise their own filthy crap non stop. At least the likes of Alan Bennett do not whine on about it keeping it as their own business and nobody elses. Anal Cumming is indeed a cunt of grotesque proportions. I’m sorry I read about it.
As an aside to this I worked with two woofters in the 90s, one macho and one wog mincer. One day they were taking time out for a meeting (full pay) leaving the likes of me to take up their slack (no extra pay). I asked what it was for and they said it was for an LGB meeting (this was before trannies were added). On learning the answer it didn’t seem fair to me so I said “Worrabout us sheep shaggers then?” which elicited the response “That is fucking offensive Fistula, you can go on a disciplinary for that.” I was merely pointing out that meetings concerning sexual persuasion should be all inclusive under the “core values” of the organisation. I never did progress up the career ladder. Just sayin’.
Yes, be a pillow biter or whatever and be treated very differently from us “normal” folk.
Worth going on the turn ?